Barbara Herdy

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Barbara Herdy"
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Varshney D, Cuesta SM, Herdy B, et al. (2021) RNA G-quadruplex structures control ribosomal protein production. Scientific Reports. 11: 22735
Murat P, Marsico G, Herdy B, et al. (2019) Correction to: RNA G-quadruplexes at upstream open reading frames cause DHX36- and DHX9-dependent translation of human mRNAs. Genome Biology. 20: 124
Murat P, Marsico G, Herdy B, et al. (2019) Correction to: RNA G-quadruplexes at upstream open reading frames cause DHX36- and DHX9-dependent translation of human mRNAs. Genome Biology. 20: 11
Murat P, Marsico G, Herdy B, et al. (2018) RNA G-quadruplexes at upstream open reading frames cause DHX36- and DHX9-dependent translation of human mRNAs. Genome Biology. 19: 229
Herdy B, Mayer C, Varshney D, et al. (2018) Analysis of NRAS RNA G-quadruplex binding proteins reveals DDX3X as a novel interactor of cellular G-quadruplex containing transcripts. Nucleic Acids Research
Herdy B, Karonitsch T, Vladimer GI, et al. (2015) The RNA-binding protein HuR/ELAVL1 regulates IFN-β mRNA abundance and the type I IFN response. European Journal of Immunology. 45: 1500-11
Karonitsch T, Dalwigk K, Herdy B, et al. (2015) AB0075 MTOR: An Unexpected Role on the TNF-Regulated MRNA Transcriptome in Rheumatoid Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 74: 915.3-916
Herdy B, Jaramillo M, Svitkin YV, et al. (2012) Translational control of the activation of transcription factor NF-κB and production of type I interferon by phosphorylation of the translation factor eIF4E. Nature Immunology. 13: 543-50
Herdy B, Theil T, Huber M, et al. (2012) P120 The cytokine mRNA-interactome – An unbiased approach to identify RNA–protein interactions Cytokine. 59: 558
Marintchev A, Edmonds KA, Marintcheva B, et al. (2009) Topology and regulation of the human eIF4A/4G/4H helicase complex in translation initiation. Cell. 136: 447-60
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