Ellen Fanning

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
"Ellen Fanning"
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Eric M. Warren research assistant 2003-2004 Vanderbilt
Robert Ott grad student Vanderbilt
Gregory A. Sowd grad student Vanderbilt (Crystallography Tree)
Amy L. Altman grad student 2000 Vanderbilt
Andrea K. Patten grad student 2003 Vanderbilt
Jinming Gu grad student 2005 Vanderbilt
Vitaly V. Klimovich grad student 2005 Vanderbilt
Steven J. Gray grad student 2000-2006 Vanderbilt (Neurotree)
Hanjian Liu grad student 2007 Vanderbilt
Xiaohua Jiang grad student 2008 Vanderbilt
BETA: Related publications


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Gerhardt J, Guler GD, Fanning E. (2015) Human DNA helicase B interacts with the replication initiation protein Cdc45 and facilitates Cdc45 binding onto chromatin. Experimental Cell Research. 334: 283-93
Ning B, Feldkamp MD, Cortez D, et al. (2015) Simian virus Large T antigen interacts with the N-terminal domain of the 70 kD subunit of Replication Protein A in the same mode as multiple DNA damage response factors. Plos One. 10: e0116093
Liu H, Yan P, Fanning E. (2015) Human DNA helicase B functions in cellular homologous recombination and stimulates Rad51-mediated 5'-3' heteroduplex extension in vitro. Plos One. 10: e0116852
Sowd GA, Mody D, Eggold J, et al. (2014) SV40 utilizes ATM kinase activity to prevent non-homologous end joining of broken viral DNA replication products. Plos Pathogens. 10: e1004536
Vaithiyalingam S, Arnett DR, Aggarwal A, et al. (2014) Insights into eukaryotic primer synthesis from structures of the p48 subunit of human DNA primase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 426: 558-69
Sowd GA, Li NY, Fanning E. (2013) ATM and ATR activities maintain replication fork integrity during SV40 chromatin replication. Plos Pathogens. 9: e1003283
Sowd GA, Fanning E. (2012) A wolf in sheep's clothing: SV40 co-opts host genome maintenance proteins to replicate viral DNA. Plos Pathogens. 8: e1002994
Zhou B, Arnett DR, Yu X, et al. (2012) Structural basis for the interaction of a hexameric replicative helicase with the regulatory subunit of human DNA polymerase α-primase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 26854-66
Guler GD, Liu H, Vaithiyalingam S, et al. (2012) Human DNA helicase B (HDHB) binds to replication protein A and facilitates cellular recovery from replication stress. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 6469-81
Huang H, Zhao K, Arnett DR, et al. (2010) A specific docking site for DNA polymerase {alpha}-primase on the SV40 helicase is required for viral primosome activity, but helicase activity is dispensable. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285: 33475-84
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