Isabella Cortzen | | | | 2020 | Georgios Magdis (grad student) |
Audrius Alkauskas | | | 2002 | 2002 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (research assistant), Karsten Flensberg (research assistant) |
Hanne Andersen | | | | | |
Laure Berthier | | | | | |
Rita Bertoncini | | | 1990 | 1991 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (post-doc) |
Daniel R. Bès | | | 1956 | 1959 | Niels Bohr (research scientist) |
Mikkel Bjorn | | | | | |
Niels Bohr | Theoretical nuclear physics | | | 1911 | Christian Christiansen (grad student) |
Étienne Bourbeau | | | | | |
Mads Brandbyge | nanoelectronics, nanotechnology | | 1993 | 1994 | Per Hedegård (research assistant) |
Carl Burrau | | | 1890 | 1895 | Thorvald Thiele (grad student) |
Mauricio Bustamante | neutrinos, astroparticle physics | | | | |
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar | astrophysics | | | 1932 | Niels Bohr (research assistant) |
Christian Christiansen | physics | | | | |
Heinrich Louis d'Arrest | | | | | |
Max Delbrück | | | 1931 | 1931 | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
Gitte Elgaard Clausen | | | | | |
Thomas Fiig | | | | | |
Karsten Flensberg | Condensed matter theory | | | 1989 | Per Hedegård (grad student) |
Christian Flindt | Theoretical physics | | | | Karsten Flensberg (grad student) |
Jørn Bindslev Hansen | | | | 1981 | Poul Erik Lindelof (grad student) |
Hans Marius Hansen | | | 1913 | | Niels Bohr (grad student) |
Christine Hartmann | | | | | |
Per Hedegård | | | | | |
Anders Starcke Henriksen | | Computer Science | | | Andrzej Olaf Filinski (grad student) |
Ejnar Hertzsprung | astronomy | | 1908 | 1909 | Elis Strömgren (research scientist) |
Friedrich Hermann Hund | Theoretical physics | | | 1926 | Niels Bohr (research scientist) |
Per Hyldgaard | | | 1990 | 1990 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (research assistant) |
Jens H. Jensen | MRI physics, neuroimaging | | | | |
Jens Jensen | magnetism | | | | |
Henning Højgaard Jensen | | | | | |
Oskar Benjamin Klein | | | | | Niels Bohr (research assistant) |
Vasily Kokorev | | | | 2022 | Georgios Magdis (grad student) |
David Jason Koskinen | particle physics, particle astrophysics | | | | |
Hendrik Antonie Kramers | quantum mechanics | | 1919 | 1926 | Niels Bohr (research assistant), Niels Bohr (research scientist) |
Kristine Marie Løfgren Krighaar | | | | | |
Anders Kristensen | Nanotechnology | | | 1994 | Poul Erik Lindelof (grad student) |
Michael J. Larson | | Niels Bohr Institute | 2014 | 2018 | David Jason Koskinen (grad student) |
Jakob Lass | | Niels Bohr Institute | 2017 | 2020 | Kim Lefmann (grad student) |
Hans Emil Lau | | | | 1906 | Thorvald Thiele (grad student) |
Kim Lefmann | Magnetism, Superconductivity, Correlated electron systems, Neutron scattering instrumentation | | 1992 | 1995 | Finn Berg Rasmussen (grad student) |
Inge Lehmann | Seismology, Earthquakes, Inner core | | 1918 | 1920 | Niels Erik Nørlund (grad student) |
Poul Erik Lindelof | | | | | |
Anne Louchet-Chauvet | Physics | Niels Bohr Institute | 2008 | 2009 | Eugene Simon Polzik (post-doc) |
Anders Mathias Lunde | | | 2005 | 2007 | Karsten Flensberg (grad student) |
Thomas Lynghøj | | | 2004 | 2004 | Karsten Flensberg (research assistant) |
Georgios Magdis | Extragalactic Astrophysics, Galaxy Evolution, Observational Cosmology | | | | |
Ramesh Chandra Majumdar | Mesons, quantum physics, atmospheric physics | | | | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
Morten Medici | | Niels Bohr Institute | 2013 | 2017 | David Jason Koskinen (grad student) |
Kurt V. Mikkelsen | | Department of Chemistry | | | Esper Dahlgaard (grad student) |
N. Asger Mortensen | Condensed matter theory, Optics, Nanophotonics | | 1999 | 2001 | Karsten Flensberg (grad student) |
Klaus Mosegaard | Computational Geophysics | | | | |
Lars Nielsen | Geophysics | | | | |
Tomáš Novotný | | | 2004 | 2006 | Karsten Flensberg (post-doc) |
Niels Erik Nørlund | | | | | |
Daniel Oblak | Quantum Networking, Quantum information | Physics | | | Eugene Simon Polzik (grad student) |
Johan Raunkjær Ott | Quantum Optical Multiple Scattering | | 2014 | 2015 | Anders Søndberg Sørensen (post-doc) |
Jens Paaske | | | | | |
Abraham Pais | theoretical particle physics, science history | | | 1946 | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
Jonas Nyvold Petersen | | | 2004 | 2004 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (research assistant), Karsten Flensberg (research assistant) |
Eugene Simon Polzik | Quantum Optics | | | | |
Finn Berg Rasmussen | Low Temperature Physics | | | | |
Henrik M. Ronnow | Physics, Magnetism, Neutron Scattering | | | | Desmond F. McMorrow (grad student), Jens Jensen (grad student) |
Svein Rosseland | | | 1920 | 1924 | Niels Bohr (grad student), Oskar Benjamin Klein (grad student) |
Jon Rotvig | | | 1994 | 1994 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (research assistant), Henrik Smith (research assistant) |
Heng Shen | quantum optics | Niels Bohr Institute | 2011 | 2015 | Eugene Simon Polzik (grad student) |
Roberta Sinatra | complex systems, network science, sociophysics | | | | |
John Clarke Slater | theoretical chemistry | | 1924 | 1924 | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
Henrik Smith | | | | | |
Elis Strömgren | | | | | |
Bengt Strömgren | Astrophysics | | 1925 | 1929 | Elis Strömgren (grad student), Niels Bohr (grad student), Hans Marius Hansen (grad student) |
Anders Søndberg Sørensen | | | | | |
Bernanda Telalovic | | Niels Bohr Institute | | | Mauricio Bustamante (grad student) |
Thorvald Thiele | | | 1860 | 1866 | Heinrich Louis d'Arrest (grad student) |
Hans Thybo | Seismology | | | | |
Ala Trusina | | | | | |
Víctor B. Valera | | Niels Bohr Institute | 2020 | 2023 | Mauricio Bustamante (grad student) |
Søren Vedel | Physics, applied mathematics, biophysics | Niels Bohr Institute | | | Ala Trusina (post-doc) |
Nicklas Walldorf | | | 2016 | 2020 | Jens Paaske (grad student) |
Victor Frederick Weisskopf | | | | 1932 | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
John Archibald Wheeler | Gravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics | | 1934 | 1935 | Niels Bohr (post-doc) |
Morten Willatzen | | | 1989 | 1993 | Antti-Pekka Jauho (grad student) |
Martijn Wubs | Quantum optics, Nanophotonics | | 2007 | 2009 | Anders Søndberg Sørensen (post-doc) |
Andrea Zunino | Seismology | Niels Bohr Institute | 2012 | 2020 | Klaus Mosegaard (post-doc) |
Hans Christian Ørsted | magnetic effect of electrical currents, isolation of aluminum | | | 1799 | Jacob Baden (grad student) |