Samvardhan Vishnoi | | Department of Physics | 2021 | 2023 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Daniel Michael Abrams | Applied Mathematics | | | | |
Anjali Agarwal | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2001 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Carl H. Albright | Theoretical Particle Physics | | | | |
Jonathan E. Allen | | Materials Science and Engineering | 2003 | 2008 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Gideon Alon | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Veeraraghavan A. Anantha | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2001 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Timothy R. Andeen | Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. | Physics and Astronomy | 2002 | 2008 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Tassie Andersen | | | | 2018 | Laurence D. Marks (grad student) |
Jeff J. Andrews | Binary Evolution | | | | |
Meghan S. Anzelc | Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | David Alan Buchholz (grad student) |
Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve | Civil Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2014 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Galip Mehmet Arkılıç | Elasticity, visco-elasticity, plasticity, theory of plates and shells | Civil Eng | | 1954 | Miklós Imre Hetényi (grad student) |
Marina Artuso | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1986 | Kamal K. Seth (grad student) |
Peter Ashton | Physics, Astronomy | Physics and Astronomy | | | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Mohammed Aslam | | | | 2007 | Vinayak P. Dravid (post-doc) |
Jason Reid Auman | | Astronomy | | 1965 | John Deuck Ryong Bahng (grad student) |
Jose A. Aumentado | Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. | | | 2000 | Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student) |
Koray Aydin | nanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials | | | | |
Can C Aygen | | | | | |
Samuel David Bader | Experimental studies of magnetic surfaces and films, ferromagnetic-superconducting multilayers, bio-inspired self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures. | | | | |
John Deuck Ryong Bahng | | | | | |
Sharan Banagiri | Gravitational Waves | CIERA | 2021 | | Vicky Kalogera (post-doc) |
Octavia Bane | Biomedical Engineering, Radiology | Biomedical Engineering | | 2013 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Jin-Ke Bao | Superconductivity | Chemistry Department | 2016 | 2019 | Mercouri G. Kanatzidis (post-doc) |
Alvin Bayliss | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Heather Bedle | Geophysics, Geology | Geological Sciences | | 2008 | Suzan v. der Lee (grad student) |
Michael Bedzyk | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, nanoparticles, 2D materials, and biomaterials. | | | | |
Gregory A. Benesh | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | | 1980 | Donald Ellis (grad student) |
Raymond C. Bergan | Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics | | | | |
Christopher P L Berry | Gravitational-wave astronomy | | | | |
Jeffrey M. Berryman | | Physics | 2012 | 2017 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student) |
Erin K. Beutel | Geology, Geophysics | | | 2000 | Raymond M. Russo (grad student) |
Sabyasachi (Shobo) Bhattacharya | | | | | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Suketu P Bhavsar | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure | | | | |
James T. Blackburn | Civil Engineering, Geotechnology | | | 2005 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Martin Moses Block | Phenomenology in elementary particle physics: ultra-high energy hadronic collisions, cosmic ray p-air collisions, ultra-high energy cosmic ray neutrino-isonucleon collisions, analytic solutions to perturbative QCD and mathematical physics. | | | | |
Kendrick C. Boardman | Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics | | | 2003 | Melody Swartz (grad student) |
Christoph Bostedt | Ultrafast x-ray sciences with free-electron laser sources, X-ray physics in the high-intensity limit, single-shot imaging of transient states of matter, atomic, molecular, and cluster physics | | | | |
Radja Boughezal | Precision QCD predictions for collider observables; Higgs phenomenology; electroweak precision observables. | | | | |
Rosemary I. Braun | computational biology, complex systems, biostatistics, bioinformatics, biophysics | | | | |
Carol A. Braun | Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Anupam Garg (grad student) |
Paul W. Brazis | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | 2000 | Carl Raeside Kannewurf (grad student) |
Morris Ellis Brodwin | microwave engineering and electromagnetics | | | | |
Sijbrand Broersma | | | | | |
Laurie M. Brown | elementary particle theory | | | | |
Keith A. Brown | electronics, micromechanics | | 2011 | 2015 | Chad A. Mirkin (post-doc) |
Lindsey S. Bryson | Civil Engineering | | | 2002 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
David Alan Buchholz | Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. | | | | |
Joseph Gerald Byrne | Physical Metallurgy | | | 1960 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Paul Cadden-Zimansky | Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student) |
Michele Calvello | Civil Engineering | | | 2002 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Ali Bulent Cambel | | | | | |
Gavin Campbell | | Gavin Campbell | | 2018 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Richard Huntley Capps | elementary particle theory | | | | |
Stefan Cartledge | High signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds. | | | 2002 | David Michael Meyer (grad student) |
Ty A. Cashen | Biomedical Engineering | | | 2007 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Robert Joseph Cashman | photoconductive cells, photoemissive cells, sound reproduction and camera tubes | | | 1935 | Walter Scott Huxford (grad student) |
Laura C. Cass | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2014 | Emily A. Weiss (grad student) |
Sudip Chakravarty | Theoretical Condensed Matter | | | 1976 | Chia-wei Woo (grad student) |
Venkat Chandrasekhar | Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. | | | | |
Venkat Chandresekhar | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Jiuan-Her Chang | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2004 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Shih-Hui Chang | Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2004 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Yun-Yuan Chang | Geophysics, Materials Science Engineering | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2014 | Steven D. Jacobsen (grad student) |
Hsiao-chou Chao | Civil Engineering | | | 2002 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Sourav Chatterjee | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2010 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Chao-Hsiang Chen | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Po-Fei Chen | Geophysics | | | 2002 | Emile A. Okal (grad student) |
Zhigang Chen | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics | | | 2005 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Shu-Chen Y. Chen | Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 2000 | Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student) |
Xiao Chen | | Applied Physics | | 2017 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Bor-Rong Chen | | Materials Science & Engineering | | 2017 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Likwan Cheng | | Materials Science and Engineering | | 1998 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Samuel Chian | | Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics | 2021 | 2022 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Wan J. Cho | Civil Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2007 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Melanie M. Choe | Biomedical Engineering | | | 2005 | Melody Swartz (grad student) |
Yongseong Choi | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2005 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Michael P. Chudzik | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2000 | Carl Raeside Kannewurf (grad student) |
David T. Chuss | | | | 2002 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Daniel R. Claes | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1991 | Bruno Gobbi (grad student) |
Justin G. Connell | Materials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry | Materials Science and Engineering | 2008 | 2013 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Zayna M. Connor | physical metallurgy | | | 2000 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Keith E. Cook | Biomedical Engineering | | | 2000 | Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student) |
Say Cook | | | | | |
Eric Corndorf | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2005 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Clarissa S. Craft | Cell Biology, Oncology | Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences | | 2007 | Raymond C. Bergan (grad student) |
Lucien Marcus Cremaldi | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | 1975 | 1983 | Jerome L. Rosen (grad student) |
Henry Crew | astrophysics, history of physics | | | | |
Boya Cui | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 2017 | Matthew Grayson (grad student) |
Predrag Cvitanović | Acoustics Physics | | | | |
Anne E. Dabrowski | Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. | | | 2007 | Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student) |
Eric Dahl | Experimental astroparticle physics, direct detection of particle dark matter, bubble chamber and other low-background detector development. | | | | |
Paul J. Dalach | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Donald Ellis (grad student) |
Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves | Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Computational Physics, Social Systems, | Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering | 2015 | 2016 | Luís A. Nunes Amaral (research scientist) |
André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa | Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. | | | | |
Brijnandan S. Dehiya | Materials Science Engineering | | | 2002 | Julia R. Weertman (grad student) |
Bernard Delley | electronic structure, density functional theory and application, atomic multiplets, spectroscopy, rare earth, photometry | Physics Physics and Chemistry | 1979 | 1982 | Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc), Donald Ellis (post-doc) |
Demetrakis P. Demetriou | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2001 | Alvin Bayliss (grad student) |
Suzan v. der Lee | Geophysics | | | | |
Pooja Deshpande | | Department of Information Systems | 2019 | 2020 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Preetpaul Devgan | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2006 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Zenong Ding | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | | | 2002 | Donald Ellis (grad student) |
Sean Dobbs | Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Kamal K. Seth (grad student) |
Max Dresden | Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics | | | | |
Sarah W. Dugan | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2006 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Pulak Dutta | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | | | | |
Dipangkar Dutta | Experimental nuclear and particle physics | Physics and Astronomy | 1992 | 1999 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Adrienne Eastland | | IBiS | 2010 | 2016 | John F. Marko (grad student) |
Carl W. Ebeling | Geophysics, Geology, Plate Tectonics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2012 | Emile A. Okal (grad student) |
Donald Ellis | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | | | | |
Jonathan D. Emery | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2013 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Alexander Ermoshkin | | | 2001 | 2003 | Monica Olvera de la Cruz (post-doc) |
Nicholas George Eror | Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1965 | James Bruce Wagner (grad student) |
Anthony A. Escuadro | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2005 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Benjamin Farr | Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | Vicky Kalogera (grad student) |
Claude-andré Faucher-giguère | Galaxy formation and evolution, including star formation, galaxy-black hole co-evolution, galactic dynamics, and connections with the intergalactic medium and cosmology. Pulsars. | | | | |
Zhenxing Feng | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2011 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
David Ferguson | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Jens Koch (post-doc) |
Brent A. Fiedler | physical metallurgy | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2010 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano | Experimental dark matter and neutrino physics. Design and development of low-temperature detectors to search for dark matter both deep underground and in space, and to study neutrinos from reactors and radioactive sources. | | | | |
Tobin Filleter | | | 2009 | 2012 | Horacio D. Espinosa (post-doc) |
Morris Eugene Fine | physical metallurgy | | | | |
Lee Samuel Finn | Gravitational Physics & Cosmology | Physics and Astronomy | | | Vicky Kalogera (collaborator) |
Richard J. Finno | Geotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics | | | | |
Sighart F. Fischer | Theoretical chemical physics | | 1967 | 1968 | G. Ludwig Hofacker (post-doc) |
Wen-fai Fong | Astrophysics Physics | | | | |
Maria T. Fonseca Martin | Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. | | | 2005 | Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student) |
Laszlo Frazer | ultrafast phenomena, nonlinear optics, solar energy, semiconductors, excitons | Physics and Astronomy | 2009 | 2014 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Matthew T. Frederick | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2012 | Emily A. Weiss (grad student) |
Arthur J. Freeman | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | | | | |
Jacek K. Furdyna | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1960 | Sijbrand Broersma (grad student) |
Gerald Gabrielse | Low energy tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and its symmetries, particle magnetic moments, one-particle traps, ultraviolet lasers, cryogenics, low temperature methods. | | | | |
Michael S. Gagliano | physical metallurgy | | | 2002 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Robert A. Gagliano | physical metallurgy | | | 2002 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Aaron P. Gallant | Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2014 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Changrui Gao | | Materials Science & Engineering | | 2018 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Chester Stone Gardner | Optical Communication, Laser Altimetry, Laser Remote Sensing and Ranging, Laser Guide Stars and Adaptive Optics | | | 1973 | Martin Algirdas Plonus (grad student) |
Anupam Garg | Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. | | | | |
Christopher B. George | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2011 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Bruno Gobbi | high-energy physics | | | | |
Duane M. Goodner | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2005 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Richard G. Gordon | Geophysics | | | | |
Sanghamitra Goswami | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Samuel A. Goudsmit | | | | | |
Matthew Grayson | Condensed matter physics, electrical engineering | | | | |
Jethro H. Greene | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2007 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Eric C. Greyson | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2007 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Peter Groszkowski | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2018 | Jens Koch (post-doc) |
Mehmet A. Gurkan | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | | | 2005 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Alexey V. Gusev | Physical Chemistry, Optics Physics | Chemistry | 2001 | 2002 | Michael R. Wasielewski (post-doc) |
Nastaran Hadizadeh Yazdi | Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | John F. Marko (grad student) |
Kristian A. Hahn | Electroweak symmetry breaking; Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the standard model. Detector data acquisition and trigger. Large-scale computing for physics analysis. | | | | |
Boris Harutyunyan | | Physics & Astronomy | | 2018 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Nicholas B. Hatcher | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2010 | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Alexander Heifetz | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | | | 2005 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Olle Heinonen | Behavior of magnetization in nanoscale magnetic system, and also transport and resistive switching in metal/oxide metal nanostructure. | | | | |
Cara-Lynn E. Helm | Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering | | | 2006 | Melody Swartz (grad student) |
Eric R. Hemesath | Materials Science Engineering, Nanoscience | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2010 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Sascha Hilgenfeldt | Mathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Seong-Tiong Ho | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | | |
G. Ludwig Hofacker | | | | | |
Terence P. Holman | Civil Engineering | | | 2005 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Zhendong Hong | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2007 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Randolph Q. Hood | Quantum Physics | | | | |
Benjamin C. Horner-Johnson | Geophysics | | | 2000 | Richard G. Gordon (grad student) |
Zixuan Hu | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2013 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Wei-Chih Huang | Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student) |
Kai Huang | | | 2015 | | Igal Szleifer (post-doc) |
Su-Shu Huang | Astrophysics | | | | |
Ziwen Huang | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2021 | Jens Koch (grad student) |
Barry J. Huebert | Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics | | | 1971 | Donald E. Smith (grad student) |
Walter Scott Huxford | Electronic communications | | | | |
J. Allen Hynek | | | | | |
Hyeji Im | | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2024 | David C. Dunand (post-doc) |
Steven D. Jacobsen | Geophysics | | | | |
Chris Johnson Jacobsen | X-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry. | | | | |
Yong Jeong | | Biomedical Engineering | | 2018 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Hyun J. Jeong | Biomedical Engineering, Radiology | Biomedical Engineering | | 2010 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Robert J. Jeske | Archaeology Anthropology, Geophysics | Anthropology | | | James A Brown (grad student) |
Louis J. Jisonna | Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
David N. Joffe | Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. | | | 2004 | Kamal K. Seth (grad student) |
Myriam J. Johnson | Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. | Physics | | 2013 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Gabriel Juarez | Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | Adilson Motter (grad student) |
Donna M. Jurdy | Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Vicky Kalogera | Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. | | | | |
Carl Raeside Kannewurf | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering | | | 1961 | Robert Joseph Cashman (grad student) |
Gregory S. Kanter | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2000 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Muge Karagoz Unel | Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. | | | 2004 | Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student) |
Jason J. Kasper | Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. | | | 2002 | Jerome L. Rosen (grad student) |
John W. Kauffman | | | | | |
Ersin Kececioglu | Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. | | | 2005 | Anupam Garg (grad student) |
Luke Zoltan Kelley | astronomy, astrophysics, black holes, gravitational waves, active galactic nuclei | | | | |
Kevin J. Kelly | Physics, Neutrinos | Physics | 2013 | 2018 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student) |
Kristi S. Kern | Civil Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2014 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
John B. Ketterson | electronic properties of metals, liquid helium, superconductivity, cold trapped gasses, magnetism, liquid crystals and Langmuir films, non linear optics | | | | |
Sumit Kewalramani | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2007 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Lawrence E. Kidder | Gravitation | | 1995 | 1997 | Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc) |
Yunki Kim | | | | 2001 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Wansik Kim | computational, cognitive neuroscience | | | 2006 | Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student) |
Seong-Soo Kim | Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. | | | 2003 | Horace Yuen (grad student) |
Taesik Kim | Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2011 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
May Eun Yeon Kim | AMO physics, Ion trapping, Optical atomic clocks, Quantum information science | Physics and Astronomy | 2009 | 2015 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Jin-Tae Kim | Fluid Mechanics; Imaging; Soft-electronics | | | | |
Paul Ernest Klopsteg | Applied physics | | | | |
Eryn R. Klosko | Geophysics | | | 2002 | Seth A. Stein (grad student) |
Jeffrey A. Klug | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2010 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Jan Kmetko | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | | | 2002 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Kathryn E. Knowles | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2013 | Emily A. Weiss (grad student) |
Andrew Kobach | particle physics | Physics | 2009 | 2015 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student) |
Jens Koch | Quantum coherence in solid-state devices such as superconducting circuits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum computation and quantum simulation with cQED lattices. | | | | |
Vaibhav Kohli | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2009 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
R. P. Kolli | physical metallurgy | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2007 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Oleg Yurevitch Kontsevoi | | | | | |
Konrad P. Kording | Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models | | | | |
Jürgen G. Körner | | | | 1966 | Richard Huntley Capps (grad student) |
Henry Krakauer | Condensed Matter Physics | Materials Science and Engineering | | 1978 | Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc) |
Megan M. Krejny | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Sankar N. Krishna | Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics | Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences | | 2014 | Raymond C. Bergan (grad student) |
Kurinji Krishnamoorthy | | Applied Physics | 2013 | 2018 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (grad student) |
Subramanian Krishnamurthy | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2014 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Wasley Sven Krogdahl | stellar configurations, cosmology | | | | |
Anton Kryukov | | | | 2000 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Andrew Kubik | Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student) |
Alexander Kudlay | | | 2002 | 2006 | Monica Olvera de la Cruz (post-doc) |
Kunal Kumar | Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Ian Low (grad student) |
Prem Kumar | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | | |
Kunal Kumar | | Physics and Astronomy | | | Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (grad student) |
William Kung | soft condensed matter | | | | |
Kanber Lam | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Nicolas Large | Nanophotonics, Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Theory | Department of Chemistry | 2014 | 2016 | George C. Schatz (post-doc) |
Shane Larson | Gravitation | | | | |
Daniel D. Lascar | Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Lincoln J. Lauhon | Nanostructured Materials | | | | |
Casey J. Law | Massive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Star formation in the Galactic nucleus, supernova remnant masers. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2007 | Farhad Yusef-zadeh (grad student) |
Yoonseok Lee | Helium3 | | | 1997 | William Halperin (grad student) |
Joo S. Lee | Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Adilson Motter (grad student) |
Jong-Kwon Lee | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | | | 2006 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Joo-Hyoung Lee | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | | | 2005 | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Hyong C. Lee | Hydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars. | | | 2001 | Ron E. Taam (grad student) |
Michael A. Lee | | Physics | | 1977 | Chia-wei Woo (grad student) |
Tien-Lin Lee | | Materials Science and Engineering | | 1999 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Wei-li Lee | | | | 1970 | Jacques Denavit (grad student) |
Hyojun Ada Lee | | Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering | 2018 | 2019 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Junghoon Lee | Nanotechnology | | | | |
Weihua Lei | | Department of Physics | 2019 | 2023 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Jessica L. Lensch Falk | Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry | Materials Science and Engineering | 2003 | 2008 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Cheuk Yui Leung | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Hua-Bai Li | | | | 2006 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Xiaoying Li | Quantum information, Single photon source, Precision measurement | Physics | | | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Andy C.Y. Li | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2017 | Jens Koch (grad student) |
Chuang Liang | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2007 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Joseph A. Libera | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2005 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Chien-Yu Lien | Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | Brian C. Odom (grad student) |
Jui-Ching (Phillip) Lin | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2009 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Yoram Lithwick | Planet formation, dynamics of planetary systems, accretion disks, MHD turbulence, cosmological halo formation, gamma-ray bursts. | | | | |
Shuangbiao Liu | computational, cognitive neuroscience | | | 2001 | Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student) |
Mark C. Lonergan | | | 1990 | 1994 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student), Duward Felix Shriver (grad student) |
Xiaoting Lou | Geophysics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2013 | Suzan v. der Lee (grad student) |
Ian Low | Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. | | | | |
Lan Luan | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2007 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Zachary Lubin | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2012 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Erik Luijten | Computational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms | | | | |
Nie Luo | Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. | | | 2001 | Anupam Garg (grad student) |
Xiaoyan Ma | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | Chemistry | | 2007 | Donald Ellis (grad student) |
Rachel Y. Mak | X-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2014 | Chris Johnson Jacobsen (grad student) |
W. Peter Maksym | Observational extragalactic astronomy including AGN, tidal disruption events, high energy phenomena | Physics and Astronomy | 2005 | 2012 | Melville Paul Ulmer (grad student) |
Niall M. Mangan | | | | | |
Shahin Engakkattil Mani | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2010 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
David Marasco | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2002 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Harris Leon Marcus | | | | 1967 | Lyle H. Schwartz (grad student), Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Jules A. Marcus | Solid state physics . Ferromagnetism ; Low temperature physics | | | | |
John F. Marko | Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. | | | | |
Audeliz Matias | Geology | | | 2005 | Donna M. Jurdy (grad student) |
Lauren M. Matosziuk | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2013 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Andreas Matouscheki | Cell Biology, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology | | | | |
Tristan G. Matthews | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Steven J. May | | | | 2007 | Bruce W. Wessels (grad student) |
Martin E. McBriarty | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2014 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Rodney J. McCabe | physical metallurgy | | | 2000 | Morris Eugene Fine (grad student) |
Joseph J. McCarthy | Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics | Chemical Engineering | | | Julio M. Ottino (grad student) |
Jamie McFarlin | | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2019 | Magdalena R. Osburn (grad student) |
Douglas W. McKay | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1968 | Carl H. Albright (grad student) |
Jeffrey M. McMahon | | Chemistry | | 2010 | George C. Schatz (grad student) |
Milja Medic | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2010 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Mark W. Meisel | Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | 1983 | William Halperin (grad student) |
Martin F. Melhus | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Miguel Merino | Geophysics, Geology | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 2014 | Seth A. Stein (grad student) |
Karl Merkle | Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Masahiro (Mike) Meshii | Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | Materials Science | | 1959 | John W. Kauffman (grad student) |
David Michael Meyer | High signal-to-noise spectroscopy of interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines, small-scale structures in diffuse galactic clouds. | | | | |
Joseph M Michail | Astrophysics | | | | |
Ljubomir Miljacic | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | Donald Ellis (grad student) |
Donald Henry Miller | Experimental particle physics | | | | |
Tacy Joffe Minor | High Energy Physics | Physics | 1991 | 1997 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
David Mintzer | | | | | |
Vesna F. Mitrovic | NMR, low temperature physics | | | 2001 | William Halperin (grad student) |
Lyle Fred Mockros | Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Stephanie Moffitt | | Materials Science & Engineering | | 2017 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Geneva Moores | | Physics | | 1994 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Liane Moreau | | Materials Science & Engineering | 2012 | 2017 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student), Chad A. Mirkin (grad student) |
Adam J. Morris-Cohen | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2012 | Emily A. Weiss (grad student) |
Theodore Frederick Morse | | | | 1961 | Ali Bulent Cambel (grad student) |
Adilson Motter | Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. | | | | |
Jessy J. Mouannes-Srour | Biomedical Engineering, Radiology | Biomedical Engineering | | 2012 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Weiqiang Mu | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Ranjith Nair | Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. | | | 2006 | Horace Yuen (grad student) |
Koichiro Nishikawa | | Physics | | 1980 | David Alan Buchholz (grad student) |
Michael Ray Norman | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 1983 | 1986 | Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc) |
Giles Novak | | | | | |
Robert J. Oakes | QCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation. | | | | |
Brian C. Odom | Quantum manipulation of trapped atoms and molecules for precision searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, quantum information processing, and quantum-controlled chemistry. | | | | |
Emile A. Okal | Geophysics | | | | |
John S. Okasinski | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2004 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Claire C Onsager | | | | | |
Neal N. Oza | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2014 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
tuncay ozel | solar cells | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2015 | Chad A. Mirkin (grad student) |
Mark J. Panaggio | Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | | 2014 | Daniel Michael Abrams (grad student) |
Seoijin Park | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 2000 | Seong-Tiong Ho (grad student) |
Yoonseok Park | Bioelectronics | | | | |
Shane M. Parker | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2014 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Monika Patel | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Cheryl E Patrick | physics | | 2010 | 2016 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Bharath Pattabiraman | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2014 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Janet M. Pavese | Oncology | Life Sciences | | 2014 | Raymond C. Bergan (grad student) |
John A. Pedersen | Biomedical Engineering | | | 2006 | Melody Swartz (grad student) |
Todd K. Pedlar | Elementary Particle Physics, Heavy Quarks and Quarkonia | Physics | 1991 | 1999 | Kamal K. Seth (grad student) |
Daniel E. Perea | Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2009 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Carrie E. Perlman | Biomedical Engineering, Medicine and Surgery | | | 2003 | Lyle Fred Mockros (grad student) |
Murray Peshkin | | | | | |
Frank J. Petriello | Perturbative QCD and its applications to collider physics; new phenomena at the TeV scale; new calculational techniques for quantum field theory. | | | | |
Warren E. Pickett | Theoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity | Physics and Astronomy | 1978 | 1979 | Arthur J. Freeman (research scientist) |
Martin Algirdas Plonus | Electromagnetic theory, propagation through turbulent media, optical communication, optical imaging in atmospheric turbulence | | | | |
Johannes Pollanen | NMR, low temperature physics | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | William Halperin (grad student) |
Milica Popovic | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Oncology | | | 2001 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Rodney D. Priestley | polymeric materials | Chemical and Biological Engineering | | 2008 | John M. Torkelson (grad student) |
Issam A. Qattan | Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. | | | 2005 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Yonglin Qian | | Materials Science | | 1995 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Wei Qu | Computational statistical mechanics of complex fluids; electrostatically driven self-assembly phenomena; phase behavior and kinetics of colloidal suspensions and polymeric systems; Monte Carlo algorithms | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2013 | Erik Luijten (grad student) |
Ishwar Radhakrishnan | General Biophysics | | | | |
Ishwar Radhakrisnan | General Biophysics, Molecular Biology | | | | |
Maxim Raginsky | Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. | | | 2002 | Horace Yuen (grad student) |
Emmanouela Rantsiou | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Frederic Rasio | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | | | | |
Mark A. Ratner | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | | | 1969 | G. Ludwig Hofacker (grad student), Sighart F. Fischer (grad student) |
Vivien Raymond | Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Vicky Kalogera (grad student) |
Cecilia Rechea Bernal | Civil Engineering | | | 2006 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Amy L. Rechenmacher | Geotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geophysics | | | 2000 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Robert Page Redwine | Experimental Nuclear Physics | Physics | | 1973 | Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Robert C. Regan | | Physics | | 2020 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Thomas K. Renbarger | | | | 2002 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Matthew G. Reuter | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2011 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Sung-Hyon Rhim | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2007 | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Alex Richings | | | | | |
Andrew G. Richter | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | | | 2000 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Kirill Rivkin | | | | 2006 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Jill F. Roboski | Civil Engineering, Geotechnology | | | 2004 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
William P. Rodrigues | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2000 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Joseph D. Romano | Gravitation | | 1997 | 1998 | Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc) |
James M. Rondinelli | Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry | | | | |
Jerome L. Rosen | Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. | | | | |
Connie B. Roth | polymer physics, soft condensed matter physics, glass transition | Chemical and Biological Engineering | 2006 | 2007 | John M. Torkelson (post-doc) |
John M. Rowell | | | | | |
Paolo G. Rumerio | Experimental measurements of high-energy proton-antiproton collisions to examine the properties of quarks. | | | 2003 | Jerome L. Rosen (grad student) |
Raymond M. Russo | Geology, Geophysics | | | | Robert Clarke Speed (grad student), Emile A. Okal (grad student) |
Adam Rybaltowski | Optics Physics, Geophysics | | | 2002 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Natasha Sachdeva | Physics, Precision measurements | | | | |
Sagar Sahasrabudhe | Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Adilson Motter (grad student) |
Willis Kazuo Sakumoto | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1984 | Jerome L. Rosen (grad student) |
Kenneth R. Salit | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2008 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Mary K. Salit | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Paul G Sanders | metallurgy, alloy design, | Materials Science and Engineering Materialsl Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering | 1991 | 1996 | Julia R. Weertman (grad student), Morris Eugene Fine (collaborator), Jerome B. Cohen (collaborator) |
Fernando Sarabia | Civil Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2012 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Todd Satogata | Accelerator Physics | Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy | 1990 | 1993 | Steve Peggs (grad student), Stephen G. Peggs (grad student) |
James Avery Sauls | Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics | | | | |
Heidi Marie Schellman | Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. | | | | |
Peter Eli Schlein | experimental elementary particle physics | | | 1959 | Laurie M. Brown (grad student) |
Ruth A. Schlitz | Materials Science Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2012 | Lincoln J. Lauhon (grad student) |
Robert A. Schluter | Elementary Partical Physics | | | | |
Michael Henry Schmitt | Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. | | | | |
Kimberly A. Schramm | Geophysics | | | 2007 | Seth A. Stein (grad student) |
Ivan K. Schuller | | | | 1976 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
David J. Schwab | Theoretical biological physics, collective computation in cell populations and neural networks, modeling of cellular sensory and signaling networks, neural information processing, learning and adaptation. | | | | |
Lyle H. Schwartz | | | | 1964 | Jerome B. Cohen (grad student) |
Ralph E. Segel | Experimental study of the spin structure of nucleons, heavy-ion physics. | | | | |
Manibrata Sen | Neutrino physcis, Supernova neutrinos, Dark matter | Department of Physics | 2018 | 2020 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (post-doc) |
Jeremy F. Sepinsky | Gravitational waves, X-ray emission from compact binary objects, coalescence of neutron-star binaries. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | Vicky Kalogera (grad student) |
Kamal K. Seth | Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. | | | | |
Phalguni Shah | experimental soft condensed matter | Physics and astronomy | 2018 | 2022 | Michelle M. Driscoll (grad student) |
Selim Shahriar | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | | | | |
Shashank Shalgar | Electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | André Luiz Carvalho de Gouvêa (grad student) |
Priya Sharma | Condensed Matter | Physics | | 2003 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Jay E. Sharping | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2003 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
John T. Shen | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | | | 2007 | Selim Shahriar (grad student) |
Wanyong Shin | Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Radiology | Biomedical Engineering | | 2007 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Bellave Shivaram | | | 1980 | 1984 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Arnold Johannes Friedrich Siegert | statistical mechanics | | | | |
Gracie E. Siffer | Physics, Biology | Molecular Biosciences | 2023 | | Reza Vafabakhsh (grad student) |
Jamesina J. Simpson | Computational electrodynamics, electromagnetic wave propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, remote-sensing, space weather, biophotonics | | | 2007 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Paul Singer | theoretical particle physics | | 1961 | 1963 | Laurie M. Brown (post-doc) |
Robert M. Snihur | Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. | | 1994 | 2000 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Niels Sondergaard | Acoustics Physics | | | 2001 | Predrag Cvitanović (grad student) |
Don M. Sparlin | | | | 1964 | Jules A. Marcus (grad student) |
Panagiotis Spentzouris | | Physics | 1991 | 1994 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Linda Spentzouris | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics | | | 1996 | Patrick Leslie Colestock (grad student) |
Seth A. Stein | Geophysics | | | | |
Dale Stentz | Electroweak boson production in hadron colliders, searches for new elementary particles and interactions, development of muon detectors. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Michael Henry Schmitt (grad student) |
Nathaniel P. Stern | Experimental optical condensed matter physics, nanoscale photonics and magnetism, cavity QED with single atoms and photons, spin dynamics in the solid state. | | | | |
Glafkos Stratis | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2010 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Michael J. Stringer | Theory of complex systems, nonlinear phenomena, statistical physics. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | Adilson Motter (grad student), Luís A. Nunes Amaral (grad student) |
Benjamin Stripe | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Derek A. Strom | Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | David Alan Buchholz (grad student) |
Yikai Su | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2001 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Yi Sun | | | | 2001 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Mingxuan Sun | | IBiS | 2007 | 2012 | John F. Marko (grad student) |
Cheng Sun | | | | | |
Kurt A. Swanson | General Biophysics, Molecular Biology | | | 2006 | Ishwar Radhakrisnan (grad student) |
Melody Swartz | Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics | | | | |
Ron E. Taam | Hydrodynamics of gas flows, close binary-star systems, structure and evolution of accretion disks, X-ray bursts from neutron stars. | | | | |
Ronald E. Taam | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Zahra Khajeh Tabrizi | | | | | |
Allen Taflove | Finite-difference time-domain method and its applications | Electrical engineering and computer science | | 1975 | Morris Ellis Brodwin (grad student) |
Genya Takeda | Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Renyong Tang | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | | | 2005 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Abu Thomas | Quantum Optics | | | | |
Tracy Taylor Thomas | | Physics | 1991 | 1997 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Elizabeth C. Thompson | | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 2018 | | Steven D. Jacobsen (post-doc) |
Daniel B. Tice | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | | 2013 | Emily A. Weiss (grad student) |
Bradley P. Tinkham | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2002 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Chrong-Chu Tsai | | | | 2000 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Yuan-Chieh Tseng | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2009 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Snow H. Tseng | Biomedical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiation Physics | | | 2005 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Takao Tsumuraya | Materials Physics | Physics and Astronomy | 2009 | 2011 | Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc) |
Xuxin Tu | Civil Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics | | | 2007 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Norm M. Tubman | Quantum Physics | Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Randolph Q. Hood (grad student), Berni J. Alder (grad student) |
I-Cheng Tung | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2014 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Christina P. Twist | computational, cognitive neuroscience | Mechanical Engineering | | 2013 | Jane Xiaojing Wang (grad student) |
Melville Paul Ulmer | Development of X-ray mirrors and ultraviolet detectors, matter distribution in galactic clusters, transient hard X-ray sources. | | | | |
Paul B. Umbanhowar | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Gregory H. Underhill | Immunology, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology | | | 2003 | Melody Swartz (grad student) |
M. Iqbal Bakti Utama | Materials physics, nanotechnology | | | | |
Ahmet Uysal | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Reza Vafabakhsh | General Biophysics, Molecular Physics | | | | |
Parmede Vakil | Biomedical Engineering, Radiology | Biomedical Engineering | | 2013 | Timothy J. Carroll (grad student) |
Elena V. Vasilyeva | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2000 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Nirmala Vasudevan | QCD supersymmetric and electroweak corrections to heavy-quark and Higgs meson production in electron-positron annihilation. | | | 2005 | Robert J. Oakes (grad student) |
Carlos A. Vega Posada | Civil Engineering, Geophysical Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2012 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Roberto Vega-Morales | Theoretical particle physics from within and beyond the standard model: theories of electroweak symmetry breaking; properties of the Higgs boson; aspects of dark matter. | Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy | | 2013 | Ian Low (grad student), Timothy Maurice Paul Tait (grad student) |
Mayda Marie Velasco | Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. | | | 1995 | Donald Henry Miller (grad student), Ralph E. Segel (grad student) |
Avinash Vijayaraghavan | Spin tunneling and relaxation in molecular magnets, semiclassical limit for spin, quantum state manipulation. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | Anupam Garg (grad student) |
Eric A. Voll | Cell Biology, Oncology | Life Sciences | | 2014 | Raymond C. Bergan (grad student) |
Anton Vorontsov | | Physics | | 2005 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Geoffrey J. Waldschmidt | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2002 | Allen Taflove (grad student) |
Charles T. Walker | | | | | |
Jack Wang | | Northwestern Institute of Complex Systems | 2022 | 2022 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (grad student) |
Jane Xiaojing Wang | computational, cognitive neuroscience | | 2012 | | James R. Booth (post-doc), Joel L. Voss (post-doc) |
Gang Wang | | | 1998 | 2003 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Helsin Wang | Civil Engineering | | | 2004 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Charles Albert Ward | thermodynamics, heat transfer, evaporation, kinetics, adsorption | Mechanical Engineering and Astronautics! Sciences | 1962 | 1967 | David Mintzer (grad student) |
Julia R. Weertman | Materials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Jian Wei | | | 2006 | 2010 | Venkat Chandrasekhar (post-doc) |
Michael Weinert | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | | | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Emily A. Weiss | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | | 2000 | 2005 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Daniel Kamrath Weiss | Quantum Computing | | | | |
Thomas D. Whitehead | Quantum communications and computing, nonlinear and quantum optics, fiber-optic communications, all-optical networks. | Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 2013 | Prem Kumar (grad student) |
Douglas A. Wiens | Geophysics | Geological Sciences | 1980 | 1985 | Seth A. Stein (grad student) |
Paul A Williams | Physics, Astronomy | Physics and Astronomy | 2015 | 2021 | Giles Novak (grad student) |
Joshua J. Wiman | | Physics | | 2018 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Alan Wiseman | Gravitation | | 1992 | 1995 | Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc) |
Steven Won | Matter-antimatter asymmetry, physics beyond the Standard Model, development of beam instrumentation, multi-TeV electron/positron and gamma/gamma colliders. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | Mayda Marie Velasco (grad student) |
Hao Wu | | Physics | | 2016 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Botao Xiao | Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2011 | John F. Marko (grad student) |
Wei Xiong | Physical Metallurgy | Materials Science and Engineering | 2013 | 2016 | Gregory B. Olson (research scientist) |
Wanling Xu | | Physics and Astronomy | | 2008 | John B. Ketterson (grad student) |
Dandong Xu | | Physics | | 1995 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Sahal Yacoob | Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. | Physics and Astronomy | 2004 | 2010 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Haley A. Yaple | Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | | 2013 | Daniel Michael Abrams (grad student) |
Sina Yeganeh | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | 2004 | 2009 | Mark A. Ratner (grad student) |
Xinyuan You | | Applied Physics | | 2021 | Jens Koch (grad student) |
SungWoo Youn | Elementary particle physics, experimental investigation of QCD via high-energy proton-antiproton collisions. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2009 | David Alan Buchholz (grad student) |
Carl J. Youngdahl | Materials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | 2001 | Julia R. Weertman (grad student) |
Chengjiao Yu | computational, cognitive neuroscience | Mechanical Engineering | | 2014 | Qian Jane Wang (grad student) |
Chungjong Yu | Nanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers. | | | 2000 | Pulak Dutta (grad student) |
Horace Yuen | Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. | | | | |
Farhad Yusef-zadeh | Massive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Star formation in the Galactic nucleus, supernova remnant masers. | | | | |
David G. Zapata-Medina | Civil Engineering | Civil and Environmental Engineering | | 2012 | Richard J. Finno (grad student) |
Geralyn P. Zeller | Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. | | 1996 | 2002 | Heidi Marie Schellman (grad student) |
Zhengfan Zhang | Mesoscopic systems: hybrid superconductor, ferromagnet and normal metal systems; complex oxides, unconventional superconductivity; low-temperature scanning-force microscopy. | | | 2006 | Venkat Chandrasekhar (grad student) |
Houyin Zhang | Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2012 | John F. Marko (grad student) |
Zhan Zhang | Atomic-scale X-ray studies of gas/solid, liquid/solid and solid/solid interfaces, ultrathin films, membranes, and nanoparticles. | | | 2004 | Michael Bedzyk (grad student) |
Xiaoguang Zhang | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 1983 | 1989 | Arthur J. Freeman (grad student) |
Shujie Zhang | | Northwestern Institute of Complex Systems | 2022 | 2022 | Luiz Gustavo de Andrade Alves (research assistant) |
Erhai Zhao | Condensed Matter | | | 2006 | James Avery Sauls (grad student) |
Ping Zhou | | Physics | 1988 | 1990 | James B. Rosenzweig (grad student) |
Guanyu Zhu | Quantum coherence in solid-state devices such as superconducting circuits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum computation and quantum simulation with cQED lattices. | Physics and Astronomy | | 2015 | Jens Koch (grad student) |
Alex Zunger | | | | | Arthur J. Freeman (post-doc) |
Peter K. Zweber | Experimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium. | | | 2006 | Kamal K. Seth (grad student) |