Ellen A. Eisen

University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States 
Occupational Health and Safety, Oncology, Biostatistics Biology
"Ellen Eisen"
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Neophytou AM, Ferguson JM, Costello S, et al. (2024) Diesel exhaust and respiratory dust exposure in miners and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality in DEMS II. Environment International. 185: 108528
Casey JA, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Padula A, et al. (2024) Measuring long-term exposure to wildfire PM in California: Time-varying inequities in environmental burden. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2306729121
Neophytou AM, Lutzker L, Good KM, et al. (2023) Associations between prenatal and early-life air pollution exposure and lung function in young children: Exploring influential windows of exposure on lung development. Environmental Research. 115415
Ferguson JM, Bradshaw PT, Eisen EA, et al. (2023) Distribution of working hour characteristics by race, age, gender, and shift schedule among U.S. manufacturing workers. Chronobiology International. 1-14
Colbeth HL, Chen KT, Picciotto S, et al. (2022) Metalworking fluids and cancer incidence in the United Autoworkers - General Motors cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology
Elser H, Chen KT, Arteaga D, et al. (2022) Metalworking Fluid Exposure and Stroke Mortality Among U.S. Autoworkers. American Journal of Epidemiology
Allouch F, Chen KT, Lutzker L, et al. (2021) Racial disparities in alcohol-related liver disease mortality in a 75 year follow-up study of Michigan autoworkers. Ssm - Population Health. 15: 100886
Mann JK, Lutzker L, Holm SM, et al. (2021) Traffic-related Air Pollution is Associated with Glucose Dysregulation, Blood Pressure, and Oxidative Stress in Children. Environmental Research. 110870
Costello S, Chen K, Picciotto S, et al. (2020) Metalworking fluids and cancer mortality in a US autoworker cohort (1941-2015). Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
Izano MA, Sofrygin OA, Picciotto S, et al. (2019) Metalworking Fluids and Colon Cancer Risk: Longitudinal Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation. Environmental Epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.). 3: e035
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