Martha Craven Nussbaum, PhD

Law School University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Martha Nussbaum"
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Nir Ben-Moshe grad student Chicago
Michele Landis Dauber grad student Chicago (Law Tree)
Jessica Spector grad student Chicago
Eric Brown grad student 1994-1997 Chicago
Elizabeth S Anker grad student 1996-1999 Chicago (Literature Tree)
Michelle N. Mason grad student 2001 Chicago
Rick A. Furtak grad student 2003 Chicago
Jadran Lee grad student 2003 Chicago
Chad W. Flanders grad student 2004 Chicago
Joshua Preiss grad student 2006 Chicago
Daniel M. Groll grad student 2009 Chicago
John F. Hannon grad student 2011 Chicago
Jeffrey Israel grad student 2011 Chicago
Ryan D. Long grad student 2012 Chicago
Lisa H. Hicks grad student 2013 Chicago
Josef K. Lubenow grad student 2013 Chicago
Jennifer J. Rothschild grad student 2014 Chicago
Sara Protasi grad student 2007-2015 Chicago
BETA: Related publications


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Nussbaum MC. (2020) Comments on Leif Wenar's Nussbaum Lecture, “The Development of Unity” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 21: 223-229
Nussbaum MC. (2018) Working with and for Animals: Getting the Theoretical Framework Right Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 19: 2-18
Nussbaum MC. (2017) Liberalismo Perfeccionista y Liberalismo Político. (Parte II) Ius Et Veritas. 24: 322-338
Wichert RN, Nussbaum MC. (2017) Scientific Whaling? The Scientific Research Exception and the Future of the International Whaling Commission Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 18: 356-369
Nussbaum MC. (2017) Human Capabilities and Animal Lives: Conflict, Wonder, Law: A Symposium Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 18: 317-321
Wichert RN, Nussbaum MC. (2016) The Legal Status of Whales: capabilities, entitlements and culture SequêNcia: Estudos Juridicos E Politicos. 37: 19-40
Nussbaum MC. (2015) Philosophy and Economics in the Capabilities Approach: An Essential Dialogue Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. 16: 1-14
Nussbaum MC. (2015) Political liberalism and global justice Journal of Global Ethics. 11: 68-79
Cormack B, Nussbaum MC, Strier R. (2013) Shakespeare and the law : a conversation among disciplines and professions Renaissance and Reformation. 36: 159-161
Dixon R, Nussbaum MC. (2012) Children's rights and a capabilities approach: The question of special priority Cornell Law Review. 97: 549-593
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