Stanley B. Klein

Philosophy University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Social Cognition, Evolutionary Psychology, Neuropsychology and Philosophy
"Stanley Klein"


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John F. Kihlstrom grad student Harvard (Neurotree)


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Jeffrey W. Sherman grad student 1989-1994 UC Santa Barbara (PsychTree)
Keith A. Rozendal grad student 2003 UC Santa Barbara
Kristi A. Costabile grad student 2005 UC Santa Barbara
Rami H. Gabriel grad student 2007 UC Santa Barbara
Cynthia E. Gangi grad student 2011 UC Santa Barbara
Theresa E. Robertson grad student 2004-2011 UC Santa Barbara (PsychTree)
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Klein SB. (2018) Remembering with and without memory: A theory of memory and aspects of mind that enable its experience. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice. 5: 117-130
Klein SB. (2015) What memory is. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. 6: 1-38
Klein SB, Markowitsch HJ. (2015) The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 38: e9
Klein SB. (2015) Autonoetic consciousness: Reconsidering the role of episodic memory in future-oriented self-projection. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-21
Klein SB. (2014) Sameness and the self: philosophical and psychological considerations. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 29
Klein SB. (2014) The effects of thoughts of survival and thoughts of death on recall in the adaptive memory paradigm. Memory (Hove, England). 22: 65-75
Klein SB, Nelson CR. (2014) The effects of self-reference on memory: A conceptual and methodological review of inferences warranted by the self-reference effect The Sage Handbook of Applied Memory. 256-272
Klein SB. (2014) What can recent replication failures tell us about the theoretical commitments of psychology? Theory and Psychology. 24: 326-338
Robertson TE, Delton AW, Klein SB, et al. (2014) Keeping the benefits of group cooperation: Domain-specific responses to distinct causes of social exclusion Evolution and Human Behavior. 35: 472-480
Klein SB. (2014) Autonoesis and Belief in a Personal Past: An Evolutionary Theory of Episodic Memory Indices Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 5: 427-447
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