Philip Kitcher

Columbia University, New York, NY 
Philosophy of Biology
"Philip Kitcher"
Cross-listing: STSTree


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Carl Hempel grad student 1974 Princeton


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Laura Franklin-Hall grad student NYU
Peter Godfrey-Smith grad student 1991 UCSD
Michael R. Dietrich grad student 1985-1991 UCSD
Gillian Barker grad student 1997 UCSD
P Kyle Stanford grad student 1997 UCSD
Jessica Pfeiffer grad student 1999 UCSD
Jonathan D. Halvorson grad student 2001 Columbia (STSTree)
Michael J. Selgelid grad student 2001 UCSD (STSTree)
Stephanie Ruphy grad student 2004 Columbia (STSTree)
Zanja C. Yudell grad student 2005 Columbia (STSTree)
Mark B. Couch grad student 2006 Columbia (STSTree)
Chris Haufe grad student 2006 Columbia (STSTree)
Arnon Keren grad student 2006 Columbia
Matthew H. Slater grad student 2006 Columbia (STSTree)
Dana Tulodziecki grad student 2007 Columbia (STSTree)
Laura R. Franklin grad student 2008 Columbia (STSTree)
Michael Fuerstein grad student 2009 Columbia (STSTree)
Jon Rick grad student 2009 Columbia (STSTree)
Marco J. Nathan grad student 2012 Columbia (STSTree)
Jonathan Lawhead grad student 2014 Columbia (STSTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Kitcher P. (2018) “So … who is your audience?” European Journal For Philosophy of Science. 9
Paulson S, Barrett LF, Kitcher P, et al. (2016) Cultivating character: the art of living. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Mößner N, Kitcher P. (2016) Knowledge, Democracy, and the Internet Minerva. 55: 1-24
Kitcher P. (2014) The youth without qualities Monist. 97: 12-29
Kitcher P. (2014) Is a naturalized ethics possible? Behaviour. 151: 245-260
Kitcher P. (2013) Toward a pragmatist philosophy of science Theoria (Spain). 28: 185-231
Kitcher P. (2012) Précis of the ethical project Analyse Und Kritik. 2012: 1-19
Kitcher P. (2011) Philosophy inside out Metaphilosophy. 42: 248-260
Kitcher P. (2011) Epistemology Without History is Blind Erkenntnis. 75: 505-524
Kitcher P. (2010) The Climate Change Debates Science. 328: 1230-1234
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