
Gary W. Saunders

University of New Brunswick (Canada) 
Microbiology Biology
"Gary William Saunders"


Cross-listing: Microtree


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Jack L. McLachlan grad student
Louis Dix Druehl grad student 1991 Simon Fraser
 (Molecular evolution and phylogeny of the Laminariales : analysis of the nuclear coded ribosomal cistron.)
Gerald Kraft post-doc
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Jongbloed WM, Schneider CW, Lane CE, et al. (2024) A revision of the genus Wrangelia (Wrangeliaceae, Ceramiales) in Bermuda resolves six new species including W. ryancraigii from the mesophotic zone. Journal of Phycology
Vieira C, Brooks C, Akita S, et al. (2024) Of sea, rivers and symbiosis: Diversity, systematics, biogeography and evolution of the deeply diverging florideophycean order Hildenbrandiales (Rhodophyta). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 108106
Cassidy MM, Schneider CW, Saunders GW. (2022) The Dasya baillouviana and D. cryptica complexes (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda with three additional new species from the archipelago. Journal of Phycology
Bringloe TT, Verbruggen H, Saunders GW. (2020) Unique biodiversity in Arctic marine forests is shaped by diverse recolonization pathways and far northern glacial refugia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Freshwater DW, Scott S, Tronchin EM, et al. (2020) Reassessment of Tristan da Cunha Gelidium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) species Botanica Marina

Eucheumatopsis sanibelensis sp. nov. from the Gulf coast of Florida, USA

Phytotaxa. 440: 215-224
Parente MI, Fletcher RL, Costa FO, et al. (2020) Taxonomic investigation of Ralfsia-like (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae) taxa in the North Atlantic Ocean based on molecular and morphological data, with descriptions of Pseudoralfsiaceae fam. nov., Pseudoralfsia azorica gen. et sp. nov. and Nuchella vesicularis gen. et sp. nov. European Journal of Phycology. 1-12
Selivanova ON, Zhigadlova GG, Saunders GW. (2020) Commanderella gen. nov. and new insights into foliose Kallymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) from the Russian Pacific coast based on molecular studies Phycologia. 59: 200-207
Schneider CW, Peterson ES, Saunders GW. (2020) Two new species of Solieriaceae (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from the euphotic and mesophotic zones off Bermuda, Meristotheca odontoloma and Tepoztequiella muriamans Phycologia. 59: 177-185
Manghisi A, Miladi R, Minicante SA, et al. (2019) DNA Barcoding Sheds Light on Novel Records in the Tunisian Red Algal Flora Cryptogamie, Algologie. 40: 5
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