People with institution matching "Leiden University": Advanced Search
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Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus Bolland (Info) Leiden English and German linguistics, philosophy jandh 2015‑07‑30
Franck Pieterszoon Burgersdijk (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2009‑05‑15
Johannes de Bruyn (Info) Utrecht philosophy jandh 2009‑08‑20
Julien Offray de La Mettrie (Info) philosophy, regarded as a pioneer of scientific psychology jandh 2009‑08‑10
Arthur Joseph de Sopper (Info) Leiden Theology, philosophy shannan 2010‑04‑26
Burchard de Volder (Info) Leiden philosophy, mathematics hayden 2005‑02‑25
Gerardus de Vries (Info) Utrecht Philosophy jandh 2015‑03‑04
Adriaan Heereboord (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2009‑05‑18
Gerardus Heymans (Info) RUG psychology/philosophy jandh 2012‑04‑06
Wouter F. Kalf (Info) Leiden metaethics, ethics, political philosophy WouterKalf 2020‑03‑07
Arnoldus Ewout Loen (Info) Utrecht Philosophy, theology mfendt 2014‑10‑14
Bernardus Nieuhoff (Info) University of Harderwijk philosophy, mathematics, astronomy jandh 2016‑03‑10
Ferdinand Léon Rudolphe Sassen (Info) Leiden Philosophy jandh 2017‑01‑18
Joseph Justus Scaliger (Info) Leiden Philosophy, Philology jandh 2009‑05‑16
Martinus Schoock (Info) RUG Logic, physics, philosophy jandh 2015‑01‑04
Baruch de Spinoza (Info) Leiden Metaphysics, Ethics, Biblical and Talmudic Studies, Political Philosophy lieur 2024‑09‑05
David Stuart (Info) Leiden Aristotelian philosophy jandh 2015‑01‑03
Johan Bernard Ubbink (Info) Utrecht Philosophy of science jandh 2017‑01‑26
Dionysius van de Wijnpersse (Info) Leiden Philosophy jandh 2015‑03‑04
R. Arend V. van Haersolte (Info) Leiden philosophy jandh 2012‑05‑05
Philip Willem van Heusde (Info) Utrecht history, philosophy, Greek literature jandh 2012‑04‑08
Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen (Info) Leiden Philosophy jandh 2017‑01‑18
Georg Wolfgang Wedel (Info) University of Jena alchemy, medicine, philosophy tcoderre 2007‑06‑22
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