Robert W. Emblidge

1988-1992 Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 1992-1997 Dow Corning 
 1998-2009 Sunoco 
 2009- Honeywell, Inc. 
organosilicon chemistry, performance materials
"Robert Emblidge"
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Lambert JB, Emblidge RW, Zhao Y. (1994) Participation of the β phosphonate group in carbocation formation Journal of Organic Chemistry. 59: 5397-5403
Lambert JB, Emblidge RW. (1993) Nucleophilic catalysis in deoxymercuration: The beta effect of mercury Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 6: 555-560
Lambert JB, Emblidge RW, Malany S. (1993) The question of vertical or nonvertical participation of silicon β to a cation in the antiperiplanar stereochemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115: 1317-1320
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