University of Wisconsin, Madison

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Wael M. Abdel MegidMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology2007 Neal First (grad student)
Hemendra Kumar Acharya1969 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Eugene AckermanBiomedical Computing1949 Hugo Bernard Wahlin (grad student)
Steven A. AckermanAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Robert Kemp Adair1951 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
James Brewster Adams William N. Hitchon (grad student)
Joshua O. Adeniyi1984 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Vikram AdhikarlaRadiology, Oncology Physics2014 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Jon E. AhlquistEnvironmental Sciences, Geophysics, Applied Mechanics1981 John Elmer Kutzbach (grad student)
Judd M. AikenCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics
Fay Ajzenberg-Selovenuclear physics1952 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Jihad H. Al-SadahMedical ultrasound2007 James A. Zagzebski (grad student), Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Andrew L AlexanderMRI, diffusion, brain, autism
Richard B. AlleyGlaciology, Ice and Climate, Sea Level Change, Abrupt Climate Change1987 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Shaun Alsum Physics2020 Kimberly Jackson Palladino (grad student)
Albert J. AlterMedical Biophysics, Radiology, Radiation Physics2005 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Kyle N. AltmannCondensed Matter Physics2001 Franz J. Himpsel (grad student)
David L. AlumbaughGeophysics
Sridhar AnandakrishnanAcoustics Physics, Geophysics geology1990 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Karen G. AndeenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Michael B. AndersonParticle Physics20052011 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Ian Anderson
Mark H. Anderson1998 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Louis Wilmer AndersonAtomic Physics
Christopher M. Anderson
Thomas Foxen AndersonBiophysical chemistry19371940 Benjamin Minge Duggar (post-doc)
Elda Anderson Physics1941 Julian Ellis Mack (grad student)
Jay Anderson Physics2001 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Richard Allen Anthes1970 Donald Ray Johnson (grad student)
Carol S. AplinNuclear Engineering2010 Douglass L. Henderson (grad student)
Anagha Aravind Physics2020 Kevin Black (grad student)
Carlos Alberto Argüelles Delgadoneutrino physics Physics20122015 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Mehrdad Arjmand Engineering Mechanics20112016 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Akshay AroraFood Science and Technology Agriculture2008 Srinivasan Damodaran (grad student)
Nathan S. ArtzMedical Biophysics2010 Sean B. Fain (grad student)
George B. AsquithGeology, Geophysics1966 Lewis Manning Cline (grad student)
Christian R. AstCondensed Matter Physics2003 Hartmut Hochst (grad student)
John V. Atanasoff1930 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Robert AtkinsAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Brenda L. Dingus (grad student)
Anupama AtreTheory Physics2007 Tao Han (grad student)
Shashank R. AtreGeophysics, Geology1990 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Robert J. AusRadiation Physics, Oncology, General Biophysics, Radiology2003 Paul M. DeLuca (grad student)
Miguel A. Avila-RodriguezRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2007 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Scott D. BaalrudFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Marc BaarmandElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Quantum Physics, General Physics1987 David B. Cline (grad student)
Tomonori Baba Engineering Physics20162018 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Earl D. BabcockAtomic Physics2005 Thad Walker (grad student)
Michail BachtisElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
John Deuck Ryong Bahng1957 Arthur D. Code (grad student), Albert Edward Whitford (grad student)
Yang Bai
Seunghyun BaikAutomotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2001 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
H. Dean Baker Physics1938 John R. Roebuck (grad student)
A. Baha Balantekin
Samir Bali Physics19931995 Thad Walker (post-doc)
Vahe BandarianBiochemistry George H. Reed (grad student)
Vernon Duane BargerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Andrew V. BargerRadiology, Biomedical Engineering2000 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Leland BarnardMaterials Science Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Materials Science2013 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Bryan M. BarnesCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2004 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Emily M. BarrentineAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Henry Herman Barschallnuclear physics, medical physics
Rachel M. BartlettMedical Biophysics2009 Onofre DeJesus (grad student)
Laura J. BartolMedical Biophysics, Radiation Physics Medical Physics2013 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Boris V. BaryshnikovElectricity and Magnetism Physics, General Biophysics, Radiology2004 Ronald T. Wakai (grad student)
Michael J. BassettiGenetics, Bioinformatics Biology2007 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Devon J. BattagliaNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2009 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Derek A. BaverFluid and Plasma Physics2003 Paul W. Terry (grad student)
R. A. BaylissFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Austin Bazydlo
Stephen M. BeachRadiation Physics2005 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
John BeacomAstrophysics Physics1997 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Gabriel E. Becerra ToledoNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics2014 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Stewart J. BeckerRadiation Physics, Oncology, Medical Biophysics, Radiology2006 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
John Edward Beitzel1972 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Land J. BelenkyMaterials Science Engineering2006 Chang-Beom Eom (grad student)
Edward T. BenderMedical Biophysics, Radiation Physics2010 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Walter Benensonnuclear physics Physics1962 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
Bryn BenfordGeology, Geophysics, Caribbean Studies Geoscience2012 Basil Tikoff (grad student), Dennis Charles DeMets (grad student)
Amelia K. BengtsonMaterials Science Engineering, Geophysics2008 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Hugh F. Bennet1968 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Jonathan Bennett Physics1994 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Edward Bennettelectrical engineering
Ninfa BenningtonGeophysics2011 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student)
James R. BensingerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1970 Albert R. Erwin (grad student)
Charles Raymond BentleyAntarctica, glaciology, ice drilling
Soren M. BentzenMedical Biophysics, Radiation Physics
William V. Berge1968 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
William F. BergersonFluid and Plasma Physics2008 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Edgar D. Berners Physics1957 Raymond George Herb (grad student)
H. Gordon BerryAtomic Physics1967 Frederick L. Roesler (grad student)
Jabe M. BestCell Biology2011 Timothy J. Kamp (grad student)
Thomas J. BethellAstronomy and Astrophysics, Radiation Physics2006 Ellen G. Zweibel (grad student)
Karl Bethke1973 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Timothy D. BettsMedical Biophysics, Radiology2010 Michael S. Van Lysel (grad student)
Zeki BeyhanAnimal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2003 Neal First (grad student)
Shyam BharatMedical Biophysics2009 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Manish BhardwajElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2007 Leon C. McCaughan (grad student)
Arnab BhattacharyaMaterials Science, Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Science Education Physics19921997 Dan Botez (grad student)
Theodore M. BiewerFluid and Plasma Physics2002 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Adam M. Bincer
Thomas BinfordComputer vision1965 Myron Lindsay Good (grad student)
Francis S. Birch1964 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Raymond T. Birgemolecular spectra, establishing the best values of the physical constants19061914 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student), Leonard R. Ingersoll (grad student)
James Martin BishopHigh Energy Physics1967 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Kevin BlackHigh Energy Experiment
Arthur P. BlairFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
James P. BlanchardFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Converse Herrick (Connie) Blanchard1950 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Donald D. Blankenship1982 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Jayne E. BockFood Science and Technology Agriculture2011 Srinivasan Damodaran (grad student)
Charles Kincaid BockelmanNuclear Physics1951 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
George Bokas Materials Science and Engineering20142018 Izabela Szlufarska (post-doc)
Stanislav BoldyrevFluid and Plasma Physics, Polymer Chemistry
Riccardo BonazzaGeneral Engineering
Michael W. BongardFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Geoffrey A. BonvalletAtomic Physics2005 Michael J. Winokur (grad student)
Justin A. Borgstadt Mechanical Engineering2015 Michael R. Zinn (grad student)
David R. BorisFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering2009 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Sarah Ann Boswell2006 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Dan BotezMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Joseph F. BoudreauElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1991 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Joanne BourgeoisGeology, Sedimentology, Paleoseismology, History of Geology Geology1980 Robert Henry Dott (grad student)
Rostyslav D. BoutchkoCondensed Matter Physics2001 Ludwig W. Bruch (grad student)
Stephen R. BowenMedical Biophysics, Radiation Physics2011 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
James Hamilton Boyd1967 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Eric BraatenAtomic Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Quantum Physics, Theory Physics1981 Bernice Black Durand (grad student)
Carla D. BradfordMedical ultrasound2000 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Tyler J. BradshawRadiology Medical Physics2015 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Patrick C. Bradshawmitochondrial function, aging, neurodegeneration Medicine Genetics20052007 Richard Weindruch (post-doc), Tomas A. Prolla (post-doc)
Jeremy S. BredfeldtRadiology, Oncology, Molecular Biology Medical Physics2014 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Gregory Breitphysics
Jason T. BreitwegHigh-Energy Physics2001 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Erik G. BrekkeAtomic Physics2009 Thad Walker (grad student)
James Gerard Brennan1952 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Nicholas R. BrewerAtomic Physics, Quantum Optics Physics20112017 Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Jonathan Val BrinkmannAstrophysics, Cosmology, Interstellar and Intergalactic medium Physics Physics Physics19811987 Frank Scherb (grad student), Frederick L. Roesler (grad student), Ronald J. Reynolds (grad student)
Matthew Brookhart Physics2015 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Cornelius Payne BrowneNuclear physics1951 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Eric C. BrownsonHigh-Energy Physics2008 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Ludwig W. BruchCondensed Matter Physics
Kurt F. BrueskeAtmospheric Science Physics2001 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Reid A. Bryson
Entela A. BuaMolecular Biology2004 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
Mike Bulatowicz Physics Thad Walker (grad student)
Geoffrey R. BullNuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2014 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Kyle J. BunkersPlasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics2019 Carl R. Sovinec (grad student)
Piyabut BurikhamElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
David Burke Physics2010 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Bonita J. BurkeFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Allen Christopher Caldwell1987 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
James D. CallenFluid and Plasma Physics
Ugo CameriniHigh Energy Physics
John Roderick Cameronmedical physics1952 Raymond George Herb (grad student)
Richard Huntley Cappselementary particle theory1955 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Richard Alan Carhart1964 Marvin Emerson Ebel (grad student)
Duncan L. Carlsmithparticle physics
Daniel R. CarmodyFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 Paul W. Terry (grad student)
Alexander W. Carr Physics2014 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Thomas A. CarstensNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2013 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Jennifer L. CartierGeneral Physics, Sciences Education1999 James H. Stewart (grad student)
Neal M. Casonhigh energy physics1964 Myron Lindsay Good (grad student)
Kyle J. CasparyFluid and Plasma Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Engineering Physics2014 John Stephen Sarff (grad student)
Olivia M. CastelliniCondensed Matter Physics2004 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Mirela CengherFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Franco CerrinaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Gabriela G. CezarMolecular Biology, Genetics2002 Neal First (grad student)
Ping-Yu ChangGeophysics, Environmental Sciences2003 David L. Alumbaugh (grad student)
Bien ChannAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics2003 Thad Walker (grad student)
Douglas P. ChapinHigh-Energy Physics2001 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Brett Edward ChapmanFluid and Plasma Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Engineering1997 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Eric Andre Charles2002 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Venkata V. ChebroluBiomedical Engineering2011 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Quan ChenMedical ultrasound2004 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Charlie C. ChenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Tsung-Hao ChenElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Charlie C. Chen (grad student)
Hao ChenUltrasound, Cardiac Elastography Electrical and Computer Engineering20042009 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Yang-Chun ChengMaterials Science Engineering2009 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Baosen ChengElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Xudong ChengMechanical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering2008 Ao Li (grad student)
Hyeunseok CheunMaterials Science Engineering2009 Michael J. Winokur (grad student)
Kingman CheungParticle Physics Physics19881992 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Ching-Shih ChiangFluid and Plasma Physics2000 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Seung-Ho ChoiFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Jung-Hoon ChoiMaterials Science Engineering2004 Chang-Beom Eom (grad student)
Laura B. ChomiukAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Aref ChowdhuryElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2001 Leon C. McCaughan (grad student)
Nikolas I. ChristensenGeophysics1963 Robert Maynard Gates (grad student)
Bradley T. ChristianRadiology, Medical Biophysics1994 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Shan-Huei S. ChuangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Duncan L. Carlsmith (grad student)
Andrey ChubukovGeneral Physics, Mathematics
Daniel Jun Hun ChungAstronomy and Astrophysics
Withoon ChunwachirasiriCondensed Matter Physics2005 Michael J. Winokur (grad student)
Edward B. ChurchwellAstronomy
Sucismita ChutiaCondensed Matter Physics2007 Robert Joynt (grad student)
David CinabroElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19851991 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Benjamin B. CipitiNuclear Engineering2004 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Ted S. Clarke1996 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Anna M. ClausenMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science2012 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Clarence S. ClayAcoustical oceanography1950 J. Gibson Winans (grad student)
Daniel J. ClaytonFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
David B. Cline1965 William F. Fry (grad student)
Lewis Manning Cline
John W. Clough1974 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Arthur D. Codespace astronomy
Gerald H. Cohen1950 Vincent C. Rideout (grad student)
Andrew Alexander Cole Engineering Physics Engineering Physics1999 John Gallagher (grad student), Tammy Smecker-Hane (grad student)
Cami CollinsFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2013 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Kathryn J. ComerFluid and Plasma Physics2004 James D. Callen (grad student)
Alexander Kaplan ConverseNuclear Physics, Solar Energy, Radiochemistry, Positron Emission Tomography, Pharmacokinetics, Neuroscience, ADHD, Tai Chi Physics19851993 Willy Haeberli (grad student)
John Stephen Conwayparticle physics experiment Physics19871992 Sau Lan Wu (post-doc)
Michele L. CookeGeology, Geophysics
Jodi A. Cooley-SekulaAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Sue N. CoopersmithQuantum Physics
Susan N. CoppersmithCondensed Matter Physics, Computer Science
Sean S. CordoneAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Jason B. CorlissOptics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Michael L. CorradiniNuclear Engineering
Francisco Correa MoraGeophysics, Geology2008 Dennis Charles DeMets (grad student)
Tyler B CotePlasma Stability, ELM Control, Edge Localized Modes, 3D Stability, 3D RMPs Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics20122020 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Douglas F. CowenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1990 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Donald Peyton CoxAstronomy
Gheorghe CraciunApplied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics
Darren J G CraigFluid and Plasma Physics1998 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Jason N. CrainCondensed Matter Physics2003 Franz J. Himpsel (grad student)
Kyle S. CranmerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics19992005 Sau Lan Wu (grad student), Dieter Zeppenfeld (grad student)
Malcolm F. Crawford19341935 Gregory Breit (research assistant)
Steven M. CrawfordAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Matthew A. Bershady (grad student)
Edward Chester CreutzNuclear Physics1939 Gregory Breit (grad student), Raymond George Herb (grad student)
Ray Ryland Crittenden1960 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Neal A. CrockerFluid and Plasma Physics2001 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Greg O. CronRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics2000 Giles E. Santyr (grad student)
Richard N. CrossHigh-Energy Physics2001 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
S. G. CrowderAstronomy and Astrophysics2012 Dan McCammon (grad student)
Wesley S. CulbersonRadiation Physics2006 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Judith A. CurryAtmospheric Science Physics, Radiation Physics, Geophysics
Claudia J. CyganowskiAstronomy2010 Edward B. Churchwell (grad student)
Mithun D'SouzaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Dan Botez (grad student)
Adam G. DallyAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Low Temperature Physics Physics2014 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Victor M. DamascenoCivil Engineering, Geophysics2007 Dante Fratta (grad student)
Srinivasan DamodaranGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Agricultural Chemistry, Food Science and Technology Agriculture
Matthew DanielsAcoustics Physics, Radiology2008 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Thomas E. DanielsonHigh-Energy Physics2007 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Sperry Eugene DardenNuclear physics1955 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
Sridhara Rao DasuParticle Physics
Mousumi DattaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Yibin Pan (grad student)
Margaret Daube-Witherspoon1983 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Robert Houser Davisnuclear physics1955 David Arthur Lind (grad student)
Julie D DavisAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy20152021 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Jason O. Day2008 Thad Walker (grad student)
Michael P. De CiccoMaterials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering2009 Ao Li (grad student)
Onofre T DeJesusRadiochemistry
Onofre DeJesusMedical Biophysics
Zach DeLand Physics Thad Walker (grad student)
Marie J. Delaney Physics2001 Thad Walker (post-doc)
Brian P. DelislePhysiology Biology, General Biophysics Cardiology Craig T. January (post-doc)
Paul M. DeLucaRadiology, Medical Biophysics
Dennis Charles DeMetsGeophysics
Daniel J. Den HartogFluid and Plasma Physics
Paul L. DenholmEnvironmental Sciences, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Energy2004 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
C. M. DenningFluid and Plasma Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2008 John E. Scharer (grad student)
Denice D. Denton
Paolo Desiati
Ryan J. DeWallBiomedical Engineering2011 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Alan DeWeerd physics1996 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Larry Albert DeWerdGeneral Biophysics, Oncology, Radiology1971 John Roderick Cameron (grad student)
Richard N. DexterAtomic, Molecular & Optical Physics1955 Benjamin Lax (grad student), Herbert J. Zeiger (grad student)
David Lawrence Dexter1950 William Waldron Beeman (grad student)
Tyce R. DeYoungAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Dhananjay DhokarhCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Andrey Chubukov (grad student)
Aya K. DiabNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2007 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
David W DickMedical Physics Medical Physics19992004 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Ruhang DingElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2008 Amy E. Wendt (grad student)
Brenda L. DingusAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ellis Howard Dixon1930 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Nathaniel DoaneAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Bradley Jerald Dober
Stefanie dodge Geoscience2021 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Christopher J. DolanAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Robert D. Mathieu (grad student)
Douglas J. DonahueGeneral Physics, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences1952 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
William W. DonaldsonComputer Science2000 Robert P. Meyer (grad student)
Zhe DongGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Tao Han (grad student)
Alexandar A. DonkovCondensed Matter Physics2006 Andrey Chubukov (grad student)
David Donovan Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics20062011 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
LeRoy M. DormanGeophysics Geophysics Geoscience Geoscience1970 Robert P. Meyer (grad student), Sigmund I. Hammer (grad student), Clarence S. Clay (grad student)
Yimeng Dou Electrical and Computer Engineering2022 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Forrest Leroy Dowling1969 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Herbert K DreinerTheoretical particle physics Physics19841989 Dimitri Nanopoulos (grad student)
Lee A. DuBridge19221926 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student), Clinton Joseph Davisson (research assistant), Warren Weaver (grad student), Charles Max Mason (grad student)
Reginald J. DufourAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy1974 Donald E. Osterbrock (grad student), John Samuel Mathis (grad student)
Jonathan P. DummAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Teresa Montaruli (grad student)
Bernice Black DurandMedical Biophysics
Benjamin Y. DurkeeOncology2009 Jamey P. Weichert (grad student)
John A. Dutton1962 Reid A. Bryson (grad student)
Michael A. DuVernoisElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Marvin Emerson EbelHigh Energy Physics
Matthew Ebert Physics2018 Thad Walker (grad student)
Fatima EbrahimiFluid and Plasma Physics2003 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Jan Egedal
Eric D. EhlerRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Andrew EichenbaumElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Richard Prepost (grad student)
Nicholas W. EidietisFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Scott EilermanFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Jonathan EischAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student)
Larissa M. EjzakRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Low Temperature Physics Physics2013 Karsten M. Heeger (grad student)
John Adams Eldridge1922 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Kevin W. EliceiriRadiology, Oncology, Molecular Biology
David C. EllerbuschRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2006 Frank N. Ranallo (grad student)
Andrew Ellis Medical Physics2013 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
G.J. Peter ElmerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics1998 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Abdelmageed Ahmed ElmustafaMechanical Engineering, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Materials Science Engineering1999 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student)
Douglass Endrizzi Physics2021 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Jonathan Ward EngleMedical Physics, Physics, Radionuclide Production, Radiochemistry, Accelerator Targetry, Positron Emission Tomography Medical Physics20072011 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
David A. EnnisFluid and Plasma Physics2008 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Chang-Beom EomMaterials Science
Saul T. EpsteinTheoretical physics, quantum chemistry
Sofia V. Erazo-CastrejonFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Nutrition2012 Srinivasan Damodaran (grad student)
Mark A. ErikssonCondensed Matter Physics
Frederick J. Ernstparticle physics, general relativity1958 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Albert R. Erwin
Chanan EuaruksakulElectronics and Electrical Engineering2009 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Pieter Everaerts
Lisa Lorraine EverettElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Adam A. EverettHigh-Energy Physics2006 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Lisa Everette
Sean B. FainRadiology, General Chemistry, General Physics
Yaquan FangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Bruce Mellado (grad student)
Harrison (Harry) Edward Farnsworth1922 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student), Charles Max Mason (grad student)
Jianjia FeiQuantum Physics, Theory Physics Physics2014 Mark G. Friesen (grad student)
Jacob FeintzeigAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
David A. FelkerCondensed Matter Physics2011 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Paul Feng Physics19901996 Thad Walker (grad student)
Douglas P. FergusonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Jonathan Morton Fetter2000 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Terrance M. FigyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Dieter Zeppenfeld (grad student)
Daniel W. FiorinoAstrophysics Physics Physics2015 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student)
Neal FirstMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology
William Allen Fitzsimmons
Ken Flanagan Physics2020 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Jason D. FoellAnimal Physiology Biology, Medical Biophysics2011 Timothy J. Kamp (grad student)
Leslie Lawrance Foldytheoretical physics1942 Léon Brillouin (research assistant)
Chad M. FolkmanMaterials Science Engineering2010 Chang-Beom Eom (grad student)
Raymond John FonckFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics1978 Frederick L. Roesler (grad student)
Holland C. FordAstronomy and Astrophysics1970 Donald E. Osterbrock (grad student)
Cary B. ForestFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Chris Eliot ForestClimate Dynamics, Earth System Dynamics, Earth System Modeling, Climate Change Diagnostics, Atmospheric Dynamics
Lloyd R. Fortney1962 William F. Fry (grad student)
David Bruce FossanNuclear physics1961 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
John H. FournelleMicroanalysis, EPMA, Volcanic petrology
John T. FrandyNuclear Physics2002 Lynn D. Knutson (grad student)
Dante FrattaCivil Engineering, Geophysics
Daniel Z. FreedmanSupergravity, String Theory, Quantum Field Theory1964 Raymond F. Sawyer (grad student)
Emily E. FreelandAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Josif FrenkelPhysics of Elementary Particles and Quantum Fields Theory Physics1973 Marvin Emerson Ebel (grad student)
Mark G. FriesenCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology
William F. Fryhigh energy physics, astrophysics
Regina K. FulkersonOncology, Biomedical Engineering, Radiation Physics Medical Physics2012 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Darren J. G. CraigFluid and Plasma Physics
Milind J. GadreMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science2014 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
JoAnn R. GageGeology, Geological Engineering, Geophysics Geoscience2012 Herbert F. Wang (grad student)
Paulina E. GalavisRadiology Medical Physics2013 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Jay GallagherAstronomy and Astrophysics
Camilla Galloni
Aaron Irving Galonsky1954 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Raghunath GanugapatiAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Yongsheng GaoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19881995 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Yuanfeng GaoNanoscience, Low Temperature Physics, General Physics Physics2014 Robert F. McDermott (grad student)
Ana L. Garcia-PercianteFluid and Plasma Physics2005 James D. Callen (grad student)
Roger Gassett1982 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Amanda C. GaultAstrophysics Physics Physics2013 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
C. Daniel GeislerAuditory System
Aaron M. GellerAstronomy and Astrophysics2010 Robert D. Mathieu (grad student)
Anthony L. Gerigmedical ultrasound2004 Don D. Reeder (grad student), James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Young-chul Ghim20062008 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Kevin GhorbaniPhysics Physics20142019 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Ryan GiarElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2011 John E. Scharer (grad student)
Pupa GilbertGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics
Alexander T. GillAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2014 Mark Saffman (grad student)
James H. GillandFluid and Plasma Physics2004 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Susan D. GillmorMaterials Science Engineering, General Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering2002 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Scott GiorgisGeology2003 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Laura GladstoneElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2014 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Marvin J. GlassMedical Biophysics, Radiology2003 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Michael J. Glatzmaiernuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology2011 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Charles J. Goebel
Gerson Goldhaberparticle physics, astrophysics1950 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Sulamith Goldhaberhigh energy physics1951 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Gilberto C. Gomez-ReyesAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Donald Peyton Cox (grad student)
Matthew Gonderingernuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology Physics2012 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Yutao GongGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Pupa Gilbert (grad student)
Maria M. Gonzalez SanchezAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Myron Lindsay Good
Mitchell Goodsitt Medical Physics1982 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Gokul GopalakrishnanCondensed Matter Physics,
Phil Gopon Geoscience20112016 John H. Fournelle (grad student)
Jeremy W. GordonRadiology, General Chemistry, General Physics Medical Physics2013 Sean B. Fain (grad student)
Alfred Thomas GoshawElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1965 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Natalie M. GosnellAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Astronomy2014 Robert D. Mathieu (grad student)
Anna GoussiouElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1995 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Shannon E. GrahamGeophysics Geoscience2013 Dennis Charles DeMets (grad student)
Steve Granicksingle-molecule methods, polymers, complex fluids, and biomaterials1982 John Douglass Ferry (grad student)
Stephen Graves Medical Physics2017 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Lindsey GrayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Jonathan T. GreenAtomic Physics Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Jerome Boley Green1925 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Lawrence L Greischar1982 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
David S. GriersonApplied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2008 Pupa Gilbert (grad student), Robert W. Carpick (grad student)
Thomas M. GristRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Kira S. GroggHigh-Energy Physics2011 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Joseph J. GrudzinskiOncology, Medical Biophysics, Radiation Physics2010 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Sean GrullonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics2010 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Jose Guerrero
Athula D. GunawardenaComputer Science2008 Robert P. Meyer (grad student)
Bin Guo2018 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student)
Hao GuoSeismology
Alonso N. GutierrezRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2007 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Sangkeun HaCondensed Matter Physics2008 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Willy HaeberliNuclear Physics19521954 Hugh Taylor Richards (post-doc)
Nicholas S. HaehnGeneral Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2012 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Ahmed M. HalaNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Francis HalzenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Sigmund I. HammerExploration geophysics
Zigfried Hampel-AriasAstroparticle Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics Physics Physics20102017 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student), Daniel W. Fiorino (collaborator), Ian G Wisher (collaborator)
Geng HanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2003 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Tao HanElementary Particle Physics1990 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
David A. HannumFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Alexander K. HansenFluid and Plasma Physics2000 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Dougal Hansen Geoscience2022 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Alfred Olaf Hansonexperimental nuclear physics1942 Raymond George Herb (grad student), John R. Roebuck (grad student)
Sheikh S. HaqueElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Quantum Physics2011 Akikazu Hashimoto (grad student)
Nicolas Hardcastle Medical Physics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Rellen R. HardtkeAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Francis Halzen (grad student)
David T. HarrisFerroelectrics Materials Science and Engineering20152018 Chang-Beom Eom (post-doc)
Soren D. HarrisonFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering2008 Dennis G. Whyte (grad student)
Russell Hart Physics1996 Thad Walker (research assistant)
Timothy L. HartmanMolecular Physics2013 James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Lee HartmannAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Christopher M. Anderson (grad student)
Daniel D. HartogFluid and Plasma Physics
J Den HartogFluid and Plasma Physics
Akikazu HashimotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Robert H. HaslingerCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2001 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Alaa E. HassanMechanical Engineering2000 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Richard C. HatchCondensed Matter Physics2010 Hartmut Hochst (grad student)
Leland John Haworthradar systems, magnet design1931 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
John Wallace HayesMedical Physics
David HedinElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1980 Samuel H. Aronson (grad student), Don D. Reeder (grad student)
Karsten M. Heegerneutrino oscillations, neutrino mass, and dark matter
Chris C. HegnaFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Thomas W. HeitmannCondensed Matter Physics2005 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Thomas Henage Physics2009 Thad Walker (grad student)
Douglass L. HendersonGeneral Physics, General, General Biophysics1987 Gregory A. Moses (grad student)
Raymond George HerbNuclear physics1935 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Allen J. HerbstAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2008 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
Maria-Teresa HerdAtomic Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics2007 James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Ive HermansChemical Engineering
Tomas HernandezCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Matthew Fairbanks HerndonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Edward Leonard Hershberg1977 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Noah HershkowitzFluid and Plasma Physics
Kelley M. HessAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Richard D. HichwaRadiology, Medical Biophysics, Radiation Physics1981 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Patrick M. HillRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics, Oncology2011 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Franz J. HimpselMolecular Physics
F J. HimspelCondensed Matter Physics
Ralf HindererBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics2003 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
William J Hinze1957 George P. Woollard (grad student)
Yoshinao HiraiCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2007 Marshall Franklin Onellion (grad student)
Maritza A. HobsonRadiology, Medical Biophysics2008 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Hartmut HochstCondensed Matter Physics
Jessica L. HodgesAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Dominikus Hoffmann Physics19901996 Thad Walker (grad student)
Peter Alois HofnerAstrophysics, star formation, molecular clouds, HII regions1995 Edward B. Churchwell (grad student)
Gregory Hogan1983 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Samuel Hokin
Edward F. HolbyInorganic Chemistry2011 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Karen T. HoleAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Jay Gallagher (grad student)
Jonathan HollarElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Richard Prepost (grad student)
Robert E. HolzAtmospheric Science Physics, Remote Sensing2005 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Daniel W. HooperElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Eric HorsmanGeology2006 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Alan R. HoskinsonFluid and Plasma Physics2009 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
A. P. HosseinborRadiology, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Medical Biophysics Medical Physics2013 Andrew L Alexander (grad student)
James Hostetter Physics2016 Mark Saffman (grad student)
David Hover Physics2013 Robert F. McDermott (grad student)
Eric C. Howell2015 Carl R. Sovinec (grad student)
J. Christopher HowkAstrophysics1999 Blair DeWillis Savage (grad student)
Andrew R. HoyRadiology, Neuroscience Biology Medical Physics20122015 Andrew L Alexander (grad student), Barbara B. Bendlin (grad student), Oliver Wieben (grad student)
Peisi HuangGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Guiyu HuangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Tao Han (grad student)
Kai Huang Materials Science and Engineering20092015 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Antonia Hubbard Physics20092015 Reina Maruyama (grad student)
David Lawrence HuberCondensed Matter Theory
Shane L. HublerApplied Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2010 Gheorghe Craciun (grad student)
Benjamin F. HudsonFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Amihan S. HuesmannAtmospheric Science Physics Physics2004 Donald Peyton Cox (grad student), Matthew H. Hitchman (grad student)
Raymond Hargett Hughes1955 Julian Ellis Mack (grad student)
Brennan J. HugheyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Paul W. HumrickhouseApplied Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Engineering2009 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Samuel A. HurleyRadiology Medical Physics2014 Andrew L Alexander (grad student)
Don V. HuynhFluid and Plasma Physics, Polymer Chemistry Physics2012 Stanislav Boldyrev (grad student)
Michael G. HvastaNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, General Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2013 Michael L. Corradini (grad student), Mark H. Anderson (grad student)
Peter O. HylandAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Leonard R. Ingersoll19021905 Benjamin Warner Snow (grad student)
Atul N IngleUltrasound, Shear Wave Imaging Electrical and Computer Engineering20112015 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Volga A. Iniguez RojasMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pathology2000 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
Lev IoffeCondensed Matter Physics Physics19891990 Eduardo Hector Fradkin (post-doc)
Roland Duer Irvinggeology, mining, and metallurgy
Joshua A IsaacsAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Physics Mark Saffman (grad student)
Larry IsenhowerAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics2010 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Wasikul IslamPhysics Physics Sau Lan Wu (post-doc)
Edward Frankin Jackson
Timothy A. Jacksonbioinorganic chemistry20002004 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Dustin J. JacqminBiomedical Engineering, Optics Physics Medical Physics2012 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Rachna JainNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2005 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Joseph E. JakesMaterials Science Engineering, Wood Technology Agriculture2010 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student)
Marcin JakubowskiFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics2003 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Ngoneh JallowRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science Medical Physics2014 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Vrishank Jambur Materials Science and Engineering2018 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Craig T. JanuaryGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Physiology Biology
Robert JerajOncology, Radiology
Kyle Jero Physics2017 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Kenneth C. Jezek1980 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Haoshuang JiMolecular Physics Physics2014 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Hao Jiang Materials Science and Engineering20122017 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
George Jiracek1966 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Donald Ray Johnson
Todd A. Johnson2008 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Robert E. JohnsonComputation Materials Science1968 Saul T. Epstein (grad student)
Keith Warlow Jonesatomic physics, National Synchrotron Light Source1954 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Robert JoyntRadiology, Oncology
Stephanie L. JunellGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics Medical Physics2013 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Jin Woo Jung Mechanical Engineering2014 Michael R. Zinn (grad student)
Ryan O. JungAtomic Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2010 Chun Chia Lin (grad student)
Pavle N. JuranicMolecular Physics, Atomic Physics2007 James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Steve Kadlecek Physics1999 Thad Walker (grad student)
Timothy J. KampAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics
Jeffrey M. KapatoesRadiation Physics, Oncology, Radiology2000 Gustavo H. Olivera (grad student)
Elliot KaplanFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2012 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Albrecht KarleAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ben-Tzion Karsh Michael James Smith (grad student), Pascale Carayon (collaborator), Peter Hoonakker (collaborator), Ann Schoofs Hundt (collaborator)
Pramod C. Karulkar
Reza Kashani1989 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Matt Kauer Physics20092012 Thad Walker (post-doc)
Nikolas KauerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Dieter Zeppenfeld (grad student)
Michael C. KaufmanFluid and Plasma Physics2009 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Xianglin KeCondensed Matter Physics2006 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Kurtis L. KellyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2001 John E. Scharer (grad student)
Charles A. Kelseydiagnostic radiology, radiation safety
Marijo Kent-FirstMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology
Amanda A. KepleyAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Drew G. KeppelGravitational Wave Physics
Donald William KerstPlasma physics1937 Raymond George Herb (grad student)
John KetoOptics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Physics1972 William Allen Fitzsimmons (grad student)
Wai-Yee KeungElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1980 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Arnold M. KieferMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2011 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Maxwell Kiernan MEDICAL PHYSICS2021 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Yusung KimRadiation Physics, Radiology2007 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Kyu S. KimCivil Engineering2009 Dante Fratta (grad student)
Changhan KimElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology2007 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Hyungsuk KimUltrasound, Attenuation Imaging Electrical and Computer Engineering20052008 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Jacob KingElectricity and Magnetism Physics2011 Carl R. Sovinec (grad student)
Ronold W. P. KingThe Theory of Linear Antennas1932 Edward Bennett (grad student)
Joe D. KingtonGeophysics, Geology Geoscience2012 Harold J. Tobin (grad student)
Armen KirakosianCondensed Matter Physics, Chemical Engineering2003 Franz J. Himpsel (grad student)
Joseph Kirchner1978 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Samuel Kirkwood Agricultural Chemistry1933 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Miklos Z. KissMedical Biophysics, Radiology Medical Physics20032006 Tomy Varghese (post-doc)
Charles KittelCondensed Matter Physics1941 Gregory Breit (grad student)
Slade J. KlawikowskiAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Helge B. KlockowMechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering2004 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Jeffrey KlukasElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2012 Matthew Fairbanks Herndon (grad student)
Matthew W. KnuthGeophysics, Geology2011 Harold J. Tobin (grad student)
Lynn D. KnutsonNuclear Physics
Eunsuk KoNuclear Engineering2005 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Cheng G. KoayGeneral Physics, Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology2005 Andrew L Alexander (grad student)
Louis Julius Koester1951 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Richard Robert KoflerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1964 Myron Lindsay Good (grad student)
Teck S. KohCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology Physics2012 Mark G. Friesen (grad student)
Sean S Kohlesbiomechanics, biomaterials, orthopedics, injury1994 Ray Vanderby (grad student)
Jonathan J. KolinerFluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2013 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Joseph Koo1976 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Frank KorosecRadiology
Anna Korver Physics Thad Walker (grad student)
Mrunal Korwar Physics20182023 Yang Bai (grad student)
Michael E. KowalokMedical Biophysics, Oncology, Nuclear Engineering, Radiology2004 Douglass L. Henderson (grad student)
William L. Kraushaarhigh-energy astronomy
Russell Krueger Geological engineering2018 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Stanley J. KrugerRadiology Medical Physics2014 Sean B. Fain (grad student)
Alan M. KruizengaNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2010 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Amanda KruseElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Molecular Physics Physics2014 Yibin Pan (grad student)
Pasad B. KulatungaAtomic Physics Physics2001 Thad Walker (grad student)
Gerald L. KulcinskiNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Radiation Physics1965 Charles W. Maynard (grad student)
Paul E. KutterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Minho KwonPhysics Physics2019 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Tristan S. L'EcuyerAtmospheric Science Physics
Matthew D. La FontaineRadiology, Veterinary Science Biology Medical Physics2014 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Max G. LagallyCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1968 Maurice Barnett Webb (grad student)
Sabine W. LammersHigh-Energy Physics2004 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Brian Lancor Physics2011 Thad Walker (grad student)
Michael Scott LarsenElectron collision cross section Physics20002007 Chun Chia Lin (grad student)
Theodore LavineExperimental High Energy Physics Physics19791986 Richard Prepost (grad student)
James Edward LawlerAtomic Physics1978 Louis Wilmer Anderson (grad student)
Christos LazaridisHigh-Energy Physics2011 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Matthew A. LazzaraAtmospheric Sciences2008 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Hye-Sung LeeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Won-Je LeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2008 Thomas M. Grist (grad student)
Yueh-Lin LeeMaterials Science Engineering2011 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Sanghan LeeMaterials Science Engineering, Energy, Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science2012 Chang-Beom Eom (grad student)
Yu-Min LeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Charlie C. Chen (grad student)
Yurim Lee MEDICAL PHYSICS2020 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Jessica L. LeonardHigh-Energy Physics2011 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Aaron LevineParticle Physics Physics20112016 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Ian M LewisElementary particle physics
Harold Warren Lewishigh energy physics
Brian T.R. Lewis1970 Robert P. Meyer (grad student), Sigmund I. Hammer (grad student), Clarence S. Clay (grad student)
Taihyeop LhoNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Ao Li
Yadong LiMedical ultrasound2001 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Liang Li2005 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Tianjun LiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Zhenglong LiAtmospheric Sciences2009 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Ao Li Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Zhuohan Li Materials Science and Engineering20162021 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Zhimin Li Physics2006 Thad Walker (grad student)
Qing LiangRadiology, Radiation Physics Medical Physics2013 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Emily Lichko Physics20132020 Jan Egedal (grad student)
Jeremy R. LichtNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2008 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Martin Lichtman2015 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Hyungjun LimQuantum Physics, General Physics Physics2014 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Oo-Kaw LimOptics Physics2006 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Christie Lin
Chun Chia Linmicrowave spectroscopy
David Arthur Lindexperimental nuclear physics
Ta-yung Ling19661971 William F. Fry (grad student)
Craig LingleGeophysics, Geodesy, Remote Sensing1983 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Darius D. LisowskiNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics2013 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Bryce R. LittlejohnNeutrino and Particle Physics Physics2012 Karsten M. Heeger (grad student)
Xiaosong LiuCondensed Matter Physics2009 F J. Himspel (grad student)
Yun Liu Materials Science and Engineering20062012 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Wu LiuMedical ultrasound Medical Physics20012007 James A. Zagzebski (grad student), Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Chian-Yi LiuAtmospheric Science Physics, Remote Sensing2010 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Zhen LiuElementary Particle Physics
Cheng Liu Engineering Physics2012 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Ran Liu2004 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Qinrui Liuastroparticle physics20162021 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Lewis J. LloydNuclear Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2014 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Arthur Scott LodgeRheology
Andrew J. Long Physics2012 Daniel Jun Hun Chung (grad student)
Benjamin W. LongmierFluid and Plasma Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2007 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Marisol E. LopezCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics2000 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
Vanessa López-Barquero Physics Paolo Desiati (grad student)
Frank Loreti physics1993 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Karina F. LoureiroElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Sida Lu Physics20142019 Yang Bai (grad student)
Lu LuParticle Astrophysics, Neutrino Astronomy, Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Albrecht Karle (collaborator)
Weiguo LuRadiology, Oncology, Medical Biophysics2001 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Christine Luis
Siqi LuoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 John E. Scharer (grad student)
William Luszczak Physics20162021 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
John Charles Luthecomputational physics Physics19711975 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Leonard C. LutterGenetics, Molecular Biology, Medical Biophysics1973 Charles G. Kurland (grad student)
Stephen D. Luzader Physics1979 Martin G. Olsson (grad student)
Michael S. LyselMedical Biophysics, Radiology
Yuansheng MaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Chi MaRadiology Medical Physics2014 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Puthajat MachimaFluid and Plasma Physics, General Engineering2005 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Julian Ellis Mackatomic spectroscopy and applied optics
Thomas Rockwell MackieBiomedical Engineering, Optics Physics
Mark T. MadsenRadiation Physics, Radiology1979 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Gregory J. MadsenAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Ronald J. Reynolds (grad student)
Stephanie M. MaesGeology, Geophysics2006 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Larry Joe Mahrt1972 John A. Young (grad student)
John W. MaidenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Gary Shiu (grad student)
Jonathan C. MakielskiPhysiology Biology, General Biophysics
Kiritkumar D. MakwanaGeneral Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Physics2013 Paul W. Terry (grad student)
Annelise Malkus2011 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Siddharth S. MaluAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Sarah Louise MancinaPhysics, Neutrinos, IceCube, Neutrino Astronomy, Multimessenger Astrophysics Physics20152022 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Sui Ann A. Mao
Matthew S. MarcusCondensed Matter Physics2004 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Delmar MarshallMolecular Physics2006 Chun Chia Lin (grad student)
Charles Martin1992 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Charles Max Masondifferential equations, the calculus of variations, electromagnetic theory
Timothy L. MasterlarkGeology, Geophysics2000 Herbert F. Wang (grad student)
Robert D. MathieuStructure, kinematics and dynamics of star clusters and star-forming regions; stellar binary populations; blue stragglers and other objects on alternative stellar evolution pathways; stellar angular momentum evolution.
Jeffery B. MaxsonCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2001 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Charles W. Maynard
Ian McBrearty Geoscience2019 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Bradley P. McCabeRadiology Medical Physics2012 Michael S. Van Lysel (grad student)
Keisha C. McCallRadiation Physics, Radiology2011 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Dan McCammonAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics1971 William L. Kraushaar (grad student)
Mathew J. McCaskeyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Leon C. McCaughanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Travis J. McCawRadiation Physics, Medicine and Surgery Medical Physics2015 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Jessica L. McChesneyCondensed Matter Physics2004 Franz J. Himpsel (grad student)
Megan Nicole McCleanSystems Biology
Raymond McConnell Mechanical Engineering2020 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Matthew M. McCormickBiomedical Engineering2011 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Donald Wayne McEachernreactor designs1963 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Marcus Thomas McEllistremNuclear Physics Physics1955 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Robert S. McElrathElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Tao Han (grad student)
Aaron McEvoyNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Radiation Physics Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2014 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Michael C. McfarlaneElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Karsten M. Heeger (grad student)
Meghan B. McGarryFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2013 Daniel J. Den Hartog (grad student)
James Nicol McGruerNuclear physics1952 Raymond George Herb (grad student)
Lisa M. McGuireCondensed Matter Physics2008 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Paul McGuirkTheory Physics2011 Gary Shiu (grad student)
Laurence Cook McIntyre Physics1965 Willy Haeberli (grad student)
Peter A. McNamaraElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Phongsan MeekunnasombatMechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering2004 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Soren C. MeibomAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Robert D. Mathieu (grad student)
Paul J. MeierEnvironmental Sciences, Energy, Environmental Engineering2002 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Bruce MelladoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Sheridan G. MeltsnerRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2008 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Charles Elwood Mendenhallpyrometry and the optical radiation from hot bodies
Nana A. Mensah-BrownMedical Biophysics2010 Ronald T. Wakai (grad student)
Nirvedh H MeshramUltrasound Medical Physics2014 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Rebecca A. MetzlerGeneral Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics2010 Pupa Gilbert (grad student)
Jinlu MiaoGeneral Physics, Optics Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2013 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Edwin J. MierkiewiczAstrophysics2002 Frederick L. Roesler (grad student)
Guillaume P. MignotNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2008 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Attila MihalyiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Jason Milhone Physics2020 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Daniel Weber Miller1951 Henry Herman Barschall (grad student)
Maneesh MishraMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience Materials Science2012 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Charles Anthony MistrettaRadiology, Biomedical Engineering
Gregory S. MitchellMedical imaging Physics19951999 Richard Prepost (grad student)
Yifei Mo Materials Science and Engineering20052010 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Richard MoeckelMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1980 Charles Cameron Conley (grad student)
Jacqueline D. MogaRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2011 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Sherif H. MohamedMechanical Engineering2003 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Gerilynn Moline1993 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student), Jean M. Bahr (grad student)
Teresa MontaruliAstronomy and Astrophysics
Laura R. MoodyMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology2010 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
Dane D MorganMaterials Science Engineering, Geophysics
Dirk MorrCondensed Matter Physics Physics1997 Andrey Chubukov (grad student)
Robert Malcolm MorseHigh Energy Physics1969 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Bradley J. MotlMechanical Engineering2008 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Richard Alan MoyerFluid and Plasma Physics1988 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Sarah R. MuddRadiology2010 Jamey P. Weichert (grad student)
Rashid Al Mukaddim Electrical and Computer Engineering MEDICAL PHYSICS20212022 Tomy Varghese (grad student), Tomy Varghese (post-doc)
Tim Mulnix1998 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Clifford Munson1990 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Nicholas A. MurphyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2009 Ellen G. Zweibel (grad student)
Jane Marie NachtmanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1997 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Nishtala Appala NarasimhamSpectroscopy19521953 Julian Ellis Mack (post-doc)
Todd R. NarkisMaterials Science Engineering2004 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Shaima L. NasiriAtmospheric Science Physics, Remote Sensing2004 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Gerald A. NavratilFluid and Plasma Physics1976 Richard S. Post (grad student)
Omar D. NegreteMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2009 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Gary L. NelsestuenMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology Biochemistry1947 Samuel Kirkwood (grad student)
Kenneth Scott NelsonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1986 Albert R. Erwin (grad student)
Ian A. NelsonAtomic Physics2001 Thad Walker (grad student)
Renée Nesnidal Physics1999 Thad Walker (grad student)
Jason M. NettElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Matthew Fairbanks Herndon (grad student)
Raymond T. NewellAtomic Physics, Optics Physics2003 Thad Walker (grad student)
Wayne NewhauserRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics, Ophthalmology Medical Physics1995 Paul M. DeLuca (grad student)
Diu NghiemCondensed Matter Physics2007 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Robert J. NicklesRadiology, Medical Biophysics Physics Willy Haeberli (grad student)
John H. NiederhausFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Jason A. NielsenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19942001 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
christopher D NobleRichtmyer Meshkov Instability, Turbulent Mixing Engineering Physics20152020 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Doron NofPhysical Oceanography, Geophysics1976 John A. Young (grad student)
Jin-Seo NohMaterials Science Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2003 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Eric NordbergCondensed Matter Physics2010 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Kenneth H. NordsieckAstronomy and Astrophysics
Mark D. NornbergFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2006 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Gerald R. NorthClimate Science Physics19611966 Charles J. Goebel (grad student)
John A. Nousek1978 William L. Kraushaar (grad student)
Andrew Novick1991 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Franscica Nunez Geoscience20222024 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Jonathon A. NyeMedical Biophysics, Radiation Physics2005 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Matthew J. NyflotRadiation Physics, Radiology2011 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
John B. O'BryanFluid and Plasma Physics Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2014 Carl R. Sovinec (grad student)
Christopher W. O'DellAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Peter T. Timbie (grad student)
Rafael L. O'HalloranBiomedical Engineering, Radiology2009 Sean B. Fain (grad student)
Terry Oakes1995 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Jason G. OakleyMechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2001 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
William R. OgdenCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering1972 Milton O. Pella (grad student)
Hakki Boran ÖgelmanAstronomy and Astrophysics
Summer J. OhlendorfGeophysics Geoscience2015 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student), Kurt Lewis Feigl (grad student)
Isobel R. OjalvoHigh-Energy Physics Physics20092014 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Lutfi OksuzNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Gustavo H. OliveraRadiation Physics, Oncology, Radiology
Fredrick OlnessTheoretical Particle Physics Physics Department Marvin Emerson Ebel (grad student)
James D. Olsenparticle physics1998 Duncan L. Carlsmith (grad student)
Stephen Lars OlsenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics1970 Lee G. Pondrom (grad student)
Eenas A. OmariElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering2014 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Marshall Franklin OnellionCondensed Matter Physics
Marina OrioAstronomy and Astrophysics
James Osborne Physics220122017 Yang Bai (grad student)
Birgit OtteAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Ronald J. Reynolds (grad student)
Bhudatt R. PaliwalRadiology
Kimberly Jackson PalladinoNeutrino Astronomy, Direct Dark Matter
Matthew L. PalottiFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Ellen G. Zweibel (grad student)
Yibin PanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Molecular Physics1991 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Casian A. PanteaMathematics, Applied Mathematics, Biochemistry2010 Gheorghe Craciun (grad student)
Pongladda PanyajirawutCondensed Matter Physics2010 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Eli ParkeFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 Daniel J. Den Hartog (grad student)
Adrian Parra P.Nanotechnology, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science2013 Mark S. Rzchowski (grad student)
Deborah M. PaskiewiczMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science2012 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Hiren H. PatelTheoretical Nuclear, Particle, Cosmology Physics2013 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Marlann M. PattersonMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2005 Amy E. Wendt (grad student)
Adam B. PaxtonGeneral Biophysics, Medicine and Surgery, Oncology Medical Physics2012 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Carlos A. Paz-SoldanFluid and Plasma Physics, General Physics Physics2012 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
John R. PeckCondensed Matter Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Yamac Pehlivan
Milton O. Pella1948 Ira C. Davis (grad student)
Weina PengCondensed Matter Physics2011 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
William G. Penney1932 John H. van Vleck (post-doc)
Ryan S. Penning Mechanical Engineering2013 Michael R. Zinn (grad student)
Walter W. PepplerRadiation Physics, Radiology, Medical Biophysics
Jean C. PerezPlasma Physics, Space Plasmas
Jeremy D. PesicekGeophysics, Plate Tectonics2009 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student)
Michiel G. Peters Physics Thad Walker (research assistant)
Dana C PetersMedical physics, MRI BME Charles Anthony Mistretta (grad student)
Max Heinrich Petersen1925 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Mark Peterson Electrical Engineering1993 Thad Walker (research assistant)
Ethan Peterson Physics2021 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Andrea D. PetersonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2014 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Walter Pettus Physics Physics20092017 Karsten M. Heeger (grad student), Reina Maruyama (grad student)
Douglas R. PfeifferCell Biology, Biochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry Department, The Enzyme Institute19751978 Henry A. Lardy (post-doc)
Carl G. PfendnerAstrophysics Physics Physics2012 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student)
Raymond J. PhaneufNanotechnology, surface physics, low energy electron microscopy, photoemission electron microscopy, scanned probe microscopies, templating for directed self-assembly1985 Maurice Barnett Webb (grad student)
Leonardo H. PiccoliGeology, Geophysics2005 Juan A. Simo (grad student)
Gregory R. PieferNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics2006 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
William Brasser Pietenpol1917 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Tina L. PikeGeneral Biophysics, Oncology, Radiology Medical Physics2012 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Huican PingElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Albert R. Erwin (grad student)
Nathan D. PinneyMaterials Science Engineering, Geochemistry Materials Science2013 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Emanuel R. Piore1936 Hugo Bernard Wahlin (grad student)
Daniel J. PisanoAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Eric M. Wilcots (grad student)
Valerie E. PlausElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2013 Lisa Lorraine Everett (grad student)
Thawatchai PlookpholMaterials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Mining Engineering Materials Science and Engineering19952001 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student), Reid F. Cooper (grad student)
Andrew C. Plumb2005 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Matthew B. PodgorsakRadiation Physics1993 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Robert M Pohlman Electrical and Computer Engineering20162021 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Lee G. Pondromelementary particle physics
Mariela A. Porras-ChaverriRadiology Medical Physics2014 John R. Vetter (grad student)
Richard S. Postplasma physics, fusion, and plasma-material interaction
Matthew S. PovichAstronomy2009 Edward B. Churchwell (grad student)
John Leonard Powell1948 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Stewart C. PragerFusion energy, Fusion roadmapping, Plasma astrophysics, Plasma physics
Prashanth R. PrakashMechanical Engineering2005 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Richard PrepostElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Nicholas A. ProiteAtomic Physics Physics Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Bhalchandra PuranikMechanical Engineering2000 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Jonathan B. PuthoffMaterials Science Engineering2009 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student)
William B. QuayleElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Yuijing QuiAuditory system John F. Brugge (grad student)
Ross F. RadelNuclear Engineering2007 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Roger W. RadomskyMechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Karen A. Thole (grad student)
Julie A. RaffiRadiation Physics2010 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Dorr Chandler Ralph1949 Raymond George Herb (grad student)
Michael J. Ramsey-Musolfnuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology
Frank N. RanalloRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics
Devesh RanjanMechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2007 Riccardo Bonazza (grad student)
Yongyan RaoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Lisa Lorraine Everett (grad student)
Min RaoRadiology, Oncology, Biomedical Engineering2008 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Chetan S. RaoGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Agricultural Chemistry, Food Science and Technology Agriculture2003 Srinivasan Damodaran (grad student)
Karl H. RasmussenOncology, Radiology, Radiation Physics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
John D. RauschAtmospheric Sciences, Remote Sensing Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences2014 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Kunil K. RavalBiochemistry, Pathology Cellular and Molecular Bio-LS2014 Timothy J. Kamp (grad student)
Katherine RawlinsAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Don D. Reederexperimental high energy particle physics, experimental cosmic ray physics Physics1966 Myron Lindsay Good (grad student)
Bethany ReillyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics Physics20092014 Albrecht Karle (grad student), Reina Maruyama (grad student)
Rory Retzlaf1991 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Joshua A. ReuschFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Ronald J. ReynoldsAstronomy and Astrophysics1971 Frank Scherb (grad student)
Guilhem Ribeill Physics2016 Robert F. McDermott (grad student)
Hugh Taylor RichardsNuclear physics
Susan Richardson2003 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Vincent C. Rideoutelectrical engineering, biomedical engineering
Benedikt RiedelAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics Physics20092014 Francis Halzen (grad student), Reina Maruyama (grad student)
Paul RileyGeology2010 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Clark S. RitzCondensed Matter Physics2009 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Kevin R. RobbNuclear Engineering2011 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Andrew D Roberts1995 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
James Douglas Robertson1975 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Edwin Simons Robinson1964 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Lindsay E. RocksAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Dan McCammon (grad student)
John R. Roebuckporous plug work with heat transfer, thermostats and photography
Frederick L. RoeslerAstrophysics1962 Julian Ellis Mack (grad student)
Collin Roland Geoscience2020 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Ragnar Oswald Rollefson1930 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Antonio E. RomanoAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Daniel Jun Hun Chung (grad student)
Yi RongMedical Biophysics2008 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Sean T. Rooney1988 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
James B. RosenzweigParticle Beam Physics Physics1988 Don D. Reeder (grad student), David B. Cline (grad student)
Michele L. RosinHigh-Energy Physics2006 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Ian Ross Physics20082013 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Marc Hansen Ross1952 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
Nicholas RubertRadiology, Oncology Medical Physics2014 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Kenneth M. RudingerQuantum Physics, Theory Physics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering Physics2014 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Tyler RugglesParticle Physics
Paul RugheimerCondensed Matter Physics2004 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Richard Ruiz
Patrick D. Ryan2006 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Hyuk J. RyuMaterials Science Engineering2010 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Mark S. RzchowskiCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Robert Green SachsTheoretical physics
Daniel L. SaenzRadiology, Radiation Physics Medical Physics2014 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Mark SaffmanGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics, Computer Engineering
Bunji SakitaTheoretical physics19591963 Robert Green Sachs (post-doc)
Bahaa E. A. SalehElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Quantum Physics
Kayvan SamimiUltrasound, Attenuation Imaging Electrical and Computer Engineering20132016 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Jose R. Sanchez PerezMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience Materials Science2015 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Juan M. SantanderAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student)
David A. SantekAtmospheric Sciences2007 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Giles E. SantyrRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
John Stephen SarffFluid and Plasma Physics1988 Julien Clinton Sprott (grad student)
Marty Satter1992 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Joshua P. Sauppe Carl R. Sovinec (grad student)
Blair DeWillis Savage
David Saxon1954 Julian Ellis Mack (grad student)
Jonathon L. SchadMaterials research
R. Scott Schappe Physics1993 Thad Walker (research assistant)
John E. ScharerElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics
Frank ScherbAstrophysics
James S. SchillingElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics1971 Maurice Barnett Webb (grad student)
Mark SchluttFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2012 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Jeffrey R. Schmidt Physics1987 Adam M. Bincer (grad student)
Jared SchmitthennerGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2012 Tao Han (grad student)
Austin William SchneiderNeutrino physics Physics20152020 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Jacob (Jack) Schnepshigh-energy physics1956 William F. Fry (grad student)
Leah K. SchubertRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Michael J. SchuellerNuclear Physics, Medical Biophysics2001 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Peter Schwandt1967 Willy Haeberli (grad student)
Earl ScimeFluid and Plasma Physics Physics19871992 Samuel Hokin (grad student)
Earl Edward ScimeFluid and Plasma Physics
Jennifer S. SebbyAtomic Physics2004 Thad Walker (grad student)
Janet Seger1991 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Stephen J. SekulaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Yibin Pan (grad student)
Andrew Seltzman Physics2017 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Jack S. SemuraStatistical physics, Information theory in science, Maximum entropy Physics1971 David Lawrence Huber (grad student)
Steve L. Sendelbach Physics2013 Robert F. McDermott (grad student)
Evan R. SengbuschRadiation Physics, Oncology2012 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Jaechun SeolFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Robert Serber1934 John H. van Vleck (grad student)
Gregory W. SeverinNuclear Physics2010 Lynn D. Knutson (grad student)
Gregory D. SevernPlasma Physics19801987 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Morgan W. ShaferFluid and Plasma Physics2009 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Nic Shannon19941997 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Gabriel G. ShaughnessyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2007 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
J. P. SheehanFluid and Plasma Physics Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2012 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Ke ShengOncology, Radiation Physics2005 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
William Danks ShephardElementary Particle Physics1962 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Debra S. ShepherdAstronomy1996 Edward B. Churchwell (grad student)
Hairong ShiRadiology, Medical Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology2007 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Zhan ShiCondensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Yeqi Shi Materials Science and Engineering2016 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Shiue y. ShiauCondensed Matter Physics2007 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Jangho ShinElectronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Gary ShiuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Frank Crawford Shoemaker1949 Ragnar Oswald Rollefson (grad student)
Jeffrey Vincent SiebersGeneral Physics1990 Paul M. DeLuca (grad student)
Daniel E. SikesAtomic Physics Physics Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Rardchawadee SilapuntElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Amy E. Wendt (grad student)
Manuel Silva Physics20172023 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Edward Allen Silverstein1960 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
José Simán Physics1996 Thad Walker (research assistant)
Zachary J. SimmonsAtomic Physics Physics Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Christine B. SimmonsCondensed Matter Physics2011 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Juan A. SimoGeology, Geophysics
Ernest Brown Skinner
Zoran SkodaGeneral Physics, Mathematics2002 Andrey Chubukov (grad student)
Keith A. SlinkerCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Jennifer B. SmilowitzRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2002 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student), Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Wesley H. SmithHigh-Energy Physics
Randall K. Smith1997 Donald Peyton Cox (grad student)
Benjamin Warner Snow
Emilie T. SoissonRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Theodore Sollerlow-temperature physics1931 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Philip M. Solomonmolecular astrophysics1965 Arthur D. Code (grad student), Robert C. Bless (grad student)
Aaron C. SontagFluid and Plasma Physics2002 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Susan Sorenson Physics2015 Thad Walker (grad student)
Carl R. SovinecFluid and Plasma Physics1995 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Erik J. SpenceFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Alan L StangePhysics Physics19891992 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Darrell T. StanleyGeophysics2002 Nikolas I. Christensen (grad student)
Chad StausOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Leon C. McCaughan (grad student)
Joseph R. SteeleElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Lee G. Pondrom (grad student)
Ben A StefanekBSM physics, cosmology Physics20122017 Yang Bai (grad student)
Timothy John StelzerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1993 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Mark D. Stenoien1998 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Hillary D. StephensFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Chris C. Hegna (grad student)
Edward J. StephensonSymmetries and reactions involving polarized particles1975 Willy Haeberli (grad student)
Nate Stevens
Mark H. StockettAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics, Atmospheric Chemistry2011 James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Donald Stuart StoneMaterials Science
Douglas R. StoneFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2013 John Stephen Sarff (grad student)
Matthew Stoneking Physics Samuel Hokin (grad student)
Alden R. StradlingElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Erik A. StrahlerAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Jerry M. StrakaAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1989 Pao-Kuan Wang (grad student)
Tyson E. StrandGeophysics, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology2003 Herbert F. Wang (grad student)
David Mattill StromGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics1986 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Alexander J. StuartElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Lisa Lorraine Everett (grad student)
Kurt E. StumpRadiation Physics, Oncology, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2005 Larry Albert DeWerd (grad student)
Shih-Hao SuAtmospheric Science Physics2010 Pao-Kuan Wang (grad student)
Rafael O. SuarezRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2004 Ronald T. Wakai (grad student)
Krupakar M. SubramanianFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics, Nuclear Engineering2004 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Charles I. SukenikAtomic Physics, Optical Physics, Molecular Physics Physics Thad Walker (post-doc)
Ibrahim A. SulaiOptics Physics, Atomic Physics, Radiation Physics Physics Thad Walker (grad student)
Roger Sumner1965 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
John J. Sunderland1990 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Kaitlin SundlingBiochemistry, Applied Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Genetics Biophysics2012 Gheorghe Craciun (grad student)
Joshua SwansonHigh-Energy Physics Physics2013 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Brian S. SwartzentruberCondensed Matter Physics Physics Materials Science19861992 Maurice Barnett Webb (grad student), Max G. Lagally (research assistant)
George W. SwensonElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, radio astronomy1951 Thomas James Higgins (grad student)
Timothy P. SzczykutowiczRadiology Medical Physics2012 Charles Anthony Mistretta (grad student)
Andrew Szentgyorgyineutrino astronomy, very high energy gamma astronomy and X-ray astronomy Physics1986 Ugo Camerini (grad student)
Izabela SzlufarskaMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry
Charles G. TahanCondensed Matter Physics2005 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Mwilwa F. TambweMaterials Science Engineering2000 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student)
Ping Tan20002007 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Chaiyapat Tangpatjaroen2013 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Boy TantoCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2009 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
John A. TataronisFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Devin TaylorParticle Physics
Michael Taylor1998 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
N. Z. TaylorFluid and Plasma Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2014 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Kendrick C., Taylor, Jr.1982 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Dylan Teauge2018 Kevin Black (grad student)
Alexander C. TeelGeophysics Geophysics2012 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student)
Rodrigo E. Teixeira Department of Biochemistry20152017 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Howard M. Temin
Emre TepedelenliogluAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Hakki Boran Ögelman (grad student)
Paul W. TerryFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Emma R. TevaarwerkMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2005 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Dinesh K. TewatiaRadiation Physics2010 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Timothy D. TharpFluid and Plasma Physics2010 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Magesh ThiyagarajanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics2008 John E. Scharer (grad student)
Keith S. ThomasElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Akikazu Hashimoto (grad student)
Dan Thrasher Physics Thad Walker (grad student)
Clifford H. ThurberGeophysics
George Thurtell Champ Bean Tanner (grad student)
Basil TikoffGeology, Geophysics
Peter T. TimbieAstronomy and Astrophysics
Yuk-Hong J. TingElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry2011 Amy E. Wendt (grad student)
Sarah J. TitusGeology, Geophysics2006 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Benjamin TitzOncology, Radiology Medical Physics2012 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Joseph Tobiason Physics19931994 Thad Walker (post-doc)
Harold J. TobinGeophysics, Geology
Ranjini P. TolakanahalliOncology, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering Medical Physics2012 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Wolfgang A. ToméPhysics, Medical Physics, Oncology, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology
Michael J. TompkinsGeophysics2003 David L. Alumbaugh (grad student)
Roberto E. TorassoFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering2001 John A. Tataronis (grad student)
Adam TregreElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Kevin L. TritzFluid and Plasma Physics2002 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
James L. TruittCondensed Matter Physics2004 Mark A. Eriksson (grad student)
Tien-I TsaiInformation Science, Library Science, Higher Education Library & Information Studies2013 Kyu S. Kim (grad student)
Jeng-Liang TsaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Charlie C. Chen (grad student)
Chien-yu TsauCondensed Matter Physics2002 Robert Joynt (grad student)
Evelina Tsoncheva2010 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Haifeng TuMedical ultrasound2005 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
Julie D. TuckerMaterials Science Engineering, Nuclear Engineering2008 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Stephen Tufte Physics19921997 Ronald J. Reynolds (grad student)
J. Anthony Tysondark matter distribution, gravitational lens effects, cosmic shear, the nature of dark energy, and instrumentation for optical astronomy1967 Richard N. Dexter (grad student)
Melville Paul UlmerDevelopment of X-ray mirrors and ultraviolet detectors, matter distribution in galactic clusters, transient hard X-ray sources.1970 William L. Kraushaar (grad student)
Bret J. UnderwoodTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Gary Shiu (grad student)
Ezekial A. UnterbergNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2007 Raymond John Fonck (grad student)
Erich UrbanAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Optics Physics2009 Thad Walker (grad student)
Tristan T. UtschigNuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2001 Michael L. Corradini (grad student)
Hector Valdovinos2017 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Charles R. Van Hise1882 Roland Duer Irving (grad student)
Michael S. Van LyselRadiology Medical Physics Charles Anthony Mistretta (grad student)
Jakob van SantenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2014 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
John H. van Vleckmagnetism19161920 Leonard R. Ingersoll (research assistant), Ernest Brown Skinner (research assistant)
Nicholas T. VandeheyMedical Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering2009 Bradley T. Christian (grad student)
Justin A Vandenbrouckeparticle astrophysics, neutrino astronomy, gamma-ray astronomy, cosmic rays
Andrew M. VanderburgExoplanets
Matt VanderhoekMedical Biophysics, Radiology2011 Robert Jeraj (grad student)
Tomy VargheseUltrasound, Elastography, Photoacoustic Imaging
Nicole Vassh Physics2016 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Amanda L. VegaPhysiology Biology, General Biophysics2008 Jonathan C. Makielski (grad student)
Wren Vettens2018 Kevin Black (grad student)
John R. VetterRadiology
Steve VigdorNuclear Physics1973 Willy Haeberli (grad student)
Daniel J. VimontAtmospheric Science Physics
Miguel Ángel Virasoro1968 Bunji Sakita (post-doc)
Chelsea Volpano Geoscience2021 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
John Votaw1988 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Carl VuosaloElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Sridhara Rao Dasu (grad student)
Jerome K. WadeMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Dan Botez (grad student)
Hugo Bernard Wahlingas conduction, solid state physics
Ronald T. WakaiMedicine and Surgery, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology
Jeff WaksmanFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2013 John Stephen Sarff (grad student)
Kameshwar C. Walihigh energy physics1959 Robert Green Sachs (grad student)
William Delany Walkerelementary particle physics
Thad WalkerAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Jonathan WanagatCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology2000 Judd M. Aiken (grad student)
You-Ren WangAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Ting-Yuan WangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2004 Charlie C. Chen (grad student)
Haichen WangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Xiao WangUltrasound, Elastography, Carotid Strain Imaging Medical Physics20112015 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Xing Wang Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering20112016 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Herbert F. WangGeophysics
Xuanji WangAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Energy2003 Steven A. Ackerman (grad student)
Dongxu WangBiomedical Engineering, Radiation Physics, Radiology2011 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Yingxue WangAtomic Physics, Optics Physics2005 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Mengkuo WangNuclear Engineering2006 Douglass L. Henderson (grad student)
Yuxuan Wang20112015 Andrey Chubukov (grad student)
Kai Wangelementary particle physics Physics20042008 Tao Han (grad student)
Abigail Warden2019 Kevin Black (grad student)
Cheryl Waters-TormeyGeology2004 Basil Tikoff (grad student)
Christer WatsonAstronomy2004 Edward B. Churchwell (grad student)
Chris Weaver Physics2015 Albrecht Karle (grad student)
Warren Weaver1921 Charles Max Mason (grad student), Charles Sumner Slichter (grad student)
Maurice Barnett WebbSurface physics, low-energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy1956 William Waldron Beeman (grad student)
Joshua J. WeberAtomic Physics Physics Deniz D. Yavuz (grad student)
Shuguang Wei Materials Science and Engineering2018 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Jamey P. WeichertOncology, Medical Biophysics, Radiation Physics
John Weidner2012 Robert J. Nickles (grad student)
Thomas Joseph Weilerparticle physics19711976 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Marc WeinbergHigh-Energy Physics2011 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
Richard Weindruch
David Weisberg Physics2016 Cary B. Forest (grad student)
Amy E. WendtMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Dirk WerschmoellerMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Ao Li (grad student)
Edmund Cary West1966 William Delany Walker (grad student)
Stefan WesterhoffAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
David C. WesterlyRadiation Physics, Oncology, Medical Biophysics2009 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Garth G. WhelanPlasma Physics Physics2012 Paul W. Terry (grad student)
Frederick A. WhiteEnvironmental acoustics, mass spectrometry, ion physics1960 Erwin N. Hiebert (grad student), Aaron John Ihde (grad student)
Nathan WhitehornAstrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics Physics2012 Francis Halzen (grad student)
Larry Whiting1976 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Derek T. Whitt
Albert Whtifordphotoelectric photometry, stellar populations
Dennis G. WhyteFluid and Plasma Physics
Susanna Leigh Widicus WeaverAstrochemistry
Matthew D. WieboldFluid and Plasma Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2011 John E. Scharer (grad student)
Joshua Wiener2015 Siang Peng Oh (grad student)
Eric M. WilcotsAstronomy and Astrophysics
Richard Jeffrey WilkesAstronomy and Astrophysics19671974 Don D. Reeder (grad student)
William Williams2009 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Kindle Shea WilliamsElectrochemistry, Catalysis Chemical & Biological Engineering20152015 James A. Dumesic (research assistant)
Robert Marshall Williamson1951 Hugh Taylor Richards (grad student)
Robert S Williamson IIIcold atom collisions, radioactive species trapping, non-linear optics, LIDAR, lasers Physics Physics Physics20181997 Thad Walker (grad student), Mark Saffman (collaborator), Renée Nesnidal (collaborator)
Thaddeus A. WilsonMedical ultrasound2000 James A. Zagzebski (grad student)
J. Gibson Winans1927 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Michael J. WinokurCondensed Matter Physics
Ian G Wisher Physics2016 Stefan Westerhoff (grad student)
Michael S WitherellHigh Energy Experimental Physics19681973 Richard Prepost (grad student)
Gunawan WitjaksonoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2002 Dan Botez (grad student)
George WolfVitamin A19501951 Charles Heidelberger (post-doc)
Homer F. WolfeHigh-Energy Physics2008 Wesley H. Smith (grad student)
King-Lap WongEnergy Engineering1975 Donald William Kerst (grad student)
Benjamin P. Wood2002 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Michael P. Wood Physics James Edward Lawler (grad student)
Jacob Woodard Geoscience2021 Lucas K. Zoet (grad student)
Abigail R Wooldridge Pascale Carayon (grad student)
Dustin W. WootenRadiology, Medical Biophysics Medical Physics2013 Bradley T. Christian (grad student)
Dan WuPower System, Dynamics
Chuan WuRadiation Physics, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2002 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Yu-Chien WuMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2006 Andrew L Alexander (grad student)
Jinwei WuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Sau Lan WuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Xidong WuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Robert WylieAtomic Physics, Medical Biophysics2012 Thad Walker (grad student)
Max D. WymanFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Stewart C. Prager (grad student)
Jianqi Xi2017 Izabela Szlufarska (post-doc)
Haiyan XuUltrasound, Elastography Medical Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering20082013 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Wenjun YangUltrasound, Elastography, Ablation Monitoring Medical Physics20132017 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Winston C. YangComputer Science2003 Robert P. Meyer (grad student)
Rui YaoNuclear Engineering, Energy2007 James P. Blanchard (grad student)
Deniz D. YavuzElectromagnetically induced transparency Physics Physics2003 Mark Saffman (post-doc), Thad Walker (post-doc)
William M. YenCondensed Matter Physics
Brian M. YenchoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Donghui Yi1996 Charles Raymond Bentley (grad student)
Chi-Shung YipFluid and Plasma Physics Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics2013 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Sua YooRadiation Physics, Oncology, Nuclear Engineering2003 Douglass L. Henderson (grad student)
John A. Younglarge-scale atmospheric wind dynamics and turbulence near the earth's surface
Chiu-Tien YuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Vernon Duane Barger (grad student)
Jialu YuOncology, Radiology Medical Physics2013 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Suhong YuMedicine and Surgery, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology Medical Physics2013 Ronald T. Wakai (grad student)
Zhitang YuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Sau Lan Wu (grad student)
Ka Ho YuenMultiphase Interstellar Media, Fundamental Turbulence Theory, Space Physics Astronomy20182022 Alex Lazarian (grad student)
Hasan Yuksel2005 A. Baha Balantekin (grad student)
Cosmas K. ZachosElementary Particle Physics Theory, Mathematical Physics
James A. ZagzebskiMedical ultrasound Medical physics1972 Charles A. Kelsey (grad student)
Elizabeth K. ZakszewskiRadiology Medical Physics2013 Andrew L Alexander (grad student)
Samuel L. ZelinkaMaterials Science Engineering2009 Donald Stuart Stone (grad student)
Samuel J. ZenobiaNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics, Materials Science Engineering2010 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Dieter ZeppenfeldElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Pengpeng ZhangCondensed Matter Physics2006 Max G. Lagally (grad student)
Xueyuan ZhangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2000 Franco Cerrina (grad student)
Lizheng ZhangElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Charlie C. Chen (grad student)
Jingjing Zhang2014 Trisha L. Andrew (post-doc)
Tiezhi ZhangRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Thomas Rockwell Mackie (grad student)
Siyuan ZhangGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics, Computer Engineering Physics2012 Mark Saffman (grad student)
Xugang ZhangMechanical Engineering2008 Ao Li (grad student)
Hongliang Zhang2018 Izabela Szlufarska (post-doc)
Haijiang Zhang Geoscience2003 Clifford H. Thurber (grad student)
Zhiwei Zhang Electrical and Computer Engineering2023 Tomy Varghese (grad student)
Lei Zhao Materials Science and Engineering20122017 Izabela Szlufarska (grad student)
Heming ZhenRadiology, Oncology Medical Physics2012 Wolfgang A. Tomé (grad student)
Elena Zhivun Physics Thad Walker (post-doc)
Peng Zhou Physics2012 Daniel Jun Hun Chung (grad student)
Craig Buchanan Zilles2002 Gurindar S. Sohi (grad student)
Todd A Zimmerman2003 Chun Chia Lin (grad student)
Steven J. Zinkle Nuclear Engineering19801985 Gerald L. Kulcinski (grad student)
Michael R. ZinnRobotics
Lucas K. ZoetGeophysics, Geology
Areli A. ZunigaGeneral Biophysics, Radiation Physics, Oncology Medical Physics2015 Bhudatt R. Paliwal (grad student)
Ellen G. ZweibelAstronomy and Astrophysics