Yll Agimi, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States |
Public Health, General, AgingGoogle:
"Yll Agimi"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorSteven M. Albert | grad student | 2012 | University of Pittsburgh | |
(Role of state driver licensing policies and physician reporting laws on older driver safety.) |
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Lazarus R, Helmick K, Malik S, et al. (2018) Continuum of the United States military's traumatic brain injury care: adjusting to the changing battlefield. Neurosurgical Focus. 45: E15 |
Agimi Y, Regasa LE, Stout KC. (2018) Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury in the U.S. Military, 2010-2014. Military Medicine |
Regasa LE, Agimi Y, Stout KC. (2018) Traumatic Brain Injury Following Military Deployment: Evaluation of Diagnosis and Cause of Injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation |
Agimi Y, Regasa LE, Ivins B, et al. (2018) Role of Department of Defense Policies in Identifying Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Deployed US Service Members, 2001-2016. American Journal of Public Health. e1-e6 |
Agimi Y, Albert SM, Youk AO, et al. (2018) Dementia and motor vehicle crash hospitalizations: Role of physician reporting laws. Neurology |
Agimi Y, Albert SM, Youk AO, et al. (2017) Mandatory Physician Reporting of At-Risk Drivers: The Older Driver Example. The Gerontologist |
Albert SM, Agimi Y, Martich GD. (2015) Interest in mental health care among patients making eVisits. The American Journal of Managed Care. 21: 867-72 |
Flatt JD, Agimi Y, Albert SM. (2012) Homophily and health behavior in social networks of older adults. Family & Community Health. 35: 312-21 |
Weiss H, Agimi Y, Steiner C. (2010) Youth motorcycle-related hospitalizations and traumatic brain injuries in the United States in 2006. Pediatrics. 126: 1141-8 |
Weiss H, Agimi Y, Steiner C. (2010) Youth motorcycle-related brain injury by state helmet law type: United States, 2005-2007. Pediatrics. 126: 1149-55 |