Metin Renksizbulut

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada 
Mechanical Engineering
"Metin Renksizbulut"
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Zade AQ, Renksizbulut M, Friedmann J. (2015) Ammonia Decomposition for Hydrogen Production in Catalytic Microchannels with Slip/Jump Effects Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. 8: 703-712
Amiri-Jaghargh A, Niazmand H, Renksizbulut M. (2013) Entrance Effects Of Thermal Creep On Fluid Heating In Rectangular Microchannels International Journal of Modern Physics C. 24: 1350054
Ahmadzadegan A, Wen J, Renksizbulut M. (2012) The Role Of The Velocity Distribution In The Dsmc Pressure Boundary Condition For Gas Mixtures International Journal of Modern Physics C. 23: 1250087
Amiri-Jaghargh A, Niazmand H, Renksizbulut M. (2012) Effects of Thermal Creep on Cooling of Microflows in Short Microchannels with Constant Wall Temperature International Journal of Modern Physics C. 23: 1250072
Zade AQ, Ahmadzadegan A, Renksizbulut M. (2012) A detailed comparison between Navier–Stokes and DSMC simulations of multicomponent gaseous flow in microchannels International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 55: 4673-4681
Zade AQ, Renksizbulut M, Friedman J. (2012) Contribution of homogeneous reactions to hydrogen oxidation in catalytic microchannels Combustion and Flame. 159: 784-792
Zade AQ, Renksizbulut M, Friedman J. (2012) Rarefaction effects on the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen in microchannels Chemical Engineering Journal. 181: 643-654
Zade AQ, Renksizbulut M, Friedman J. (2011) Heat transfer characteristics of developing gaseous slip―flow in rectangular microchannels with variable physical properties International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 32: 117-127
Jamaati J, Niazmand H, Renksizbulut M. (2010) Pressure-driven electrokinetic slip-flow in planar microchannels International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 49: 1165-1174
Niazmand H, Renksizbulut M, Saeedi E. (2008) Developing slip-flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal microchannels International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 51: 6126-6135
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