Jarosław Paturej, Ph.D. - Publications

2005-2019 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics University of Szczecin 
 2020- Institute of Physics University of Silesia 
soft matter

43 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Haydukivska K, Blavatska V, Paturej J. Molecular conformations of dumbbell-shaped polymers in good solvent. Physical Review. E. 108: 034502. PMID 37849089 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.034502  0.398
2022 Haydukivska K, Blavatska V, Kłos JS, Paturej J. Conformational properties of hybrid star-shaped polymers comprised of linear and ring arms. Physical Review. E. 105: 034502. PMID 35428138 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.105.034502  0.36
2020 Haydukivska K, Blavatska V, Paturej J. Universal size ratios of Gaussian polymers with complex architecture: radius of gyration vs hydrodynamic radius. Scientific Reports. 10: 14127. PMID 32839515 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70649-z  0.314
2019 Paturej J, Sommer JU, Kreer T. Universal Equation of State for Flexible Polymers Beyond the Semidilute Regime. Physical Review Letters. 122: 087801. PMID 30932593 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.122.087801  0.428
2019 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Pia̧tek M, Zhao Y. Knots, links, anyons and statistical mechanics of entangled polymer rings Nuclear Physics B. 945: 114673. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nuclphysb.2019.114673  0.461
2017 Paturej J, Kreer T. Hierarchical excluded volume screening in solutions of bottlebrush polymers. Soft Matter. 13: 8534-8541. PMID 29095470 DOI: 10.1039/C7Sm01968H  0.396
2016 Paturej J, Sheiko SS, Panyukov S, Rubinstein M. Molecular structure of bottlebrush polymers in melts. Science Advances. 2: e1601478. PMID 28861466 DOI: 10.1126/Sciadv.1601478  0.417
2015 Daniel WF, Burdyńska J, Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani M, Matyjaszewski K, Paturej J, Rubinstein M, Dobrynin AV, Sheiko SS. Solvent-free, supersoft and superelastic bottlebrush melts and networks. Nature Materials. PMID 26618886 DOI: 10.1038/Nmat4508  0.396
2015 Erbaş A, Paturej J. Friction between ring polymer brushes. Soft Matter. 11: 3139-48. PMID 25747253 DOI: 10.1039/C4Sm02818J  0.442
2014 Paturej J, Erbas A, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG. Detachment of semiflexible polymer chains from a substrate: a molecular dynamics investigation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 141: 214902. PMID 25481164 DOI: 10.1063/1.4902551  0.481
2014 Paturej J, Dubbeldam JL, Rostiashvili VG, Milchev A, Vilgis TA. Force spectroscopy of polymer desorption: theory and molecular dynamics simulations. Soft Matter. 10: 2785-99. PMID 24667897 DOI: 10.1039/C3Sm52618F  0.433
2014 Paturej J, Erbas A, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG. Detachment of semiflexible polymer chains from a substrate: A molecular dynamics investigation Journal of Chemical Physics. 141. DOI: 10.1063/1.4902551  0.425
2014 Paturej J, Dubbeldam JLA, Rostiashvili VG, Milchev A, Vilgis TA. Force spectroscopy of polymer desorption: Theory and molecular dynamics simulations Soft Matter. 10: 2785-2799. DOI: 10.1039/c3sm52618f  0.371
2013 Paturej J, Milchev A, Egorov SA, Binder K. Star polymers confined in a nanoslit: A simulation test of scaling and self-consistent field theories Soft Matter. 9: 10522-10531. DOI: 10.1039/C3Sm51275D  0.457
2013 Paturej J, Milchev A, Egorov SA, Binder K. The escape transition of a compressed star polymer: Self-consistent field predictions tested by simulation Macromolecules. 46: 8009-8016. DOI: 10.1021/Ma401356W  0.465
2013 Egorov SA, Paturej J, Likos CN, Milchev A. Controlling the interactions between soft colloids via surface adsorption Macromolecules. 46: 3648-3653. DOI: 10.1021/Ma400188S  0.401
2012 De Virgiliis A, Kuban L, Paturej J, Mukherji D. Unexpected crossover dynamics of single polymer in a corrugated tube Journal of Chemical Physics. 137. PMID 22998285 DOI: 10.1063/1.4752767  0.433
2012 Paturej J, Popova H, Milchev A, Vilgis TA. Thermal decomposition of a honeycomb-network sheet: a molecular dynamics simulation study. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 137: 054901. PMID 22894380 DOI: 10.1063/1.4739536  0.345
2012 Paturej J, Kuban L, Milchev A, Vilgis TA. Tension enhancement in branched macromolecules upon adhesion on a solid substrate Epl. 97. DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/58003  0.439
2012 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Polymer detachment kinetics from adsorbing surface: Theory, simulation and similarity to infiltration into porous medium Macromolecules. 45: 4371-4380. DOI: 10.1021/Ma202671N  0.393
2012 Paturej J, Kuban L, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Thermal degradation of adsorbed bottle-brush macromolecules: When do strong covalent bonds break easily? Macromolecular Symposia. 316: 112-122. DOI: 10.1002/Masy.201250615  0.427
2011 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Thermal degradation of unstrained single polymer chain: non-linear effects at work. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 134: 224901. PMID 21682535 DOI: 10.1063/1.3596744  0.507
2011 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Polymer chain scission at constant tension - An example of force-induced collective behaviour Epl. 94. DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/94/48003  0.349
2011 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Polymer chain scission at constant tension - An example of force-induced collective behaviour Epl. 94. DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/94/48003  0.476
2011 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Thermal degradation of unstrained single polymer chain: Non-linear effects at work Journal of Chemical Physics. 134. DOI: 10.1063/1.3596744  0.322
2011 Paturej J, Milchev A, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Thermal degradation of unstrained single polymer chain: Non-linear effects at work Journal of Chemical Physics. 134. DOI: 10.1063/1.3596744  0.322
2011 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Pia?tek M, Vilgis TA. Dynamics of two topologically entangled chains Journal of Mathematical Physics. 52. DOI: 10.1063/1.3574356  0.645
2011 Milchev A, Paturej J, Rostiashvili VG, Vilgis TA. Thermal degradation of adsorbed bottle-brush macromolecules: A molecular dynamics simulation Macromolecules. 44: 3981-3987. DOI: 10.1021/Ma200461C  0.45
2010 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. O(N) generalized nonlinear sigma model and its applications Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 73: 295-303. DOI: 10.1134/S1063778810020158  0.642
2009 Ferrari F, Paturej J. On a path integral description of the dynamics of an inextensible chain and its connection to constrained stochastic dynamics Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 42. DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/42/14/145002  0.391
2009 Ferrari F, Paturej J. On a path integral description of the dynamics of an inextensible chain and its connection to constrained stochastic dynamics Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 42. DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/42/14/145002  0.638
2009 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Dynamics of a three-dimensional inextensible chain Acta Physica Polonica B. 40: 1369-1382.  0.403
2009 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Dynamics of a three-dimensional inextensible chain Acta Physica Polonica B. 40: 1369-1382.  0.576
2009 Ferrari F, Paturej J. Diffusion of brownian particles and liouville field theory Acta Physica Polonica B. 40: 1383-1394.  0.442
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Path-integral approach to the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraints. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77: 021802. PMID 18352044 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.77.021802  0.633
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Description of the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraints in the path-integral framework Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives, Pi 2007. 563-566. DOI: 10.1142/9789812837271_0083  0.629
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Path-integral approach to the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraints Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.021802  0.567
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Path-integral approach to the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraints Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.021802  0.39
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J. On a relation between Liouville field theory and a two component scalar field theory passing through the random walk Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 664: 123-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.05.001  0.453
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J. On a relation between Liouville field theory and a two component scalar field theory passing through the random walk Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 664: 123-128. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physletb.2008.05.001  0.327
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Description of the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraints in the path-integral framework Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives, Pi 2007. 563-566.  0.412
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Generalized nonlinear sigma models and path-integral approach to polymer dynamics Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives, Pi 2007. 557-562.  0.579
2008 Ferrari F, Paturej J, Vilgis TA. Generalized nonlinear sigma models and path-integral approach to polymer dynamics Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Path Integrals: New Trends and Perspectives, Pi 2007. 557-562.  0.409
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