University of California, Davis

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mahmoud A. AbdulhusainBiomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2006 Michael H. Buonocore (grad student)
Maziar M. AfsharTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Sequoia Alba2019 Erwan Monier (grad student)
John D. AlbertsonHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics1996 Marc B. Parlange (grad student)
Andreas J. Albrecht
Berni J. AlderMolecular dynamics
Danielle L. AldredgeAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Michael Allen Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Thomas L. Allen
Jacquelyn D. AllmondCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Hyun J. AnAnalytical Chemistry2004 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Joonhee AnCondensed Matter Physics2001 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Kristopher E. AndersenCondensed Matter Physics2005 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Fabio AnzaPhysics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Gravity, Complex Systems, Physics of Information Physics20182021 James P Crutchfield (post-doc)
Ryan ApplegateGeneral Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Solid State Physics Physics2012 Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Singh (grad student)
Nicholas R. apRoberts-WarrenCondensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Nicholas J. Curro (grad student)
Mary Catherine Arico2009 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Peter B. ArmstrongImmunology, General Biophysics
Rajendram ArulnathanCivil Engineering, Soil Science Agriculture2000 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Matthew W. AugerAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Christopher Daniel Fassnacht (grad student)
Ariyaputhirar BalakrishnanGeophysics, Geology, Geochemistry2000 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Swapnonil BanerjeeGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Sasha BaraoiantElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Richard Leon Lander (grad student)
Ronald J. BaskinGeneral Biophysics, Medical Biophysics
Seyed A. BastaniCivil Engineering, Geophysics2003 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Sayandeb BasuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Tanya M. BlacicGeophysics, Geology2005 Garrett Ito (grad student)
Craig D. BlanchetteGeneral Biophysics2007 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Kimberly D. BlisniukGeology, Geomorphology, Plate Tectonics Geology2011 Michael E. Oskin (grad student)
Mark A. BordenChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2003 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
James F. Boschdark matter distribution, gravitational lens effects, cosmic shear, the nature of dark energy, and instrumentation for optical astronomy Physics2011 J. Anthony Tyson (grad student)
Antia Sanchez Botana Warren E. Pickett (post-doc)
Ross W. BoulangerGeneral Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics
Brandon BozekTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2009 Andreas J. Albrecht (grad student)
Maruša BradačObservational Cosmology
E Morton BradburyBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics
Andrew Bradshaw Physics20092017 J. Anthony Tyson (grad student)
R. David BrittEPR, metalloenzymes
Samantha G. BrovkoRadiation Physics Physics2014 Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
Wilfried H. Brutsaert Water Science and Engineering1962 James Nicholas Luthin (grad student)
Michael H. BuonocoreBiomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics
Edward Burks Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Haiying CaiTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics Physics2011 John Terning (grad student), Hsin-Chia Cheng (grad student)
Austin M. CalderGeneral Physics, Sciences Education2006 Wendell Harvey Potter (grad student)
Steven CarlipElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Daniel Alan CebraRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Dongdong ChangCivil Engineering2007 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Ling-Lie ChauGeneral Physics, Quantum Physics
Pictiaw (Paul) ChenEngineering systems, sensors for agricultural products
Yujun ChenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Geoff Chih-Fan Chencosmology, gravitational lensing physics20152020 Christopher Daniel Fassnacht (grad student)
Harry ChengInformation technology and its applications in engineering, computer-aided engineering, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems, robotics, design and manufacturing, mobile agent based computing, and innovative teaching
Hsin-Chia Cheng
David M. CherneySupergravity, String Theory, M-theory Mathematics2010 Andrew Waldron (grad student)
Maxwell Benjamin ChertokElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Shirley ChiangCondensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry
Bethany A. ChidesterMineral Physics Earth and Planetary Sciences2018 Sarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay (post-doc)
Po-Lin ChiuBiophysics, cryo-electron microscopy, structural biology Biophysics2009 Henning Stahlberg (grad student)
Yu-Cheng ChouInformation technology and its applications in engineering, computer-aided engineering, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems, robotics, design and manufacturing, mobile agent based computing, and innovative teaching Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2009 Harry Cheng (grad student)
Jui-Ching ChouCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2010 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Hui-Ting ChouGeneral Biophysics Biophysics2010 Henning Stahlberg (grad student)
Melvin K. ChristensenEPR, metalloenzymes2002 R. David Britt (grad student)
I-Wen M. ChuAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Lloyd Edward Knox (grad student)
Caroline S. ChuGeneral Biophysics Biophysics2011 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Konstantin ChudnovskiyGeneral Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2010 Ling-Lie Chau (grad student)
Kevin Francis ClearyCFT, SUSY, a-theorem Physics20102016 John Terning (grad student)
Keri L. ClemensEPR, metalloenzymes2001 R. David Britt (grad student)
Lawrence B. ColemanCondensed Matter Physics
Kitran Macey M ColwellTheoretical High Energy Physics Physics20112016 John Terning (grad student)
James D. ConeGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student)
Xin CongAnalytical Chemistry2006 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Wei CongElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2006 Johnathan P. Heritage (grad student)
Natarajan Conjeepurm SubramanianGeophysics Geology2009 Louise H. Kellogg (grad student)
Charles D. ConsorteCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics2000 Ching-Yao Fong (grad student)
John Stephen Conwayparticle physics experiment
Gary R. Cook Biological Chemistry19831989 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Craig Cooney Biological Chemistry19801987 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Joshua H. CoopermanTheory Physics Physics2013 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Colin CunliffGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Christina J. CurrasCivil Engineering2000 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Nicholas J. CurroCondensed Matter Physics
Gregg A. CzerwieniecAnalytical Chemistry2005 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Eduardo da Silva Neto
Karina R. DahlCivil Engineering, Geotechnology Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Liam J. DamewoodGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Ching-Yao Fong (grad student)
Daine L. DanielsonTheoretical physics, Particle physics, High energy physics, Theory Physics, Nuclear Physics, Neutrino Physics Department of Physics Physics20112017 Robert Svoboda (research assistant), Christopher P. Grant (collaborator)
Saeed DarooghehaKinematics Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2011 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Joseph Davies Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Lilian P. DavilaMaterials Science Engineering, Geology, Condensed Matter Physics2005 James F. Shackelford (grad student)
John Stacey De Grootinertial fusion
Maria L. De LeozAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2011 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Lijun DengGeotechnology, General Engineering, Civil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Christie L. DevlinCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics, Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2001 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Justin R DhoogheNeutrino Physics Physics Robert Svoboda (grad student)
Jason DickAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Lloyd Edward Knox (grad student)
Michelle M. DicusEPR, metalloenzymes Chemistry2010 R. David Britt (grad student)
Adam P. DioguardiGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Nicholas J. Curro (grad student)
Todd Raymond DitmireFluid and Plasma Physics1996 Michael Dale Perry (grad student)
Owen M. DixCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics Physics2012 Rena J. Zieve (grad student)
Cheryl E. DolanBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2004 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
James W. DolenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Robin Diane Erbacher (grad student)
Ruanchen DongCondensed Matter Physics Physics2014 S Y. Savrasov (grad student)
Xiaofan Dong Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Randy k. Dumas Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Johannes K. EberharterKinematics2005 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Thaddeus J. EdensMathematics2003 Blake Temple (grad student)
Michael El-BatanounyCondensed Matter Physics Applied Science1978 Frederick Oliver Wooten (grad student)
Sarah L. ElliottPsychophysics of color vision, spatial vision20052009 John S. Werner (grad student)
Austin J. ElliottGeomorphology, Geology, Geophysics Geology2014 Michael E. Oskin (grad student)
Matthew J. EnjalranCondensed Matter Physics2000 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student)
Robin Diane ErbacherElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Francisco J. Espinosa-LozaKinematics Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2014 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
R. James Evansmineralogy Geology20062008 James R Rustad (post-doc)
David L. EverittOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2002 Xiangdong Zhu (grad student)
Kara FarnsworthTheoretical High Energy Physics Physics Markus Amadeus Luty (grad student)
Thomas E. FarrisElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 John Francis Gunion (grad student)
Christopher Daniel FassnachtAstronomy and Astrophysics
John W. FeldeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Robert Svoboda (grad student)
Cara L. FieldCell Biology, General Biophysics2005 Fern Tablin (grad student)
Zachary FiskCondensed Matter Physics
Li FitzmauriceAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Engineering2002 Roger H. Shaw (grad student)
Michael O FlynnCondensed matter theory Physics20152021 Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Singh (grad student)
Ching-Yao FongCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Robert D. ForrestElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Maxwell Benjamin Chertok (grad student)
Stanley S. ForresterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Maxwell Benjamin Chertok (grad student)
Rick FreemanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics
Paul J. FreitasCondensed Matter Physics2000 Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Singh (grad student)
Raymond W. FriddleGeneral Biophysics, Medical Biophysics2007 Ronald J. Baskin (grad student)
John W. FroehlichBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2011 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Dustin H. FroulaFluid and Plasma Physics2002 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student)
Don N. FutabaCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics2000 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Magomed GabibulayevKinematics2005 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Todd J. GableElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics2000 Rick Freeman (grad student)
Donna Gadbois Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Sivapalan GajanCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics2006 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Jamison R. GallowayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2010 John Terning (grad student)
Steven C. GeorgeOrgan-on-a-chip, pluripotent stem cells, tissue engineering, microfluidics
Emel I. GoksuChemical Engineering, Cell Biology Chemical Engineering2011 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Marco Govonimaterials science, photovoltaics, ab-initio, manybody, optical properties, numerical simulations, supercomputing Stefano Ossicini (grad student)
Christopher V. GrantEPR, metalloenzymes2000 R. David Britt (grad student)
Peter k. Greene Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Gabriela GrigoreanAnalytical Chemistry2002 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Jiayin Gu Physics2014 Hsin-Chia Cheng (grad student)
John Francis GunionNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Alexander GunnEPR, metalloenzymes Chemistry2012 R. David Britt (grad student)
Xiaowen Guo Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (post-doc)
Thomas D. GutierrezElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Ramona Lynn Vogt (grad student)
Manouchehr HakhamaneshiEnvironmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Joyce Hamaguchi Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Tao HanElementary Particle Physics
Matthew D HarastyNuclear, Heavy Ion Physics Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
Michael Andrew Hayesplasma physics1981 John Stacey De Groot (grad student)
Natha R. HayreGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics, Molecular Chemistry Physics2011 Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Singh (grad student)
Michael D. HeffnerNuclear Physics2000 Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
Catherine M. HelmGeology, Geochemistry, Geophysics2000 Kenneth Verosub (grad student)
Johnathan P. HeritageElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Christopher Scott Hill2001 Richard Leon Lander (grad student)
Donell B. HoffmanCondensed Matter Physics2007 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
John M. HongMathematics2000 Blake Temple (grad student)
Jen-Wei Hsueh Physics2018 Christopher Daniel Fassnacht (grad student)
Serenus HuaGeneral Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Jeffrey P. HutchinsonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2014 Markus Amadeus Luty (grad student)
Garrett ItoGeophysics, Geology
Tae S. JeongCondensed Matter Physics2005 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Jiong JiangInorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Chemistry20012005 Susan Kauzlarich (grad student)
Michelle D. JohannesCondensed Matter Physics2003 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Scooter D. JohnsonCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Physics2011 Rena J. Zieve (grad student)
Nemanja KaloperAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ronnie KamaiGeotechnology, Civil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Richard Kasselectron-positron interactions, high resolution energy and position detectors1978 Winston T. Ko (grad student)
Nikolaos D. KatopodesCivil Engineering, Geophysics1977 Theodor S Strelkoff (grad student)
Amandeep KaurCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2014 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Susan M. KauzlarickInorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Kevin KelleyNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2005 John Francis Gunion (grad student)
Louise H. KelloggGeophysics
Arash KhosravifarGeneral Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Derrick T. KileyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2008 Nemanja Kaloper (grad student)
Sun H. KimEPR, metalloenzymes2003 R. David Britt (grad student)
Darin S. KinionElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2001 Brian Howard Kolner (grad student)
Sean Darin Kinion Applied Physics19962001 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Crystal KirmizAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2009 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Jennifer L. KlayNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
Lloyd Edward KnoxAstronomy and Astrophysics
David KoInformation technology and its applications in engineering, computer-aided engineering, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems, robotics, design and manufacturing, mobile agent based computing, and innovative teaching Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2014 Harry Cheng (grad student)
Winston T. KoExperimental particle physics
Brian Howard KolnerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Rajesh K. KommuTheory Physics Physics2012 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Alexandra C. KopeckyGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2012 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Scott R. KronewitterAnalytical Chemistry, Bioinformatics Biology, Computer Science Chemistry2010 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Andrew J. KrugerAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Matthew J. Richter (grad student)
Wei KuCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Warren E. Pickett (post-doc)
Bruce L. KutterCivil Engineering, Geophysics1978 K Arulanandan (grad student)
David J. LagattutaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Christopher Daniel Fassnacht (grad student)
Katherine S. LancasterAnalytical Chemistry2006 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Richard Leon Lander
Suresh V Lawande Edward Teller (grad student)
Matthew Michael LawsonPhysics, Condensed Matter, Axions Physics20112017 Nicholas J. Curro (grad student)
Carlito B. LebrillaGeneral Biophysics
Kwan-Woo LeeCondensed Matter Physics2006 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Brian C. LemauxAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Lori M. Lubin (grad student)
Larry A. LernoAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Bensheng LiAnalytical Chemistry2007 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Chun-Yen LinTheory Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2011 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Wan-Chen LinGeneral Biophysics2006 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Hong Lin Biophysics19841989 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Jonathan M. LinkElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Philip Marvin Yager (grad student)
Kai LiuCondensed Matter Physics
Jingfei LiuAcoustics/Ultrasound, Medical Imaging, Ultrasound therapy
Juan F. LizarazoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Kathleen Logan Biological Chemistry19801986 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Marjorie L. LongoGeneral Biophysics
Albert LouiCondensed Matter Physics2005 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Monica M. Lozanolipid monolayers, biomedical microbubbles Chemical Engineering and Materials Science20032008 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Lori M. LubinAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
James Nicholas Luthin
Markus Amadeus LutyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Hung V. LyGeneral Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, Cell Biology2003 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Brian R. MaddoxCondensed Matter Physics2006 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student), Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Cara N. MaesanoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Robert Svoboda (grad student)
Erik J. MalvickCivil Engineering2005 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
David M. ManakerGeophysics2006 Louise H. Kellogg (grad student)
Katherine Markovich Hydrology2018 Reed M. Maxwell (grad student)
Peter A. MarleauElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2007 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Ed Von MarleyPlasma physics, spectroscopy, diagnostics, laser systems Applied Physics20112016 Ronnie Shepherd (grad student)
Damien MartinTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2011 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Sho MaruyamaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2011 Maxwell Benjamin Chertok (grad student)
Keith Q. Marvin Biological Chemistry19801987 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Joseph G. McAlpinEPR, metalloenzymes Chemistry2012 R. David Britt (grad student)
Mark L. McKinnonSciences Education, Higher Education2006 Wendell Harvey Potter (grad student)
Roger R. McNeil1986 Winston T. Ko (grad student)
Donald Allan McQuarrie
John E. McRavenGeneral Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2012 John Terning (grad student)
Magdaleno Medina-Noyola Chemistry Donald Allan McQuarrie (grad student)
Anirudha MenonQuantum Magnetism, Topological semimetals, Quantum spin liquids Physics20152021 Rajiv Ranjan Prasad Singh (grad student)
Tia M. MiceliElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Douglas Scott Millerhydrodynamics, computational physics, astrophysics Applied Science Dept. of Applied Science1993 James Ricker Wilson (grad student), Garry Rodrigue (grad student)
Eric A. MinassianElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Steven Carlip (grad student)
Gregory S. MitchellMedical imaging
Jeremy A. MockElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Nancy L. Montague-ArcherGeophysics2000 Louise H. Kellogg (grad student)
Cory H. MulletCondensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry Physics2012 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Peyton Murray Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
David E. MuzzallCondensed Matter Physics2001 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Edward A. NabighianOptics Physics2000 Xiangdong Zhu (grad student)
Ravindra NanguneriCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 S Y. Savrasov (grad student)
Brian P. NealCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2013 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Patrick J. NealePhotobiology and Solar Radiation1984 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Walter Willem NederbragtMechanical engineering1997 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Stephen S. NestingerInformation technology and its applications in engineering, computer-aided engineering, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems, robotics, design and manufacturing, mobile agent based computing, and innovative teaching Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2009 Harry Cheng (grad student)
Ingrid NeumannGeneral Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Rena J. Zieve (grad student)
Alyssa NeyPhilosophy, Metaphysics
Brenda Nichols Biological Chemistry19821985 E Morton Bradbury (post-doc), Håkon Hope (grad student)
Michael Lester NormanComputational Astrophysics1980 James Ricker Wilson (grad student)
Vicki G. Norton Biological Chemistry19831989 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Richard NuccitelliGeneral Biophysics
Charles C. NwosuGeneral Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Timothy Eugene O'Neill Biological Chemistry19831989 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Solomon A. OboluElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 John Francis Gunion (grad student)
Maria O. OgunyankinChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2012 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Justin olamit Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Wilmer OlivaresPhysical Chemistry Chemistry Donald Allan McQuarrie (grad student)
Michael E. OskinGeomorphology, Geology, Geophysics
Neva M. OskinBiomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Michael H. Buonocore (grad student)
Sureyya OzcanGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Oncology Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Vittorio PaoloneElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1990 Philip Marvin Yager (grad student)
Dong S. ParkCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Amanda Stephanie Parker Physics2018 Daniel L. Cox (grad student)
Marc B. ParlangeEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Jacob Pasner Physics20102013 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (research assistant)
Cassandra A. PaulGeneral Physics, Higher Education Physics2012 Wendell Harvey Potter (grad student)
Alan C. PeelAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Lloyd Edward Knox (grad student)
Peng Peng
Gordon R. PennockKinematics, Robotics 1983 An Tzu Yang (grad student)
Roppon PichaNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
Warren E. PickettTheoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity
Wendell Harvey PotterGeneral Physics, Sciences Education, Higher Education
Shon T. PrisbreyCondensed Matter Physics2005 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Gang PuMaterials Science Engineering2006 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
David B. RaczkowskiCondensed Matter Physics2000 Ching-Yao Fong (grad student)
Javier RamirezAnalytical Chemistry2000 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Timothy V. RattoGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology2002 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Bahram RavaniKinematics
Hahnbidt RheeCondensed Matter Physics, General Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2012 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Matthew J. RichterAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Julius de rojas Physics Kai Liu (grad student)
Alex RubinQuantum photonics, color centers
Nicholas Rumbaugh Physics2015 Christopher Daniel Fassnacht (grad student)
JohnP B. RundleGeophysics, General Physics
Scott C. Russell2005 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Matthew E. SanbornGeochemistry, Geology Qing-Zhu Yin (post-doc)
McCullen SandoraAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics2014 Nemanja Kaloper (grad student)
Evan W. SangalineRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 Daniel Alan Cebra (grad student)
S Y. SavrasovCondensed Matter Physics
Sergey SavrasovCondensed Matter Physics
Richard T. ScalettarCondensed Matter Physics
James A. SchaafCreative and mechanical design, dynamics, kinematic geometry, and applied differential geometry Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1988 An Tzu Yang (grad student)
Michael D. SchneiderAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Lloyd Edward Knox (grad student)
Joachim Schnier Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (post-doc)
Richard R. SeipertAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2009 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
James F. ShackelfordMaterials Science Engineering, Geology, Condensed Matter Physics
Michael ShaughnessyCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2011 Ching-Yao Fong (grad student)
Abrar ShaukatSupergravity, String Theory, M-theory Physics2010 Andrew Waldron (grad student)
Roger H. ShawAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Duk K. ShinGeneral Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2012 Gergely T. Zimanyi (grad student)
Abigail C. ShockleyCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Physics2013 Nicholas J. Curro (grad student)
Gary ShoemakerEnergy, Physics Education1983 Winston T. Ko (grad student)
Joseph S. SiinoBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics2002 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Rajiv Ranjan Prasad SinghGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics, Molecular Chemistry
Sumeet K SinhaLiquefaction, Centrifuge Testing, Pile Foundation, Redistribution, Sensing Technologies Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering20182022 Aikaterini K. Ziotopoulou (grad student), Bruce L. Kutter (grad student)
Sanjeevi SivasankarResolving biophysical mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to mechanical stimuli
Michael J. SkaugGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Materials Science and Engineering2011 Marjorie L. Longo (grad student)
Constantinos SkordisAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Andreas J. Albrecht (grad student)
Heather A. Smith Genetics19921994 E Morton Bradbury (grad student)
Yong-Seon SongAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Lloyd Edward Knox (grad student)
Zijian SongQuantum Information; Condensed Matter Theory Physics2021 Isaac H. Kim (grad student)
Kenneth Samuel Sprott2000 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Henning StahlbergGeneral Biophysics
Davis A. StancatoGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 John Terning (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex20042005 David L. Woods (research scientist)
Mark Stolowitz Biological Chemistry19821984 E Morton Bradbury (post-doc)
Antoinette StoneSciences Education, Sociology of Education Physics2013 Wendell Harvey Potter (grad student)
John S. StrumGeneral Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
David D. StuartHigh Energy Experimental Physics19861992 Winston T. Ko (grad student)
Jamie A. StullEPR, metalloenzymes Chemistry2012 R. David Britt (grad student)
Yung-Shin SunCondensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Xiangdong Zhu (grad student)
Robert SvobodaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Melinda D. SweanyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Sudhindra Mani Tripathi (grad student)
Fern TablinCell Biology, General Biophysics
Ruggero A. TacchiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Markus Amadeus Luty (grad student)
Angela N. TahaPhysical Chemistry, Molecular Physics2000 Nancy S. True (grad student)
Nannan TaoAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2009 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Blake TempleShock Wave Theory, General Relativity, Cosmology, Applied Math, PDE
Jamie A. TextorVeterinary Science Biology Comparative Pathology2012 Fern Tablin (grad student)
John PH Th'ng Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (post-doc)
Gayle E. ThayerCondensed Matter Physics2001 Shirley Chiang (grad student)
Petros ThomasCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2004 Xiagdong Zhu (grad student)
Ali Tofighi Niaki Physics1987 John Francis Gunion (grad student)
Manuel TohariaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 John Francis Gunion (grad student)
Sarah M. Totten Chemistry2014 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Sudhindra Mani TripathiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Nancy S. TruePhysical Chemistry, Molecular Physics
Ken TsengAnalytical Chemistry2002 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
J. Anthony Tysondark matter distribution, gravitational lens effects, cosmic shear, the nature of dark energy, and instrumentation for optical astronomy
Sergei Usachenko Biological Chemistry E Morton Bradbury (post-doc)
Christopher N. VarneyCondensed Matter Physics Physics2009 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student)
Kenneth VerosubGeology, Geochemistry, Geophysics
Inna Vishik
Zeke K. VoglerMathematics Applied Mathematics2010 Blake Temple (grad student)
Ramona Lynn VogtElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
John C. VossMolecular Biology, General Biophysics
Andrew WaldronSupergravity, String Theory, M-theory
Marcus D. WatsonCondensed Matter Physics2001 Ching-Yao Fong (grad student)
Jiaxuan WenKinematics Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering2014 Bahram Ravani (grad student)
Emily L. WestGeneral Physics, Sciences Education, Higher Education Physics2009 Wendell Harvey Potter (grad student)
Curtis D. WilliamsGeochemistry Earth and Planetary Sciences2014 Sujoy Mukhopadhyay (post-doc)
David M. WittmanGeneral Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Frederick Oliver Wootensimulated annealing
Jacek D. WrobelPhysical Chemistry2000 Nancy S. True (grad student)
Shuai WuAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2012 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Yongming XieAnalytical Chemistry2003 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Xianzhong XuEPR, metalloenzymes2006 R. David Britt (grad student)
Philip Marvin YagerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
An Tzu Yang
Bai YangAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics2003 Roger H. Shaw (grad student)
Da Yang
Mehmet B. YikilmazGeology, Geophysics Geology2010 Louise H. Kellogg (grad student)
Quan YinCondensed Matter Physics2008 S Y. Savrasov (grad student)
Zhiping YinCondensed Matter Physics2009 Warren E. Pickett (grad student)
Mark R. YoderGeophysics, General Physics Physics2011 JohnP B. Rundle (grad student)
Nicolas L. YoungAnalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Epigenetics2007 Carlito B. Lebrilla (grad student)
Xiangdong ZhuCondensed Matter Physics
Xiagdong ZhuCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics
Suzanne M. ZiesmannCell Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Fern Tablin (grad student)
Rena J. ZieveCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry
Gergely T. ZimanyiGeneral Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2011 Dustin A. Gilbert (collaborator)
Aikaterini K. ZiotopoulouCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Ross W. Boulanger (grad student)
Aleksander ZujevCondensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Richard T. Scalettar (grad student)