Todd Osmundson, MS, PhD

Environmental Science, Policy & Management University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI, United States 
Laccaria, Phytophora
"Todd Osmundson"

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Wilson AW, Eberhardt U, Nguyen N, et al. (2023) Does One Size Fit All? Variations in the DNA Barcode Gaps of Macrofungal Genera. Journal of Fungi (Basel, Switzerland). 9
Barge EG, Cripps CL, Osmundson TW. (2016) Systematics of the ectomycorrhizal genus Lactarius in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone. Mycologia
Halling RE, Fechner N, Nuhn M, et al. (2015) Evolutionary relationships of Heimioporus and Boletellus (Boletales), with an emphasis on Australian taxa including new species and new combinations in Aureoboletus, Hemileccinum and Xerocomus Australian Systematic Botany. 28: 1-22
Trappe JM, Castellano MA, Halling RE, et al. (2013) Australasian sequestrate fungi 18: Solioccasus polychromus gen. & sp. nov., a richly colored, tropical to subtropical, hypogeous fungus. Mycologia. 105: 888-95
Osmundson TW, Robert VA, Schoch CL, et al. (2013) Filling gaps in biodiversity knowledge for macrofungi: contributions and assessment of an herbarium collection DNA barcode sequencing project. Plos One. 8: e62419
Halling RE, Nuhn M, Fechner NA, et al. (2012) Sutorius: a new genus for Boletus eximius. Mycologia. 104: 951-61
Halling RE, Nuhn M, Osmundson T, et al. (2012) Affinities of the Boletus chromapes group to Royoungia and the description of two new genera, Harrya and Australopilus Australian Systematic Botany. 25: 418-431
Lowenstein JH, Osmundson TW, Becker S, et al. (2011) Incorporating DNA barcodes into a multi-year inventory of the fishes of the hyperdiverse Lower Congo River, with a multi-gene performance assessment of the genus Labeo as a case study. Mitochondrial Dna. 22: 52-70
Osmundson TW, Halling RE. (2010) Tylopilus oradivensis sp. nov.: A newly described member of the Tylopilus balloui complex from Costa Rica Mycotaxon. 113: 475-483
Osmundson TW, Halling RE. (2010) Tylopilus oradivensis sp. nov.: a newly described member of the Tylopilus balloui complex from Costa Rica Mycotaxon. 113: 475-483
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