Penn State University, University Park

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Angela Cleri Materials Science and Engineering20182023 Jon-Paul Maria (grad student)
Caitano Luiz da Silva Electrical Engineering20112015 Victor P. Pasko (grad student)
Olaf DreyerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics20032003 Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc)
Roberto Fernández
Hsiu-Chuan Hsu Physics Chao-Xing Liu (grad student)
Lun-Hui HuCondensed matter physics20202022 Chao-Xing Liu (post-doc)
Shengxi Huang
Bernard J. KellyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics20032003 Lee Samuel Finn (grad student)
Badri KrishnanGeneral Relativity, Gravitational Waves, Black holes Physics Lee Samuel Finn (grad student)
Meagan Lang Astronomy & Astrophysics Lee Samuel Finn (research assistant)
Qifan Li Electrical Engineering2021 Shengxi Huang (post-doc)
Jingjun LiuAstrobiology, Geochemistry Geoscience20142020 James F. Kasting (research assistant)
Chao-Xing Liu
Anthony C. Searle Physics20002002 Lee Samuel Finn (grad student)
Charles A. Shapirocosmology, astrophysics19992001 Lee Samuel Finn (research assistant)
Deirdre Shoemaker Physics19982002 Lee Samuel Finn (post-doc)
Chris F. Van Den BroeckGravitational waves Physics Lee Samuel Finn (grad student)
Qing-Ze Wang Physics Chao-Xing Liu (grad student)
Jiabin Yu Physics Chao-Xing Liu (grad student)
Nicolas Yunes Physics Lee Samuel Finn (grad student)
Tianyi Zhang2D materials, chemical vapor deposition, optical spectroscopy Materials Science and Engineering20152021 Mauricio Terrones (grad student)
Ruixing Zhang Chao-Xing Liu (grad student)
Jian-Xiao Zhang Chao-Xing Liu (grad student)
Kunyan Zhang Electrical Engineering2018 Shengxi Huang (grad student)