Nan Ai | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology | | | 2011 | Stefan Strauf (grad student) |
James LeRoy Anderson | Relativistic astrophysics, gravitational radiation | | | | |
Arnold Boris Arons | Physics education | | | | |
Abe Balkind | Environmental Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering | | | | |
Milan Begliarbekov | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics / Polymer Engineering | | 2011 | Stefan Strauf (grad student) |
Abraham Belkind | Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics | | | | |
Abe Belkind | Fluid and Plasma Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | | |
Jeremy Bernstein | Author and Commentator | | | | |
Nivedita Biswas | Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | 2001 | Edward Whittaker (grad student) |
Joseph Gerald Byrne | Physical Metallurgy | | | | |
Peter R. Canales | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics | | | 2008 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Donald E. Carlucci | Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering | | | 2002 | Siva Thangam (grad student) |
Wayne E. Carr | Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | | |
Rupak Chatterjee | Quantum Information | | | | |
Yusui Chen | Quantum Informstion, Quantum computing, Quantum chemistry | Physics | 2009 | 2015 | Ting Yu (grad student) |
Thomas A Collins | Quantum Control, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics | Physics and Engineering Physics | 2009 | 2012 | Svetlana A. Malinovskaya (grad student) |
Brittany Corn | Quantum Physics, Atomic Physics, Theory Physics | Schaefer School of Engineering & Science | | 2011 | Ting Yu (grad student) |
Frank A. Corvino | Atomic Physics | | | 2009 | Christopher P. Search (grad student) |
H.-L Cui | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Hong-Liang Cui | Optics Physics, General Biophysics | | | | |
Richard J. Czernik | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2010 | Edward Whittaker (grad student) |
John Gilbert Daunt | Cryogenics | | | | |
Ivana M. Djuric | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2005 | H.-L Cui (grad student) |
Joseph A. Dorleus | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 2005 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Walter Gekelman | | | | 1972 | Kenneth C. Rogers (grad student), Robin O. Motz (grad student) |
Joseph L. Godino | General Physics | | | 2001 | Erich Enrique Kunhardt (grad student) |
Samuel R. Hedemann | Quantum Physics | Physics / Polymer Engineering | | 2014 | Ting Yu (grad student) |
Norman Horing | Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | | |
Xiaopeng Huang | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics | Electrical Engineer | | 2011 | Victor B. Lawrence (grad student) |
Xiaoyang Huang | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2005 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Jaeyoon Jeong | Atomic Physics | | | 2007 | Christopher P. Search (grad student) |
Jing Ju | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics, General Biophysics | | | 2002 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Francis A. Karwacki | Optics Physics | | | 2004 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Daeil Kim | Materials Science Engineering, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 2001 | Erich Enrique Kunhardt (grad student) |
Nikolay Kirsanov | Optics Physics | | | 2005 | Edward Whittaker (grad student) |
Santosh Kumar | Quantum Optics and Quantum Communication | | | | |
Erich Enrique Kunhardt | Materials Science Engineering, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | | |
Christos C. Kurt Becker | Environmental Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering | | | | |
Victor B. Lawrence | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics | | | | |
Harry Lenzing | Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | | |
Sanguo Li | Optics Physics | | | 2006 | H.-L Cui (grad student) |
Gengyuan Liu | Quantum Control | | | | |
Norman J. M. Horing | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Alexander J. Majewski | Optics Physics, General Biophysics | | | 2001 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Svetlana A. Malinovskaya | Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Low Temperature Physics | Physics Department | 2001 | 2002 | Eitan Geva (grad student) |
Hans Walter Meissner | low temperature physics | | | | |
Pedro Meledina | Optics Physics, General Physics | Physics / Polymer Engineering | | 2011 | Edward Whittaker (grad student) |
Mohcene Mezhoudi | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | | |
Desire Miessein | Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | Physics and Polymer Engineering | | 2014 | Harry Lenzing (grad student) |
Robin O. Motz | | | | | |
Lev G. Mourokh | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Oksana Mozgina | Environmental Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering | | | 2008 | Abe Balkind (grad student) |
John A. Mydosh | metal physics | | | 1965 | Hans Walter Meissner (grad student) |
Ferdinand Orock | Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | 2003 | Wayne E. Carr (grad student) |
Namwoong Paik | Condensed Matter Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | 2001 | Erich Enrique Kunhardt (grad student) |
Vishesha Patel | Atomic Physics, Optics Physics | | | 2010 | Svetlana A. Malinovskaya (grad student) |
Igor Pikovski | | | | | Dirk Bouwmeester (grad student) |
Vadim Puller | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2004 | Norman Horing (grad student) |
Carlos L. Ramos | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering | | | 2002 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Alexander Raspopin | Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | 2004 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Greg Recine | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2004 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Kenneth C. Rogers | plasma physics, physical electronics, high current arcs, pulsed high magnetic field technology, optical spectros- copy, high energy particle accelerators and elementary particle physics | | | | |
Kashif Sabeeh | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2001 | Norman Horing (grad student) |
Jose Saldivar Olague | Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering | | | 2000 | Gilbert Wray (grad student) |
ibrahim sarpkaya | | Physics | 2010 | 2015 | Stefan Strauf (grad student) |
Petra Sauer | Molecular Physics | | | 2004 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Christopher P. Search | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Atomic Physics, Optics Physics | | | | |
Wenchong Shu | Quantum Physics, Theory Physics | Physics / Polymer Engineering | | 2014 | Ting Yu (grad student) |
Stefan Strauf | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Yong Meng Sua | Quantum optics | | | | |
Svtlana Sukhishvili | Materials Science Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Optics Physics, Nanotechnology | | | | |
Siva Thangam | Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
John R. Toland | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Atomic Physics, Optics Physics | Engineering Physics | | 2011 | Christopher P. Search (grad student) |
Mehmet Burçin Ünlü | Photoacoustic tomography, diffuse optical tomography, propagation of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in biological tissue, inverse problems in medical physics, acoustic and optical instrumentation for cancer imaging, mathematical oncology | Department of Physics | | 2004 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
Neil J. Vallestero | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 2000 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |
William Walden-Newman | General Physics, Nanoscience, Optics Physics, Quantum Physics | Physics / Polymer Engineering | | 2012 | Stefan Strauf (grad student) |
Fang Wang | Theoretical physics | | | | |
James O. Weatherall | Atomic Physics, Optics Physics | | | 2009 | Christopher P. Search (grad student), Charles Suffel (grad student) |
Edward Whittaker | Optics Physics, General Physics | | | | |
Ting Yu | Theoretical Physics | | | | |
Xian Zhang | Low dimensional material, energy transport and conversion | | | | |
Peiji Zhao | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2000 | Hong-Liang Cui (grad student) |