Katy E. Pearce, Ph.D.

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
diffusion, technology, adoption
"Katy Pearce"


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Ronald Rice grad student 2011 UC Santa Barbara
 (Accessible, Useful, and Conspicuous: Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Information and Communication Technology Adoption in the Republic of Armenia.)


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Beverly A. Bondad-Brown collaborator
Andrew J. Flanagin collaborator
Sarah Kendzior collaborator (LinguisTree)
Erik C. Nisbet collaborator (PoliSci Tree)
Abby L. Prestin collaborator (Neurotree)
Ronald Rice collaborator
Jeffrey Treem collaborator
Jessica Vitak collaborator (Theology Tree)
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Pearce KE, Gonzales A, Welles BF. (2020) Introduction: Marginality and Social Media: Social Media and Society. 6: 205630512093041
Lane J, Ramirez FA, Pearce KE. (2018) Guilty by Visible Association: Socially Mediated Visibility in Gang Prosecutions Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 23: 354-369
Pearce KE, Rice RE. (2017) Somewhat Separate and Unequal: Digital Divides, Social Networking Sites, and Capital-Enhancing Activities Social Media + Society. 3: 205630511771627
Rice RE, Evans SK, Pearce KE, et al. (2017) Organizational Media Affordances: Operationalization and Associations with Media Use Journal of Communication. 67: 106-130
Pearce KE, Vitak J. (2016) Performing honor online: The affordances of social media for surveillance and impression management in an honor culture New Media & Society. 18: 2595-2612
Evans SK, Pearce KE, Vitak J, et al. (2016) Explicating Affordances: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Affordances in Communication Research Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 22: 35-52
Pearce KE, Barta K, Fesenmaier MA. (2015) The Affordances of Social Networking Sites for Relational Maintenance in a Distrustful Society: The Case of Azerbaijan Social Media and Society. 1: 2056305115616150
Pearce KE. (2015) Counting to Nowhere: Social Media Adoption and Use as an Opportunity for Public Scholarship and Engagement Social Media and Society. 1: 2056305115578672
Rice RE, Pearce KE. (2015) Divide and diffuse: Comparing digital divide and diffusion of innovations perspectives on mobile phone adoption Mobile Media & Communication. 3: 401-424
Pearce KE. (2015) Democratizing kompromat: the affordances of social media for state-sponsored harassment Information Communication and Society. 18: 1158-1174
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