Northwestern University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Samvardhan Vishnoi Department of Physics20212023 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Daniel Michael AbramsApplied Mathematics
Anjali AgarwalQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2001 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Carl H. AlbrightTheoretical Particle Physics
Jonathan E. Allen Materials Science and Engineering20032008 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Gideon AlonQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Physics and Astronomy2011 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Veeraraghavan A. AnanthaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Timothy R. AndeenInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. Physics and Astronomy20022008 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Tassie Andersen2018 Laurence D. Marks (grad student)
Jeff J. AndrewsBinary Evolution
Meghan S. AnzelcElementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. Physics and Astronomy2008 David Alan Buchholz (grad student)
Luis G. Arboleda-MonsalveCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Galip Mehmet ArkılıçElasticity, visco-elasticity, plasticity, theory of plates and shells Civil Eng1954 Miklós Imre Hetényi (grad student)
Marina ArtusoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1986 Kamal K. Seth (grad student)
Peter AshtonPhysics, Astronomy Physics and Astronomy Giles Novak (grad student)
Mohammed Aslam2007 Vinayak P. Dravid (post-doc)
Jason Reid Auman Astronomy1965 John Deuck Ryong Bahng (grad student)
Jose A. AumentadoMesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy.2000 Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student)
Koray Aydinnanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials
Can C Aygen
Samuel David BaderExperimental studies of magnetic surfaces and films, ferromagnetic-superconducting multilayers, bio-inspired self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures.
John Deuck Ryong Bahng
Sharan BanagiriGravitational Waves CIERA2021 Vicky Kalogera (post-doc)
Octavia BaneBiomedical Engineering, Radiology Biomedical Engineering2013 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Jin-Ke BaoSuperconductivity Chemistry Department20162019 Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc)
Alvin BaylissAstronomy and Astrophysics
Heather BedleGeophysics, Geology Geological Sciences2008 Suzan v. der Lee (grad student)
Michael BedzykAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, nanoparticles, 2D materials, and biomaterials.
Gregory A. BeneshCondensed Matter Physics Physics1980 Donald Ellis (grad student)
Raymond C. BerganBiochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics
Christopher P L BerryGravitational-wave astronomy
Jeffrey M. Berryman Physics20122017 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student)
Erin K. BeutelGeology, Geophysics2000 Raymond M. Russo (grad student)
Sabyasachi (Shobo) Bhattacharya John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Suketu P BhavsarCosmology, Large Scale Structure
James T. BlackburnCivil Engineering, Geotechnology2005 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Martin Moses BlockPhenomenology in elementary particle physics: ultra-high energy hadronic collisions, cosmic ray p-air collisions, ultra-high energy cosmic ray neutrino-isonucleon collisions, analytic solutions to perturbative QCD and mathematical physics.
Kendrick C. BoardmanBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics2003 Melody Swartz (grad student)
Christoph BostedtUltrafast x-ray sciences with free-electron laser sources, X-ray physics in the high-intensity limit, single-shot imaging of transient states of matter, atomic, molecular, and cluster physics
Radja BoughezalPrecision QCD predictions for collider observables; Higgs phenomenology; electroweak precision observables.
Rosemary I. Brauncomputational biology, complex systems, biostatistics, bioinformatics, biophysics
Carol A. BraunSpin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. Physics and Astronomy2011 Anupam Garg (grad student)
Paul W. BrazisElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2000 Carl Raeside Kannewurf (grad student)
Morris Ellis Brodwinmicrowave engineering and electromagnetics
Sijbrand Broersma
Laurie M. Brownelementary particle theory
Keith A. Brownelectronics, micromechanics20112015 Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc)
Lindsey S. BrysonCivil Engineering2002 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
David Alan BuchholzElementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions.
Joseph Gerald ByrnePhysical Metallurgy1960 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Paul Cadden-ZimanskyMesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. Physics and Astronomy2008 Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student)
Michele CalvelloCivil Engineering2002 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Ali Bulent Cambel
Gavin Campbell Gavin Campbell2018 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Richard Huntley Cappselementary particle theory
Stefan CartledgeHigh signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds.2002 David Michael Meyer (grad student)
Ty A. CashenBiomedical Engineering2007 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Robert Joseph Cashmanphotoconductive cells, photoemissive cells, sound reproduction and camera tubes1935 Walter Scott Huxford (grad student)
Laura C. CassPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2014 Emily A. Weiss (grad student)
Sudip ChakravartyTheoretical Condensed Matter1976 Chia-wei Woo (grad student)
Venkat ChandrasekharMesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy.
Venkat ChandresekharCondensed Matter Physics
Jiuan-Her ChangElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Shih-Hui ChangOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Yun-Yuan ChangGeophysics, Materials Science Engineering Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Steven D. Jacobsen (grad student)
Hsiao-chou ChaoCivil Engineering2002 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Sourav ChatterjeeEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. Physics and Astronomy2010 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Chao-Hsiang ChenQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Physics and Astronomy2012 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Po-Fei ChenGeophysics2002 Emile A. Okal (grad student)
Zhigang ChenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics2005 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Shu-Chen Y. ChenChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student)
Xiao Chen Applied Physics2017 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Bor-Rong Chen Materials Science & Engineering2017 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Likwan Cheng Materials Science and Engineering1998 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Samuel Chian Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics20212022 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Wan J. ChoCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2007 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Melanie M. ChoeBiomedical Engineering2005 Melody Swartz (grad student)
Yongseong ChoiAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2005 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Michael P. ChudzikElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2000 Carl Raeside Kannewurf (grad student)
David T. Chuss2002 Giles Novak (grad student)
Daniel R. ClaesElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1991 Bruno Gobbi (grad student)
Justin G. ConnellMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering20082013 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Zayna M. Connorphysical metallurgy2000 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Keith E. CookBiomedical Engineering2000 Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student)
Say Cook
Eric CorndorfQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2005 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Clarissa S. CraftCell Biology, Oncology Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2007 Raymond C. Bergan (grad student)
Lucien Marcus CremaldiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19751983 Jerome L. Rosen (grad student)
Henry Crewastrophysics, history of physics
Boya Cui Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2017 Matthew Grayson (grad student)
Predrag CvitanovićAcoustics Physics
Anne E. DabrowskiMatter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders.2007 Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student)
Eric DahlExperimental astroparticle physics, direct detection of particle dark matter, bubble chamber and other low-background detector development.
Paul J. DalachNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. Physics and Astronomy2012 Donald Ellis (grad student)
Luiz Gustavo de Andrade AlvesStatistical Physics, Complex Systems, Computational Physics, Social Systems, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering20152016 Luís A. Nunes Amaral (research scientist)
André Luiz Carvalho de GouvêaElectroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses.
Brijnandan S. DehiyaMaterials Science Engineering2002 Julia R. Weertman (grad student)
Bernard Delleyelectronic structure, density functional theory and application, atomic multiplets, spectroscopy, rare earth, photometry Physics Physics and Chemistry19791982 Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc), Donald Ellis (post-doc)
Demetrakis P. DemetriouElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Alvin Bayliss (grad student)
Suzan v. der LeeGeophysics
Pooja Deshpande Department of Information Systems20192020 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Preetpaul DevganQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2006 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Zenong DingNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics.2002 Donald Ellis (grad student)
Sean DobbsExperimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. Physics and Astronomy2011 Kamal K. Seth (grad student)
Max DresdenStatistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics
Sarah W. DuganQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2006 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Pulak DuttaNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers.
Dipangkar DuttaExperimental nuclear and particle physics Physics and Astronomy19921999 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Adrienne Eastland IBiS20102016 John F. Marko (grad student)
Carl W. EbelingGeophysics, Geology, Plate Tectonics Earth and Planetary Sciences2012 Emile A. Okal (grad student)
Donald EllisNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics.
Jonathan D. EmeryAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2013 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Alexander Ermoshkin20012003 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (post-doc)
Nicholas George ErorMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics1965 James Bruce Wagner (grad student)
Anthony A. EscuadroAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2005 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Benjamin FarrGravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. Physics and Astronomy2014 Vicky Kalogera (grad student)
Claude-andré Faucher-giguèreGalaxy formation and evolution, including star formation, galaxy-black hole co-evolution, galactic dynamics, and connections with the intergalactic medium and cosmology. Pulsars.
Zhenxing FengAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2011 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
David Ferguson Physics and Astronomy2013 Jens Koch (post-doc)
Brent A. Fiedlerphysical metallurgy Materials Science and Engineering2010 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Enectali Figueroa-FelicianoExperimental dark matter and neutrino physics. Design and development of low-temperature detectors to search for dark matter both deep underground and in space, and to study neutrinos from reactors and radioactive sources.
Tobin Filleter20092012 Horacio D. Espinosa (post-doc)
Morris Eugene Finephysical metallurgy
Lee Samuel FinnGravitational Physics & Cosmology Physics and Astronomy Vicky Kalogera (collaborator)
Richard J. FinnoGeotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics
Sighart F. FischerTheoretical chemical physics19671968 G. Ludwig Hofacker (post-doc)
Wen-fai FongAstrophysics Physics
Maria T. Fonseca MartinMatter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders.2005 Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student)
Laszlo Frazerultrafast phenomena, nonlinear optics, solar energy, semiconductors, excitons Physics and Astronomy20092014 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Matthew T. FrederickPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2012 Emily A. Weiss (grad student)
Arthur J. FreemanFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties.
Jacek K. FurdynaCondensed Matter Physics1960 Sijbrand Broersma (grad student)
Gerald GabrielseLow energy tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and its symmetries, particle magnetic moments, one-particle traps, ultraviolet lasers, cryogenics, low temperature methods.
Michael S. Gaglianophysical metallurgy2002 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Robert A. Gaglianophysical metallurgy2002 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Aaron P. GallantCivil Engineering, Geological Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Changrui Gao Materials Science & Engineering2018 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Chester Stone GardnerOptical Communication, Laser Altimetry, Laser Remote Sensing and Ranging, Laser Guide Stars and Adaptive Optics1973 Martin Algirdas Plonus (grad student)
Anupam GargSpin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation.
Christopher B. GeorgePhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2011 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Bruno Gobbihigh-energy physics
Duane M. GoodnerAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2005 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Richard G. GordonGeophysics
Sanghamitra GoswamiEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. Physics and Astronomy2013 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Samuel A. Goudsmit
Matthew GraysonCondensed matter physics, electrical engineering
Jethro H. GreeneElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Eric C. GreysonPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2007 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Peter Groszkowski Physics and Astronomy2018 Jens Koch (post-doc)
Mehmet A. GurkanEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets.2005 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Alexey V. GusevPhysical Chemistry, Optics Physics Chemistry20012002 Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc)
Nastaran Hadizadeh YazdiApplications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. Physics and Astronomy2014 John F. Marko (grad student)
Kristian A. HahnElectroweak symmetry breaking; Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the standard model. Detector data acquisition and trigger. Large-scale computing for physics analysis.
Boris Harutyunyan Physics & Astronomy2018 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Nicholas B. HatcherFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. Physics and Astronomy2010 Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Alexander HeifetzGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography.2005 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Olle HeinonenBehavior of magnetization in nanoscale magnetic system, and also transport and resistive switching in metal/oxide metal nanostructure.
Cara-Lynn E. HelmBiomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering2006 Melody Swartz (grad student)
Eric R. HemesathMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience Materials Science and Engineering2010 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Sascha HilgenfeldtMathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Seong-Tiong HoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
G. Ludwig Hofacker
Terence P. HolmanCivil Engineering2005 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Zhendong Hong Physics and Astronomy2007 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Randolph Q. HoodQuantum Physics
Benjamin C. Horner-JohnsonGeophysics2000 Richard G. Gordon (grad student)
Zixuan HuPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2013 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Wei-Chih HuangElectroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. Physics and Astronomy2011 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student)
Kai Huang2015 Igal Szleifer (post-doc)
Su-Shu HuangAstrophysics
Ziwen Huang Physics and Astronomy2021 Jens Koch (grad student)
Barry J. HuebertEnvironmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics1971 Donald E. Smith (grad student)
Walter Scott HuxfordElectronic communications
J. Allen Hynek
Hyeji Im Materials Science and Engineering2024 David C. Dunand (post-doc)
Steven D. JacobsenGeophysics
Chris Johnson JacobsenX-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry.
Yong Jeong Biomedical Engineering2018 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Hyun J. JeongBiomedical Engineering, Radiology Biomedical Engineering2010 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Robert J. JeskeArchaeology Anthropology, Geophysics Anthropology James A Brown (grad student)
Louis J. JisonnaExperimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. Physics and Astronomy2008 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
David N. JoffeExperimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium.2004 Kamal K. Seth (grad student)
Myriam J. JohnsonExperimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. Physics2013 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Gabriel JuarezTheory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. Physics and Astronomy2009 Adilson Motter (grad student)
Donna M. JurdyGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Vicky KalogeraGravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries.
Carl Raeside KannewurfElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1961 Robert Joseph Cashman (grad student)
Gregory S. KanterQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2000 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Muge Karagoz UnelElectroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors.2004 Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student)
Jason J. KasperExperimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks.2002 Jerome L. Rosen (grad student)
John W. Kauffman
Ersin KececiogluSpin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation.2005 Anupam Garg (grad student)
Luke Zoltan Kelleyastronomy, astrophysics, black holes, gravitational waves, active galactic nuclei
Kevin J. KellyPhysics, Neutrinos Physics20132018 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student)
Kristi S. KernCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
John B. Kettersonelectronic properties of metals, liquid helium, superconductivity, cold trapped gasses, magnetism, liquid crystals and Langmuir films, non linear optics
Sumit KewalramaniNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. Physics and Astronomy2007 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Lawrence E. KidderGravitation19951997 Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc)
Yunki Kim2001 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Wansik Kimcomputational, cognitive neuroscience2006 Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student)
Seong-Soo KimTheory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography.2003 Horace Yuen (grad student)
Taesik KimCivil Engineering, Geological Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
May Eun Yeon KimAMO physics, Ion trapping, Optical atomic clocks, Quantum information science Physics and Astronomy20092015 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Jin-Tae KimFluid Mechanics; Imaging; Soft-electronics
Paul Ernest KlopstegApplied physics
Eryn R. KloskoGeophysics2002 Seth A. Stein (grad student)
Jeffrey A. KlugAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Physics and Astronomy2010 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Jan KmetkoNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers.2002 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Kathryn E. KnowlesPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2013 Emily A. Weiss (grad student)
Andrew Kobachparticle physics Physics20092015 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student)
Jens KochQuantum coherence in solid-state devices such as superconducting circuits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum computation and quantum simulation with cQED lattices.
Vaibhav KohliAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2009 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
R. P. Kolliphysical metallurgy Materials Science and Engineering2007 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Oleg Yurevitch Kontsevoi
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models
Jürgen G. Körner1966 Richard Huntley Capps (grad student)
Henry KrakauerCondensed Matter Physics Materials Science and Engineering1978 Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc)
Megan M. Krejny Physics and Astronomy2008 Giles Novak (grad student)
Sankar N. KrishnaBiochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences2014 Raymond C. Bergan (grad student)
Kurinji Krishnamoorthy Applied Physics20132018 Michael Bedzyk (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Subramanian KrishnamurthyGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Wasley Sven Krogdahlstellar configurations, cosmology
Anton Kryukov2000 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Andrew KubikElectroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. Physics and Astronomy2014 Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student)
Alexander Kudlay20022006 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (post-doc)
Kunal KumarTheoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. Physics and Astronomy2012 Ian Low (grad student)
Prem KumarQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.
Kunal Kumar Physics and Astronomy Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (grad student)
William Kungsoft condensed matter
Kanber LamFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. Physics and Astronomy2014 Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Nicolas LargeNanophotonics, Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory Department of Chemistry20142016 George C. Schatz (post-doc)
Shane LarsonGravitation
Daniel D. LascarExperimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. Physics and Astronomy2012 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Lincoln J. LauhonNanostructured Materials
Casey J. LawMassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Star formation in the Galactic nucleus, supernova remnant masers. Physics and Astronomy2007 Farhad Yusef-zadeh (grad student)
Yoonseok LeeHelium31997 William Halperin (grad student)
Joo S. LeeTheory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. Physics and Astronomy2012 Adilson Motter (grad student)
Jong-Kwon LeeGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography.2006 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Joo-Hyoung LeeFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties.2005 Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Hyong C. LeeHydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars.2001 Ron E. Taam (grad student)
Michael A. Lee Physics1977 Chia-wei Woo (grad student)
Tien-Lin Lee Materials Science and Engineering1999 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Wei-li Lee1970 Jacques Denavit (grad student)
Hyojun Ada Lee Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering20182019 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Junghoon LeeNanotechnology
Weihua Lei Department of Physics20192023 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Jessica L. Lensch FalkMaterials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering20032008 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Cheuk Yui Leung Physics and Astronomy2013 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Hua-Bai Li2006 Giles Novak (grad student)
Xiaoying LiQuantum information, Single photon source, Precision measurement Physics Prem Kumar (grad student)
Andy C.Y. Li Physics and Astronomy2017 Jens Koch (grad student)
Chuang LiangQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2007 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Joseph A. LiberaAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2005 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Chien-Yu LienAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics Physics and Astronomy2014 Brian C. Odom (grad student)
Jui-Ching (Phillip) LinAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2009 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Yoram LithwickPlanet formation, dynamics of planetary systems, accretion disks, MHD turbulence, cosmological halo formation, gamma-ray bursts.
Shuangbiao Liucomputational, cognitive neuroscience2001 Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student)
Mark C. Lonergan19901994 Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Duward Felix Shriver (grad student)
Xiaoting LouGeophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences2013 Suzan v. der Lee (grad student)
Ian LowTheoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter.
Lan Luan Physics and Astronomy2007 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Zachary LubinElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Erik LuijtenComputational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms
Nie LuoSpin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation.2001 Anupam Garg (grad student)
Xiaoyan MaNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. Chemistry2007 Donald Ellis (grad student)
Rachel Y. MakX-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry. Physics and Astronomy2014 Chris Johnson Jacobsen (grad student)
W. Peter MaksymObservational extragalactic astronomy including AGN, tidal disruption events, high energy phenomena Physics and Astronomy20052012 Melville Paul Ulmer (grad student)
Niall M. Mangan
Shahin Engakkattil Mani Physics and Astronomy2010 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
David MarascoAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2002 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Harris Leon Marcus1967 Lyle H. Schwartz (grad student), Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Jules A. MarcusSolid state physics . Ferromagnetism ; Low temperature physics
John F. MarkoApplications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems.
Audeliz MatiasGeology2005 Donna M. Jurdy (grad student)
Lauren M. MatosziukPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2013 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Andreas MatouschekiCell Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Tristan G. Matthews Physics and Astronomy2013 Giles Novak (grad student)
Steven J. May2007 Bruce W. Wessels (grad student)
Martin E. McBriartyAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2014 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Rodney J. McCabephysical metallurgy2000 Morris Eugene Fine (grad student)
Joseph J. McCarthyChemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics Chemical Engineering Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Jamie McFarlin Earth and Planetary Sciences2019 Magdalena R. Osburn (grad student)
Douglas W. McKayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1968 Carl H. Albright (grad student)
Jeffrey M. McMahon Chemistry2010 George C. Schatz (grad student)
Milja MedicQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Physics and Astronomy2010 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Mark W. MeiselCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1983 William Halperin (grad student)
Martin F. Melhus Physics and Astronomy2011 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Miguel MerinoGeophysics, Geology Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Seth A. Stein (grad student)
Karl MerkleMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Masahiro (Mike) MeshiiMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science1959 John W. Kauffman (grad student)
David Michael MeyerHigh signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds.
Joseph M MichailAstrophysics
Ljubomir MiljacicNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. Physics and Astronomy2008 Donald Ellis (grad student)
Donald Henry MillerExperimental particle physics
Tacy Joffe MinorHigh Energy Physics Physics19911997 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
David Mintzer
Vesna F. MitrovicNMR, low temperature physics2001 William Halperin (grad student)
Lyle Fred MockrosChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Stephanie Moffitt Materials Science & Engineering2017 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Geneva Moores Physics1994 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Liane Moreau Materials Science & Engineering20122017 Michael Bedzyk (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Adam J. Morris-CohenPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2012 Emily A. Weiss (grad student)
Theodore Frederick Morse1961 Ali Bulent Cambel (grad student)
Adilson MotterTheory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics.
Jessy J. Mouannes-SrourBiomedical Engineering, Radiology Biomedical Engineering2012 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Weiqiang Mu Physics and Astronomy2008 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Ranjith NairTheory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography.2006 Horace Yuen (grad student)
Koichiro Nishikawa Physics1980 David Alan Buchholz (grad student)
Michael Ray NormanCondensed Matter Physics Physics19831986 Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc)
Giles Novak
Robert J. OakesQCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation.
Brian C. OdomQuantum manipulation of trapped atoms and molecules for precision searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum information processing, and quantum-controlled chemistry.
Emile A. OkalGeophysics
John S. OkasinskiAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2004 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Claire C Onsager
Neal N. OzaQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Prem Kumar (grad student)
tuncay ozelsolar cells Materials Science and Engineering2015 Chad A. Mirkin (grad student)
Mark J. PanaggioApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2014 Daniel Michael Abrams (grad student)
Seoijin ParkElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Seong-Tiong Ho (grad student)
Yoonseok ParkBioelectronics
Shane M. ParkerPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2014 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Monika PatelQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Physics and Astronomy2012 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Cheryl E Patrickphysics20102016 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Bharath PattabiramanEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Janet M. PaveseOncology Life Sciences2014 Raymond C. Bergan (grad student)
John A. PedersenBiomedical Engineering2006 Melody Swartz (grad student)
Todd K. PedlarElementary Particle Physics, Heavy Quarks and Quarkonia Physics19911999 Kamal K. Seth (grad student)
Daniel E. PereaMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2009 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Carrie E. PerlmanBiomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery2003 Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student)
Murray Peshkin
Frank J. PetrielloPerturbative QCD and its applications to collider physics; new phenomena at the TeV scale; new calculational techniques for quantum field theory.
Warren E. PickettTheoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity Physics and Astronomy19781979 Arthur J. Freeman (research scientist)
Martin Algirdas PlonusElectromagnetic theory, propagation through turbulent media, optical communication, optical imaging in atmospheric turbulence
Johannes PollanenNMR, low temperature physics Physics and Astronomy2012 William Halperin (grad student)
Milica PopovicElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Oncology2001 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Rodney D. Priestleypolymeric materials Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 John M. Torkelson (grad student)
Issam A. QattanExperimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics.2005 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Yonglin Qian Materials Science1995 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Wei QuComputational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms Materials Science and Engineering2013 Erik Luijten (grad student)
Ishwar RadhakrishnanGeneral Biophysics
Ishwar RadhakrisnanGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Maxim RaginskyTheory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography.2002 Horace Yuen (grad student)
Emmanouela RantsiouEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. Physics and Astronomy2013 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Frederic RasioEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets.
Mark A. RatnerPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials1969 G. Ludwig Hofacker (grad student), Sighart F. Fischer (grad student)
Vivien RaymondGravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. Physics and Astronomy2012 Vicky Kalogera (grad student)
Cecilia Rechea BernalCivil Engineering2006 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Amy L. RechenmacherGeotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics2000 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Robert Page RedwineExperimental Nuclear Physics Physics1973 Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Robert C. Regan Physics2020 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Thomas K. Renbarger2002 Giles Novak (grad student)
Matthew G. ReuterPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2011 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Sung-Hyon RhimFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. Physics and Astronomy2007 Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Alex Richings
Andrew G. RichterNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers.2000 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Kirill Rivkin2006 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Jill F. RoboskiCivil Engineering, Geotechnology2004 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
William P. RodriguesAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2000 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Joseph D. RomanoGravitation19971998 Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc)
James M. RondinelliMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry
Jerome L. RosenExperimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks.
Connie B. Rothpolymer physics, soft condensed matter physics, glass transition Chemical and Biological Engineering20062007 John M. Torkelson (post-doc)
John M. Rowell
Paolo G. RumerioExperimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks.2003 Jerome L. Rosen (grad student)
Raymond M. RussoGeology, Geophysics Robert Clarke Speed (grad student), Emile A. Okal (grad student)
Adam RybaltowskiOptics Physics, Geophysics2002 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Natasha SachdevaPhysics, Precision measurements
Sagar SahasrabudheTheory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. Physics and Astronomy2011 Adilson Motter (grad student)
Willis Kazuo SakumotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1984 Jerome L. Rosen (grad student)
Kenneth R. SalitGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. Electrical and Computer Engineering2008 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Mary K. SalitGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. Physics and Astronomy2009 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Paul G Sandersmetallurgy, alloy design, Materials Science and Engineering Materialsl Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering19911996 Julia R. Weertman (grad student), Morris Eugene Fine (collaborator), Jerome B. Cohen (collaborator)
Fernando SarabiaCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Todd SatogataAccelerator Physics Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy19901993 Steve Peggs (grad student), Stephen G. Peggs (grad student)
James Avery SaulsTheoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics
Heidi Marie SchellmanInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics.
Peter Eli Schleinexperimental elementary particle physics1959 Laurie M. Brown (grad student)
Ruth A. SchlitzMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2012 Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student)
Robert A. SchluterElementary Partical Physics
Michael Henry SchmittElectroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors.
Kimberly A. SchrammGeophysics2007 Seth A. Stein (grad student)
Ivan K. Schuller1976 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
David J. SchwabTheoretical biological physics, collective computation in cell populations and neural networks, modeling of cellular sensory and signaling networks, neural information processing, learning and adaptation.
Lyle H. Schwartz1964 Jerome B. Cohen (grad student)
Ralph E. SegelExperimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics.
Manibrata SenNeutrino physcis, Supernova neutrinos, Dark matter Department of Physics20182020 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (post-doc)
Jeremy F. SepinskyGravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. Physics and Astronomy2009 Vicky Kalogera (grad student)
Kamal K. SethExperimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium.
Phalguni Shahexperimental soft condensed matter Physics and astronomy20182022 Michelle M. Driscoll (grad student)
Selim ShahriarGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography.
Shashank ShalgarElectroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. Physics and Astronomy2013 André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student)
Priya SharmaCondensed Matter Physics2003 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Jay E. SharpingQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2003 Prem Kumar (grad student)
John T. ShenGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography.2007 Selim Shahriar (grad student)
Wanyong ShinBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Radiology Biomedical Engineering2007 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Bellave Shivaram19801984 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Arnold Johannes Friedrich Siegertstatistical mechanics
Gracie E. SifferPhysics, Biology Molecular Biosciences2023 Reza Vafabakhsh (grad student)
Jamesina J. SimpsonComputational electrodynamics, electromagnetic wave propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, remote-sensing, space weather, biophotonics2007 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Paul Singertheoretical particle physics19611963 Laurie M. Brown (post-doc)
Robert M. SnihurInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics.19942000 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Niels SondergaardAcoustics Physics2001 Predrag Cvitanović (grad student)
Don M. Sparlin1964 Jules A. Marcus (grad student)
Panagiotis Spentzouris Physics19911994 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Linda SpentzourisElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics1996 Patrick Leslie Colestock (grad student)
Seth A. SteinGeophysics
Dale StentzElectroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. Physics and Astronomy2012 Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student)
Nathaniel P. SternExperimental optical condensed matter physics, nanoscale photonics and magnetism, cavity QED with single atoms and photons, spin dynamics in the solid state.
Glafkos StratisElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering2010 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Michael J. StringerTheory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. Physics and Astronomy2009 Adilson Motter (grad student), Luís A. Nunes Amaral (grad student)
Benjamin StripeNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. Physics and Astronomy2012 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Derek A. StromElementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. Physics and Astronomy2009 David Alan Buchholz (grad student)
Yikai SuQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2001 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Yi Sun2001 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Mingxuan Sun IBiS20072012 John F. Marko (grad student)
Cheng Sun
Kurt A. SwansonGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2006 Ishwar Radhakrisnan (grad student)
Melody SwartzBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics
Ron E. TaamHydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars.
Ronald E. TaamAstronomy and Astrophysics
Zahra Khajeh Tabrizi
Allen TafloveFinite-difference time-domain method and its applications Electrical engineering and computer science1975 Morris Ellis Brodwin (grad student)
Genya TakedaEvolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. Physics and Astronomy2008 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Renyong TangQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks.2005 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Abu ThomasQuantum Optics
Tracy Taylor Thomas Physics19911997 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Elizabeth C. Thompson Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences2018 Steven D. Jacobsen (post-doc)
Daniel B. TicePhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry2013 Emily A. Weiss (grad student)
Bradley P. TinkhamAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2002 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Chrong-Chu Tsai2000 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Yuan-Chieh TsengAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2009 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Snow H. TsengBiomedical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiation Physics2005 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Takao TsumurayaMaterials Physics Physics and Astronomy20092011 Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc)
Xuxin TuCivil Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics2007 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Norm M. TubmanQuantum Physics Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy2011 Randolph Q. Hood (grad student), Berni J. Alder (grad student)
I-Cheng TungAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering2014 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Christina P. Twistcomputational, cognitive neuroscience Mechanical Engineering2013 Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student)
Melville Paul UlmerDevelopment of X-ray mirrors and ultraviolet detectors, matter distribution in galactic clusters, transient hard X-ray sources.
Paul B. UmbanhowarFluid and Plasma Physics
Gregory H. UnderhillImmunology, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology2003 Melody Swartz (grad student)
M. Iqbal Bakti UtamaMaterials physics, nanotechnology
Ahmet UysalNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. Physics and Astronomy2012 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Reza VafabakhshGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics
Parmede VakilBiomedical Engineering, Radiology Biomedical Engineering2013 Timothy J. Carroll (grad student)
Elena V. VasilyevaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Nirmala VasudevanQCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation.2005 Robert J. Oakes (grad student)
Carlos A. Vega PosadaCivil Engineering, Geophysical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Roberto Vega-MoralesTheoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy2013 Ian Low (grad student), Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (grad student)
Mayda Marie VelascoMatter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders.1995 Donald Henry Miller (grad student), Ralph E. Segel (grad student)
Avinash VijayaraghavanSpin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. Physics and Astronomy2011 Anupam Garg (grad student)
Eric A. VollCell Biology, Oncology Life Sciences2014 Raymond C. Bergan (grad student)
Anton Vorontsov Physics2005 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Geoffrey J. WaldschmidtElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 Allen Taflove (grad student)
Charles T. Walker
Jack Wang Northwestern Institute of Complex Systems20222022 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student)
Jane Xiaojing Wangcomputational, cognitive neuroscience2012 James R. Booth (post-doc), Joel L. Voss (post-doc)
Gang Wang19982003 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Helsin WangCivil Engineering2004 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Charles Albert Wardthermodynamics, heat transfer, evaporation, kinetics, adsorption Mechanical Engineering and Astronautics! Sciences19621967 David Mintzer (grad student)
Julia R. WeertmanMaterials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Jian Wei20062010 Venkat Chandrasekhar (post-doc)
Michael WeinertCondensed Matter Physics Physics Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Emily A. WeissPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials20002005 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Daniel Kamrath WeissQuantum Computing
Thomas D. WhiteheadQuantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 Prem Kumar (grad student)
Douglas A. WiensGeophysics Geological Sciences19801985 Seth A. Stein (grad student)
Paul A WilliamsPhysics, Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20152021 Giles Novak (grad student)
Joshua J. Wiman Physics2018 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Alan WisemanGravitation19921995 Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc)
Steven WonMatter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. Physics and Astronomy2012 Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student)
Hao Wu Physics2016 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Botao XiaoApplications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. Physics and Astronomy2011 John F. Marko (grad student)
Wei XiongPhysical Metallurgy Materials Science and Engineering20132016 Gregory B. Olson (research scientist)
Wanling Xu Physics and Astronomy2008 John B. Ketterson (grad student)
Dandong Xu Physics1995 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Sahal YacoobInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. Physics and Astronomy20042010 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Haley A. YapleApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2013 Daniel Michael Abrams (grad student)
Sina YeganehPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry20042009 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Xinyuan You Applied Physics2021 Jens Koch (grad student)
SungWoo YounElementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. Physics and Astronomy2009 David Alan Buchholz (grad student)
Carl J. YoungdahlMaterials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2001 Julia R. Weertman (grad student)
Chengjiao Yucomputational, cognitive neuroscience Mechanical Engineering2014 Qian Jane Wang (grad student)
Chungjong YuNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers.2000 Pulak Dutta (grad student)
Horace YuenTheory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography.
Farhad Yusef-zadehMassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Star formation in the Galactic nucleus, supernova remnant masers.
David G. Zapata-MedinaCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Richard J. Finno (grad student)
Geralyn P. ZellerInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics.19962002 Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student)
Zhengfan ZhangMesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy.2006 Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student)
Houyin ZhangApplications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. Physics and Astronomy2012 John F. Marko (grad student)
Zhan ZhangAtomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles.2004 Michael Bedzyk (grad student)
Xiaoguang ZhangCondensed Matter Physics Physics19831989 Arthur J. Freeman (grad student)
Shujie Zhang Northwestern Institute of Complex Systems20222022 Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (research assistant)
Erhai ZhaoCondensed Matter2006 James Avery Sauls (grad student)
Ping Zhou Physics19881990 James B. Rosenzweig (grad student)
Guanyu ZhuQuantum coherence in solid-state devices such as superconducting circuits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum computation and quantum simulation with cQED lattices. Physics and Astronomy2015 Jens Koch (grad student)
Alex Zunger Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc)
Peter K. ZweberExperimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium.2006 Kamal K. Seth (grad student)