University of New Hampshire

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Matthew R. ArgallFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 Roy B. Torbert (grad student)
Martina B. ArndtAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Roger Lee ArnoldyFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ludwig C Balling
Per BerglundTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics
Amitava BhattacharjeeFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics
Debadarshi Bhattacharya Physics1990 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Jishnu BhattacharyyaTheory Physics, Quantum Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Per Berglund (grad student)
Carrie E. BlackFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Amitava Bhattacharjee (grad student)
Bryan M. BollAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Richard L. Kaufmann (grad student)
Alex Boyd2016 Harlan Ernest Spence (grad student)
Edward S. BrennisonAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2003 Roger Lee Arnoldy (grad student)
John Richard CalarcoNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
John C. CanfieldElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics2003 L Gordon Kraft (grad student)
John C. ChampagneGeneral Biophysics2009 Tom Laue (grad student)
N D. ChasteenGeneral Biophysics, Physical Chemistry
Edward Lowell ChuppGamma-Ray Astronomy
Cristian C. CocheciFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2000 Roger Lee Arnoldy (grad student)
Hyun J. ConnorFluid and Plasma Physics, Theory Physics, Atmospheric Sciences2012 Joachim Raeder (grad student)
Taylor P. Connor Physics20052012 Mark Lewis McConnell (grad student)
Alexander B. CrewTheoretical and experimental space plasma physics; cosmic rays and radiation belt processes; heliospheric, planetary magnetospheric, lunar, and auroral physics2013 Harlan Ernest Spence (grad student)
John Frederick DawsonNuclear physics, quark gluon plasmas, cold atoms, stochastic differential equations, mathematical biology
Rongping DengMolecular Physics, Physical Chemistry2003 Olof Echt (grad student)
Derya DenizCondensed Matter Physics2008 James McKell Edwin Harper (grad student)
Bogdan DiaconescuCondensed Matter Physics2007 Karsten Pohl (grad student)
Burcin DonmezGeneral Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2006 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Isabel DregelyRadiation Physics, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering2010 F William Hersman (grad student)
Philip P. Dunphy Physics1974 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
James M. E. HarperCondensed Matter Physics
Olof EchtMolecular Physics, Physical Chemistry
Camden D. Ertleyastrophysics20082014 Mark Lewis McConnell (grad student)
Abraham D. FalconeAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Dana I. FilotiMaterials Science Engineering, Atomic Physics, Solid State Physics2010 James McKell Edwin Harper (grad student)
Octavian F. FilotiNuclear Physics2007 John Richard Calarco (grad student)
Luciano E. FonsecaMarine and Ocean Engineering, Geotechnology, Petroleum Engineering, Geophysics2001 Larry Alan Mayer (grad student)
Terry G. ForbesAstronomy and Astrophysics
David J. Forrest Physics1969 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Francois FoucartGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2011 Dong Lai (research assistant)
Gagik GavalianNuclear Physics2004 Maurik Holtrop (grad student)
Matthew L. GilsonFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Joachim Raeder (grad student)
Lijia GuoGeneral Physics2014 Amitava Bhattacharjee (grad student)
Zhangbo GuoGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2012 Eberhard Moebius (grad student)
James McKell Edwin HarperMaterials Science
James M. Harrison Physics1978 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Mark D. HaveyAtomic Physics, Quantum Optics Physics19731977 Ludwig C Balling (grad student)
Jochen H. HeisenbergNuclear Physics
F William HersmanRadiation Physics, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering
Antony T. HewittGeology2002 Larry Alan Mayer (grad student)
Joseph V. HollwegAstronomy and Astrophysics
Maurik HoltropNuclear Physics
Chia-Lin Huang
Allison Jaynes2013 Marc Lessard (grad student)
Sarah Jones2010 Marc Lessard (grad student)
Parikshit M. Junnarkar2013 Silas Robert Beane (grad student)
Edisher K. KaghashviliAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Joseph V. Hollweg (grad student)
Moustafa M. KamelQuantum Gravity Physics and Astronomy David M. Mattingly (grad student)
Peter J. KarpiusNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 John Richard Calarco (grad student)
Richard L. KaufmannAstronomy and Astrophysics
Hyomin Kim2010 Marc Lessard (grad student)
Lynn M. KistlerFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
David M. KlumparAstronomy and Astrophysics1973 John A. Lockwood (grad student)
L Gordon KraftElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics
Michael John Samuel LathwoodString theory, algebraic geometry, mirror symmetry Physics20182024 Per Berglund (grad student)
Tom LaueGeneral Biophysics
Marc LessardAstrophysics Physics
Wenhui LiFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2007 Joachim Raeder (grad student)
Jing LiaoFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Lynn M. Kistler (grad student)
Yanhua LiuFluid and Plasma Physics2014 Lynn M. Kistler (grad student)
John A. Lockwood
Steven M. Matz Physics1986 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Larry Alan MayerMarine and Ocean Engineering, Geotechnology, Petroleum Engineering, Geophysics
Mark Lewis McConnellGamma-ray Astronomy Physics19801987 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Bogdan Mihailamany-body theory Department of Physics19921998 Jochen H. Heisenberg (grad student)
Richard Scott Millergamma ray astronomy, neutrino astronomy, cosmic ray physics, nuclear astrophysics1995 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Eberhard MoebiusGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Trevor MorganAstrophysics Physics2010 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Iga MuradyanNuclear Physics, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2007 F William Hersman (grad student)
Georgi N. NenchevCondensed Matter Physics2008 Karsten Pohl (grad student)
Denny M. Oliveiraspace physics, upper atmospheric physics Physics20112015 Joachim Raeder (grad student)
Larry E. Orwig Physics1972 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Kristoff W Paulson2018 Roy B. Torbert (grad student), Charles W. Smith (grad student), Marc Lessard (grad student), Karsten Pohl (grad student)
David J. Pegg Physics1970 Edward Lowell Chupp (grad student)
Jean C. PerezPlasma Physics, Space Plasmas
Karsten PohlNanoscience, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Craig J. PollockFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics Physics19811987 Roger Lee Arnoldy (grad student)
Dan ProtopopescuParticle Physics, Nuclear Physics19982002 F William Hersman (grad student)
Joachim RaederFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Katharine K. ReevesAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Terry G. Forbes (grad student)
Guoqin RenTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics2011 Per Berglund (grad student)
Gavin Eric RileyNuclear Physics Physics20202022 David M. Mattingly (research assistant)
Iulian C. RusetAtomic Physics, Nuclear Physics2005 F William Hersman (grad student)
James Michael RyanAstronomy and Astrophysics
F. B. SadlerGeneral Physics2014 Marc Lessard (grad student)
Tarik Mohammad Salman
Daniel B. SeatonAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Terry G. Forbes (grad student)
Junlong ShaoGeneral Biophysics, Physical Chemistry2000 N D. Chasteen (grad student)
Kristin D. SimunacFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2009 Lynn M. Kistler (grad student)
Adrian T. SindileNuclear Physics2006 John Richard Calarco (grad student)
Charles W. Smith
Harlan Ernest SpenceTheoretical and experimental space plasma physics; cosmic rays and radiation belt processes; heliospheric, planetary magnetospheric, lunar, and auroral physics
Jiebing SunCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2008 Karsten Pohl (grad student)
Julia Napolin Tilles Physics Physics2020 Ningyu Liu (grad student), Joseph R. Dwyer (grad student)
Roy B. TorbertFluid and Plasma Physics
Aaron M. Torok2009 Silas Robert Beane (grad student)
Sambid K. Wasti Physics20122020 Mark Lewis McConnell (grad student)
Richard S. WoolfAstrophysics Physics, Nuclear Physics2010 James Michael Ryan (grad student)
Lorenzo ZanaRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Maurik Holtrop (grad student)
Chunshu ZhangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence2005 L Gordon Kraft (grad student)
Qiuhua ZhengAtmospheric Science Physics, Optics Physics2004 James Michael Ryan (grad student)