University of Arizona

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Suzan W. AhmadNursing2006 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Masresha AkaluHealth Care Management, Nursing, Pharmacology Nursing2014 Shu-Fen Wung (grad student)
Grace O. AkinpetideNursing Nursing2014 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Ceanne G. AlvineNursing, Gerontology, Health Care Management2006 Neva Crogan (grad student)
Sue A. AndersonNursing, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2011 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Kristen ArchboldNursing, Counseling Psychology
Analisa ArroyoSpeech Communication, Women's Studies Communication Communication2013 Chris Segrin (grad student), Jake Harwood (grad student)
Terry BadgerNursing
Martha B. BairdNursing, Women's Studies, Cultural Anthropology Nursing2009 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Jouhayna E. BajjaniNursing, Mental Health, Oncology Nursing2014 Terry Badger (grad student)
Karla M. BaningNursing Nursing2012 Shu-Fen Wung (grad student)
Amy G. BarnardMental Health, Nursing2004 Terry Badger (grad student)
Jean M. BaruchNursing, Medicine and Surgery, Oncology Nursing2010 Terry Badger (grad student)
Cynthia D. BeckettNursing, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 JoAnn E. Glittenberg (grad student)
Mary A. BellNursing, Behavioral Psychology, Gerontology2000 Terry Badger (grad student)
Nicole BencsNursing, Health Education, Public Health Nursing2014 Lorri M. Phipps (grad student)
Mary M. Benham-HutchinsNursing, Information Science, Theory and Methods Nursing2008 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Janet BennettNursing, Public Health, Native American Studies Nursing2014 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Amanda D. BennettNursing, Public Health Nursing2009 Sally Reel (grad student)
Judith A. BergNursing
Carol E. BonhamNursing, Mental Health2005 Terry Badger (grad student)
Carol L. BoscoNursing Nursing2007 Joyce Verran (grad student)
John R. BowlesNursing Nursing2013 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Joyceen S. BoyleNursing
Lena A. BrackinSocial Psychology, General, Clergy Religion, Women's Studies2001 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Barbara B. BrewerNursing, Theory and Methods2002 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Gregory L. BrooksNursing, Public Health Nursing2011 Deborah Vincent (grad student)
Carolynn M. BrunoNursing Nursing2013 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Tricia J. BurkeSpeech Communication Communication2012 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Karen L. CameronNursing, Women's Studies, Gerontology, Mental Health Nursing2010 Terry Badger (grad student)
Maureen Campesino-FlennikenNursing, Cultural Anthropology, Personality Psychology2003 JoAnn E. Glittenberg (grad student)
Cathrin CarithersNursing, Pharmacology Nursing2011 Sally Reel (grad student)
Heather L. CarlisleNursing Nursing2013 Sally Reel (grad student)
Jane M. CarringtonNursing Nursing2008 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Su-Hsien ChangNursing, Gerontology2006 Neva Crogan (grad student)
Yu-Ju ChenNursing2007 Amy H. T. Davis (grad student)
Meghan E. CholetteNursing Nursing2012 Terry Badger (grad student)
Gail L. CiesielskiNursing, Medicine and Surgery, Gerontology Nursing2010 Sally Reel (grad student)
Carla G. ClarkNursing2003 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Megan C. CostoloNursing, Counseling Psychology Nursing2011 Kristen Archbold (grad student)
Rebecca S. CrawfordNursing Nursing2013 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Allison N. CrawfordNursing Nursing2014 Lorri M. Phipps (grad student)
Janice D. CristNursing, Hispanic American Studies
Neva CroganNursing
Joan M. CulleyNursing Nursing2007 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Patricia DalyNursing Nursing2013 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Nancy DavilaNursing Nursing2010 Janice D. Crist (grad student)
Noemi Z. de VeraNursing, Cultural Anthropology, Public Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology2004 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Kristen DearingNursing, Health Care Management, General Nursing2013 Terry Badger (grad student)
Ruth A. DeBoardNursing, Health Care Management, Oncology Nursing2010 Deborah Vincent (grad student)
Saowapa DedkhardNursing, Public Health2006 Amy H. T. Davis (grad student)
Yiheng DengSpeech Communication Communication2008 Jake Harwood (grad student)
Janae A. DevikaNutrition Nursing2013 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Sybilla M. DorrosSpeech Communication, General Psychology, Nursing Communication2010 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Charles A. DownsToxicology, Cell Biology, Nursing Nursing2011 Carrie J. Merkle (grad student)
Janet DuBoisNursing, Behavioral Psychology
Cameron G. DuncanNursing, Public and Social Welfare Nursing2014 Kate G. Sheppard (grad student)
Michelle DunivanSpeech Communication, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Communication2012 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Aaron J. DykstraNutrition, Nursing, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery, Health Care Management Nursing2014 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Sara J. EdmundNursing Nursing2012 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Judith A. EffkenNursing
Donna EggertNursing, Biomechanics Biophysics, Plastics Technology, Biomedical Engineering Nursing2014 Sally Reel (grad student)
Caroline R. EllermannNursing, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology2001 Julie R. Erickson (grad student)
Julie R. EricksonNursing, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology
Nicolette A. EstradaNursing Nursing2007 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Cynthia S. FarrellHealth Care Management, Native American Studies, Nursing, Alternative Medicine Nursing2010 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Monica L. GallegosSpeech Communication Communication2013 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Matthew GallekNeuroscience Biology, Pacific Rim Studies
Christine A. GanzerAging, Nursing, Continuing Education Nursing2009 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Dianna Garcia-SmithNursing Nursing2007 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Patricia K. GatlinNursing Nursing2012 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Sheila M. GephartNursing, Medicine and Surgery Nursing2012 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Michelle D. GivertzSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2002 Chris Segrin (grad student)
JoAnn E. GlittenbergNursing
Melissa M. GoldsmithNursing, Women's Studies2003 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Kelli GoraNursing, Immunology, Cell Biology, Gender Studies, Microbiology Biology Nursing2014 Kate G. Sheppard (grad student)
Cheri L. GrayNursing, Clinical Psychology Nursing2014 Terry Badger (grad student)
Mary E. GreenbergNursing2005 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Barbara HackleyNutrition, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public Health, Women's Studies Nursing2014 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Beth A. HaleNursing Nursing2007 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Alesia HanzalSpeech Communication, Social Psychology Communication2008 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Christina R. HarlowNursing, Alternative Medicine Nursing2013 Kate G. Sheppard (grad student)
Tyah J. HaroNursing Nursing2014 Matthew Gallek (grad student)
Joanne M. HarringtonNursing, General Psychology, Oncology Nursing2007 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Jameelah Harris-MimsNursing, Health Education, Public Health, African American Studies Nursing2014 Kristen Archbold (grad student)
Jake HarwoodSpeech Communication, Nursing
Carol W. HatlerNursing, Health Care Management2004 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Satomi HayashiNursing Nursing2011 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Helena HaynesNursing Nursing2013 Leslie S. Ritter (grad student)
Judy S. HightowerNursing Nursing2009 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
David P. HrabeNursing, Social Psychology, Mental Health, Women's Studies2001 Terry Badger (grad student)
Ya-Chuan HsuNursing, Gerontology Nursing2009 Terry Badger (grad student)
Pamela L. HulsteinNursing Nursing2009 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Linda L. HundleyNursing Nursing2010 Deborah Vincent (grad student)
Kathleen C. InselNursing
Elaine G. JonesNursing, General Psychology, Oncology
Andrea Jullette-FantigrassiNursing, Neuroscience Biology Nursing2013 Leslie S. Ritter (grad student)
Masako Kanai-PakNursing Nursing2009 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Youngmi KangNursing, Ethnic and Racial Studies Nursing2007 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Kristen J. KellerNursing, Medicine and Surgery Nursing2014 Matthew Gallek (grad student)
Lesly A. KellyNursing Nursing2009 Deborah Vincent (grad student)
Mary A. KightNutrition, Nursing
Kathleen KinseyNursing, Native American Studies Nursing2014 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Moonju L. KoNursing, Public Health, Asian American Studies Nursing2013 Terry Badger (grad student)
Kathleen M. KochanowiczNursing Nursing2014 Lorri M. Phipps (grad student)
Mary KoithanHealth Care Management, Native American Studies, Nursing, Alternative Medicine
Teri M. KozikNursing Nursing2010 Shu-Fen Wung (grad student)
Kathleen C. KulesaNursing, Health Education Nursing2014 Kate G. Sheppard (grad student)
Tinna KwanNursing, Mental Health, Individual and Family Studies2000 Terry Badger (grad student)
Wanda J. LarsonNursing, Health Care Management, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Nursing2011 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Lois E. LattimoreNursing, Oncology Nursing2010 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Kelly B. LinebaughGeneral, Nursing, Mental Health Nursing2013 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Lois J. LoescherNursing
Melanie D. LogueNursing, Information Technology Nursing2011 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Jody R. LoriNursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing2009 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Gladys LoyolaNursing, Clinical Psychology Nursing2010 Terry Badger (grad student)
Maxine A. LucasNursing Nursing2014 Lois J. Loescher (grad student)
Melissa L. MaesNursing, Physiology Biology, Pathology, Immunology2006 Leslie S. Ritter (grad student)
Elza M. Marelic JonasNursing Nursing2009 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Jennifer McDanielNursing, Neuroscience Biology, Health Care Management Nursing2014 Matthew Gallek (grad student)
Marylyn M. McEwenNursing, Cultural Anthropology, Public Health2003 JoAnn E. Glittenberg (grad student)
Debra J. McGintyNursing, Public Health2003 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Heidi A. McGuiganNursing, Mental Health, Military Studies Nursing2013 Cathy L. Michaels (grad student)
Cheryl M. McNieceNursing, Oncology2002 Terry Badger (grad student)
Sriwan MeeboonNursing2006 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Paula M. MeekNursing, Physiological Psychology
Cindy F. Mendelson-KlaussNursing, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies2000 JoAnn E. Glittenberg (grad student)
Jennifer S. MensikNursing, Health Care Management2006 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Carrie J. MerkleToxicology, Cell Biology, Nursing
Cathy L. MichaelsNursing, Criminology and Penology, Military Studies, Adult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education
Cathleen L. MichaelsNursing, Gerontology, Women's Studies
Carol D. MoffettNursing2007 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Mary MontesNursing, Pharmacy Nursing2012 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Ida M. (Ki) MooreEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Developmental Psychology
Helena W. MorrisonNursing, Physiology Biology Nursing2010 Leslie S. Ritter (grad student)
Carolyn L. MurdaughNursing, Public Health
Denise A. MurrayNursing, Medicine and Surgery Nursing2014 Cathy L. Michaels (grad student)
Kathryn J. NiemeyerNursing, Alternative Medicine Nursing2013 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Judith J. O'HaverNursing Nursing2007 Ida M. (Ki) Moore (grad student)
Pedro N. ObleaMental Health, Women's Studies, Military Studies Nursing2014 Terry Badger (grad student)
Elizabeth O. OkegbileNursing, Women's Studies Nursing2014 Melissa M. Goldsmith (grad student)
Ann C. OlsonNursing Nursing2008 Judith A. Berg (grad student)
Michelle OrtizMass Communications Communication2009 Jake Harwood (grad student)
Jeremy L. OsbornSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies2004 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Christy L. PachecoPublic Health, Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing2012 Sally Reel (grad student)
Diane J. ParringtonNutrition, Public Health2003 Mary A. Kight (grad student)
Stacey A. PassalacquaSpeech Communication, General, Industrial Psychology Communication2010 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Derrick K. PeltonNursing, Public Health Nursing2013 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Kimberly PenlandNursing Nursing2010 Neva Crogan (grad student)
Margaret S. PenningtonNursing2002 Terry Badger (grad student)
Lorri M. PhippsNursing, Criminology and Penology, Military Studies, Adult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education Nursing2009 Cathy L. Michaels (grad student)
Mary J. PicchioniNutrition, Nursing Nutritional Sciences2009 Mary A. Kight (grad student)
Kathleen A. PiotrowskiNursing, Information Technology, Organizational Nursing2011 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Kathy K. Prue-OwensNursing, Public Health Nursing2007 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Priya Raman Communication2008 Jake Harwood (grad student)
Jeffery L. RamirezNursing Nursing2007 Terry Badger (grad student)
Sally ReelNursing, Public Health
Jennifer L. ReichNursing Nursing2011 Terry Badger (grad student)
Anne R. RentfroNursing, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2009 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Theodore S. RigneyNursing Nursing2009 Kathleen C. Insel (grad student)
Leslie RiterNursing, Mental Health
Leslie S. RitterNursing, Physiology Biology
Janet RodriguezNursing Nursing2009 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Susan S. RoseNursing, Gerontology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2003 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Lynn A. RoweNursing Nursing2014 Matthew Gallek (grad student)
Audrey Russell-KibbleNursing, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2011 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Karen J. SaewertNursing, Mental Health2003 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Maureen L. SchaferNursing, Psychometrics Psychology, Military Studies Nursing2012 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Debbe L. SchusterNursing, Gerontology2001 Terry Badger (grad student)
Chris SegrinSpeech Communication, General Psychology, Nursing
Michele R. ShawNursing, Public Health Nursing2010 Amy H. T. Davis (grad student)
Kristen M. ShawNeuroscience Biology, Pacific Rim Studies Nursing2014 Matthew Gallek (grad student)
Kimberly D. SheaNursing Nursing2007 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Kate G. SheppardNursing, Clinical Psychology Nursing2008 Terry Badger (grad student)
Jason T. ShuffittNursing, Health Care Management Nursing2011 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Leilani A. SiakiNursing Nursing2009 Lois J. Loescher (grad student)
Tanya R. SorrellMental Health, Nursing, Clinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2013 Cathy L. Michaels (grad student)
Patricia A. SpeaksNursing Nursing2012 Janice D. Crist (grad student)
Priscilla T. SteffenMedicine and Surgery, Nursing Nursing2010 Sally Reel (grad student)
Lynda A. StoodleyNursing, Surgery Nursing2013 Shu-Fen Wung (grad student)
Rochelle R. StormNursing, Clinical Psychology2005 Terry Badger (grad student)
Delia M. StoryNursing, Behavioral Psychology Nursing2014 Janet DuBois (grad student)
Amy H. T. DavisNursing
David R. TrinidadNursing, Speech Communication, Organizational Nursing2013 Cathleen L. Michaels (grad student)
Laura R. UmphreyPublic Health, Speech Communication2001 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Meghan T. UpdikeNursing Nursing2012 Elaine G. Jones (grad student)
Rodolfo ValenzuelaNursing, Public Health, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2010 Marylyn M. McEwen (grad student)
Helen Y. VallinaNursing Nursing2009 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Donna M. VelasquezNursing2005 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Joyce VerranNursing
Deborah VincentNursing, Gerontology, Psychometrics Psychology
Veronica VitalNursing Nursing2013 Deborah Vincent (grad student)
Janet L. VoigtmanNursing2002 JoAnn E. Glittenberg (grad student)
Michael L. VoloudakisSpeech Communication, Social Psychology, Public Health2003 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Lisa M. WaymanNursing Nursing2013 Mary Koithan (grad student)
Joda H. WeathersbyNursing Nursing2008 Terry Badger (grad student)
Kashica J. WebberNursing, African American Studies, Black Studies Nursing2014 Lois J. Loescher (grad student)
Dawn M. WeilerNursing, Hispanic American Studies Nursing2007 Janice D. Crist (grad student)
Marla J. WestonNursing, Health Care Management2006 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Teri L. WickerNursing Nursing2008 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Marjory D. WilliamsNursing, Health Care Management2006 Joyce Verran (grad student)
Barbara L. WilsonNursing Nursing2008 Judith A. Effken (grad student)
Elizabeth J. WinokurNursing, Public Health Nursing2012 Carolyn L. Murdaugh (grad student)
Shu-Fen WungNursing
Kenneth J. WysockiNursing, Public Health Nursing2011 Leslie S. Ritter (grad student)
Valerie J. YoungSpeech Communication, Public Health, Social Psychology Communication2010 Chris Segrin (grad student)
Susan M. YountNursing2006 Judith A. Berg (grad student)