Amanda J. Porter

2011 Communication University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
"Amanda Porter"


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Michele Horner Jackson grad student 2011 CU Boulder
 (A Study of Organizing as the Re-Entanglement of Space and Time.)
Timothy R. Kuhn grad student 2011 CU Boulder
 (A Study of Organizing as the Re-Entanglement of Space and Time)
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Porter AJ, Kuhn TR, Nerlich B. (2017) Organizing Authority in the Climate Change Debate: IPCC Controversies and the Management of Dialectical Tensions Organization Studies. 39: 873-898
Hellsten I, Porter AJ, Nerlich B. (2014) Imagining the future at the global and national scale: A comparative study of British and Dutch press coverage of Rio 1992 and Rio 2012 Environmental Communication. 8: 468-488
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