Rahul R. Shah, Ph.D.

2000 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
interfacial phenomena and complex fluids
"Rahul Shah"
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Nicholas L. Abbott grad student 2000 UW Madison
 (Novel approaches to the design and characterization of organic surfaces.)
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Gu Y, Nederberg F, Kånge R, et al. (2002) Anchoring of liquid crystals on surface-initiated polymeric brushes. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 3: 448-51
Shah RR, Abbott NL. (2002) Coupling of the orientations of liquid crystals to electrical double layers formed by the dissociation of surface-immobilized salts Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 105: 4936-4950
Shah RR, Abbott NL. (2001) Principles for measurement of chemical exposure based on recognition-driven anchoring transitions in liquid crystals. Science (New York, N.Y.). 293: 1296-9
Crain JN, Kirakosian A, Lin JL, et al. (2001) Functionalization of silicon step arrays II: Molecular orientation of alkanes and DNA Journal of Applied Physics. 90: 3291-3295
Möller M, Nederberg F, Lim LS, et al. (2001) Stannous(II) trifluoromethane sulfonate: a versatile catalyst for the controlled ring-opening polymerization of lactides: Formation of stereoregular surfaces from polylactide “brushes” Journal of Polymer Science Part a: Polymer Chemistry. 39: 3529-3538
Kim SR, Shah RR, Abbott NL. (2000) Orientations of liquid crystals on mechanically rubbed films of bovine serum albumin: a possible substrate for biomolecular assays based on liquid crystals. Analytical Chemistry. 72: 4646-53
Shah RR, Merreceyes D, Husemann M, et al. (2000) Using atom transfer radical polymerization to amplify monolayers of initiators patterned by microcontact printing into polymer brushes for pattern transfer Macromolecules. 33: 597-605
Lay EH, Kirakosian A, Lin JL, et al. (2000) Alignment of liquid crystals on stepped and passivated silicon templates prepared in ultrahigh vacuum Langmuir. 16: 6731-6738
Shah RR, Heinrichs DM, Abbott NL. (2000) Meso-scale imaging of patterned surfaces by decoration with liquid crystals Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 174: 197-208
Husemann M, Mecerreyes D, Hawker CJ, et al. (1999) Surface-Initiated Polymerization for Amplification of Self-Assembled Monolayers Patterned by Microcontact Printing. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 38: 647-649
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