Kansas State University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
John F LeslieFungal genetics, Fusarium, Population genetics
Amgad A. SalehPlant Pathology Agriculture, Genetics, Molecular Biology2004 John F Leslie (grad student)
Richard B ToddAspergillus nidulans, nitrogen regulation, metabolic gene regulation, fungal transcription factors, fungal genetics
Grethel Y. Busot Department of Plant Pathology20112013 Richard B Todd (post-doc)
Jungkwan LeePlant Pathology Agriculture Department of Plant Pathology2007 John F Leslie (grad student)
Nik M. Mohamed NorPlant Pathology Agriculture, Genetics Department of Plant Pathology2014 John F Leslie (grad student)
Damien J. Downes Department of Plant Pathology; Genetics Graduate Program20102015 Richard B Todd (grad student)
Cameron C. Hunter Department of Plant Pathology; Genetics Graduate Program2010 Richard B Todd (grad student)
Joel T. Steyer Genetics Program; Department of Plant Pathology2017 Richard B Todd (grad student)
Carla J R Plant Pathology John F Leslie (post-doc)
Barbara Ann Daniels