Gordon W. Allport

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Personality and social psychology
"Gordon Allport"
Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree - IOTree


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Floyd Henry Allport research assistant Harvard (PsychTree)
 (His brother served as his instructor in experimental psychology)
Herbert Sidney Langfield grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Hugo Münsterberg grad student (Neurotree)
Herbert Langfeld grad student 1922 Harvard (Neurotree)
Wolfgang Köhler post-doc 1922-1923 Berlin School of Experimental Psychology (Neurotree)
 (info from http://web.lemoyne.edu/~hevern/narpsych/nr-theorists/allport_gordon_w.html)
Carl Stumpf post-doc 1922-1923 Berlin School of Experimental Psychology (Neurotree)
 (info from http://web.lemoyne.edu/~hevern/narpsych/nr-theorists/allport_gordon_w.html)


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Shelley A. Batts research assistant Stanford (Neurotree)
Leonard Doob research assistant (Neurotree)
Kevin McCairn research assistant UCSF (Neurotree)
Hadley Cantril grad student (Neurotree)
Ray Fancher grad student (Neurotree)
Jacob W. Getzels grad student (Neurotree)
Gardner Lindzey grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
M.  Brewster Smith grad student UC Santa Cruz (Neurotree)
Henry Weinberg grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Jerome Seymour Bruner grad student 1941 Harvard (Neurotree)
Sheldon J. Korchin grad student 1946 Harvard (Neurotree)
Leo Postman grad student 1947 Harvard (Neurotree)
Hans-Lukas Teuber grad student 1947 (Neurotree)
Thomas F. Pettigrew grad student 1956 Harvard (PsychTree)
Stanley Milgram grad student 1960 Harvard (PsychTree)
Anthony Greenwald grad student 1963 Harvard (Neurotree)
Eduardo Mondlane post-doc 1961 Harvard (SocTree)


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Floyd Henry Allport collaborator Harvard (PsychTree)
 (approx. 1922)
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Allport GW, Ross JM. (1967) Personal religious orientation and prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 5: 432-43
Bugental JF, Wegrocki HJ, Murphy G, et al. (1966) Symposium on Karl Bühler's contributions to psychology. The Journal of General Psychology. 75: 181-219
Allport GW. (1963) Prejudice: Is it societal or personal? Pastoral Psychology. 14: 33-45
ALLPORT GW. (1962) The general and the unique in psychological science. Journal of Personality. 30: 405-22
PETTIGREW TF, ALLPORT GW, BARNETT EO. (1958) Binocular resolution and perception of race in South Africa. British Journal of Psychology (London, England : 1953). 49: 265-78
ALLPORT GW, PETTIGREW TF. (1957) Cultural influence on the perception of movement: the trapezoidal illusion among Zulus. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 55: 104-13
Rose AM, Saenger G, Allport GW. (1954) The Social Psychology of Prejudice. American Sociological Review. 19: 608
Allport GW. (1954) The roots of religion - The psychological roots of religion have nothing to do with the validity of religious experience Pastoral Psychology. 5: 13-24
Pear TH, Allport GW. (1953) Psychological factors of peace and war American Journal of Psychology. 66: 516
Allport GW. (1952) The mature personality - Few people are wholly mature before marriage-maturity is achieved through marriage Pastoral Psychology. 3: 19-24
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