Marianna Venuleo

Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Marche, Italy 
"Marianna Venuleo"
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Venuleo M, Giordano M. (2019) Different nutritional histories affect the susceptibility of algae to grazing. Journal of Phycology
Venuleo M, Giordano M. (2018) Intraspecific interactions between algae with different nutritional histories. Journal of Phycology. 54: 423-427
Venuleo M, Raven JA, Giordano M. (2017) Intraspecific chemical communication in microalgae. The New Phytologist
Venuleo M, Práŝil O, Giordano M. (2017) Life at elevated CO2 modifies the cell composition of Chromera velia (Chromerida) European Journal of Phycology. 53: 58-66
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