Daniel M. Erman, Ph.D.

2010 Mathematics University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Algebraic geometry, Commutative algebra, Computation
"Daniel Erman"


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David Eisenbud grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
 (Applications and extensions of Boij-Soederberg theory.)
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Bruce J, Erman D. (2019) A probabilistic approach to systems of parameters and Noether normalization Algebra & Number Theory. 13: 2081-2102
Erman D, Sam SV, Snowden A. (2019) Generalizations of Stillman's conjecture via twisted commutative algebras International Mathematics Research Notices
Erman D, Sam SV, Snowden A. (2019) Big polynomial rings and Stillman’s conjecture Inventiones Mathematicae. 218: 413-439
Erman D, Yang J. (2018) Random flag complexes and asymptotic syzygies Algebra & Number Theory. 12: 2151-2166
Erman D, Sam SV, Snowden A. (2018) Cubics in 10 variables vs. cubics in 1000 variables: Uniformity phenomena for bounded degree polynomials Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 56: 87-114
Bruce J, Erman D, Goldstein S, et al. (2018) Conjectures and Computations about Veronese Syzygies Experimental Mathematics. 1-16
Eisenbud D, Erman D. (2017) Categorified duality in Boij–Söderberg theory and invariants of free complexes Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 19: 2657-2695
Erman D, Wood MM. (2017) Gauss composition for P1, and the universal Jacobian of the Hurwitz space of double covers Journal of Algebra. 470: 320-352
Erman D. (2017) Divergent series and Serre's intersection formula for graded rings Advances in Mathematics. 314: 573-582
Ellenberg J, Erman D. (2016) Furstenberg sets and Furstenberg schemes over finite fields Algebra & Number Theory. 10: 1415-1436
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