Erwin Reuben Salomon Jacobi

"Erwin Jacobi"

After studying economics in Munich and Berlin Jacobi lived from 1934 to 1952 in Israel, where he first worked in agriculture and industry. In the years 1951 and 1952 when Frank Pelleg (harpsichord) and Paul Ben-Haim (music theory) studied. His musical training began in New York at Curt Sachs (music history), Wanda Landowska (harpsichord) and at the Schola Cantorum in August Wenzinger (early music) and Edward Mueller continued (organ). After further studies at the University of Zurich under Paul Hindemith (music theory) and Antoine-Elysée Cherbuliez (1888-1964), he received his PhD in 1957 on "The development of music theory in England after the time of Jean-Philippe Rameau . " Starting in 1956, Jacobi was living in Switzerland and worked as a performer and in 1961 as a lecturer in the Musicology Institute of the University of Zurich operates. In addition, he held several visiting professorships in the United States.