Kathryn Herr

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Guidance and Counseling Education, Nursing
"Kathryn Herr"
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Herr K, Anderson GL. (2003) Violent youth or violent schools? A critical incident analysis of symbolic violence International Journal of Leadership in Education. 6: 415-433
Herr K. (1999) Private power and privileged education: De/constructing institutionalized racism International Journal of Inclusive Education. 3: 111-129
Herr K. (1997) Learning lessons from school: Homophobia, heterosexism, and the construction of failure Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. 7: 51-64
Herr K, Anderson GL. (1997) The cultural politics of identity: Student narratives from two mexican secondary schools International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 10: 45-61
Herr K. (1996) Creating Safe Spaces in Middle Schools for the Voices of Girls and Women. Middle School Journal. 27: 16-21
Herr K. (1995) Action research as empowering practice Journal of Progressive Human Services. 6: 45-58
Herr K, Anderson GL. (1993) Oral history for student empowerment: Capturing students’ inner voices International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 6: 185-196
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