Susan E. Parks

Biology Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Marine Ecology; Biological Oceanography; Marine Mammals; Animal Bioacoustics; Marine Soundscapes
"Susan E. Parks"


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Peter Tyack grad student 1998-2003 University of St. Andrews
Christopher W. Clark post-doc 2004-2006 Cornell (Neurotree)


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Cara Hotchkin grad student 2007- Penn State
Kaitlin Palmer grad student 2009- Penn State
Jessica McCordic grad student 2012- Syracuse
Hannah Blair grad student 2013- Syracuse
Colin Swider grad student 2016- Syracuse
Julia RG Dombroski grad student 2017- Syracuse
Julia Zeh grad student 2018- Syracuse
Sarah Weiss grad student 2019- Syracuse
Leanna Matthews grad student 2012-2017 Syracuse (Marine Ecology Tree)
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Zeh JM, Adcock DL, Perez-Marrufo V, et al. (2024) Acoustic behavior of humpback whale calves on the feeding ground: Comparisons across age and implications for vocal development. Plos One. 19: e0303741
Zeh JM, Perez-Marrufo V, Adcock DL, et al. (2024) Caller identification and characterization of individual humpback whale acoustic behaviour. Royal Society Open Science. 11: 231608
Cusano DA, Wiley D, Zeh JM, et al. (2023) Acoustic recording tags provide insight into the springtime acoustic behavior of sei whales in Massachusetts Bay. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 154: 3543-3555
Zeh JM, Dombroski JRG, Parks SE. (2022) Preferred shallow-water nursery sites provide acoustic crypsis to southern right whale mother-calf pairs. Royal Society Open Science. 9: 220241
Matthews LP, Parks SE. (2021) An overview of North Atlantic right whale acoustic behavior, hearing capabilities, and responses to sound. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 173: 113043
R G Dombroski J, Parks SE, A C Flores P, et al. (2020) Animal-borne tags provide insights into the acoustic communication of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) on the calving grounds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147: EL498
Davis GE, Baumgartner MF, Corkeron PJ, et al. (2020) Exploring movement patterns and changing distributions of baleen whales in the western North Atlantic using a decade of passive acoustic data. Global Change Biology
Matthews LP, Fournet MEH, Gabriele C, et al. (2020) Acoustically advertising male harbour seals in southeast Alaska do not make biologically relevant acoustic adjustments in the presence of vessel noise. Biology Letters. 16: 20190795
Goldbogen JA, Cade DE, Wisniewska DM, et al. (2019) Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants. Science (New York, N.Y.). 366: 1367-1372
Charif RA, Shiu Y, Muirhead CA, et al. (2019) Phenological changes in North Atlantic right whale habitat use in Massachusetts Bay. Global Change Biology
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