Ngoc Bic Nguyen, Ph.D.

Michigan State University Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
nuclear reactions
"Ngoc Nguyen"
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Filomena Nunes grad student 2008-2013 Michigan State
 (Investigation of the triple-alpha reaction in a full three-body approach.)
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Nguyen NB, Nunes FM, Thompson IJ. (2013) Investigation of the triple-α reaction in a full three-body approach Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 87
Nguyen NB, Nunes FM, Thompson IJ, et al. (2012) Low-temperature triple-alpha rate in a full three-body nuclear model. Physical Review Letters. 109: 141101
Nguyen NB, Waldecker SJ, Nunes FM, et al. (2011) Transfer reactions and the dispersive optical model Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 84
Werren JH, Richards S, Desjardins CA, et al. (2010) Functional and evolutionary insights from the genomes of three parasitoid Nasonia species. Science (New York, N.Y.). 327: 343-8
Nguyen NB, Nunes FM, Johnson RC. (2010) Finite-range effects in (d,p) reactions Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 82
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