James T. Cushing
Affiliations: | University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States |
Philosophy, History of Science, General PhysicsGoogle:
"James Cushing"Bio:
Sign in to add traineeAlisa Bokulich | grad student | ||
Michael Dickson | grad student | ||
Udo Pooch | grad student | 1969 | Notre Dame (Computer Science Tree) |
Gary E. Bowman | grad student | 2001 | Notre Dame |
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Cushing JT. (2000) Bohmian insights into quantum chaos Philosophy of Science. 67 |
Shapiro G, Cushing JT. (1998) Physics Without Math American Journal of Physics. 48: 324-324 |
Home D, Cushing JT. (1998) Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Physical an Overview from Modern Perspectives Physics Today. 51: 79-79 |
Cushing JT. (1995) Quantum tunneling times: A crucial test for the causal program? Foundations of Physics. 25: 269-280 |
Cushing JT. (1995) Hermeneutics, underdetermination and quantum mechanics Science &Amp; Education. 4: 137-146 |
Cushing JT. (1993) Bohm's theory: Common sense dismissed Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 24: 815-842 |
Cushing JT. (1991) Quantum Theory and Explanatory Discourse: Endgame for Understanding? Philosophy of Science. 58: 337-358 |
Cushing JT, Treiman SB. (1990) Theory construction and selection in modern physics : the S matrix American Journal of Physics. 59: 573-574 |
Park D, Cushing JT. (1989) The How and the Why: An Essay on the Origins and Development of Physical Theory American Journal of Physics. 57: 567-568 |
Cushing JT. (1989) A tough act - History, philosophy, and introductory physics (an American perspective) Interchange. 20: 54-59 |