Jiawei Mei

2006-2011 Institute for Advanced Study Tsinghua National University, Beijing, Beijing Shi, China 
"Jiawei Mei"
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Chen P, Wang J, Wang G, et al. (2023) Asymmetric edge supercurrents in MoTe Josephson junctions. Nanoscale Advances. 6: 690-696
Liu YB, Mei JW, Ye F, et al. (2023) s^{±}-Wave Pairing and the Destructive Role of Apical-Oxygen Deficiencies in La_{3}Ni_{2}O_{7} under Pressure. Physical Review Letters. 131: 236002
Fu Y, Lin ML, Wang L, et al. (2021) Dynamic fingerprint of fractionalized excitations in single-crystalline CuZn(OH)FBr. Nature Communications. 12: 3048
Qin H, Chen X, Guo B, et al. (2021) Moiré Superlattice-Induced Superconductivity in One-Unit-Cell FeTe. Nano Letters
Qin H, Guo B, Wang L, et al. (2020) Superconductivity in Single-quintuple-layer BiTe Grown on Epitaxial FeTe. Nano Letters
Zhang L, Mei J. (2016) Quantum oscillation as diagnostics of pseudogap state in underdoped cuprates Epl (Europhysics Letters). 114: 47008
Mei J, Wen X. (2015) Modular matrices from universal wave-function overlaps in Gutzwiller-projected parton wave functions Physical Review B. 91
Liu Z, Mei J, Ye P, et al. (2014) U(1)×U(1)symmetry-protected topological order in Gutzwiller wave functions Physical Review B. 90
Mei JW. (2012) Possible fermi liquid in the lightly doped kitaev spin liquid Physical Review Letters. 108
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