University of Iowa

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Christopher A. AhernGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Ugur Akgunparticle physics, biophysics2003 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Elif A. AlbayrakCondensed Matter Physics Physics2011 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Ryan AlluredAstrophysics Physics Physics2012 Philip E. Kaaret (grad student)
Jay A. AnsherAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Thomas P. ArmstrongFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1966 David Campbell Montgomery (grad student), James Alfred Van Allen (research assistant)
Ivan G. AvramidiMathematical Physics, Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds, Differential Geometry
Ahmet S. AyanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Gural AydinElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2009 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Mehmet AykacRadiology, Medical Biophysics, Radiation Physics2000 Richard D. Hichwa (grad student)
Daniel N. Baker Physics19691974 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Karthikayan BalakrishnanRadiation Physics, Medical Biophysics, Radiology2005 Richard D. Hichwa (grad student)
Gustav Bergmann
Amitava BhattacharjeeFluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics
Solomon BililignAtomic molecular and optical physics Physics19871991 Paul Dennis Kleiber (grad student)
Burak BilkiTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Aaron W. BrenemanRadiation Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2008 Craig A. Kletzing (grad student)
May Brodbeck Philosophy Gustav Bergmann (grad student)
Collin Robert Brown2019 Gregory G Howes (grad student)
Alexander P. BulmahnElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2010 Mary Hall Reno (grad student)
Bradly K. ButtonTheory Physics Physics2014 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
Laurence James CahillSpace science1959 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Jinlu CaiBioinformatics Biology Genetics2010 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Denis Ricardo Candido
Richard R. Carlson
Xuedong ChaiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2007 Usha Mallik (grad student)
Ivar Christopher
Warren J. ClaridaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Lewis Manning Cline1935 Arthur Keith Miller (grad student)
Fritz Coester
Carla R. CollettiMusic2008 David K. Gompper (grad student)
William Dwight Crozier
Branimir CuetkovicGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Seth A. CusterMusic2009 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Luke R. DahnMusic2006 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Joseph A. DangerfieldMusic2005 David K. Gompper (grad student)
William DaughtonFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Amrit DeCondensed Matter Physics, Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, Quantum Information Physics2009 Craig E. Pryor (grad student)
Alan C. denBleykerTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
Grant DennAstronomy Physics and Astronomy19891999 Robert Lucien Mutel (grad student)
Casey DeRoo20112016 Randall L. McEntaffer (grad student)
Elmer DershemX-Rays and Crystal Structure1917 George Walter Stewart (grad student)
David M. DeVastoMusic2009 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Ahmed DialloFluid and Plasma Physics2005 Frederick N. Skiff (grad student)
Yueming DingGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology2000 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Chaden DjalaliNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Homer Levi Dodgeelectrical measurements, physics education1914 George Walter Stewart (grad student)
Matthew DotsonMusic Music2010 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Max DresdenStatistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics
Daping DuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
Firdevs DuruElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2007 Yasar Onel (grad student)
James Christian Ehrhardt
William EichingerTheory Physics, Atmospheric Sciences
John Adams Eldridge
Alexander Ellett
Sarah K. EnglandPhysiology Biology, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cecilia FasanoHigh Energy Astrophysics, Astronomical Instrumentation2020 Casey DeRoo (grad student)
Rachael J Filwettphysics, space science Allison Jaynes (grad student)
Zachary D. FischerMusic Music2010 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Timothy M. FlanaganFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2010 John A. Goree (grad student)
Michael E. FlatteCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
John W. FreemanSpace Physics physics and astronomy1963 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Theodore A. FritzAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics1967 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Stephen A. FuselierSpace Plasma Physics, Planetary Physics Physics Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Christopher J. GaineyMusic, Fine Arts, Acoustics Physics2009 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Eric J. GansenCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Arthur L. Smirl (grad student)
Kenneth Grier GayleyAstronomy and Astrophysics
Elizabeth A. GolovatskiCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Theory Physics Physics2011 Michael E. Flatte (grad student)
David K. GompperMusic, Fine Arts, Acoustics Physics
John A. GoreeFluid and Plasma Physics
Sankui GouFluid and Plasma Physics2003 Amitava Bhattacharjee (grad student)
Yusuf O. GunaydinElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2009 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Sean Jared GundersonMassive Stars Physics and Astronomy20192023 Kenneth Grier Gayley (grad student)
Donald A. GurnettAstronomy and Astrophysics1965 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Carmen M. HalabiGenetics2009 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Timothy M. Harrington-TaberElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Jane Marie Nachtman (grad student)
Isidore HauserDirectional Correlation of β-Rays
Noah HershkowitzFluid and Plasma Physics
Richard D. HichwaRadiology, Medical Biophysics, Radiation Physics
Keri Hoadley
Shane A. HooseMusic Music2013 David K. Gompper (grad student)
George Hospodarsky Physics & Astronomy1994 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Gregory G Howes
William E. HuffMusic, Classical Literature Music2014 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Hana A. ItaniMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2008 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Theodore R. JaegerAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2010 Robert Lucien Mutel (grad student)
Josef Jauch
Allison Jaynes
Yu S. JeongElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Mary Hall Reno (grad student)
Thomas E. JudsonMusic2006 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Philip E. KaaretAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics
Stephen R. KaepplerGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2013 Craig A. Kletzing (grad student)
Mithat KayaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Yasar Onel (grad student), Edward Richard McCliment (grad student)
Andrew E. Keller Physics & Astronomy1995 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Jin-Tae Kim1995 William C. Stwalley (grad student)
Shinjung KimMusic2008 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Minpyo KimMusic Music2011 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Paul Dennis KleiberMolecular Physics, Atomic Physics, Biochemistry
Craig A. KletzingRadiation Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Arda B. KonikRadiation Physics, Radiology Physics2010 Mark T. Madsen (grad student)
Andrew J. KopfFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2010 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Adrian Korpel
John R. KriegerCivil Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics2000 William Eichinger (grad student)
Stamatios (Tom) M. Krimigis1965 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Andreas Samuel KronfeldTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics
Ahmed LachhabGeophysics, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering2006 You-Kuan Zhang (grad student)
Michael J. LeDocq Physics & Astronomy1998 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Piotr A. LewandowskiRemote Sensing, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineering2009 William Eichinger (grad student)
Xiaolong LiuTheory Physics Physics2012 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
Yuzhi LiuTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics Physics2013 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
RuiGuo LiuRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Sanford L. Meeks (grad student)
Eric J. LorenOptics Physics Physics2011 Arthur L. Smirl (grad student)
Christene R. LynchAstrophysics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Robert Lucien Mutel (grad student)
Mark T. MadsenRadiation Physics, Radiology
Usha MallikElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Tatsuki MatsuiFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2008 William Daughton (grad student)
Edward Richard McClimentElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Randall L. McEntafferAstronomy and Astrophysics
Robert L. McGrathexperimental nuclear physics1965 Richard R. Carlson (grad student)
Carl Edwin McIlwainSpace plasmas1960 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
William Burdette McLean19391941 Alexander Ellett (post-doc)
Sanford L. MeeksRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Yannick MeuriceElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Benjamin J. MoehlmannCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics Physics2012 Michael E. Flatte (grad student)
Anthony R. MoellerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2014 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Amit K. MukhopadhyayFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 John A. Goree (grad student)
Robert Lucien MutelAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jane Marie NachtmanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Stephen M. NiermannElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2000 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
J. Edwin Norbecknuclear physics
Mehmet B. OktayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2001 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
Leonard Oliver Olsen1937 Alexander Ellett (grad student)
Harry Ferdinand Olsonmicrophones for broadcasting and recording, high-fidelity loudspeakers, phonograph pickups and recording equipment, underwater sound equipment, and sound motion picture and public address systems1928 John Adams Eldridge (grad student)
Greg A. OlyphantHydrology, Geophysics Geography Geography1979 William Lister Graf (grad student), Neil Elliot Salisbury (grad student)
Yasar OnelTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Andrew J. OniferAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Kenneth Grier Gayley (grad student)
Suat OzkorucukluElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Yasar Onel (grad student)
Dimitri PapageorgiouMusic2002 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Virendra C. PatelMechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Christopher J. PelhamPhysiology Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology Molecular Physiology & Biophysics2012 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Brian PenkrotMusic Music2014 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Aaron A. PerrineMusic Music2014 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Joseph A. PingenotCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2009 Michael E. Flatte (grad student)
Wayne N. PolyzouNuclear Physics
T.-C. Poon1982 Adrian Korpel (grad student)
Zachary R. PrieskornAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics Physics2011 Philip E. Kaaret (grad student)
Craig E. PryorCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics, Optics Physics
Robert Edward PughNuclear Physics1963 Fritz Rohrlich (grad student)
Richard A. QuinnFluid and Plasma Physics2000 John A. Goree (grad student)
Adam Rauckhorst Douglas R. Pfeiffer (grad student)
Mary Hall RenoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Vincent Gerald Joseph RodgersElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Leo L. RodriguezAstrophysics Physics, Theory Physics Physics2011 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
Shanshan L. RodriguezFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2011 Jack D. Scudder (grad student)
Wellalage D. RuhunusiriFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2014 John A. Goree (grad student)
Cuneyt SahinSpintronics, quantum materials Physics and Astronomy20082015 Michael E. Flatte (grad student)
Emmanouel Sarris1973 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Keith E. SchillingHydrology, Geology, Environmental Geology Geoscience2009 You-Kuan Zhang (grad student)
James Patrick Schmiedelerkinematics, dynamics, and machine design
William Schriever1921 Lee Paul Sieg (grad student)
Jack D. ScudderFluid and Plasma Physics
Byong-Min SeoGeology, Hydrology, Environmental Sciences2004 You-Kuan Zhang (grad student)
Charles E. SeylerFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics Physics19721975 David Campbell Montgomery (grad student)
Mikhiela T. SherrodMolecular Biology, Genetics, Animal Physiology Biology2004 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Qi ShiMolecular Biology2001 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Lee Paul Sieg1910 Karl Eugen Guthe (grad student), George Walter Stewart (grad student)
Curt D. SigmundMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics
Frederick N. SkiffFluid and Plasma Physics
Arthur L. SmirlOptics Physics
Oney O. SoykalSolid State Physics, Quantum Physics, Theory Physics Physics2010 Michael E. Flatte (grad student)
Aikaterini StamatelouMusic2006 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Martin J. StevensOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2004 Arthur L. Smirl (grad student)
George Walter Stewart
Kory M. StifflerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2010 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
William C. Stwalleyspectroscopy
Dustin Swarm Physics and Astronomy Casey DeRoo (grad student)
Jared Allen Brown TerminiHigh Energy Astrophysics, Astronomical Instrumentation, UV/X-ray grating Physics & Astronomy Physics & Astronomy Physics & Astronomy20212021 Casey DeRoo (research assistant), Keri Hoadley (grad student), Cecilia Fasano (collaborator)
Derek J. ThuecksFluid and Plasma Physics Physics2009 Craig A. Kletzing (grad student)
Chin-Chun TsaiAtomic and molecular physics Physics19891993 William C. Stwalley (grad student)
Dimitris Tsintikidis
Kazuma TsurusakiAstrophysics Physics Physics2012 Philip E. Kaaret (grad student)
Louis Alexander Turneratomic physics, spectroscopy, nuclear physics and thermodynamics
Edward P. T. Tyndall
Ilker U. Uzun-KaymakFluid and Plasma Physics2006 Frederick N. Skiff (grad student)
George M. VahalaFluid and Plasma Physics Physics David Campbell Montgomery (grad student)
James Alfred Van Allenspace science1939 Edward P. T. Tyndall (research assistant), Alexander Ellett (grad student)
Saravanan VeerasamyRadiation Physics, Theory Physics Physics2011 Wayne N. Polyzou (grad student)
Brian Emerson VlasakMusic Composition2007 David K. Gompper (grad student)
Zhenzhen WangGeneral Physics2006 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Kenneth M. Watsonmany body theory Physics1948 Josef Jauch (grad student)
Eric T. WeatherfordMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics Molecular Physiology & Biophysics2011 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
William R. WebberAstronomy and Astrophysics1957 James Alfred Van Allen (grad student)
Stephen A. Wender1972 Noah Hershkowitz (grad student)
Charles A. WertPhysical Metallurgy1943 Edward P. T. Tyndall (grad student)
Lei XinAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2005 Donald A. Gurnett (grad student)
Takeshi YasudaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
Tuna YildirimTheory Physics, Mathematics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Engineering Physics2014 Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers (grad student)
You-Kuan ZhangGeophysics, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering
Xiyou ZhouMolecular Biology2007 Curt D. Sigmund (grad student)
Veronique ZieglerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Usha Mallik (grad student)
Haiyuan ZouElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics, Nuclear Engineering Physics2014 Yannick Meurice (grad student)
Zachariah W. ZubowMusic Music2012 David K. Gompper (grad student)