University of Wisconsin, Madison

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Martin AlexanderSoil microbiology, bioremdiation, nutrient cycleing1955 Perry William Wilson (grad student)
Myron Port Backus Botany and Plant Pathology1931 Edward M. Gilbert (grad student)
Benjamin Minge Duggarantibiotics; Rhizoctonia; algae; plant pathology; plant physiology
Edward M. Gilbert1907 Robert Almer Harper (grad student)
Joseph C. Gilmanfungi1914 Lewis Ralph Jones (grad student)
William D. GrayMycology, Botany, Plant Physiology19381939 Benjamin Minge Duggar (research scientist)
Robert Almer HarperBotany
Hans Rudolf Hohl19611963 Kenneth Bryan Raper (post-doc)
Calvin Henry KauffmanMushrooms: Agarics, Cortinarius Robert Almer Harper (grad student)
Theodorus Matheüs KonijnCell Biology, morphogenesis1961 Kenneth Bryan Raper (grad student)
Seth Barton LockePlant pathology1937 Albert Joyce Riker (grad student), Benjamin Minge Duggar (grad student)
Ramesh MaheshwariFungal genetics, biochemistry Albert Christian Hildebrandt (grad student)
Kenneth Bryan Raperslime molds
Charles Gardner Shaw1947 Myron Port Backus (grad student)