Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett

"Michael Dummett"


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John Campbell grad student Oxford
Peter Carruthers grad student Oxford
Richard Gaskin grad student Oxford
Michael Luntley grad student Oxford
Adrian W. Moore grad student Oxford
Peter Sullivan grad student Oxford
Timothy Williamson grad student Oxford
Crispin Wright grad student Oxford (MathTree)
Alberto Voltolini grad student 1989 Oxford
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Dummett M. (2005) The Justificationist's Response to a Realist Mind. 114: 671-688
Dummett M. (2005) The work and life of Robin Farquharson Social Choice and Welfare. 25: 475-483
Dummett M. (1995) For want of an argument Nature. 375: 369-370
Dummett M. (1982) Objectivity and reality in Lotze and Frege Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines. 25: 95-114
Wright C, Dummett M. (1981) Dummett and Revisionism@@@Truth and Other Enigmas. The Philosophical Quarterly. 31: 47
Dummett M. (1981) I. Frege's ‘Kernsätze zur Logik’ Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines. 24: 439-448
Dummett M. (1977) Biblical Exegesis and the Resurrection New Blackfriars. 58: 56-72
Dummett M. (1975) Wang's paradox Synthese. 30: 301-324
Dummett M. (1973) Frege's way out: a footnote to a footnote Analysis. 33: 139-140
Dummett M. (1957) Frege'S “The Thought” Mind. 548-548
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