Limin Jao, Ph.D.

2013 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Secondary Education, Pedagogy Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Mathematics Education
"Limin Jao"


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Doug McDougall grad student 2013 University of Toronto
 (Perceptions, Pedagogies, and Practices: Teacher Perspectives of Student Engagement in Grade 9 Applied Mathematics Classrooms.)
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Jao L, Sahmbi G, Huang Y. (2020) Professional Growth Through Reflection and an Approximation of Practice: Experiences of Preservice Teachers as Teaching Assistants in a Secondary Mathematics Teaching Methods Course The Teacher Educator. 55: 47-65
Wiseman D, Borden LL, Beatty R, et al. (2020) Whole-Some Artifacts: (STEM) Teaching and Learning Emerging from and Contributing to Community. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 20: 264-280
Jao L, Wiseman D, Kobiela M, et al. (2018) Practice-Based Pedagogy in Mathematics and Science Teaching Methods: Challenges and Adaptations in Context Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 18: 177-186
Radakovic N, Jao L. (2017) Creativity and Giftedness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Mathematics and Beyond by Roza Leikin & Bharath Sriraman (Eds.).: 266 pp. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-38838-0 (Hardcover) $119.00. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 19: 139-141
Jao L, McDougall D. (2016) Moving beyond the barriers: supporting meaningful teacher collaboration to improve secondary school mathematics Teacher Development. 20: 557-573
Jao L. (2016) Shifting Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs About Mathematics Teaching: the Contextual Situation of a Mathematics Methods Course International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 1-20
Jao L, McDougall D. (2015) The collaborative teacher inquiry project: A purposeful professional development initiative Canadian Journal of Education. 38: 1-22
Atkinson D, Dookie L, Jagger S, et al. (2014) Introduction to the Special Issue on Graduate Student Innovations in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Research Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 14: 109-119
Jao L. (2013) Peer coaching as a model for professional development in the elementary mathematics context: Challenges, needs and rewards Policy Futures in Education. 11: 290-298
Jao L. (2012) The multicultural mathematics classroom Multicultural Education. 19: 2-10
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