Stony Brook University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alexandre G. AbanovInterference effects in strongly correlated electronic systems.
Alexander G. AbanovCondensed Matter Physics
Christoph Carl AdamiDarwinian evolution, studied theoretically, experimentally, and computationally19861991 Ismail Zahed (grad student), Gerald E. Brown (post-doc)
Mark R. Adams Physics1981 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Harald Werner AdeCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1990 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Alexandra A AhernPlanetary Geology, Thermophysics Geosciences2016 Andrea D. Rogers (grad student)
Ratindranath AkhouryTheoretical elementary particle physics1980 William Ira Weisberger (grad student)
Alfonso M. Albanoelementary particle physics, statistical mechanics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, nonlinear dynamics1969 Max Dresden (grad student)
Igor AleiuerCondensed Matter Physics
John Macmillan Alexandernuclear chemistry
Philip Brown AllenCondensed Matter Physics
Thomas K. AllisonElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter
Claire S. AllredAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2009 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Leandro G. AlmeidaTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics2010 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Luis Alvarez-Gaumé1981 Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student)
David AnanikianAtomic Physics2006 Thomas H. Bergeman (grad student)
Michael R. AnastasioTheoretical Nuclear Physics1976 Thomas T.S. Kuo (grad student)
Jian Peng Ang2019 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Lilia K. AnguelovaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Petr M. AnisimovTheory Physics Physics and Astronomy20112012 Harold J. Metcalf (post-doc)
Nicole J. ApadulaHeavy ion physics. Physics2013 Axel K. Drees (grad student)
Meigan C. AronsonGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Ahsan AshrafNanoscale spatial inhomogeneity in photovoltaics; data science and statistics Physics20122016 Matthew D. Eisaman (grad student)
David Atkatzquantum field theory, quantum cosmology Physics19751979 Max Dresden (grad student)
Seth A. AubinAMO physics19992003 Luis Adolfo Orozco (grad student)
Assa Auerbach Physics19811985 Steven A. Kivelson (grad student)
Ralf AverbeckNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Dmitri V. AverinSolid state physics.
Marcus Babzien Physics and Astronomy1993 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Faez BakalianAtmospheric Science Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2005 Sultan Hameed (grad student)
Benjamin BannierHeavy ion physics. Physics2014 Axel K. Drees (grad student)
William A. Bardeentheoretical elementary particle physics19661968 Benjamin W. Lee (post-doc)
Edward BaronAstronomy and Astrophysics1985 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Allen Bashian Physics1970 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Fiorenzo Bastianellipath integrals and anomalies1991 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Jill J. BaumanAtmospheric Science Physics2000 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Cornelius W. BeausangExperimental Nuclear Physics1987 David Bruce Fossan (grad student)
Tracy L. BeckAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Michal Joseph Simon (grad student)
Kevin Shawn BedellAstrophysics Physics, General Physics1979 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
John Albert BehrSubatomic Physics Gene D. Sprouse (post-doc)
Ilan Ben-zviaccelerator physics.
Chad F. BenderAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Michal Joseph Simon (grad student)
Robert Paul BennettPhysics Physics Abhay L. Deshpande (grad student)
Thomas H. BergemanCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics
Carola F. BergerTheoretical physics; elementary particles.2003 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Dmitriy BeznoskoExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Tirthabir BiswasTheoretical physics; strings.2003 Warren D. Siegel (grad student)
Jyoti Biswas Physics and Astronomy2016 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Cosmin Blaga Physics2009 Louis Franklin DiMauro (grad student)
Martin Blumecondensed matter theory
Barbara Bock Geosciences Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Scott Bogner2002 Thomas T.S. Kuo (grad student)
Victoria L. Boughton NelsonPhysiology Biology Physiology and Biophysics2014 Raafat El-Maghrabi (grad student)
Laura Brucia BreitenfeldSpectroscopy, geosciences, multivariate analysis Geosciences Geosciences2018 Timothy D. Glotch (grad student), Andrea D. Rogers (grad student)
Gerald E. Browntheoretical physics Hans Albrecht Bethe (collaborator)
Sergey ButsykExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics.2005 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Rama R. Calagaaccelerator physics.2006 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Alan C. Caldernuclear astrophysics
Sara J. CalloriCondensed Matter experimental. Physics2013 Matthew Dawber (grad student)
Fernando E. CaminoExperimental solid-state physics.2003 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
Sarah C. CampbellExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics. Physics2011 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Changhong CaoNanomanufacturing, nanomechanics Mechanical Engineering20082010 Chad S. Korach (grad student)
Regina M. Caputo Physics2011 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Javier F. CardonaNuclear Physics, Radiation Physics2003 Steve Peggs (grad student)
David M. CardozaMolecular Physics, Optics Physics2006 Thomas C. Weinacht (grad student)
Jorge Casalderrey-SolanaTheoretical nuclear physics.2006 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Matthew T. CashenAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2002 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Leonardo CastellaniSupergravity19791981 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Anna CeresoleSupergravity, String Theory, Cosmology1989 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Robert D. CessAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Bulbul ChakrabortyCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics1979 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Dhiman ChakrabortyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19881994 Roderich Engelmann (grad student)
Sudip ChakravartyTheoretical Condensed Matter
Xiangyun Changaccelerator physics.2005 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Shu-Chiuan ChangParticle physics, field theory, statistical mechanics.2002 Robert E. Shrock (grad student)
Rupak ChatterjeeQuantum Information Physics19911996 Andrew Dumont Jackson (grad student)
Hsiao-Wen Chenastrophysics Physics19941999 Kenneth M. Lanzetta (grad student)
Wen-Ping ChenAstronomy19831990 Michal Joseph Simon (grad student)
Karen Chen2015 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Ning Chenquantum field theory, grand unified theory Physics2011 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Jiuhua ChenGeophysics
Chin-Hao ChenFluid and Plasma Physics, Theory Physics Physics2011 Barbara V. Jacak (grad student)
Yiing-Rei ChenCondensed Matter Physics2003 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Iouri Chepelev2001 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Felix N. ChiAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2001 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Christopher J. ChiaraNuclear physics2001 David Bruce Fossan (grad student)
Sung Tae Cho2009 Ismail Zahed (grad student)
Kyung Soo ChoiQuantum optics, Quantum information science Harold J. Metcalf (research assistant)
Neil D. ChristensenParticle physics, field theory, statistical mechanics.2006 Robert E. Shrock (grad student)
Anton A. ChuvakinElementary particle physics.2001 John (Jack) Smith (grad student)
Zvi H. CitronExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics. Physics2011 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Jolie Antonia CizewskiAstronomy and Astrophysics1978 Linwood Lawrence Lee (grad student), Richard Francis Xavier Casten (grad student)
Nathan A. ClisbyStatistical mechanics.2004 Barry M. McCoy (grad student)
Stephen D. ClowAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2010 Thomas C. Weinacht (grad student)
Rafael Coelho Lopes de SaExperimental High Energy Physics Physics2013 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Phil Colosimo Physics2007 Louis Franklin DiMauro (grad student)
Megan E. ConnorsElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Barbara V. Jacak (grad student)
Constantinos ConstantinouAstrophysics. Physics2013 James M. Lattimer (grad student)
Christopher S. CorderAtomic physics; level crossing techniques. Physics2014 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Olindo CorradiniElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Zurab Kakushadze (grad student)
Ruben A. Costa-SantosStatistical mechanics.2002 Barry M. McCoy (grad student)
Steve Crandall1981 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Patricio M. CrichignoQuantum Physics Physics2013 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Guo-Dong CuiQuantum Internet, Nonlinear Photon-Photon Gate, EIT Memory, Quantum Dot Department of Physics and Astronomy20172023 Eden Figueroa (grad student)
Sujan Prasanna Dabholkar Physics Department2014 Michael R. Douglas (grad student)
Torsten DahmsHeavy ion physics.2008 Axel K. Drees (grad student)
Peng Daiquantum field theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, string theory2009 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Brenda V. DanielsGeneral Biophysics2001 Dieter K. Schneider (grad student)
Kunal K. DasAtomic Physics, Optics Physics2001 Thomas H. Bergeman (grad student)
Ashok Kumar DasElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1977 Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student)
Matthew DawberCondensed Matter experimental.
Jose M. F. de Labastida Physics Physics George F. Sterman (grad student), Martin Rocek (grad student)
Filipe A. de MouraElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Gustav DeliusQuantum Field Theory, Theoretical Ecology, Mathematical Biology1990 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Qiang DengSolid state physics. Physics2013 Dmitri V. Averin (grad student)
Anja Von Der LindenAstrophysics.
Satish V. Desai2006 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Abhay L. DeshpandeNucleon spin and heavy ion physics.
Shrinath Deshpande Mechanical Engineering2019 Anurag Purwar (grad student)
Burton DeWildeExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Dmitri Tsybychev (grad student)
James H. DickersonExperimental solid-state physics.2002 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
Ken A. Dillprotein folding and stability
Louis Franklin DiMauroOptics Physics Harold J. Metcalf (post-doc)
Gerald J. DolanCondensed matter physics19731976 James E. Lukens (post-doc)
Huishi Dong2007 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Huan DongNuclear theory Physics2012 Thomas T.S. Kuo (grad student)
Michael R. DouglasQuantum Theory
Adnan DoyuranOptics Physics Physics and Astronomy2000 Ilan B. Zvi (grad student), Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Axel K. DreesHeavy ion physics.
Max DresdenStatistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics
Xu DuExperimental condensed matter physics.
Josephine M. DurandHydrology, Geophysics Geosciences2014 Teng-fong Wong (grad student)
John M. DurhamExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics. Physics2011 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Adam C. DurstGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics
Alex EastoughSupersymmetry1987 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Jamil E. EgdemirNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Ralf Averbeck (grad student)
Matthew D. EisamanCarbon dioxide removal
Leonard EisenbudNuclear Physics
Raafat El-MaghrabiPhysiology Biology
M Raafat El-MaghrabiGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Daniel C. Eltonab initio simulation, molecular dynamics, quantum physics20122016 Maria Victoria Fernández-Serra (grad student)
Roderich EngelmannExperimental elementary particle physics.
Ahmet O. ErdoganTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics2014 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Rouven EssigHigh Energy Theory.
Fabian H.L. Essler Physics1993 Vladimir E. Korepin (grad student)
Aaron S. EvansObservational Astrophysics
August E. EvrardAstronomy and Astrophysics1986 Amos Yahil (grad student)
Jaroslav Fabian Physics1997 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Jackie K. FahertyAstronomy and Astrophysics. Physics Physics20062010 Michael M. Shara (grad student), Adam J. Burgasser (grad student), Frederick M. Walter (grad student)
Will M FarrAstrophysics
Arnold Feingold
Maria Victoria Fernández-SerraCondensed Matter Physics.
Vicki L. FerriniPhysical Oceanography, Remote Sensing2004 Roger D. Flood (grad student)
Michael P. Feser2002 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Lukasz FidkowskiCondensed Matter Theory.
Bryan J. FieldElementary particle physics.2005 John (Jack) Smith (grad student)
Eden FigueroaAtomic, Molecular and Optical Experiment.
José Miguel Figueroa-O'FarrillMathematical Physics Physics19851989 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Mark Steven FischlerSupergravity, Lattice Gauge Supercompter design19761979 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Raymond P. FlillerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Nuclear Physics2004 Stephen G. Peggs (grad student)
Roger D. FloodPhysical Oceanography, Hydrology, Geophysics
Chee S. FongTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics2011 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Bradley A. FordGeneral Biophysics2005 Nicolas Nassar (grad student)
David Bruce FossanNuclear physics
Fabio FranchiniCondensed Matter Physics2006 Alexander G. Abanov (grad student)
Daniel Z. FreedmanSupergravity, String Theory, Quantum Field Theory
Lonia R. FriedlanderGeochemistry, Planetology, Remote Sensing, Analytical Chemistry, Petrology Geosciences2014 Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Abhijit GaddeTheoretical physics. Physics2011 Leonardo Rastelli (grad student)
Bryce R. GadwayExperimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases. Physics2012 Dominik A. Schneble (grad student)
Ciprian GalNucleon spin and heavy ion physics. Physics2014 Abhay L. Deshpande (grad student)
Sriram GaneshanCondensed Matter Physics. Physics2012 Maria Victoria Fernández-Serra (grad student)
Antonio M. Garcia-GarciaNuclear Physics2002 J J. M. Verbaarschot (grad student)
Jeffrey Gemachine design, robotics, CAD/CAM, computational design
Dominik P. GeisslerOptics Physics, Physical Chemistry Physics2013 Thomas C. Weinacht (grad student)
Marvin A. GellerAtmospheric Science Physics, Hydrology
Nicholas J. Gettermolecular theory of the fluid state Chemistry2010 George Stell (grad student)
Stephanie N Gilbert Corderinfrared spectroscopy, condensed matter, s-SNOM Physics20152017 Mengkun Liu (post-doc)
Karin GiljeExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2014 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Simone Giombiquantum field theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, string theory2007 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Liviu GiosanGeology, Environmental Sciences, Physical Oceanography2001 Roger D. Flood (grad student)
Gary R. GluckmanRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering2003 Lawrence E. Reinstein (grad student)
Alfred Scharff GoldhaberTheoretical Physics
Vladimir J. GoldmanExperimental solid-state physics.
Alan Ira Goldman1984 Yi-Han Kao (grad student)
Vladimir Golovanov Physics1998 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Eduardo GomezQuantum optics2005 Luis Adolfo Orozco (grad student)
Haijiang GongHeavy ion physics. Physics2014 Axel K. Drees (grad student)
Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-garciaTheoretical physics; neutrino physics.
Jeremiah J. GoodsonExperimental elementary particle physics. Physics2012 Robert Lane Mccarthy (grad student)
Erlend H. GrafEducation.
Loic Grandchamp-DesrauxNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Ralf Rapp (grad student)
Paul D. GrannisExperimental high-energy physics.
Julia GrayExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Jacob Grimes Physics and Astronomy2007 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Joshua M. GrossmanQuantum optics2002 Luis Adolfo Orozco (grad student)
Jun GuoExperimental elementary particle physics.2009 Robert Lane Mccarthy (grad student)
Michael GurvitchExperimental solid-state physics.
Omer Habib Physics and Astronomy2016 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Brian C. HahnGeochemistry, Planetology2009 Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Wang Haipeng Physics and Astronomy1991 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Paul HalpernGeneral relativity and gravitation; astrophysics; complex systems; history of physics; physics and culture Physics19821987 Max Dresden (grad student)
Sultan HameedAtmospheric Science Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lee R. Hammons Physics2011 Vladimir N. Litvinenko (grad student)
Thors Hans Hanssonhigh energy physics, condensed matter physics
Muhsin N. HarakehNuclear physics1974 Peter Paul (grad student)
John W. Harrishigh energy physics1978 Robert L. McGrath (grad student)
Athanasios HatzikoutelisExperimental nuclear physics.2003 Peter Paul (grad student)
Christopher Hayes2019 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Prasad S. HegdeNuclear Physics Physics2010 Frithjof Karsch (grad student)
Ulrich Heintz Physics1991 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Thomas K. HemmickExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics.
Donald A. Hendrix Geosciences Joel A. Hurowitz (grad student)
Kenneth R. Herner2008 John D. Hobbs (grad student)
Christopher HerzogHigh Energy Theory.
Joshua HignightExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2014 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Matt von Hippel Physics Department2014 Michael R. Douglas (grad student)
Nicholas A. Hirlinger SaylorGeneral Physics, Radiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2016 Krishna S. Kumar (post-doc)
John D. Hobbs
David J. HofmanGeneral Physics19881994 Peter Paul (grad student)
Ella A. Holme Geosciences Joel A. Hurowitz (grad student)
Jeremy W. Holttheoretical physics2008 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Jason Davidson Holt2006 Thomas T.S. Kuo (grad student)
Wolf G. HolzmannElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Roy Alphanso Lacey (grad student)
Juhee HongNuclear Theory. Physics2012 Derek Teaney (grad student)
Yu-tin HuangTheoretical physics; strings.2009 Warren D. Siegel (grad student)
Kuo-Wei Huang YITP2018 Christopher Herzog (grad student)
Ashfia HuqExperimental solid-state physics.2003 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
Joel A. HurowitzGeochemistry2006 Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Alberto Daniel IglesiasTheoretical physics20002003 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Kazuki IkedaQuantum Computing, Quantum Information, Nuclear Physics, Mathematical Physics, Algebraic Geometry, High Energy Theory Physics and Astronomy CN Yang Institute CN Yang Institute Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20222024 Dmitri Kharzeev (collaborator), Vladimir E. Korepin (collaborator), Tzu-chieh Wei (collaborator), Shuzhe Shi (collaborator), Dmitri Kharzeev (post-doc)
Radu Aurelian Ionas2007 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Melvin E. Irizarry-GelpiTheoretical physics; strings. Physics2013 Warren D. Siegel (grad student)
Michael IssahNuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Roy Alphanso Lacey (grad student)
Barbara V. JacakFluid and Plasma Physics, Theory Physics
Aaron P. JacksonAstronomy. Physics2011 Alan C. Calder (grad student)
Andrew Dumont Jacksontheoretical physics, biophysics, history of science
Adam M. Jacobs Physics and Astronomy2016 Michael A. Zingale (grad student)
Chris Johnson JacobsenX-ray microscopy studies of subcellular structure and chemistry.1988 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Prashanth Jaikumar2002 Ismail Zahed (grad student)
Dharmesh JainTheoretical physics; strings. Physics2014 Warren D. Siegel (grad student)
Jainendra K. JainCondensed Matter Physics1985 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Xiao Z. JiCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2003 Franco Jona (grad student)
Jay Hyun JoNeutrino, Particle Physics Physics20092015 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Elliott Johnson Physics and Astronomy2011 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Karl Johnson1977 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Franco JonaMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Chang Kee JungExperimental high-energy physics.
Tina M. Kaarsberg Physics1989 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Peter B. KahnTheoretical physics; nonlinear dynamics.
Zurab KakushadzeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jason A. KaminExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics. Physics2012 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Chi-Chang KaoCondensed Matter Physics
Yi-Han KaoCondensed Matter Physics
Frithjof KarschNuclear Physics
Maximilian Katz Physics and Astronomy2016 Michael A. Zingale (grad student)
Yoichi Kazama Physics1977 Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊) (grad student)
Angela KellyScience Education.
Christopher Kendziora Physics1993 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Vasudev M. KenkreTheory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1971 Max Dresden (grad student)
Robert Kephart1975 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Dmitri KharzeevTheoretical Particle and Nuclear Physics.
Keun-Young Kim2009 Ismail Zahed (grad student)
Jinyoung S. KimAstronomy and Astrophysics.2002 Frederick M. Walter (grad student)
Yusuf A. KinkhabwalaNanodevice physics.2005 Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
Juliet W. KinneyMarine Geology, Geomorphology, Paleoclimate Science, Paleoecology Marine and Atmospheric Science2012 Roger D. Flood (grad student)
Megumi KinoshitaExperimental solid-state physics. Physics2011 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
Joanna KirylukNuclear and Heavy Ion Physics - Nucleon spin and neutrino physics.
Janos Kirzx-ray microscopy, spectromicroscopy, holography, and diffraction imaging
Bertram KleinStatistical Theory of Spectra.2003 Jacobus Johannes Maria Verbaarschot (grad student)
Christopher Klopfenstein Physics1985 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Che-Ming Ko1973 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Peter M. KochExperimental atomic physics; nonlinear dynamical systems.
Jin KodaAstronomy.
Takeshi KoikeNuclear physics2003 David Bruce Fossan (grad student)
Jeffrey Koller
Daniel Koller Physics1994 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Sacha Kopp
Mikhail L. KopytineNuclear Physics2001 Barbara V. Jacak (grad student)
Vladimir E. KorepinMathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Condensed Matter, Exactly Solvable Models, and Quantum Computing.
Alexander N. Korotkov Physics Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
Richard KorszunMolecular Physics
Marija KoturGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics Physics2012 Thomas C. Weinacht (grad student)
Oleg A. KritsunAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2003 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Brendan K. KruegerAstronomy. Physics2012 Alan C. Calder (grad student)
Tibor KucsTheoretical physics; elementary particles.2004 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Yaroslav KulikExperimental high-energy physics.2001 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Bogdan S. KulikElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Manas KulkarniCondensed Matter Physics Physics2011 Alexander G. Abanov (grad student)
Krishna S. Kumar
Thomas T.S. KuoNuclear theory
Karl Kusche Physics and Astronomy1993 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Alexander Kusenkoelementary particle physics, astrophysics, high-energy astrophysics, cosmology1994 Robert E. Shrock (grad student)
Kyujin KwakAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 F Douglas Swesty (grad student)
Roy Alphanso LaceyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1987 John Macmillan Alexander (grad student)
Subramanian Lakshminarasimhan2020 Michael R. Douglas (grad student)
Greg Landsbergexperimental particle physics1994 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Peter LangfelderElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Kenneth M. LanzettaExtragalactic Astronomy.
Saul H. LapidusExperimental solid-state physics. Physics2012 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
James M. LattimerAstrophysics.
Benjamin W. LeeQuantum Field Theory, Particle Physics
Ting Wu Lee
Chi-Lun Leemolecular theory of the fluid state2003 George Stell (grad student)
Shyh-Yuan LeeAccelerator Physics1972 Thomas T.S. Kuo (grad student)
Linwood Lawrence LeeExperimental nuclear structure
Juliet Lee-Franzinihigh energy physics
Carey Legettgeosciences, planetary science, spectroscopy, light scattering, space weathering Geosciences20142019 Timothy D. Glotch (grad student)
Sébastien LépineAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
David LepzelterExperimental solid-state physics.2009 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
Alberto LerdaConformal FIeld Theory, Sting Theory1988 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Steven M Lev Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Xiaoyue Li Physics department20152018 Xin Qian (grad student)
Yu Li
Xiangyun Li Mechanical Engineering2014 Jeffrey Ge (grad student)
Tianfang LiExperimental solid-state physics.2003 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
Haifang LiPhysical Chemistry, Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering
Xue Liang Physics and Astronomy2013 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Pedro LiendoTheoretical physics. Physics2013 Leonardo Rastelli (grad student)
Konstantin K. LikharevNanodevice physics.
Yeunhwan LimAstrophysics. Physics2012 James M. Lattimer (grad student)
Enju Lima2006 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Shu LinTheoretical nuclear physics. Physics2010 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Ping LinExperimental solid-state physics. Physics2010 Vladimir J. Goldman (grad student)
Yiping LinExperimental solid-state physics.2002 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
William B. LindquistGeotechnology, Geology, Geophysics
Jack J. LissauerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Vladimir N. Litvinenko
Andrei V. LitvintsevEconomic Model Development2001 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Mengkun Liu
Liang Liu2000 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Jian Liucondensed-matter physics Physics and Astronomy20112015 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
William Joseph LlopeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1992 Peter Braun-Munzinger (grad student)
David Lloyd-Owen1979 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Hongbo LongGeophysics, Plate Tectonics2008 Donald J. Weidner (grad student)
Luigi LongobardiNanodevice physics.2009 James E. Lukens (grad student)
Glenn D. LopezExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Frasher LoshajTheoretical Particle and Nuclear Physics. Physics2014 Dmitri Kharzeev (grad student)
Richard J. Loveless Physics1969 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Michael J. Lovelock Physics1990 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Xiaoxu LuExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics. Physics2011 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
James E. LukensNanodevice physics.
Kamazima M. M. LwizaPhysical Oceanography, Geophysics
J J. M. VerbaarschotNuclear Physics
Matthew S. MalekExperimental high-energy physics.2003 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Christopher M. MaloneComputational Astrophysics. Physics2011 Michael A. Zingale (grad student)
Sayan Mandalcosmology, turbulence, primordial magnetic fields, primordial gravitational waves, dark matter, inflation, neutrino physics, astroparticle physics
David G Mandrus Physics1992 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Nathan P. ManesGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2004 Raafat El-Maghrabi (grad student)
Andrew ManionNucleon spin and heavy ion physics. Physics2014 Abhay L. Deshpande (grad student)
Jaan MannikNanodevice physics.2003 James E. Lukens (grad student)
John H Marburger
Anne Marie March Physics2008 Louis Franklin DiMauro (grad student)
Michael C Martinsynchrotron, infrared, spectroscopy, condensed matter, biospectroscopy Physics19901995 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Paul Masih Das2D Materials Materials Science Miriam H. Rafailovich (research assistant)
Eftychios F. MatathiasExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics.2004 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Tomoko MatsuoAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2003 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Michael Scott Mattice2000 Jeffrey Ge (grad student)
Jenq-Chi MauAtmospheric Sciences, Physical Oceanography2006 Dong-Ping Wang (grad student)
Christopher M. MaugerExperimental high-energy physics.2002 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Joseph M. MazzarellaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Robert Lane MccarthyExperimental elementary particle physics.
Barry M. McCoyTheoretical physics, statistical mechanics
Michael P. McCumberExperimental elementary particle physics.2009 Robert Lane Mccarthy (grad student)
Robert L. McGrathexperimental nuclear physics
Clark Mcgrewexperimental high energy physics.
Scott M. McLennanGeochemistry, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ian McNultycondensed matter, x-rays19841991 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Patrick R. MeadeHigh Energy Theory.
Ulf-G. Meißnernuclear physics, particle physics, hadron physics Physics and Astronomy19821984 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Emilio E. MendezExperimental solid-state physics.
Tevfik O. MentesCondensed Matter Physics2003 Chi-Chang Kao (grad student)
Harold J. MetcalfAtomic physics
Xiyue MiaoAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2006 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Jianwei (John) Miao1999 Janos Kirz (grad student), David Sayre (grad student)
Roger L. MiesfeldBiochemistry, Virology Biology1983 Norman Arnheim (grad student)
Laszlo MihalyExperimental solid-state physics.
James Misewich
Irina MocioiuParticle physics, field theory, statistical mechanics.2002 Robert E. Shrock (grad student)
Enrique Moreno Mendeztheoretical physics, theoretical astrophysics Physics and Astronomy2009 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Amador Cruz Murielturbulence, Navier-Stokes equation, quantum computing1967 Max Dresden (grad student)
Yildirim D. MutafExperimental high-energy physics.2005 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Alex MwaiRadiation Physics, Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry2014 Roy Alphanso Lacey (grad student)
Meenakshi Narain1961 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Sankar Raju NarayanasamyX-ray Free Electron Laser Science, Fluid Dynamics Prasad Varanasi (research assistant)
Nicolas NassarGeneral Biophysics
Horatiu NastaseString Theroy2000 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Homer Alfred Nealhigh-energy physics
Nikita NekrasovString theory, mathematical physics
James Albert Nesteroff2009 Ismail Zahed (grad student)
A. K. NewazExperimental solid-state physics.2006 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
Matthew NguyenNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Barbara V. Jacak (grad student)
Artem R. OganovCondensed Matter Physics, Mineralogy, Materials Science Engineering
Artem R. OganovCondensed Matter Physics, Mineralogy, Materials Science Engineering
Kyoko OhashiPhysical Oceanography, Geophysics2003 Dong-Ping Wang (grad student)
Hazeem L. OkunolaGeneral Biophysics, Genetics, Molecular Biology2008 Raafat El-Maghrabi (grad student)
Luis Adolfo OrozcoQuantum optics
Dmitry M. OstrovskyTheoretical nuclear physics.2004 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Betul PamukCondensed Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry Physics2014 Maria Victoria Fernández-Serra (grad student)
Francis N. ParaanMathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Condensed Matter, Exactly Solvable Models, and Quantum Computing. Physics2012 Vladimir E. Korepin (grad student)
Inyong ParkElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Matthew J. PartlowAtomic physics; level crossing techniques.2004 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Ionel O. PatuStatistical mechanics.2009 Barry M. McCoy (grad student)
Abid M. PatwaExperimental high-energy physics.2002 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Peter PaulExperimental nuclear physics.
Steve PeggsNuclear Physics, Radiation Physics
Stephen G. PeggsElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Nuclear Physics
Vasili PerebeinosCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics2001 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Rosalba PernaHigh Energy Astrophysics.
Mario PerniciComutational Physics1986 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Daniel A. PertotExperimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases. Physics2011 Dominik A. Schneble (grad student)
Deane M. PetersonStellar and Galactic Astronomy.
Cedomir PetrovicCondensed Matter Physics
Richard M. PettiHeavy ion physics. Physics2013 Axel K. Drees (grad student)
Sergey V. PflyukCondensed Matter Physics2005 Vasili K. Semenov (grad student)
Warren E. PickettTheoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity1975 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Hans Juergen PirnerHadron physics
Adrien PoissierTheory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Hydrology
Shawn David PollardCondensed Matter Physics Physics and Astronomy20092015 Yimei Zhu (grad student)
Elli PomoniTheoretical physics. Physics2010 Leonardo Rastelli (grad student)
T. Alexander Pond
David PuldonExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2014 Dmitri Tsybychev (grad student)
Anurag Purwar2005 Jeffrey Ge (grad student)
Anuj K. PurwarExperimental relativistic heavy ion physics.2004 Thomas K. Hemmick (grad student)
Taotao QianAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics2003 Robert D. Cess (grad student)
Jianwei QiuTheory.
Joe Xu Qiu Physics and Astronomy1997 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Kristian RabensteinSolid state physics.2005 Dmitri V. Averin (grad student)
Adith RamamurtiAcoustics; Nuclear Theory Physics20132018 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Ralf RappNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Leonardo RastelliTheoretical physics.
Mario J. RebecchiGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology
Jason ReevesAtomic physics; level crossing techniques. Physics2010 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Joseph E. ReinerQuantum optics2003 Luis Adolfo Orozco (grad student)
Lawrence E. ReinsteinRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Douglas W ReissMathematical Physics, Nuclear Fusion, Climate Change Physics Physics Physics Physics Harold J. Metcalf (research assistant), Nándor László Balázs (grad student), Joseph William Serene (grad student), Leonard Eisenbud (grad student)
Ryan RequistCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics2005 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Riccardo RicciTheory Physics2006 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Michael M. RijssenbeekExperimental high-energy physics.
Eugenio J. RiveraAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Jack J. Lissauer (grad student)
Victoria Rivera-Banuchi Geosciences Joel A. Hurowitz (grad student)
Daniel Robles LlanaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Martin RocekTheoretical physics; supersymmetry, string theory.
Radu S. RoibanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Melinda Jo Ruckshigh pressure petrology, planetary science Geosciences2013 Timothy D. Glotch (grad student)
Itai RybElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics, Theoretical Mathematics Physics2010 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Hyejin RyuCondensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Cedomir Petrovic (grad student)
Farid Salazar Physics Bjoern Schenke (grad student)
David Bruce SandersSubmm/Far-Infrared Astronomy, Interacting Galaxies and IR Quasars, Giant Molecular Clouds1982 Philip M. Solomon (grad student)
Raul A. SantosMathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Condensed Matter, Exactly Solvable Models, and Quantum Computing. Physics2013 Vladimir E. Korepin (grad student)
Benjamin E Saueratomic physics, molecular physics, precision measurement, fundamental symmetries19851992 Peter M. Koch (grad student)
James Avery SaulsTheoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics1980 Gerald E. Brown (grad student), Joseph William Serene (grad student)
Vivek SaxenaString theory, quantum field theory Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics20162020 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Gail H. SchaeferAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Michal Joseph Simon (grad student)
Koenraad Eduard Schalmstring theory Theoretical Physics1999 Warren D. Siegel (grad student), Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Robert Dean Schamberger Physics1976 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Philip R. SchiffCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics2009 Adam C. Durst (grad student)
Joshua E. SchliederAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Michal Joseph Simon (grad student)
Dominik A. SchnebleExperimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases.
Dieter K. SchneiderGeneral Biophysics
Achim Schwenktheoretical physics2002 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Neelima SehgalAstrophysics.
Vasili K. SemenovCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics
Joseph William Serene
Ergin SezginSupergravity and quantum gravity19781980 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
David Shapiro2004 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Eric D. SharkeyExperimental high-energy physics.2002 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Shashank Sharma Mechanical Engineering2019 Anurag Purwar (grad student)
Xiao ShenCondensed Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry2009 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
William H. SherryAstronomy and Astrophysics.2003 Frederick M. Walter (grad student)
Zudan Shi Physics and Astronomy1991 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Shuzhe Shi
Leonid ShifrinStatistical Theory of Spectra.2006 Jacobus Johannes Maria Verbaarschot (grad student)
Hyunoo ShimExperimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases. Physics2011 Dominik A. Schneble (grad student)
Katherine ShirleyPlanetary Spectroscopy Geosciences20132018 Timothy D. Glotch (grad student)
Gary ShiuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19982000 Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊) (post-doc)
Dennis L. ShpakovExperimental high-energy physics.2000 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Robert E. ShrockParticle physics, field theory, statistical mechanics.
Frank H. ShuAstronomy and Astrophysics
Evgeny Shulgaparticle physics, gaseous detectors R&D
Edward ShuryakTheoretical nuclear physics.
Anne M. SicklesNuclear Physics2005 Barbara V. Jacak (grad student)
Warren D. SiegelTheoretical physics; strings.
Henry Briggs Silsbee
Michal Joseph SimonAstronomy and Astrophysics
Nikita SimonianNanodevice physics. Physics2012 Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
Rajiv Ranjan Prasad SinghGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics, Molecular Chemistry Physics1986 Sudip Chakravarty (grad student)
John SinsheimerCondensed Matter experimental. Physics2012 Matthew Dawber (grad student)
Michael Sivertz physics1983 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Kostas SkenderisRelativity, Cosmology, String Theory, Holographic Dualiities19921996 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Wade P. SmithQuantum optics2003 Luis Adolfo Orozco (grad student)
Scott Snyder1995 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Philip M. Solomonmolecular astrophysics
Woon SongExperimental solid-state physics.2004 Emilio E. Mendez (grad student)
Lee J Spencer Physics1983 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Michael Spillane YITP2016 Christopher Herzog (grad student)
Gene D. SprouseNeutral Atom Trapping and Laser Spectroscopy of Radioactive Atoms. Development of Radioactive Beams.
Stanislav SrednyakTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics2014 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Triveni Srinivasan-RaoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Daniel T. StackAtomic physics; level crossing techniques. Physics2012 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Maria d. Staig FernandezTheoretical nuclear physics. Physics2013 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Jonathan D. StallingsMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2005 Mario J. Rebecchi (grad student)
Jim Stekas1981 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
George Stellmolecular theory of the fluid state
Peter W. StephensExperimental solid-state physics.
George F. StermanTheoretical physics; elementary particles.
Alexander Stoffers Physics2013 Ismail Zahed (grad student)
Gerald M. Stokes
Jonathan Storer1972 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Emanuel A. Strauss2009 John D. Hobbs (grad student), Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Karlheinz StroblMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics
Dmitri B. StrukovComputer Engineering2006 Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
John StupakExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Dmitri Tsybychev (grad student)
Yuan SunAtomic physics; level crossing techniques. Physics2013 Harold J. Metcalf (grad student)
Moguo SunPhysical Oceanography2003 Robert D. Cess (grad student)
Tao Sun Physics and Astronomy2008 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Ilmo SungTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics2010 George F. Sterman (grad student)
Keeyoon SungAtmospheric Science Physics, Molecular Physics, Optics Physics2003 Prasad Varanasi (grad student)
Bill SutherlandStatistical mechanics and quantum many body theory1968 Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊) (grad student)
Clifford E. Swartzhigh-energy physics, physics education
F Douglas SwestyAstronomy and Astrophysics
Diyar TalbayevExperimental solid-state physics.2004 Laszlo Mihaly (grad student)
Edward G. TallGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology2002 Mario J. Rebecchi (grad student)
Zhongkui TanNanodevice physics. Physics2010 Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
Wei-Wu TanAtmospheric Science Physics2000 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Chunmei TangExperimental high-energy physics.2001 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Derek TeaneyNuclear Theory. Physics Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Harry W. ThemannHeavy ion physics. Physics Physics2011 Axel K. Drees (grad student), Jacobus Johannes Maria Verbaarschot (grad student)
Michael ThoennessenRadiation Physics, Atomic Physics1988 Peter Paul (grad student)
Michael T. Thorpe Geosciences Joel A. Hurowitz (grad student)
Rudolf Paul Thun1972 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Yuke TianMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Franco Jona (grad student)
John Sampson Tolldispersion theory, elementary particle physics
Nicholas J. ToscaGeochemistry, Astronomy and Astrophysics2007 Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Phidung H. TranMolecular Physics2000 Richard Korszun (grad student)
Nandini TrivediQuantum Physics, Atomic Physics19891991 Philip Brown Allen (post-doc)
Carlos Andres Trujillo Suarez2009 Jeffrey Ge (grad student)
Le Trungexperimental high energy physics.2009 Clark Mcgrew (grad student)
Kathryn A. Tschann-GrimmExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2011 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Chien-hung TsengOptics Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2012 Thomas C. Weinacht (grad student)
Dmitri TsybychevExperimental high-energy physics.
Luminita A. TudoricaPhysical Chemistry, Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2001 Haifang Li (grad student)
Ozgur TurelNanodevice physics.2007 Konstantin K. Likharev (grad student)
P. Michael TutsParticle Physics1979 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Corrie L. VaaExperimental atomic physics; nonlinear dynamical systems.2003 Peter M. Koch (grad student)
Veronika VajdovaGeophysics2003 Teng-fong Wong (grad student)
Diana VamanString Theory2001 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Constantin VamanNuclear Physics2004 Gene D. Sprouse (grad student)
Peter van Nieuwenhuizenquantum field theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, string theory
Prasad VaranasiAtmospheric Science Physics, Molecular Physics
Raghava VarmaExperimental High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics
Tatjana VavilkinAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Joseph M. Mazzarella (grad student), Aaron S. Evans (grad student)
Ricardo Vaz YITP2015 Christopher Herzog (grad student)
Vicente Vento1980 Gerald E. Brown (grad student)
Jacobus Johannes Maria VerbaarschotStatistical Theory of Spectra.
Brett M. VirenExperimental high-energy physics.2000 Chang Kee Jung (grad student)
Julio Virrueta YITP2020 Christopher Herzog (grad student)
Ramona Lynn VogtElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1989 Thors Hans Hansson (grad student)
Dmitri VoljaCondensed Matter Physics2007 Philip Brown Allen (grad student)
Gregory von WinckelInfrared imaging Evangelos A. Coutsias (grad student)
Heli VoraExperimental condensed matter physics. Physics2014 Xu Du (grad student)
Dorian Walczak
Andrew WaldronSupergravity, String Theory, M-theory1997 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student)
Frederick M. WalterAstronomy and Astrophysics.
Zhongmin WangExperimental high-energy physics.2004 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Dong-Ping WangPhysical Oceanography, Geophysics
Erdong WangElectron source, electron cooling Ilan Ben-zvi (post-doc)
Yihong Wang YITP2017 Christopher Herzog (grad student)
Lifeng WangSolid Mechanics, Composites, Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials, Metamaterials
Stephen Webbaccelerator physics
Tzu-chieh WeiQuantum Theory.
Donald J. WeidnerGeophysics
William Ira WeisbergerTheoretical elementary particle physics
Lianxing WenGeophysics
Renata M. M. WentzcovitchSolid State Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics Physics19921994 Philip Brown Allen (post-doc)
Tilo WettigElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1994 Andrew Dumont Jackson (grad student)
Lee R Wilcox
Steven A. WilesExperimental solid-state physics.2000 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
Michael Wilking
John D. WIllins Physics1992 Juliet Lee-Franzini (grad student)
Barry L. Winn2000 Janos Kirz (grad student)
Scott J. WolkYoung Stars, exoplanets, X-rays Earth and Space Science19901996 Frederick M. Walter (grad student)
Teng-fong WongGeophysics
Benjamin Woodson Political Science Political Science2013 Jeffrey Ge (grad student), Jeffrey A. Segal (grad student)
Yujun WuGeophysics2000 Donald J. Weidner (grad student)
Liusuo WuGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Meigan C. Aronson (grad student)
Wanru WuAtmospheric Science Physics, Hydrology2000 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Tianmu Xin Physics and Astronomy2016 Ilan Ben-zvi (grad student)
Fanghua XuPhysical Oceanography, Hydrology, Geophysics2009 Dong-Ping Wang (grad student)
Noriaki YahataExtragalactic Astronomy.2001 Kenneth M. Lanzetta (grad student)
Amos YahilAstrophysics.
Li YanNuclear Theory. Physics2013 Derek Teaney (grad student)
Wenbin YanTheoretical physics. Physics2012 Leonardo Rastelli (grad student)
Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊)particle physics
Wanyu YeExperimental high-energy physics. Physics2012 Paul D. Grannis (grad student)
Zuxin YeExperimental solid-state physics.2005 Peter W. Stephens (grad student)
Jinmi YoonStellar and Galactic Astronomy.2008 Deane M. Peterson (grad student)
Clint YoungTheoretical nuclear physics. Physics2010 Edward Shuryak (grad student)
Tony YuGeophysics2009 Jiuhua Chen (grad student)
Wen-Che YuGeophysics2007 Lianxing Wen (grad student)
Jaehoon YuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1993 Robert Lane Mccarthy (grad student)
Savvas ZafeiropoulosStatistical Theory of Spectra. Physics2013 Jacobus Johannes Maria Verbaarschot (grad student)
Ismail Zahed
Gabor ZalaCondensed Matter Physics2003 Igor Aleiuer (grad student)
Alexander B. ZamolodchikovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jorge ZanelliGravity, black holes, Chern-Simons systems, supersymmetry1982 Max Dresden (grad student)
Marian ZdrazilExperimental high-energy physics.2004 Michael M. Rijssenbeek (grad student)
Stephen A. ZelaznyExperimental atomic physics; nonlinear dynamical systems.2000 Peter M. Koch (grad student)
Shoucheng Zhangcondensed matter theory, Quantum spin hall effect19831987 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (grad student), Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊) (research assistant), Steven A. Kivelson (grad student)
Hong Zhang2014 Jianwei Qiu (grad student)
Ping Zhao Mechanical Engineering2013 Jeffrey Ge (grad student)
Yuyan ZhaoGeochemistry, Geology, Planetology Geosciences2014 Scott M. McLennan (grad student)
Yi-Ming Zhong Rouven Essig (grad student)
Xuelong ZhouAtmospheric Science Physics2000 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Tiehan ZhouAtmospheric Sciences2006 Marvin A. Geller (grad student)
Yimei ZhuCondensed Matter Physics
Junjie Zhu John D. Hobbs (post-doc)
Qunjun ZouAtmospheric Science Physics, Molecular Physics2001 Prasad Varanasi (grad student)
Konstantinos ZoubosElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Martin Rocek (grad student)
Ilan B. ZviOptics Physics