David Rodrick, Ph.D.

2005 University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
"David Rodrick"


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Waldemar Karwowski grad student 2005 University of Louisville
 (Nonlinear dynamics of surface EMG under static and dynamic task conditions.)
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Rodrick D, Quesada PM. (2013) Non-linear dynamics of lower leg muscle surface electromyogram during repeated plantar flexion Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 14: 107-125
Rodrick D, Bhise V, Jothi V. (2013) Effects of driver and secondary task characteristics on lane change test performance Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 23: 560-572
Rodrick D, Karwowski W, Sherehiy B. (2012) Human Factors and Ergonomics Standards Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Fourth Edition. 1509-1549
Rodrick D, Karwowski W, Marras WS. (2012) Work-Related Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Fourth Edition. 826-867
Gielo-Perczak K, Karwowski W, Rodrick D. (2009) Nonlinear behavior of the center of pressure in simulated standing on elevated construction beams. Work (Reading, Mass.). 34: 195-203
Jang R, Karwowski W, Quesada PM, et al. (2007) Biomechanical evaluation of nursing tasks in a hospital setting. Ergonomics. 50: 1835-55
Rodrick D, Karwowski W. (2006) Nonlinear dynamical behavior of surface electromyographical signals of biceps muscle under two simulated static work postures. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 10: 21-35
Karwowski W, Gaweda A, Marras WS, et al. (2006) A fuzzy relational rule network modeling of electromyographical activity of trunk muscles in manual lifting based on trunk angels, moments, pelvic tilt and rotation angles International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 36: 847-859
Karwowski W, Jang RL, Rodrick D, et al. (2005) Self-evaluation of biomechanical task demands, work environment and perceived risk of injury by nurses: A field study Occupational Ergonomics. 5: 13-27
Rodrick D, Karwowski W. (2004) Nonlinear Behavior of Muscle Responses for Four Static Postures Observed at Work Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 48: 1285-1289
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