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De Serres FJ, Malling HV, Brockman HE, et al. (1997) Quantitative and qualitative comparison of spontaneous and chemical-induced specific-locus mutation in the ad-3 region of heterokaryon 12 of Neurospora crassa Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 375: 53-72
de Serres FJ, Malling HV, Ong TM. (1995) Comparison of the mutagenicity and mutagen specificity of ethylenimine with triethylenemelamine in the ad-3 region of heterokaryon 12 of Neurospora crassa Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 328: 193-205
Wu ZL, Chen JK, Ong T, et al. (1994) Antitransforming activity of chlorophyllin against selected carcinogens and complex mixtures. Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis. 14: 75-81
Ong T, Whong W-, Stewart JD, et al. (1989) Comparative antimutagenicity of 5 compounds against 5 mutagenic complex mixtures in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98. Mutation Research. 222: 19-25
Brockman HE, Serres FJd, Hung CY, et al. (1989) Effect of the uvs-2 allele of Neurospora crassa on the mutagenic potency of two N-hydroxylaminopurines and 2-aminopurine in the ad-3 forward-mutation test. Mutation Research-Dna Repair. 218: 1-11
Whong WZ, Stewart J, Brockman HE, et al. (1988) Comparative antimutagenicity of chlorophyllin and five other agents against aflatoxin B1-induced reversion in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis. 8: 215-24
Brockman HE, de Serres FJ, Ong TM, et al. (1987) Two N-hydroxylaminopurines are highly mutagenic in the ad-3 forward-mutation test in growing cultures of heterokaryon 12 of Neutospora crassa Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 177: 61-75
Ong Tm, Whong WZ, Stewart J, et al. (1986) Chlorophyllin: a potent antimutagen against environmental and dietary complex mixtures Mutation Research Letters. 173: 111-115
Whong WZ, Ong TM, Brockman HE. (1985) Effect of pH on the mutagenic and killing potencies of ICR-170 in ad-3 tests of Neurospora crassa Mutation Research. 142: 19-22
Brockman HE, de Serres FJ, Ong Tm, et al. (1984) Mutation tests in Neurospora crassa. A report of the U.S. environmental protection agency gene-tox program Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology. 133: 87-134
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