Year |
Citation |
Score |
2019 |
Holas A, March NH, Takahashi Y, Zhang C. Hartree-Fock method posed as a density-functional theory: Application to the Be atom. Physical Review. a, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 48: 2708-2715. PMID 9909919 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.48.2708 |
0.422 |
2017 |
Matthai CC, March NH. The temperature dependence of the surface tension of monatomic liquids and the boiling transition Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 55: 276-280. DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2016.1195039 |
0.303 |
2016 |
Matthai C, March NH. Electron correlation effects reflected in thermodynamic properties of light actinides Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 54: 680-682. DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2016.1164947 |
0.307 |
2016 |
March NH, Cabo A. Phenomenology of the superconducting transition temperatures of pure metals, and specially those not showing isotope effects Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 54: 137-140. DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2015.1096884 |
0.319 |
2014 |
Squire RH, March NH, Rubio A. Are there really cooper pairs and persistent currents in aromatic molecules? International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 114: 437-440. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.24613 |
0.314 |
2013 |
Akbari A, March NH, Rubio A, Angilella GGN, Pucci R. Recent progress in low-order density matrix theory of inhomogeneous electron liquids by exact solution of two- and four-electron model atoms Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 51: 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2013.753506 |
0.417 |
2013 |
Cordero NA, March NH, Alonso JA. Semiempirical fine-tuning for Hartree–Fock ionization potentials of atomic ions with non-integral atomic number Physics Letters A. 377: 2955-2958. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physleta.2013.09.014 |
0.34 |
2013 |
Akbari A, Amovilli C, March NH, Rubio A. Explicit form of Pauli potential for direct derivation of pair density from a two-particle differential equation for the quintet state of four electrons with harmonic interparticle interactions Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 51: 1462-1466. DOI: 10.1007/S10910-013-0158-3 |
0.35 |
2012 |
Akbari A, Amovilli C, March NH, Rubio A. Four electrons interacting pairwise in the limit of infinitesimal confining potentials: Especially the quintet spin state Chemical Physics Letters. 536: 162-164. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cplett.2012.03.098 |
0.348 |
2012 |
Akbari A, March NH, Rubio A. A proposed family of variationally correlated first-order density matrices for spin-polarized three-electron model atoms Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 51: 763-773. DOI: 10.1007/S10910-012-0113-8 |
0.37 |
2011 |
Bogár F, Bartha F, Bartha FA, March NH. Pauli potential from Heilmann-Lieb electron density obtained by summing hydrogenic closed-shell densities over the entire bound-state spectrum Physical Review A. 83: 14502. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.83.014502 |
0.365 |
2011 |
Krishtal A, March NH, Alsenoy CV. Towards an exact orbital-free single-particle kinetic energy density for the inhomogeneous electron liquid in the Be atom Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 49: 693-697. DOI: 10.1080/00319104.2010.518283 |
0.367 |
2010 |
March NH. Correlated Orbital Theories With Both Local And Non-Local One-Body Potentials Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti : Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche E Naturali. 88. DOI: 10.1478/C1C1002001 |
0.361 |
2010 |
March NH, Nagy Á. Pauli potential in terms of kinetic energy density and electron density in the leading Coulombic term of the nonrelativistic 1/Z expansion of spherical atomic ions Physical Review A. 81: 14502. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.81.014502 |
0.407 |
2010 |
Bogár F, Bartha F, March NH. Relation between single-particle kinetic energy and exchange energy in DFT for the inhomogeneous electron liquid in the Be atom Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 48: 272-278. DOI: 10.1080/00319100903295743 |
0.383 |
2010 |
Niehaus TA, March NH. Brief review related to the foundations of time-dependent density functional theory Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 125: 427-432. DOI: 10.1007/S00214-009-0578-0 |
0.371 |
2010 |
March NH, Matthai CC. The application of quantum chemistry and condensed matter theory in studying amino-acids, protein folding and anticancer drug technology Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 125: 193-201. DOI: 10.1007/S00214-009-0558-4 |
0.31 |
2010 |
Ayuela A, March NH. The magnetic moments and their long‐range ordering for Fe atoms in a wide variety of metallic environments International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 110: 2725-2733. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.22764 |
0.336 |
2009 |
Akbari A, March NH, Rubio A. Density-matrix theory for the ground state of spin-compensated harmonically confined two-electron model atoms with general interparticle repulsion Physical Review A. 80. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.80.032509 |
0.407 |
2009 |
Lea MJ, March NH. Quantum‐mechanical wigner electron crystallization with and without magnetic fields International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 36: 717-729. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560360874 |
0.327 |
2009 |
March NH. Differential equation for the electron density in large molecules International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 30: 3-8. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560300804 |
0.4 |
2009 |
March NH. Electron correlation and electron momenta in polyacetylene International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 28: 719-727. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560280862 |
0.355 |
2009 |
Kemister G, March NH. Ionization potentials of molecular systems with many electrons International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 28: 257-265. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560280825 |
0.324 |
2009 |
Mccaskill JS, March NH. Dynamics of adatoms interacting with metals and metal surfaces: The validity of the description given by Kramers' equation International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 18: 681-693. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560180868 |
0.391 |
2009 |
Gabbay I, March NH. Metal surfaces in interaction with molecular adsorbates International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 18: 665-679. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560180867 |
0.381 |
2009 |
Matthai CC, Grout PJ, March NH. Force fields in d-band metals International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 14: 443-459. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560140839 |
0.366 |
2009 |
Cusack S, March NH. Charge and momentum density in metals and alloys International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 9: 481-496. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560090859 |
0.557 |
2009 |
Claesson A, Jones W, Chell GG, March NH. Many‐electron and many‐body force effects in the lattice dynamics of metals and semiconductors International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 7: 629-652. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560070773 |
0.414 |
2009 |
Stoney P, March NH. Wavenumber dependent orbital diamagnetism of nearly free electrons International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 7: 569-576. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560070765 |
0.349 |
2009 |
Stoddart JC, March NH, Wiid D. Local moments, electron correlation and density functional theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 5: 745-762. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560050883 |
0.371 |
2009 |
Stoddart JC, Beattie AM, March NH. One-body potentials including electron interactions, and electron densities in crystals International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 5: 35-53. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560050704 |
0.408 |
2009 |
Squire RH, March NH, Booth ML. HTSC cuprate phase diagram using a modified Boson-Fermion-Gossamer model describing competing orders, a quantum critical point and possible resonance complex International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 109: 3516-3532. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.22305 |
0.339 |
2009 |
Amovilli C, March NH. Inequivalent electron densities derived from an approximate correlated ground-state wave function using the Hiller-Sucher-Feinberg identity: comparisons with quantum Monte Carlo densities for He and Ne atoms International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 109: 1024-1030. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.21920 |
0.386 |
2008 |
Niehaus TA, Suhai S, March NH. Dynamical generalization of a solvable family of two-electron model atoms with general interparticle repulsion Journal of Physics A. 41: 85304. DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/41/8/085304 |
0.403 |
2007 |
Holas A, March NH, Rubio A. Differential virial theorem in relation to a sum rule for the exchange-correlation force in density-functional theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 123: 194104. PMID 16321073 DOI: 10.1063/1.2114848 |
0.367 |
2007 |
Amovilli C, March NH. Ornstein-Zernike function and Coulombic correlation in the homogeneous electron liquid Physical Review B. 76: 195104. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.76.195104 |
0.35 |
2007 |
Cordero NA, March NH, Alonso JA. Two-parameter partially correlated ground-state electron density of some light spherical atoms from Hartree-Fock theory with nonintegral nuclear charge Physical Review A. 75: 52502. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.75.052502 |
0.358 |
2007 |
March NH, Akbari A, Rubio A. Exact correlated kinetic energy related to the electron density for two-electron model atoms with harmonic confinement Physics Letters A. 370: 509-511. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physleta.2007.05.097 |
0.363 |
2007 |
Squire RH, March NH. Aspects of BCS to BEC "crossover" as illustrated by fulleride superconductivity International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 107: 3013-3027. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.21445 |
0.346 |
2006 |
Amovilli C, March NH. Long-range asymptotic behaviour of the ground-state electron density in He-like ions as a function of atomic number Journal of Physics A. 39: 7349-7357. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/39/23/013 |
0.405 |
2006 |
Grassi A, Lombardo GM, Forte G, Angilella GGN, Pucci R, March NH. Equilibrium molecular energies used to obtain molecular dissociation energies and heats of formation within the bond-order correlation approach Molecular Physics. 104: 453-461. DOI: 10.1080/00268970500404273 |
0.35 |
2006 |
March NH, Rubio A. Electronic kinetic energy decrease as two metallic parallel C nanotubes are brought together from infinity Physics Letters A. 358: 334-335. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physleta.2006.05.055 |
0.336 |
2006 |
Squire RH, March NH. Changing an insulating state with Wigner‐like correlations into a superconductor with applications to doped fullerides International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 106: 3343-3363. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.21098 |
0.364 |
2006 |
Amovilli C, March NH. Feynman propagator and Slater sum for a model Hamiltonian motivated by H +2 in an intense magnetic field International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 106: 533-541. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.20776 |
0.346 |
2004 |
Leys FE, Amovilli C, March NH. Topology, connectivity, and electronic structure of C and B cages and the corresponding nanotubes. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 44: 122-135. PMID 14741018 DOI: 10.1021/Ci0200624 |
0.355 |
2004 |
Squire RH, March NH. Fulleride superconductivity compared and contrasted with RVB theory of high Tc cuprates International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 100: 1092-1103. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.20171 |
0.317 |
2003 |
Howard IA, March NH, Echenique PM. Nonlinear theory of scattering by localized potentials in metals Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 36: 11451-11463. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/36/45/007 |
0.351 |
2003 |
Howard IA, March NH. The Pauli potential in one-dimensional density functional theory: general result for two-level systems and specific example forNharmonically confined Fermions Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 36: L393-L398. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/36/24/103 |
0.367 |
2003 |
Leys FE, March NH. Electron?electron correlations in liquid s?p metals Journal of Physics A. 36: 5893-5898. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/36/22/309 |
0.375 |
2003 |
Minguzzi A, March NH, Tosi MP. Superfluidity with and without a Condensate in Interacting Bose Fluids Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 41: 323-335. DOI: 10.1080/0031910031000117300 |
0.337 |
2003 |
March NH, Tosi MP, Minguzzi A. Can trimers influence the free surface density profile of liquid 4He at zero temperature Journal of Chemical Physics. 119: 4597-4598. DOI: 10.1063/1.1593632 |
0.348 |
2003 |
March NH, Holas A. Kinetic Energy Density of the Two-Electron Hookean Atom in Terms of the Ground-State Electron Density Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 33: 163-170. DOI: 10.1023/A:1023256000287 |
0.399 |
2003 |
Angilella GGN, Leys FE, March NH, Pucci R. Linear response function around a localized impurity in a superconductor Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 64: 413-418. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(02)00301-3 |
0.303 |
2003 |
March NH, Squire RH. Microscopic mechanism for C60 superconductivity International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 92: 261-275. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.10495 |
0.337 |
2003 |
March NH, Howard IA. Propagator and Slater sum in one-body potential theory Physica Status Solidi (B). 237: 265-273. DOI: 10.1002/Pssb.200301779 |
0.314 |
2002 |
Angilella GGN, March NH, Pucci R. Superconducting transition temperatures and coherence length in non-s-wave pairing materials correlated with spin-fluctuation mediated interaction Physical Review B. 65: 92509. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.65.092509 |
0.312 |
2002 |
Howard IA, March NH. Total kinetic energy density for closed shells in a bare Coulomb field solely in terms of s-state information Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 35: L635-L639. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/35/45/102 |
0.364 |
2002 |
Howard IA, March NH, Nieto LM. The determination of the Dirac density matrix of the d-dimensional harmonic oscillator for an arbitrary number of closed shells Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 35: 4985-4997. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/35/24/302 |
0.324 |
2001 |
Howard IA, March NH. Density and near-diagonal Dirac density matrix for closed shells of isotropic harmonically confined fermions in three dimensions Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 34: L491-L494. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/34/36/101 |
0.347 |
2001 |
March N, Howard I, Nagy I, Rubio A. Pair function at coincidence and ground-state energy for interacting systems of two fermions with isotropic harmonic confinement and antiparallel spins Physics Letters A. 288: 101-104. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(01)00479-0 |
0.358 |
2001 |
Minguzzi A, March NH, Tosi MP. Kinetic energy functional for Fermi vapors in spherical harmonic confinement Physics Letters A. 281: 192-196. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(01)00125-6 |
0.33 |
2001 |
Minguzzi A, March NH, Tosi MP. Particle density and non-local kinetic energy density functional for two-dimensional harmonically confined Fermi vapors European Physical Journal D. 15: 315-320. DOI: 10.1007/S100530170146 |
0.362 |
2000 |
March NH. Nonlocal relation between kinetic and exchange energy densities in the Bardeen model of a planar metal surface Physical Review B. 61: 5011-5012. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.61.5011 |
0.356 |
2000 |
March NH. Force fields in close-packed crystals and their melts in relation to defects, surface energies and mechanical properties Philosophical Magazine. 80: 1335-1348. DOI: 10.1080/01418610008212122 |
0.353 |
2000 |
Minguzzi A, Tosi MP, March NH. Collective excitation frequencies of bosons in a parabolic potential with interparticle harmonic interactions Physics Letters A. 267: 416-419. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00123-7 |
0.302 |
2000 |
Leys FE, March NH, Doren VEV, Straub G. Equilibrium volumes of body-centered cubic alkali metals related to critical constants Solid State Communications. 113: 479-482. DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1098(99)00494-9 |
0.307 |
2000 |
Ray AK, March NH. Relation between vacancy properties and surface energies in three noble or transition metals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 61: 827-828. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(99)00308-X |
0.351 |
1999 |
March NH, Rubio A, Alonso JA. Lowest excitation energy in atoms in the adiabatic approximation related to the single-particle kinetic energy functional Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 32: 2173-2179. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/32/9/308 |
0.379 |
1999 |
March NH. Electronic Correlation Functions in Liquid Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 37: 479-492. DOI: 10.1080/00319109908035932 |
0.373 |
1999 |
Gál T, March NH, Nagy Á. Differential equation for ground-state electron density of He-like ions for large atomic number Chemical Physics Letters. 305: 429-432. DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00384-X |
0.39 |
1998 |
March NH, Perrot F, Tosi MP. Structural properties at liquid–gas critical point of classical condensed rare gases Molecular Physics. 93: 355-359. DOI: 10.1080/002689798169375 |
0.334 |
1998 |
Grassi A, Lombardo GM, March NH, Pucci R. 1/Z Expansion, Correlation Energy, And Shannon Entropy Of Heavy Atoms In Nonrelativistic Limit International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 69: 721-726. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-461X(1998)69:6<721::Aid-Qua4>3.0.Co;2-X |
0.371 |
1997 |
March NH, Kais US. Kinetic energy functional derivative for the Thomas–Fermi atom in D dimensions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 65: 411-413. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-461X(1997)65:5<411::Aid-Qua5>3.0.Co;2-Z |
0.323 |
1996 |
Razavy M, March NH, Paranjape BV. Size dependence of force between parallel planar jellium metal surfaces at small separation. Physical Review B. 54: 4492-4495. PMID 9986404 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.54.4492 |
0.339 |
1996 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Asymptotic field dependence of approach to saturation of drift velocity of electrons in liquid xenon Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 33: 145-150. DOI: 10.1080/00319109608039815 |
0.36 |
1996 |
Grassi A, Lombardo GM, March NH, Pucci R. Correlation energies in polyatomic molecules modelled in terms of bond order Molecular Physics. 87: 553-567. DOI: 10.1080/00268979600100381 |
0.347 |
1996 |
Levy M, March NH, Handy NC. On the adiabatic connection method, and scaling of electron-electron interactions in the Thomas-Fermi limit Journal of Chemical Physics. 104: 1989-1992. DOI: 10.1063/1.470954 |
0.327 |
1996 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Chemistry of Multiply Charged Negative Molecular Ions and Clusters in the Gas Phase: Terrestrial and in Intense Galactic Magnetic Fields The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100: 4331-4338. DOI: 10.1021/Jp951483+ |
0.351 |
1996 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Scaling properties of electronic kinetic energy. Indicator of the nature of covalent bonds Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 363: 211-216. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(95)04430-2 |
0.349 |
1996 |
March NH, Pushkarov DI. Mass transport by crowdions: A simple model appropriate to body-centred-cubic Na and K Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 57: 139-140. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(95)00198-0 |
0.31 |
1995 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Small-distance expansion of the interacting linear response function of the homogeneous phase of the jellium model, and the local field factor Philosophical Magazine Part B. 72: 295-299. DOI: 10.1080/13642819508239084 |
0.346 |
1995 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Collective effects in condensed conducting phases including low-dimensional systems Advances in Physics. 44: 299-386. DOI: 10.1080/00018739500101546 |
0.361 |
1994 |
López JM, Alonso JA, March NH, Garcias F, Barranco M. Barrier for the reaction X20++X20+-->X402+ in alkali-metal clusters related to electron density at the bond midpoint of the supermolecule (X20+)2. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 49: 5565-5569. PMID 10011512 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.49.5565 |
0.359 |
1994 |
Solomatin A, Sahni V, March NH. Exchange potential from functional differentiation in self-consistent field theory of a jellium-type metal surface. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 49: 16856-16859. PMID 10010863 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.49.16856 |
0.386 |
1994 |
Johnson MW, March NH, Perrot F, Ray AK. A diffraction study of the structure of liquid potassium near freezing and density functional theory of pair potentials Philosophical Magazine Part B. 69: 965-977. DOI: 10.1080/01418639408240165 |
0.367 |
1994 |
Holas A, March NH. Perturbation and density-gradient expansions in D dimensions Philosophical Magazine Part B. 69: 787-798. DOI: 10.1080/01418639408240148 |
0.384 |
1994 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Steady-state current density represented by a velocity vector potential in an inhomogeneous electron fluid in a magnetic field Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 26: 281-284. DOI: 10.1080/00319109408029501 |
0.341 |
1994 |
Laming GJ, Nagy A, Handy NC, March NH. Scaling properties of inhomogeneity kinetic energy in some diatomic molecules, in relation to dissociation energies Molecular Physics. 81: 1497-1500. DOI: 10.1080/00268979400101031 |
0.323 |
1994 |
Blazej M, March NH. The interaction of the N2O molecule with metal atoms: especially beryllium Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 312: 127-129. DOI: 10.1016/S0166-1280(09)80024-9 |
0.309 |
1994 |
March NH, Zecca A, Karwasz GP. Phenomenology and scaling of electron scattering cross sections from “almost spherical” molecules over a wide energy range European Physical Journal D. 32: 93-100. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01425929 |
0.306 |
1993 |
March N. Completely local relativistic density-functional theory: The role of the virial. Physical Review A. 48: 4778-4779. PMID 9910192 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.48.4778 |
0.406 |
1993 |
March NH. Melting of a magnetically induced Wigner electron solid and anyon properties Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 5. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/5/34B/018 |
0.346 |
1993 |
March NH, Gidopoulos N, Theophilou AK, Lea MJ, Sung W. The Statistical Distribution Function For An Anyon Liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 26: 135-141. DOI: 10.1080/00319109308030827 |
0.338 |
1993 |
Golden KI, March NH. Thermodynamic consistency and classical liquid structural theory Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 26: 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/00319109308030368 |
0.351 |
1993 |
March NH. Structural Theory of The Liquid-Gas Critical Point Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 25: 269-272. DOI: 10.1080/00319109308030366 |
0.341 |
1993 |
Golden KI, March NH, Ray AK. Three-particle correlation function and structural theories of dense metallic liquids Molecular Physics. 80: 915-924. DOI: 10.1080/00268979300102761 |
0.343 |
1993 |
March NH, Alonso JA, Lopez JM. Potential energy curve of H+ 2 related to mirror-plane ground-state electron density Molecular Physics. 79: 1143-1146. DOI: 10.1080/00268979300101901 |
0.385 |
1993 |
Cordero NA, Alonso JA, López JM, March NH. Dissociation energy of alkali metal clusters related to inhomogeneous electron gas theory Molecular Physics. 79: 393-403. DOI: 10.1080/00268979300101291 |
0.392 |
1993 |
Pfalzner S, March NH. Thomas–Fermi theory in magnetic fields of arbitrary strength Journal of Mathematical Physics. 34: 549-557. DOI: 10.1063/1.530260 |
0.317 |
1993 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Ring confinement of electrons in a uniform magnetic field The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97: 4076-4077. DOI: 10.1021/J100118A023 |
0.306 |
1993 |
Holas A, March NH. Relativistic density functional theory: reduction of many-electron problem of atoms and molecules to a one-electron Dirac equation Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 279: 273-279. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(93)90075-M |
0.384 |
1993 |
López JM, Alonso JA, March NH. Homonuclear diatomic systems: differential equation for mirror plane electron density, and fragment model Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 288: 235-243. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(93)87054-H |
0.384 |
1993 |
Nagy Á, March NH. Molecular dissociation energies characterized by number of electrons and equilibrium bond length Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 281: 53-60. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(93)80028-X |
0.351 |
1993 |
March NH, Paranjape BV, Robson RE. Nernst, ettingshausen and righi-leduc phenomena in relation to the quantum hall effect in two-dimensional electron assemblies Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 54: 745-746. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(93)90135-E |
0.342 |
1993 |
March NH. Electronic structure and stability of clusters, especially of alkali metals and carbon Journal of Molecular Structure. 300: 479-500. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2860(93)87041-7 |
0.382 |
1992 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Current density for independent harmonically confined electrons in a constant magnetic field. Physical Review. A. 45: 6879-6880. PMID 9907812 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.45.6879 |
0.308 |
1992 |
Lea MJ, March NH, Sung W. Melting of Wigner electron crystals; phenomenology and anyon magnetism Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 4: 5263-5272. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/4/23/003 |
0.348 |
1992 |
Tankeshwar K, March NH. The Deviation of the Pair Potential from the Potential of Mean Force in Molten Na Near Freezing Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 25: 59-64. DOI: 10.1080/00319109208027288 |
0.304 |
1992 |
Nagy A, March NH. Relation Between the Pauli Potential and the Pauli Energy Density in an Inhomogeneous Electron Liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 25: 37-42. DOI: 10.1080/00319109208027285 |
0.385 |
1992 |
March NH, Paranjape BV. Single-Particle and Collective Effects in Liquid Metals Near Freezing and in their Hot Solids Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 24: 223-230. DOI: 10.1080/00319109208027273 |
0.34 |
1992 |
Egorov SA, March NH. Model and experimental direct correlation functions in dense charged fluids Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 24: 199-204. DOI: 10.1080/00319109208027270 |
0.322 |
1992 |
March NH, Nagy A. Theory of the Inhomogeneous Electron Liquid, Transcending Hartree-Fock Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 24: 183-191. DOI: 10.1080/00319109208027268 |
0.422 |
1992 |
March NH, Wind P. Origin of the linear dependence with atomic number of correlation energies in neutral atoms Molecular Physics. 77: 791-796. DOI: 10.1080/00268979200102771 |
0.373 |
1992 |
March NH, Wind P. An asymptotic spatial generalization of Kato's theorem for really heavy atoms in nonrelativistic theory Molecular Physics. 76: 1199-1202. DOI: 10.1080/00268979200101971 |
0.391 |
1992 |
March NH, Nagy A. One-sixth power law for molecular dissociation energies in terms of inhomogeneity kinetic energy Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 277: 129-133. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(92)87135-M |
0.32 |
1992 |
March NH. Electron density in the ground states of atoms and molecules Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 260: 273-298. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(92)87049-6 |
0.429 |
1992 |
March NH, Paranjape BV. Ionic and electronic transport in liquid metals: Relation between longitudinal and transverse effects Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 53: 1055-1057. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(92)90077-Q |
0.36 |
1992 |
March NH. Electron density theory in extreme homogeneous and heterogeneous environments and in intense external fields International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 44: 377-391. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560440833 |
0.412 |
1991 |
Holas A, March NH. Construction of the Pauli potential, Pauli energy, and effective potential from the electron density Physical Review A. 44: 5521-5536. PMID 9906611 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.44.5521 |
0.378 |
1991 |
Lea MJ, March NH, Sung W. Thermodynamics of melting of a two-dimensional Wigner electron crystal Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 3: 4301-4306. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/3/23/020 |
0.343 |
1991 |
Lea MJ, March NH. The shear modulus and the phase diagram for two-dimensional Wigner electron crystals Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 3: 3493-3503. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/3/20/010 |
0.319 |
1991 |
March NH. Inhomogeneous electron gas theory of molecular dissociation energies Journal of Physics B. 24: 4123-4128. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/24/19/007 |
0.39 |
1991 |
Holas A, Kozlowski PM, March NH. Kinetic energy density and Pauli potential: Dimensionality dependence, gradient expansions and non-locality Journal of Physics a: General Physics. 24: 4249-4260. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/24/18/013 |
0.359 |
1991 |
Freeman GR, March NH. Bound and delocalized electrons in strong magnetic fields European Journal of Physics. 12: 19-22. DOI: 10.1088/0143-0807/12/1/004 |
0.336 |
1991 |
Schmidt K, Kraeft WD, March NH. A Screened Ion-Ion Potential for Liquid Metals Derived from the Green-Function Technique Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 24: 103-117. DOI: 10.1080/00319109108030653 |
0.372 |
1991 |
Ascough JA, March NH. Electrical Resistivity of Expanded Fluid Rubidium Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 23: 37-48. DOI: 10.1080/00319109108030631 |
0.388 |
1991 |
Egorov SA, March NH. Deformation of atomic density in a homonuclear diatomic molecule due to dispersion interaction Physics Letters A. 157: 57-59. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(91)90408-Z |
0.335 |
1991 |
Holas A, March NH. Remnants of the Fermi surface in the Wigner electron crystal phase of a strongly interacting one-dimensional system Physics Letters A. 157: 160-162. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(91)90091-L |
0.342 |
1991 |
Nagy Á, March NH. Kinetic energy in terms of electron density for atomic s and p shells in a bare Coulomb field Chemical Physics Letters. 181: 279-280. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(91)90367-I |
0.364 |
1991 |
Nagy A, March NH. The exact form of the Pauli potential for the ground state of two- and three-level atoms and ions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 39: 615-623. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560390408 |
0.364 |
1991 |
March NH, Santamaria R. Non‐local relation between kinetic and exchange energy densities in Hartree–Fock theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 39: 585-592. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560390405 |
0.39 |
1990 |
Perrot F, March NH. Binding in pair potentials of liquid simple metals from nonlocality in electronic kinetic energy Physical Review A. 42: 4884-4893. PMID 9904601 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.42.4884 |
0.416 |
1990 |
Kozlowski PM, March NH. Single-particle kinetic energy for n fermions in one-dimension: General and model results Epl. 11: 613-617. DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/11/7/006 |
0.34 |
1990 |
March NH. Magnetic Susceptibility of Strongly Correlated Expanded Liquid Cs related to Electrical Resistivity near Criticality Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 22: 191-194. DOI: 10.1080/00319109008028809 |
0.329 |
1990 |
March NH. Information content of diffraction experiments on liquids and amorphous solids Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 22: 133-148. DOI: 10.1080/00319109008028803 |
0.387 |
1990 |
March NH, Pathak KN, Ascough JA. Collective Modes and Liquid Structure Theory of Metallic Rb Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 21: 203-206. DOI: 10.1080/00319109008028484 |
0.347 |
1990 |
Lea MJ, March NH. The electron liquid-solid phase transition in two dimensions in a magnetic field Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 21: 183-193. DOI: 10.1080/00319109008028482 |
0.337 |
1990 |
March NH. Point defects and their interaction with impurities in metals Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions. 86: 1203-1207. DOI: 10.1039/Ft9908601203 |
0.405 |
1990 |
Nagy A, March NH. Ground-state energy and one-body virial in density functional theory of atomic ions Chemical Physics. 140: 339-341. DOI: 10.1016/0301-0104(90)80001-E |
0.351 |
1990 |
Santamaria R, March NH. Kinetic energy density as a function of subshell electron densities Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 205: 35-41. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(90)85105-V |
0.398 |
1990 |
Kozlowski PM, March NH. Theory of phase factors for a one-body potential of arbitrary symmetry Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 204: 373-378. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(90)85088-5 |
0.364 |
1990 |
March NH, Kozlowski PM, Perrot F. The role of electron density and potential at the bond midpoint in homonuclear diatomic binding Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 209: 433-437. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(90)80094-5 |
0.381 |
1990 |
March NH. Strongly correlated electronic ground states in metals near the metal-insulator transition Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 4: 271-293. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01170017 |
0.406 |
1989 |
March NH, Santamaria R. Electron and kinetic energy densities for an arbitrarily closed shell in a bare Coulomb field from s-state densities Physical Review A. 39: 2835-2837. PMID 9901575 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.39.2835 |
0.378 |
1989 |
Nagy A, March NH. One-body potential theory in terms of the phase of wave functions for the ground state of the Be atom. Physical Review A. 39: 5512-5514. PMID 9901128 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.39.5512 |
0.347 |
1989 |
Kozlowski PM, March NH. Exact single-particle kinetic energy functional for general two-level and model n-level one-dimensional systems: Dependence only on electron density and its gradient Physical Review A. 39: 4270-4271. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.39.4270 |
0.34 |
1989 |
Baltin R, March NH. Exact relation between relativistic and non-relativistic Green functions for independent particles in a given external potential Journal of Physics A. 22. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/22/11/005 |
0.306 |
1989 |
Ascough J, March NH. Wave-Number Dependent Viscosity of Liquid Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 20: 61-64. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908031700 |
0.361 |
1989 |
Baltin R, March NH. Linear Response Relation between Charge Displaced in an Electron Liquid by Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Theory Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 19: 189-192. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908030619 |
0.371 |
1989 |
March NH, Santamaria R. Relation between kinetic and exchange energies in a relativistic inhomogeneous electron liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 19: 187-188. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908030618 |
0.393 |
1989 |
March NH. Electron Correlation, Chemical Bonding and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Expanded Fluid Alkalis Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 20: 241-245. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028455 |
0.344 |
1989 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Vacancy Formation Energy in Close-packed Metals Connected with Liquid Thermodynamics at Melting Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 20: 235-240. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028454 |
0.368 |
1989 |
Baltin R, March NH. Variational Principle of Relativistic Density Functional Theory for Weakly Inhomogeneous Electron Liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 20: 227-234. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028453 |
0.385 |
1989 |
March NH. Electron Correlation and the Hall Effect in Liquid Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 19: 59-61. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028409 |
0.402 |
1989 |
Rashid RIMA, March NH. Vacancy formation energies in close-packed crystals correlated with melting temperature via thermodynamics and liquid structure Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 19: 41-46. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028407 |
0.374 |
1989 |
Ascough J, March NH. Hydrodynamic modes, density fluctuations and transport coefficients in liquid metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 19: 1-5. DOI: 10.1080/00319108908028401 |
0.306 |
1989 |
March NH. Many-body effects in polymers: especially polyacetylene Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 188: 261-276. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(89)85116-4 |
0.384 |
1989 |
March NH. Relativistic density functional theory Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 199: 75-83. DOI: 10.1016/0166-1280(89)80043-0 |
0.395 |
1989 |
Kozlowski PM, March NH. Approximate density-external potential relation and the pauli potential for systems with coulombic interaction International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 36: 741-748. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560360606 |
0.397 |
1989 |
Piccitto G, Pucci R, March NH, Grassi A. Electron–Electron interaction energy in homonuclear diatomic molecules International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 36: 525-531. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560360407 |
0.354 |
1989 |
Hunter G, March NH. Explicit density–potential relation for 4‐electron atoms in 2‐orbital S states International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 35: 649-663. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560350506 |
0.387 |
1988 |
March NH, Santamara R. Exact relation between density-matrix and density-functional theory for K plus L closed shells in a bare Coulomb field Physical Review A. 38: 5002-5006. PMID 9900219 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.38.5002 |
0.341 |
1988 |
Ascough J, Chapman RG, March NH. Empirical Relationships between Transport Coefficients of Liquid Metals over a Range of Thermodynamic States Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 18: 253-267. DOI: 10.1080/00319108808078599 |
0.346 |
1988 |
March NH, Ohmura Y. Characterization of Rare Gas Atoms in Cold Dense Plasma Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 18: 175-178. DOI: 10.1080/00319108808078590 |
0.305 |
1988 |
March NH. Dispersion Forces and Small-angle Neutron Scattering from Liquid Noble Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 323-326. DOI: 10.1080/00319108808078568 |
0.316 |
1988 |
Mahanty J, March NH, Paranjape BV. Interaction between rare gas atoms outside metal surfaces: Role of plasma excitations Applied Surface Science. 309-314. DOI: 10.1016/0169-4332(88)90321-2 |
0.316 |
1988 |
Balbás L, Rubio A, Alonso J, March N, Borstel G. X-ray scattering factors of crystalline silicon and germanium from A bond charge model Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 49: 1013-1017. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(88)90147-3 |
0.325 |
1988 |
March NH. Spatial correlation of electrons in metals International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 34: 655-664. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560340867 |
0.383 |
1988 |
March NH, Cizek J. Dimensionality dependence of total energy of closed shells in a bare Coulomb field for large atomic number International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 33: 301-304. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560330405 |
0.359 |
1987 |
Pucci R, March NH. Convolution representation of the relation between total electron density and that of s states in closed-shell atoms. Physical Review A. 35: 491-495. PMID 9898170 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.35.491 |
0.359 |
1987 |
March NH. Structure and forces in liquid metals and alloys Canadian Journal of Physics. 65: 219-240. DOI: 10.1139/P87-034 |
0.378 |
1987 |
Baltin R, March NH. Electron and kinetic energy densities from Dirac's equation for a model semi-infinite inhomogeneous electron gas Journal of Physics A. 20: 5517-5528. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/20/16/026 |
0.398 |
1987 |
Joyce K, Martin-Rodero A, Flores F, Grout PJ, March NH. Indirect interactions between CO molecules on transition-metal surfaces and the interpretation of thermal desorption experiments Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 20: 3381-3389. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/20/22/010 |
0.326 |
1987 |
Hill SH, Grout PJ, March NH. Total binding energy of heavy positive ions including density treatment of Darwin and Breit corrections Journal of Physics B. 20: 11-22. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3700/20/1/007 |
0.383 |
1987 |
March NH. Spatial Ordering of Conduction Electrons in Metals from Liquid Phase Diffraction Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 173-180. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078554 |
0.372 |
1987 |
March NH. Pauli and exchange potentials for determining density amplitude in an inhomogeneous electron liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 169-172. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078552 |
0.399 |
1987 |
Chapman RG, March NH. Model Equations of State for Liquid Alkali Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 165-168. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078551 |
0.311 |
1987 |
March NH. Relation between spectral functions for diffusion and sound-wave attenuation in both liquid metals and charged colloidal liquids near freezing Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 161-164. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078550 |
0.327 |
1987 |
March NH, Paranjape BV. Mean Free Path Effects in the Dielectric Function of a Liquid Metal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 55-71. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078541 |
0.33 |
1987 |
March NH. Vacancy Formation Energy, Liquid Structure and Criteria for Liquid-Solid Phase Transitions Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 17: 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078536 |
0.339 |
1987 |
Freeman GR, March NH. The minimum in the mobility-density curve for electrons injected into insulating dense gases Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 16: 269-278. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078529 |
0.348 |
1987 |
March NH. Liquid Structural Theories Related via a Force Correlation Function Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 16: 205-208. DOI: 10.1080/00319108708078519 |
0.322 |
1987 |
March NH. Electron density and Slater sum of a semi‐infinite electron gas in d dimensions Journal of Mathematical Physics. 28: 2975-2976. DOI: 10.1063/1.527701 |
0.385 |
1987 |
March NH. Indirect oscillatory interactions between molecules chemisorbed on metal surfaces Progress in Surface Science. 25: 229-251. DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6816(87)80016-3 |
0.337 |
1987 |
March NH. Size effects in vacancy formation energies in binary metallic alloys and mixtures and in the vacancy-solute interaction Solid State Communications. 63: 1075-1076. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(87)90665-X |
0.319 |
1986 |
Theophilou A, March N. Density matrices derived from polynomial approximations and other models. Physical Review A. 34: 3630-3633. PMID 9897703 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.34.3630 |
0.315 |
1986 |
March NH. Bridge Function in Modified Hypernetted Chain Approximation Related to Structure Factor in Liquid Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 16: 117-119. DOI: 10.1080/00319108608078508 |
0.347 |
1986 |
Chapman RG, March NH. Empirical Relations Between the Critical Constants of Fluid Alkali Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 16: 77-81. DOI: 10.1080/00319108608078502 |
0.308 |
1986 |
Bernasconi JM, March NH, Tosi MP. Vacancy Formation Energy of Close-packed Metals Related to Liquid Structure at the Melting Point Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 16: 39-46. DOI: 10.1080/00319108608078498 |
0.359 |
1986 |
Bernasconi JM, March NH. Direct Correlation Function Properties of Liquid Metals Near Freezing Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 15: 169-183. DOI: 10.1080/00319108608078479 |
0.342 |
1986 |
Rashid RIMA, March NH. Osmotic pressure related to concentration fluctuations, with application to liquid metal alloys Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 15: 155-168. DOI: 10.1080/00319108608078478 |
0.306 |
1986 |
March NH. Kinetic energy functional for s-states in a one-body central field Physics Letters A. 114: 301-302. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(86)90563-3 |
0.319 |
1986 |
Ferraz A, Chapman RG, March NH, Alascio B, Sayers CM. Phenomenology of antiferromagnetic metal-insulator transition in 3d transition metal dichalcogenides Solid State Communications. 57: 937-939. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(86)90928-2 |
0.306 |
1986 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Theory of vacancy formation energies in metallic alloys and in mixtures Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 47: 999-1002. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(86)90115-0 |
0.371 |
1986 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Vacancy formation energy related to liquid structure in a nonlinear scaled potential theory Il Nuovo Cimento D. 7: 734-738. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02450439 |
0.328 |
1986 |
March NH. Electron momenta in molecules and low-dimensional solids International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 30: 367-376. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560300734 |
0.408 |
1986 |
Pucci R, March NH. Generalized 1/Z expansion for heteronuclear molecules International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 29: 949-958. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560290431 |
0.327 |
1985 |
Senatore G, March N. Analytic properties of the relativistic Thomas-Fermi equation and the total energy of atomic ions. Physical Review A. 32: 3277-3284. PMID 9896494 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.32.3277 |
0.325 |
1985 |
Senatore G, March N. Nonrelativistic Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin eigenvalues of the Thomas-Fermi neutral-atom potential in the large-atomic-number limit. Physical Review A. 32: 1322-1327. PMID 9896210 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.32.1322 |
0.322 |
1985 |
March NH. Electron Density Description of Chemical Bonding in Light Molecules Physica Scripta. 32: 303-307. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/32/4/010 |
0.379 |
1985 |
March NH. Liquid structure at the melting temperature related to surface energy and to vacancy formation energy in the hot crystal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 15: 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/00319108508080998 |
0.385 |
1985 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Melting criteria for classical and quantal wigner crystals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 14: 303-306. DOI: 10.1080/00319108508080993 |
0.356 |
1985 |
Kariotis R, March NH. On the calculation of atomic transport coefficients in liquid metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 14: 241-252. DOI: 10.1080/00319108508080988 |
0.375 |
1985 |
Roman E, Tosi MP, Grout PJ, March NH. Effect of microscopic structure of metal electrode on capacitance of metal-molten salt interface Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 15: 123-127. DOI: 10.1080/00319108508078473 |
0.309 |
1985 |
Ginoza M, March NH. Isotope effects in liquid metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 15: 75-111. DOI: 10.1080/00319108508078471 |
0.308 |
1985 |
March NH. Scaling properties of total energy of heavy positive ions in d‐dimensions Journal of Mathematical Physics. 26: 554-555. DOI: 10.1063/1.526590 |
0.337 |
1985 |
Allan NL, Cooper DL, West CG, Grout PJ, March NH. Local density approximations to moments of momentum of diatomic molecules with Hartree–Fock–Roothaan quality electron distributions Journal of Chemical Physics. 83: 239-240. DOI: 10.1063/1.449814 |
0.389 |
1985 |
Senatore G, March NH. The 1/Z expansion for heavy positive atomic ions Journal of Chemical Physics. 83: 1232-1233. DOI: 10.1063/1.449436 |
0.321 |
1985 |
Dawson KA, March NH. Asymptotic properties of two‐particle and single‐particle density matrices in N‐electron atoms and molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 82: 323-324. DOI: 10.1063/1.448803 |
0.36 |
1985 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Dissociation energies of diatomic molecules related to equilibrium bond lengths Journal of Chemical Physics. 82: 5099-5101. DOI: 10.1063/1.448632 |
0.344 |
1985 |
Dawson KA, March NH. The asymptotic properties of second‐order density matrices in N‐electron atoms and molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 82: 1967-1968. DOI: 10.1063/1.448379 |
0.332 |
1985 |
March NH, Paranjape BV. Long-range force and interfacial energy between dissimilar metals Applications of Surface Science. 1042-1048. DOI: 10.1016/0378-5963(85)90239-9 |
0.375 |
1985 |
March NH. Differential equation for the ground-state density in finite and extended inhomogeneous electron gases Physics Letters A. 113: 66-68. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(85)90654-1 |
0.386 |
1985 |
March NH, Mucci JF. Dissociation energies of tetrahedral and octahedral molecules related to nuclear-nuclear potential energy Physics Letters A. 111: 191-192. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(85)90574-2 |
0.326 |
1985 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Surface energy of liquid metals at the melting temperature related to bulk liquid structure Surface Science. 160: 509-516. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(85)90790-3 |
0.33 |
1985 |
March NH, Perrin RC, Taylor R. Topology of fermi surface and the calculation of the phase diagram of lithium by variable cell molecular dynamics Solid State Communications. 53: 287-288. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(85)90054-7 |
0.301 |
1985 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Liquid Madelung energy and Schottky defect energy related to liquid structure and melting temperature for alkali halides Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 46: 757-760. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(85)90165-9 |
0.325 |
1985 |
Alonso JA, Cranshaw TE, March NH. Electronic and elastic effects in the interaction of impurities in ternary metallic alloys Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 46: 1147-1151. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(85)90143-X |
0.339 |
1985 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Thermally averaged orbital diamagnetism of a localized wigner oscillator Il Nuovo Cimento D. 6: 521-526. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02450587 |
0.332 |
1985 |
March NH. Relativistic total energy of heavy atomic ions: dimensionality dependent scaling International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 27: 595-599. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560270508 |
0.342 |
1984 |
March NH, Paranjape BV. High-density jellium-model calculation of force between half-planes of a nearly-free-electron metal at small separation Physical Review B. 30: 3131-3135. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.30.3131 |
0.376 |
1984 |
Hill SH, Grout PJ, March NH. Relativistic total energy and chemical potential of heavy atoms and positive ions Journal of Physics B. 17: 4819-4831. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3700/17/24/017 |
0.393 |
1984 |
March NH, Suhl H. Are Long-range Dynamical Interactions Between Screened Ions in Liquid Metals Observable in Atomic Transport and Neutron Scattering? Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 14: 159-161. DOI: 10.1080/00319108408080807 |
0.356 |
1984 |
Dawson KA, March NH. Pair Function And Structure Factor Of An Interacting Electron Liquid Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 14: 131-134. DOI: 10.1080/00319108408080804 |
0.418 |
1984 |
Bhatia AB, March NH. Relation between Principal Peak Height, Position and Width of Structure Factor in Dense Monatomic Liquids Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 313-316. DOI: 10.1080/00319108408080789 |
0.313 |
1984 |
March NH, Freeman GR. Anion Formation in Molecular Liquids: Is it Correlated With Molecular Shape? Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 279-283. DOI: 10.1080/00319108408080786 |
0.339 |
1984 |
Ballone P, Pastore G, Tosi MP, Painter KR, Grout PJ, March NH. Dependence of Capacitance of Metal-Molten Salt Interface on Local Density Profiles Near Electrode Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 269-277. DOI: 10.1080/00319108408080785 |
0.301 |
1984 |
Dawson KA, March NH. The density matrix, density, and Fermi hole in Hartree–Fock theory Journal of Chemical Physics. 81: 5850-5854. DOI: 10.1063/1.447639 |
0.344 |
1984 |
Hill SH, Grout PJ, March NH. Electrostatic potential at the nucleus in atomic ions and relation to chemical potential Journal of Chemical Physics. 80: 3714-3719. DOI: 10.1063/1.447202 |
0.33 |
1984 |
Bhatia AB, March NH. Properties of a liquid direct correlation function at melting temperature related to vacancy formation energy in condensed phases of rare gases Journal of Chemical Physics. 80: 2076-2078. DOI: 10.1063/1.446972 |
0.358 |
1984 |
Senatore G, March NH. Behavior of triplet correlation function at critical point of simple classical fluids Journal of Chemical Physics. 80: 5242-5244. DOI: 10.1063/1.446594 |
0.31 |
1984 |
Callaway J, March NH. Density Functional Methods:Theory and Applications Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 38: 135-221. DOI: 10.1016/S0081-1947(08)60313-6 |
0.384 |
1984 |
Dawson KA, March NH. Density functional theories which are upper bounds to the Hartree-fock limit in one dimension Physics Letters A. 106: 161-164. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(84)90308-6 |
0.353 |
1984 |
Dawson KA, March NH. Slater sum in one dimension: Explicit kinetic energy functional Physics Letters A. 106: 158-160. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(84)90307-4 |
0.317 |
1984 |
March NH. Energy relations in the density functional theory of d-dimensional heavy positive ions Physics Letters A. 103: 186-187. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(84)90247-0 |
0.336 |
1984 |
Hiett PJ, Flores F, Grout PJ, March NH, Martin-Rodero A, Senatore G. Electronic structure and conformation of ethene when adsorbed on transition and noble metals Surface Science. 140: 400-414. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(84)90741-6 |
0.354 |
1984 |
Herman F, March NH. Cooperative magnetism in metallic jellium and in the insulating Wigner electron crystal Solid State Communications. 50: 725-728. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(84)90973-6 |
0.329 |
1984 |
March NH, Woods SB. On the theory of the low-temperature electrical resistivity of potassium Solid State Communications. 49: 993-995. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(84)90407-1 |
0.345 |
1984 |
McCaskill JS, March NH. The role of bound states in electronic transport Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 45: 215-222. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(84)90121-5 |
0.361 |
1984 |
Ferraz A, March NH, Flores F. Metal-insulator transition in hydrogen and in expanded alkali metals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 45: 627-635. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(84)90055-6 |
0.411 |
1983 |
Hill SH, Grout PJ, March NH. Chemical potential and total energy of heavy positive ions in extremely strong magnetic fields, near the weak ionisation limit Journal of Physics B. 16: 2301-2307. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3700/16/13/004 |
0.346 |
1983 |
March NH, Silbert M. Is there a Linear Term in the X-ray or Neutron Scattering in a Liquid Metal at Small Wave Number? Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 155-157. DOI: 10.1080/00319108308080773 |
0.343 |
1983 |
D'Aguanno B, Rovere M, Tosi MP, March NH. Freezing of Ionic Melts into Normal and Superionic Phases Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 113-122. DOI: 10.1080/00319108308080770 |
0.309 |
1983 |
Ebbsjo I, Robinson GG, March NH. Structure and Forces in Simple Liquid Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 13: 65-73. DOI: 10.1080/00319108308080764 |
0.347 |
1983 |
March NH. Exact Thomas–Fermi method for kinetic energy and other averages of Compton profile for atomic closed shells in a bare Coulomb field Journal of Chemical Physics. 79: 3404-3409. DOI: 10.1063/1.446242 |
0.379 |
1983 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Density functional theory of asymptotic form of electron density in heteronuclear diatomic molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 79: 1903-1905. DOI: 10.1063/1.445968 |
0.39 |
1983 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Nuclear–nuclear potential energy related to total number of electrons in light molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 79: 870-872. DOI: 10.1063/1.445863 |
0.33 |
1983 |
Grout PJ, March NH, Tal Y. Total energy of heavy positive ions especially near the weak ionization limit Journal of Chemical Physics. 79: 331-333. DOI: 10.1063/1.445527 |
0.313 |
1983 |
March NH, Pucci R. Chemical potential related to total energy in isoelectronic sequences of positive ions Journal of Chemical Physics. 78: 2480-2484. DOI: 10.1063/1.445054 |
0.308 |
1983 |
Pucci R, March NH. Equilibrium bond lengths related to nuclear charge and atomic energies for homonuclear diatoms Journal of Chemical Physics. 78: 2466-2467. DOI: 10.1063/1.445051 |
0.342 |
1983 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Equivalence of ionization potential and magnitude of chemical potential in Hartree–Fock theory of atoms Journal of Chemical Physics. 78: 1382-1383. DOI: 10.1063/1.444878 |
0.382 |
1983 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Dissociation energies of diatoms related to molecular electron density gradients Journal of Chemical Physics. 78: 6187-6189. DOI: 10.1063/1.444582 |
0.39 |
1983 |
Pucci R, March NH. Electronic structure of linear polyacenes in alternant molecular orbital theory Physics Letters A. 96: 105-106. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(83)90602-3 |
0.36 |
1983 |
Painter KR, Ballone P, Tosi MP, Grout PJ, March NH. Capacitance of metal-molten-salt interfaces Surface Science. 133: 89-100. DOI: 10.1016/0167-2584(83)90751-X |
0.337 |
1983 |
Flores F, March NH. On the thickness of the metal-semiconductor interface Surface Science. 124: 329-335. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(83)90794-X |
0.317 |
1983 |
McCaskill JS, March NH. Surface friction constant and range of dynamical interaction between adatoms on metal surfaces Surface Science. 131: 34-48. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(83)90118-8 |
0.332 |
1982 |
Flores F, March NH. Self interstitials and vacancies in metallic potassium and sodium Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics. 12. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4608/12/9/001 |
0.326 |
1982 |
Rovere M, Tosi MP, March NH. Letter: freezing theory of rbcl Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 12: 177-180. DOI: 10.1080/00319108208084551 |
0.317 |
1982 |
Kumar N, March NH, Wasserman A. Critical-point Properties of Liquids and the Born—Green Theory Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 271-275. DOI: 10.1080/00319108208080749 |
0.333 |
1982 |
Matthai CC, March NH. Small angle scattering from liquids: Van der Waals forces in argon and collective mode in Na Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 207-217. DOI: 10.1080/00319108208080743 |
0.306 |
1982 |
March NH. Applications of singlet density-direct correlation function equations to surface tension of multicomponent fluids and to the theory of freezing Molecular Physics. 46: 657-658. DOI: 10.1080/00268978200101481 |
0.334 |
1982 |
March NH, Mucci JF. Dipole moments, molecular ionization potentials, and asymptotic form of electron density in hydrogen halides and other heteronuclear diatomic molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 77: 4555-4557. DOI: 10.1063/1.444405 |
0.398 |
1982 |
Pucci R, March NH. Some moments of radial electron density in closed‐shell atoms and their atomic scattering factors Journal of Chemical Physics. 76: 4089-4093. DOI: 10.1063/1.443483 |
0.369 |
1982 |
March NH. Chemical potential, ionization energies, and electron correlation in atoms Journal of Chemical Physics. 76: 1869-1871. DOI: 10.1063/1.443159 |
0.385 |
1982 |
March NH. Chemical potential and total energy of heavy positive atomic ions in the weak ionization limit Journal of Chemical Physics. 76: 1430-1432. DOI: 10.1063/1.443152 |
0.349 |
1982 |
Lawes GP, March NH. Scaling of equilibrium bond lengths, chemical potential, and energy in a model of heavy tetrahedral and octahedral positive molecular ions Journal of Chemical Physics. 76: 458-462. DOI: 10.1063/1.442743 |
0.352 |
1982 |
March NH. Electron density theory of atoms and molecules The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 86: 2262-2267. DOI: 10.1021/J100209A022 |
0.382 |
1982 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Simple model for liquid metal alloys and relation to Miedema's variables Physica B-Condensed Matter. 114: 141-146. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(82)90030-4 |
0.394 |
1982 |
Alonso JA, March NH. Concentration fluctuations in simple metallic liquid alloys Physica B-Condensed Matter. 114: 67-70. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(82)90008-0 |
0.329 |
1982 |
March NH. Kinetic energy change due to interaction between charged centres in metals and its relation to that occurring in covalent bond formation Physics Letters A. 87: 396-397. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(82)90167-0 |
0.338 |
1982 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Saturation of Debye screening length and the free energy of superionic PbF2 Solid State Communications. 42: 623-624. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(82)90622-6 |
0.31 |
1981 |
March NH, Parr RG, Mucci JF. The kinetic energy change on covalent bond formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 78: 5942-5. PMID 16593098 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.78.10.5942 |
0.321 |
1981 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Liquid Direct Correlation Function, Singlet Densities and the Theory of Freezing Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 129-133. DOI: 10.1080/00319108108079104 |
0.354 |
1981 |
March NH. Electronic and Ionic Ordering in Condensed Matter Plasmas. (Phase Transitions Induced by Coulomb Interactions) Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 101-114. DOI: 10.1080/00319108108079102 |
0.351 |
1981 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Freezing of Ionic Melts into a Superionic Phase Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 89-94. DOI: 10.1080/00319108108079099 |
0.36 |
1981 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Theory of Freezing of Alkali Halides and Binary Alloys Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 11: 79-88. DOI: 10.1080/00319108108079098 |
0.325 |
1981 |
March NH, Mucci JF. Relation of dissociation energy, internuclear distance, and overlap integral for hydrogen halides to atomic ionization potentials Journal of Chemical Physics. 75: 4743-4745. DOI: 10.1063/1.442653 |
0.336 |
1981 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Molecular ionization potential and dissociation energies related to atomic ionization potentials for singly bonded diatomics Journal of Chemical Physics. 75: 5789-5790. DOI: 10.1063/1.442018 |
0.33 |
1981 |
March NH, Pucci R. Asymptotic form of first‐order density matrix for atoms and molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 75: 496-497. DOI: 10.1063/1.441850 |
0.31 |
1981 |
March NH. Foundations of Walsh’s rules for molecular shape Journal of Chemical Physics. 74: 2973-2974. DOI: 10.1063/1.441419 |
0.301 |
1981 |
March NH. Approximate kinetic energy relations in density functional theory Journal of Chemical Physics. 74: 2376-2378. DOI: 10.1063/1.441357 |
0.374 |
1981 |
Pucci R, March NH. Liquid crystal model for hydrocarbons under shock wave conditions Journal of Chemical Physics. 74: 1373-1378. DOI: 10.1063/1.441200 |
0.334 |
1981 |
Alonso JA, March NH. The virial, boundary kinetic-energy density and electron density, in one dimension and in spherical symmetry Physics Letters A. 83: 455-456. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(81)90479-5 |
0.366 |
1981 |
March NH, Pucci R. Asymptotic form of two-particle density matrix in atoms and molecules Physics Letters A. 86: 289-290. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(81)90369-8 |
0.331 |
1981 |
March NH, Pucci R. Electron density in two-electron ions in the limit of large nuclear charge Physics Letters A. 85: 75-76. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(81)90225-5 |
0.338 |
1981 |
Flores F, Gabbay I, March NH. Trends in chemisorption energies with atomic number Chemical Physics. 63: 391-399. DOI: 10.1016/0301-0104(81)87014-0 |
0.332 |
1981 |
Miglio L, Tosi MP, March NH. Exchange energy density of inhomogeneous electron gas near a metal surface Surface Science. 111: 119-127. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(81)90479-9 |
0.405 |
1981 |
Matthai CC, Grout PJ, March NH. Interatomic forces in the b.c.c. transition metals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 42: 317-322. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(81)90147-5 |
0.339 |
1981 |
Flores F, March NH. Relaxation round vacancies in the alkali metals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 42: 439-443. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(81)90054-8 |
0.33 |
1981 |
Marini U, Marconi B, March NH. Relativistic theory of binding energies of heavy positive ions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 20: 693-704. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560200311 |
0.343 |
1980 |
March NH, Parr RG. Chemical potential, Teller's theorem, and the scaling of atomic and molecular energies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 77: 6285-8. PMID 16592908 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.77.11.6285 |
0.391 |
1980 |
Lawes GP, March NH. An Approximate Differential Equation for Calculating the Electron Density in Closed Shell Atoms and in Molecules Physica Scripta. 21: 402-408. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/21/3-4/028 |
0.388 |
1980 |
Bhatia AB, March NH, Tosi MP. Theory of Surface Tension in Liquid Mixtures Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 9: 229-244. DOI: 10.1080/00319108008084779 |
0.366 |
1980 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Interpretation of X-ray Diffraction from Liquid Alkali Metals Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 10: 113-119. DOI: 10.1080/00319108008078463 |
0.391 |
1980 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Melting and Boiling from Ionic to Molecular Phases Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 10: 39-47. DOI: 10.1080/00319108008078455 |
0.327 |
1980 |
March NH. Melting of Ionic Crystals, Defect Energies and Fast Ion Conduction Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 10: 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/00319108008078452 |
0.319 |
1980 |
March NH. Energy of heavy positive ions related to eigenvalue sum and chemical potential Journal of Chemical Physics. 72: 1994-1995. DOI: 10.1063/1.439347 |
0.32 |
1980 |
March NH, Bader RFW. Relation between chemical and ionization potentials in atoms Physics Letters A. 78: 242-243. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(80)90081-X |
0.359 |
1980 |
Ferraz A, March NH. Classical Wigner crystallization, liquid structure factor peak height and freezing of liquid alkalis Solid State Communications. 36: 977-978. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(80)91195-3 |
0.313 |
1980 |
March NH, Richardson DD, Tosi MP. CORRELATION OF THE SUPERIONIC TRANSITION TEMPERATURE AND THE FRENKEL ENERGY IN FLUORITE CRYSTALS Solid State Communications. 35: 903-905. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(80)91050-9 |
0.321 |
1980 |
Yusaf MS, Lawes GP, March NH. Asymptotic forms of atomic scattering factors and momentum densities International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 17: 833-844. DOI: 10.1002/Qua.560170503 |
0.393 |
1979 |
March NH, Suzuki M, Parrinello M. Phenomenological theory of first- and second-order metal-insulator transitions at absolute zero Physical Review B. 19: 2027-2029. DOI: 10.1142/9789814271783_0008 |
0.312 |
1979 |
Ferraz A, March NH, Suzuki M. Approximate Melting curve of Wigner Electron Crystal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 9: 59-65. DOI: 10.1080/00319107908084767 |
0.352 |
1979 |
Bhatia AB, March NH. Statistical Mechanical Theory of Liquid Surface Tension Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 9: 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/00319107908084762 |
0.332 |
1979 |
Ferraz A, March NH. Liquid Phase Metal-Non Metal Transition In Carbon Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 8: 289-297. DOI: 10.1080/00319107908084761 |
0.319 |
1979 |
Ferraz A, March NH. Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Metals in Regime of Short Mean Free Path Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 8: 271-278. DOI: 10.1080/00319107908084758 |
0.365 |
1979 |
March NH, Sayers CM. Magnetic properties of liquid metal alloys Advances in Physics. 28: 1-47. DOI: 10.1080/00018737900101345 |
0.314 |
1979 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Theory of the deviation from the Ruedenberg energy relation for molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 71: 1495-1497. DOI: 10.1063/1.438454 |
0.353 |
1979 |
Lawes GP, March NH. Exact local density method for linear harmonic oscillator Journal of Chemical Physics. 71: 1007-1009. DOI: 10.1063/1.438398 |
0.35 |
1979 |
March NH. Chemical potential and electronegativity in terms of electron density Journal of Chemical Physics. 71: 1004-1006. DOI: 10.1063/1.438393 |
0.344 |
1979 |
Mucci JF, March NH. Regularities in nuclear–nuclear potential energy of molecules at equilibrium Journal of Chemical Physics. 71: 5270-5275. DOI: 10.1063/1.438338 |
0.34 |
1979 |
Flores F, March NH, Ohmura Y, Stoneham AM. Asymptotic displaced charge round impurities in metal crystals with and without surfaces Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 40: 531-537. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(79)90081-7 |
0.348 |
1978 |
Ferraz A, March NH, Suzuki M. Melting Curve of Wigner Electron Crystal Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 8: 153-156. DOI: 10.1080/00319107808084749 |
0.321 |
1978 |
Bhatia AB, March NH, Sutton J. Gradient expansion result for surface tension of binary liquid mixtures Journal of Chemical Physics. 69: 2258-2259. DOI: 10.1063/1.436786 |
0.336 |
1978 |
Bhatia AB, March NH. Theory of liquid surface tension–bulk modulus relation Journal of Chemical Physics. 68: 1999-2000. DOI: 10.1063/1.435881 |
0.347 |
1978 |
Bhatia AB, March NH. Surface tension, compressibility, and surface segregation in liquid binary alloys Journal of Chemical Physics. 68: 4651-4656. DOI: 10.1063/1.435573 |
0.301 |
1978 |
Lawes GP, March NH, Yusaf MS. Relation between non-relativistic neutral atom and ionic binding energies Physics Letters A. 67: 342-344. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(78)90325-0 |
0.338 |
1978 |
Lawes GP, March NH. Bound on lowest-order gradient correction in kinetic energies of atoms Physics Letters A. 66: 285-286. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(78)90238-4 |
0.318 |
1978 |
March NH. Point defect-solute interactions in metals Journal of Nuclear Materials. 490-520. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3115(78)90262-3 |
0.396 |
1977 |
March NH. Electron states in liquid metals: especially optical and magnetic properties Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 55: 2165-2187. DOI: 10.1139/V77-300 |
0.384 |
1977 |
Leung WB, March NH. Resistivity of a structureless hydrogen plasma due to weak electron-ion interaction Plasma Physics. 19: 277-281. DOI: 10.1088/0032-1028/19/3/008 |
0.319 |
1977 |
Angelis UD, March NH. Structure and forces in liquid metals: especially hydrogen Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 6: 225-241. DOI: 10.1080/00319107708084142 |
0.397 |
1977 |
Stenhouse B, Grout PJ, March NH, Wenzel J. Chemical bonding effects on the diffraction intensities in amorphous silicon and carbon Philosophical Magazine. 36: 129-145. DOI: 10.1080/00318087708244453 |
0.303 |
1977 |
Bhuiyan LB, March NH, Abramo MC, Caccamo C, Pizzimenti G. Partial structure factors of an ionic model of liquid UO2 Molecular Physics. 34: 755-764. DOI: 10.1080/00268977700102081 |
0.32 |
1977 |
March NH. One‐dimensional density‐potential relation for independent Fermions in a local density approximation Journal of Chemical Physics. 67: 5970-5970. DOI: 10.1063/1.434772 |
0.321 |
1977 |
March NH. Relation between the total energy and eigenvalue sum for neutral atoms and molecules Journal of Chemical Physics. 67: 4618-4619. DOI: 10.1063/1.434625 |
0.342 |
1977 |
Flores F, March NH, Moore ID. Interaction between two hydrogen atoms approaching a metal surface Surface Science. 69: 133-143. DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(77)90165-0 |
0.361 |
1977 |
Parrinello M, March NH, Tosi MP. Electrical resistivity of liquid rare-earth metals Il Nuovo Cimento B. 39: 233-247. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02738191 |
0.322 |
1976 |
Cusack S, March NH, Parrinello M, Tosi MP. Electron-electron pair correlation function in solid and molten nearly-free electron metals Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics. 6: 749-765. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4608/6/5/017 |
0.604 |
1976 |
Gillan M, Larsen B, Tosi MP, March NH. Structure of classical liquid of charged hard spheres and point ions Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 9: 889-907. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/9/6/010 |
0.336 |
1976 |
Parrinello M, March NH. Thermodynamics of Wigner crystallization Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 9. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/9/6/003 |
0.305 |
1976 |
Mahanty J, March NH. Chemical bonds well outside metal surfaces Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 9: 2905-2909. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/9/15/013 |
0.351 |
1976 |
March NH. Non-relativistic binding energies for heavy ions Journal of Physics B. 9. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3700/9/5/002 |
0.344 |
1976 |
Angelis UD, March NH. Liquid metal pair potentials from structure data Physics Letters A. 56: 287-288. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(76)90310-8 |
0.327 |
1976 |
Brown RC, March NH. Structure and excitations in liquid and solid surfaces Physics Reports. 24: 77-169. DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(76)90023-5 |
0.372 |
1976 |
Moore ID, March NH. Density matrices and exchange hole for metal surfaces Annals of Physics. 97: 136-159. DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(76)90224-4 |
0.411 |
1975 |
Perrin RC, Taylor R, March NH. Charge density, local density of states and response functions in body centred cubic lithium metal Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics. 5: 1490-1501. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4608/5/8/008 |
0.396 |
1975 |
March NH. Form of first-order density matrix for jellium near to the diagonal Journal of Physics A. 8. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/8/11/004 |
0.359 |
1975 |
Johnson MW, March NH, Parrinello M, Tosi MP, Page DI. Wavenumber-dependent concentration fluctuations in liquid mixtures Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 8: 751-760. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/8/6/005 |
0.329 |
1975 |
Handler GS, March NH. Linear response theory and molecular vibrations: The Thomas–Fermi model Journal of Chemical Physics. 63: 438-442. DOI: 10.1063/1.431123 |
0.326 |
1975 |
Goreslavsky SP, Ryazanov MI, Brown RC, March NH. X-ray reflection and the electron density profile at liquid metal surfaces Physics Letters A. 55: 123-124. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(75)90151-6 |
0.348 |
1974 |
Egelstaff PA, March NH, McGill NC. Electron Correlation Functions in Liquids from Scattering Data Canadian Journal of Physics. 52: 1651-1659. DOI: 10.1139/P74-216 |
0.379 |
1974 |
Parrinello M, Tosi MP, March NH. Partial Structure Factors and Atomic Dynamics in Conformal Solutions Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 341: 91-104. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1974.0174 |
0.319 |
1974 |
Parrinello M, March NH, Tosi MP. Concentration dependence of electrical transport coefficients in conformal liquid metal alloys Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics. 4. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4608/4/6/004 |
0.319 |
1974 |
Brown JS, Brown RC, March NH. Fermi hole near a metal surface Physics Letters A. 46: 463-464. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(74)90965-7 |
0.374 |
1974 |
Brown JS, Brown RC, March NH. Covalent versus metallic bond for H2 molecule outside a metal surface Physics Letters A. 47: 489-490. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(74)90590-8 |
0.307 |
1974 |
Tosi MP, Parrinello M, March NH. Electronic effects in dynamical structure of liquid metals Il Nuovo Cimento B. 23: 135-171. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02737503 |
0.417 |
1974 |
Stoddart JC, Stoney P, March NH, Ortenburger IB. Exchange and correlation contribution to one-body potential in metallicBe Il Nuovo Cimento B. 23: 15-26. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02737495 |
0.365 |
1973 |
March NH. Displaced charge and formation energies of point defects in metals Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics. 3: 233-247. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4608/3/2/002 |
0.375 |
1973 |
Dancz J, Edwards SF, March NH. The electronic structure of a disordered network Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 6: 873-879. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/6/5/016 |
0.31 |
1973 |
March NH, Tosi MP, Bhatia AB. Electronic correlation functions at long wavelength in liquid metal alloys Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 6. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/6/4/001 |
0.354 |
1973 |
Brown RC, March NH. Relation between bulk compressibility and surface energy of liquid metals Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 6. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/6/19/002 |
0.377 |
1973 |
March NH, Tosi MP. Quantum theory of pure liquid metals as two-component systems Annals of Physics. 81: 414-437. DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(73)90164-4 |
0.401 |
1973 |
Tosi MP, March NH. Small-angle scattering from liquid metals and alloys and electronic correlation functions Il Nuovo Cimento B. 15: 308-319. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02894788 |
0.401 |
1972 |
Robinson G, March NH. Effective van der Waals interaction between rare gas atoms in a dense classical fluid Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 5: 2553-2561. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/5/18/004 |
0.361 |
1972 |
Rousseau JS, Stoddart JC, March NH. The electrical resistivity of liquid metals Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 5. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/5/14/001 |
0.303 |
1972 |
March NH, White RJ. Non-relativistic theory of atomic and ionic binding energies for large atomic number Journal of Physics B. 5: 466-475. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3700/5/3/011 |
0.343 |
1972 |
Brown RC, March NH. Transport properties of liquid metal hydrogen under high pressures Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 6: 206-209. DOI: 10.1016/0031-9201(72)90055-6 |
0.366 |
1971 |
Beattie AM, Stoddart JC, March NH. Exchange energy as functional of electronic density from Hartree-Fock theory of inhomogeneous electron gas Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 326: 97-116. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1971.0194 |
0.442 |
1971 |
Care CM, March NH. Electrical conduction in the Wigner lattice in n-type InSb in a magnetic field Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 4. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/4/18/005 |
0.311 |
1971 |
Brown RC, Worster J, March NH, Perrin RC, Bullough R. Isotope effects and defect energetics for diffusion in Na and NaCl Philosophical Magazine. 23: 555-576. DOI: 10.1080/14786437108216404 |
0.312 |
1971 |
Stoddart JC, March NH. Density-functional theory of magnetic instabilities in metals Annals of Physics. 64: 174-210. DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(71)90283-1 |
0.392 |
1970 |
Jones W, March NH. Lattice dynamics, X-ray scattering and one-body potential theory Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 317: 359-366. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1970.0121 |
0.355 |
1970 |
Rousseau J, Stoddart JC, March NH. Influence of order on electron states in metals Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 317: 211-225. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1970.0112 |
0.415 |
1970 |
Stott MJ, Baranovsky S, March NH. Vacancies in Close-Packed Polyvalent Metals Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 316: 201-222. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1970.0075 |
0.39 |
1970 |
Hebborn JE, March NH. Orbital and spin magnetism and dielectric response of electrons in metals Advances in Physics. 19: 175-215. DOI: 10.1080/00018737000101091 |
0.355 |
1969 |
Stoddart JC, March NH, Stott MJ. Electronic Structure of Point Defects and Impurities in Metals Physical Review. 186: 683-696. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.186.683 |
0.335 |
1969 |
Hebborn JE, March NH. Wave number dependent orbital diamagnetism of electrons in metals Physics Letters A. 29: 432-433. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(69)90503-9 |
0.333 |
1968 |
Durkan J, Elliott RJ, March NH. Localization of Electrons in Impure Semiconductors by a Magnetic Field Reviews of Modern Physics. 40: 812-815. DOI: 10.1103/Revmodphys.40.812 |
0.339 |
1968 |
Stoddart JC, Hilton D, March NH. Tight-binding method for pseudoatoms based on the Bloch density matrix Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 304: 99-112. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1968.0075 |
0.369 |
1968 |
March NH, Stoddart JC. Localization of electrons in condensed matter Reports On Progress in Physics. 31: 533-621. DOI: 10.1088/0034-4885/31/2/303 |
0.422 |
1968 |
Durkan J, March NH. Magnetic field dependent impurity states in n-type InSb Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 1: 1118-1127. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/1/4/331 |
0.333 |
1968 |
Woodhead-Galloway J, Gaskell T, March NH. Direct correlation function and equation of state of fluid argon Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 1: 271-285. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3719/1/2/301 |
0.384 |
1967 |
Stoddart JC, March NH. Exact Thomas—Fermi method in perturbation theory Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 299: 279-286. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1967.0135 |
0.393 |
1967 |
Ashcroft NW, March NH. Structure Factor and Direct Correlation Function for a Classical Hard Sphere Fluid Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 297: 336-350. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1967.0071 |
0.353 |
1967 |
Enderby JE, March NH. Electron theory of metals and liquid state theory Advances in Physics. 16: 691-702. DOI: 10.1080/00018736700101815 |
0.38 |
1967 |
Gilvarry JJ, Hartle RE, March NH. Asymptotic Relations Between The Thomas--Fermi--Dirac And Thomas--Fermi Atom Models. I. Case Of Low Atomic Number. Journal of Chemical Physics. 47: 1029-1035. DOI: 10.1063/1.1711984 |
0.325 |
1966 |
March NH. Vacancy formation energy and debye temperature in close packed metals Physics Letters. 20: 231-232. DOI: 10.1016/0031-9163(66)90338-6 |
0.334 |
1965 |
Jones W, March NH, Tucker JW. X-ray scattering by metals and the charge distribution in body-centred cubic iron and chromium Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 284: 289-301. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1965.0064 |
0.358 |
1964 |
Johnson MD, Hutchinson P, March NH. Ion-Ion Oscillatory Potentials In Liquid Metals Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 282: 283-302. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1964.0233 |
0.407 |
1964 |
Hebborn JE, March NH. Conduction electron diamagnetism in alloys and magnetic-field-dependent dielectric constant of a Fermi gas Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 280: 85-96. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1964.0132 |
0.358 |
1964 |
Worster J, March NH. Electronic screening in liquids and the crystal structures of metals Solid State Communications. 2: 245-247. DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(64)90372-2 |
0.338 |
1964 |
Boardman AD, March NH. Theory of specific heats of dilute alloys Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 25: 1435-1439. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(64)90058-7 |
0.328 |
1963 |
Gaskell T, March NH. Electronic momentum distribution in liquid metals and long-range oscillatory interactions between ions Physics Letters. 7: 169-170. DOI: 10.1016/0031-9163(63)90368-8 |
0.351 |
1963 |
Johnson MD, March NH. Long-range oscillatory interaction between ions in liquid metals Physics Letters. 3: 313-314. DOI: 10.1016/0031-9163(63)90170-7 |
0.308 |
1963 |
Worster J, March NH. Interaction energies between defects in metals Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 24: 1305-1308. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(63)90175-6 |
0.352 |
1962 |
March NH, Murray AM. Enhancement Of Electron Density Around Positive Point Charges In Metals And Lifetimes Of Positrons Physical Review. 126: 1480-1481. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.126.1480 |
0.357 |
1962 |
March NH, Murray AM. Self-consistent perturbation treatment of impurities and imperfections in metals, II. Second-order perturbation corrections Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 266: 559-567. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1962.0078 |
0.388 |
1962 |
Corless GK, March NH. Saddle-point configuration in impurity diffusion in face-centred cubic metals Philosophical Magazine. 7: 1765-1772. DOI: 10.1080/14786436208213708 |
0.359 |
1962 |
Jones W, March NH, Sampanthar S. The Energy And The Dirac Density Matrix Of A Non-Uniform Electron Gas Physics Letters. 1: 303-304. DOI: 10.1016/0031-9163(62)90402-X |
0.372 |
1962 |
March NH, Sampanthar S. Electron correlation in metals: Density matrix approach Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 14: 67-76. DOI: 10.1007/Bf03158123 |
0.411 |
1961 |
March NH, Murray AM. Self-consistent perturbation treatment of impurities and imperfections in metals Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 261: 119-133. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1961.0065 |
0.402 |
1961 |
Corless GK, March NH. Electron theory of interaction between point defects in metals Philosophical Magazine. 6: 1285-1296. DOI: 10.1080/14786436108243378 |
0.395 |
1960 |
March NH, Murray AM. Relation Between Dirac and Canonical Density Matrices, with Applications to Imperfections in Metals Physical Review. 120: 830-836. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.120.830 |
0.335 |
1960 |
March NH, Murray AM. Electronic wave functions round a vacancy in a metal Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 256: 400-415. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1960.0115 |
0.387 |
1960 |
Young WH, March NH. A density matrix approach to correlation in a uniform electron gas Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 256: 62-80. DOI: 10.1098/Rspa.1960.0093 |
0.37 |
1959 |
March NH, Young WH. Probability density of electron separation in a uniform electron gas Philosophical Magazine. 4: 384-389. DOI: 10.1080/14786435908233351 |
0.352 |
1959 |
March NH, Young WH. Approximate solutions of the density matrix equation for a local average field Nuclear Physics. 12: 237-240. DOI: 10.1016/0029-5582(59)90169-5 |
0.318 |
1959 |
Donovan B, March NH. Screening of point singularities in metals, with particular reference to positron annihilation Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 11: 68-72. DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(59)90042-3 |
0.398 |
1958 |
March NH. Kinetic and Potential Energies of an Electron Gas Physical Review. 110: 604-605. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.110.604 |
0.36 |
1957 |
Alfred LCR, March NH. Impurity-vacancy interaction in a metal Philosophical Magazine. 2: 985-997. DOI: 10.1080/14786435708238203 |
0.373 |
1957 |
Banyard KE, March NH. Distribution of Electrons in the Water Molecule Journal of Chemical Physics. 26: 1416-1420. DOI: 10.1063/1.1743557 |
0.365 |
1956 |
March NH. On metallic hydrogen Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 22: 311-314. DOI: 10.1016/S0031-8914(56)80042-6 |
0.338 |
1954 |
Ballinger RA, March NH. Bond-Lengths and Force Constants for Methane, Silane and Germane Nature. 174: 179-179. DOI: 10.1038/174179A0 |
0.39 |
1953 |
March NH. The virial theorem in free electron and generalized Thomas-Fermi models Philosophical Magazine Series 1. 44: 346-347. DOI: 10.1080/14786440308520317 |
0.326 |
1952 |
Coulson CA, March NH, Altmann S. pi-Electrons and sigma-Electrons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 38: 372-8. PMID 16589106 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.38.4.372 |
0.513 |
1951 |
Coulson CA, Higgs PW, March NH. Theoretical determination of electron density in organic molecules Nature. 168: 1039. DOI: 10.1038/1681039A0 |
0.662 |
Show low-probability matches. |