
Peggy A. Miller, Ph.D.

2007 Nursing University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
"Peggy Miller"


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Diane Boyle grad student 2007 University of Kansas
 (A multilevel model of RN workgroup intent to stay.)
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Choi J, Miller P. (2018) Registered Nurse Perception of Patient Assignment Linking to Working Conditions and Outcomes. Journal of Nursing Scholarship : An Official Publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Boyle DK, Gajewski BJ, Miller PA. (2012) A longitudinal analysis of nursing specialty certification by Magnet® status and patient unit type. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 42: 567-73
Gajewski BJ, Boyle DK, Miller PA, et al. (2010) A multilevel confirmatory factor analysis of the Practice Environment Scale: a case study. Nursing Research. 59: 147-53
Miller PA, Boyle DK. (2008) Nursing specialty certification: A measure of expertise. Nursing Management. 39: 10-6
Boyle DK, Miller PA. (2008) Focus on nursing turnover: a system-centered performance measure. Nursing Management. 39: 16-20
Boyle DK, Miller PA, Gajewski BJ, et al. (2006) Unit type differences in RN workgroup job satisfaction. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 28: 622-40
Boyle DK, Miller PA, Forbes-Thompson SA. (2005) Communication and end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: patient, family, and clinician outcomes. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. 28: 302-16
Taunton RL, Bott MJ, Koehn ML, et al. (2004) The NDNQI-Adapted Index of work satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Measurement. 12: 101-22
Miller PA, Forbes S, Boyle DK. (2001) End-of-life care in the intensive care unit: a challenge for nurses. American Journal of Critical Care : An Official Publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. 10: 230-7
Miller P. (2001) Nurse-physician collaboration in an intensive care unit American Journal of Critical Care. 10: 341-350
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