Craig S. Allen

1980 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"Craig Allen"
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Allen CS, Duyne RPV. (1982) Molecular Generality Of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (Sers). A Detailed Investigation Of The Hexacyanoruthenate Ion Adsorbed On Silver And Coppe Electrodes Cheminform. 13
Allen CS, Duyne RPV. (1981) Molecular Generality of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). A Detailed Investigation of the Hexacyanoruthenate Ion Adsorbed on Silver and Copper Electrodes Journal of the American Chemical Society. 103: 7497-7501
Allen CS, Schatz GC, Van Duyne RP. (1980) Tunable laser excitation profile of surface enhanced raman scattering from pyridine adsorbed on a copper electrode surface Chemical Physics Letters. 75: 201-205
Allen CS, van Duyne RP. (1979) Orientational specificity of Raman scattering from molecules adsorbed on silver electrodes Chemical Physics Letters. 63: 455-459
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