
Sign in to add mentor
Ronold W. P. King grad student 1960 Harvard (Physics Tree)
 (Antennas coupled to open wire lines)


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Dennis P. Nyquist grad student 1966 Michigan State (Physics Tree)
Edward J. Rothwell grad student 1982-1985 Michigan State (Philosophy Tree)
Yao-Chiang Kan grad student 2000 Michigan State
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Wallinga GS, Rothwell EJ, Chen KM, et al. (2001) Enhanced detection of a target in a sea clutter environment using a stepped, ultra-wideband signal and E-pulse cancellation Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 49: 1166-1173
Chen G, Upham BL, Sun W, et al. (2000) Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on chemically induced differentiation of friend erythroleukemia cells. Environmental Health Perspectives. 108: 967-72
Ohl C, Rothwell EJ, Nyquist D, et al. (2000) Use of minimum phase signals to establish the time reference in transient radar target identification schemes Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 48: 124-125
Li Q, Ilavarasan P, Ross JE, et al. (1998) Radar target identification using a combined early-time/late-time e-pulse technique Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 46: 1272-1278
Li Q, Rothwell EJ, Chen KM, et al. (1997) Radar target discrimination schemes using time-domain and frequency-domain Methods for Reduced Data Storage Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 45: 995-1000
Chang C, Chen K, Qian J. (1997) Nondestructive determination of electromagnetic parameters of dielectric materials at X-band frequencies using a waveguide probe system Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement. 46: 1084-1092
Li Q, Rothwell EJ, Chen KM, et al. (1996) Scattering center analysis of radar targets using fitting scheme and genetic algorithm Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 44: 198-207
Ilavarasan P, Rothwell EJ, Chen KM, et al. (1995) Natural Resonance Extraction From Multiple Data Sets Using a Genetic Algorithm Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 43: 900-904
Rothwell EJ, Chen KM, Nyquist DP, et al. (1994) A General E-Pulse Scheme Arising from the Dual Early-Time/Late-Time Behavior of Radar Scatterers Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation. 42: 1336-1341
Ross JE, Rothwell EJ, Nyquist DP, et al. (1994) Transient Coupling Analysis Using the Singularity Expansion Method Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility. 36: 358-364
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