Robert J. Messinger, Ph.D.

2012 Chemical Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Fluid Mechanics
"Robert Messinger"
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Todd M. Squires grad student 2012 UC Santa Barbara
 (Multi-scale Properties and Processes in Hierarchically-Structured Organic-Inorganic Solids and Surface-Based Microfluidic Systems.)
Michael L. Deschamps post-doc 2012-2014 University of Orléans
 (Marie Curie Fellow)
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Gordon LW, Jay R, Jadhav AL, et al. (2024) Elucidating Consequences of Selenium Crystallinity on Its Electrochemical Reduction in Aluminum-Selenium Batteries. Acs Materials Letters. 6: 2577-2581
Jadhav AL, Juran TR, Kim MA, et al. (2023) Reversible Electrochemical Anionic Redox in Rechargeable Multivalent-Ion Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Hawkins BE, Schoetz T, Gordon LW, et al. (2023) Reversible Zinc Electrodeposition at -60 °C Using a Deep Eutectic Electrolyte for Low-Temperature Zinc Metal Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14: 2378-2386
Gordon LW, Wang J, Messinger RJ. (2023) Revealing impacts of electrolyte speciation on ionic charge storage in aluminum-quinone batteries by NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 348: 107374
Messinger RJ, Huynh TV, Bouchet R, et al. (2020) Magic-Angle-Spinning-Induced Local Ordering in Polymer Electrolytes and Its Effects on Solid-State Diffusion and Relaxation NMR Measurements. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry : Mrc
Xu JH, Jadhav AL, Turney DE, et al. (2020) Molecular-Level Environments of Intercalated Chloroaluminate Anions in Rechargeable Aluminum-Graphite Batteries Revealed by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Journal of Materials Chemistry. 8: 16006-16017
Jadhav AL, Xu JH, Messinger RJ. (2020) Quantitative Molecular-Level Understanding of Electrochemical Aluminum-Ion Intercalation into a Crystalline Battery Electrode Acs Energy Letters. 5: 2842-2848
Wen X, Liu Y, Jadhav A, et al. (2019) Materials Compatibility in Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries: Chemical and Electrochemical Properties between Vanadium Pentoxide and Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids Chemistry of Materials. 31: 7238-7247
Huynh TV, Messinger RJ, Sarou-Kanian V, et al. (2017) Restricted lithium ion dynamics in PEO-based block copolymer electrolytes measured by high-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 147: 134902
Berkson ZJ, Messinger RJ, Na K, et al. (2017) Non-Topotactic Transformation of Silicate Nanolayers into Mesostructured MFI Zeolite Frameworks During Crystallization. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
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