Auburn University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mohammed Aldawsari Drug Discovery and Development20132017 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Ahmad Alhowail Drug Discovery and Development2017 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Mohammed Almoslem Drug Discovery and Development20162018 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Ahmed Alnaim Drug Discovery and Development2016 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Hamad Alrbyawi Drug Discovery and Development Drug Discovery and Development20162016 Robert D. Arnold (grad student), Robert D. Arnold (grad student), Jayachandra Ramapuram (grad student)
Siddharth AlurCondensed Matter Physics2010 Minseo Park (grad student)
Manjusha Annji Drug Discovery and Development2018 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Jorge P. ArenasMechanical Engineering2001 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)
Ivan Arnold Physics Physics20132017 Edward E. Thomas (grad student), Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Robert D. ArnoldDrug Delivery, Nanomedicine, Liposomes, Pharmaceutics, PK/PD, Cancer Therapeutics Drug Discovery and Development Drug Discovery and Development2018 Amit Mitra (collaborator), Jayachandra Ramapuram (collaborator)
Jalaan T. Avritte Physics20172023 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
David Mark BevlyControl of Dynamic Systems
Rik BlumenthalPhysical Chemistry, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Dennis Bodewitsplanetary science, atomic and molecular physics
Robert F. BoivinAtomic Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Winard Britt2009 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
David J. Broderick2012 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Steven Bromley Physics2020 Dennis Bodewits (post-doc)
Yu-Chun ChenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2009 Yonhua Tzeng (grad student)
An-Jen ChengElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Energy2008 Minseo Park (grad student)
Mark CianciosaFluid and Plasma Physics2012 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
David A. CicciAerospace Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics
David Crawford Physics2024 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
Malcolm J. CrockerDynamical Properties of Composite Materials; Prediction of Noise and Vibration of Spacecraft at Launch; Acoustical Properties of Road Pavement Surfaces.
Robert L. Daily2008 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Joshua Davis Drug Discovery and Development2015 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Jeremy James Dawkins2011 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Andrei DereviankoTheory Physics, Molecular Physics, Quantum Physics, Optics Physics1996 Eugene A. Oks (grad student)
Jianjun (JJ) DongTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Computational Material Physics
Ami DuBois Physics2013 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Ashley Eadon Physics2010 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Matthew Eggert Drug Discovery and Development2013 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Connor Favreau Physics20162019 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Ross Fisher Physics2012 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Michael R FogleAMO Physics
Taraswi Mitra Ghosh Drug Discovery and Development2017 Robert D. Arnold (post-doc)
Melissa Halford
Taylor Hall Physics2019 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Wei Huang2010 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Lani Jasper Drug Discovery and Development2015 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Curt Johnson Physics20162020 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Sherra E. Kerns
H KirkiciMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Hulya KirkiciElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Stephen Knowlton
Uwe Konopka
Kalyan KoppisettyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2008 H Kirkici (grad student)
Allen L. LandersAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics
Allen L LandersAtomic and Molecular Physics
Matthew Lashley2009 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Spencer LeBlanc Physics2019 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Zhuang LiMechanical Engineering2006 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)
Ye LiAtomic Physics Physics Physics2016 Michael S. Pindzola (grad student), Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Stuart D. LochAtomic Physics, Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Magnetically Confined Fusion
Russell Lowell20202024 Zachary M. Gillen (grad student)
Brian Lynch Physics Physics2017 Edward E. Thomas (grad student), Uwe Konopka (grad student)
Mohamad Menati Physics Physics2020 Edward E. Thomas (grad student), Uwe Konopka (grad student)
Jeffrey David Miller2010 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Amit Mitra
Jorge M. Munoz BurgosAtomic Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2009 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Ananthakrishnan NarayananMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering2011 Mrinal Thakur (grad student)
Ahmad Nemer Physics20162019 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Ben Nie Drug Discovery and Development20132017 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Moses C. Ntam Physics20062012 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
Eugene A. OksAtomic Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Finance
Aaron S. OrlandPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2003 Rik Blumenthal (grad student)
Minseo ParkCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics
Minsew ParkCondensed Matter Physics
Avinash R. PatilMechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering2000 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)
Raymond Pepinsky
Joseph D. PerezFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics
Jonathan Pierce Physics20132016 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Michael S. PindzolaAtomic Physics
Craig J. PollockFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics
Cherish QuallsAerospace Engineering2004 David A. Cicci (grad student)
Jayachandra Ramapuram
Francis RobicheauxAtomic Physics
Mert SerkanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2007 H Kirkici (grad student)
Benjamin A. StevensonFluid and Plasma Physics2011 Stephen Knowlton (grad student)
Huijiao SunPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2011 Rik Blumenthal (grad student)
Robert Tyler Sutherlandquantum gates, quantum optics, quantum simulations, quantum information, quantum computing, open quantum systems Physics20122014 Stuart D. Loch (research assistant)
Shida TanMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2002 H Kirkici (grad student)
Xiaoli Tang Physics20032008 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
Erik Tejero Physics2011 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Mrinal ThakurMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Edward E. ThomasPhysics, Plasma Physics Physics19931996 Stephen Knowlton (grad student)
Turker TopcuAtomic Physics2007 Francis Robicheaux (grad student)
William E. Travis2010 David Mark Bevly (grad student)
Yonhua TzengElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Energy
Philip W. ValekFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics2001 Joseph D. Perez (grad student)
Kumar Venkataramani Physics2020 Dennis Bodewits (post-doc)
Cheryl A. WalkerAerospace Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics2001 David A. Cicci (grad student)
Dake WangCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2006 Minseo Park (grad student)
Qianxia Wang Physics20132016 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Sharon F. WebbPhysical Chemistry, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Rik Blumenthal (grad student)
Jeremiah Williams Physics2006 Edward E. Thomas (grad student)
Joshua B. Williams2012 Allen L Landers (grad student)
Michael C. WitthoeftAtomic Physics2004 Michael S. Pindzola (grad student)
Di Wu Physics20092013 Stuart D. Loch (grad student)
Bin XuFirst-principles calculations, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, electron-phonon coupling Physics20032009 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
Zhaohui YuMechanical Engineering2007 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)
Yi Zeng Mechanical Engineering20152019 Jianjun (JJ) Dong (grad student)
Chu Zhang Drug Discovery and Development2018 Robert D. Arnold (grad student)
Ran ZhouMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering2009 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)
Dingguo ZouMechanical Engineering2000 Malcolm J. Crocker (grad student)