University of Pittsburgh

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ummi Abbas2006 Ravi Sheth (grad student)
John P. AbtRecreation2004 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Siddarth K AcharComputationa Modeling and Simulation - Machine Learning Chemical Engineering2020 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Adel F. AlenziChemical Engineering2012 Joseph J. McCarthy (grad student)
Alexander J. AllenNuclear physics
Nazeeh S. AlothmanyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, Audiology2009 J Robert Boston (grad student)
Sangwoo AnElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Ilan Grave (grad student)
Jeeva AnandanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Mathematics1978 Kenneth Paul Tod (grad student)
Abhishek Bagusetty Computational Modeling and Simulation Program20142019 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Anna Christina Balazs
Ryan B. BaliliCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics, Theory Physics2009 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Mahesh Bandinonlinear, non-equilibrium, and soft matter physics2006 Walter Goldburg (grad student)
A. BarattElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Julia A. Thompson (grad student)
J. Norman Bardsleyatomic, molecular and plasma physics
James E. BayfieldAtomic Physics
Mirza A. Baqi Bégelementary particle interactions1958 Philip McLellan Stehle (grad student)
Roger S. Bender
Edward Bennettelectrical engineering1897 Reginald Fessenden (research assistant)
Rachel S. Bezanson
Debdatta BhattacharyaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Donna Lynne Naples (grad student)
Tathagata BhattacharyaChemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2011 Joseph J. McCarthy (grad student)
Manfred A. Biondiplasma physics
Jennifer J. BirrielAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck (grad student)
Ignacio BirrielNuclear Physics2002 Juerg X. Saladin (grad student)
Steven R. BluskElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19881995 Paul Fenton Shepard (grad student), Eugene Engels (grad student)
Fernando BoadaMolecular Physics, General Biophysics
Joseph F. BoudreauElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Daniel BoyanovskyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Michael S S BrooksTheoretical Solid state physics Physics19671970 Frederic Keffer (post-doc)
Benjamin R. Brown2015 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Mary Jane Brundage Physics and Astronomy20202024 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Greg W. BurgreenBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
Michael P. BuricElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2010 Joel Folk (grad student)
Jeffrey M. ByrnesGeology, Geophysics2002 David A. Crown (grad student)
Xi Cao Physics Michael J. Hatridge (grad student)
Jennifer L. CartierGeneral Physics, Sciences Education
James F. CerulloRehabilitation and Therapy, Medical Biophysics, Recreation2000 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Robert D. CessAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1959 George Sonnemann (grad student)
Dev P Chakraborty
Sivakumar Reddy Challa Chemical and Petroleum Engineering19972001 J Karl Johnson (grad student), Alan J. Russell (grad student)
Yeo-Yie CharngElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Raymond Starr Willey (grad student)
Hsuan-Yi ChenCondensed Matter Physics2000 David Jasnow (grad student)
Liang Chen Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20002005 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Eunji CheongMedical Biophysics, General Language, Biomedical Engineering2003 Guy Salama (grad student)
Wen-Tai ChiangNuclear Physics2000 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Tzu-Chiao Chien Physics Michael J. Hatridge (grad student)
Bum-Rak ChoiAnimal Physiology Biology, General Biophysics, Pathology2001 Guy Salama (grad student)
Sayan ChoudhuryCondensed Matter Theory; Theoretical AMO Physics Physics and Astronomy Wengsheng Vincent Liu (post-doc)
W J. ChoykeCondensed Matter Physics
Wolfgang J. ChoykeCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Wilfred Earl Cleland
Bernard Leonard Cohenradiation risks and radioactive waste
Darryl D. Coon
David A. CrownGeology, Geophysics
Eduardo C. CuansingQuantum Transport, Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics Department of Physics and Astronomy20042005 Yadin Y. Goldschmidt (post-doc)
Sonja Cwik Physics and Astronomy2022 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Lin DaiHigh energy theory Physics and Astronomy Adam Keith Leibovich (grad student)
Raffaella De VitaMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics2005 William S. Slaughter (grad student)
Christopher Dean
Robert P. DevatyCondensed Matter Physics
Seth DeVoreSciences Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2014 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Phong DiepChemical Engineering2000 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Alexander DoemlingPharmacy, General Biophysics
Thomas Michael DonahueAtmospheric and Space Sciences
Norman Philip Dornphysics, mathematics, processes, controls, projects, computing Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy19671968 Philip McLellan Stehle (grad student), Edward Gerjuoy (grad student)
Danny Doucette
Eugene Engels
Brian M. EnnisMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2005 William S. Slaughter (grad student)
Nicholas George ErorMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
W. Maurice Ewinggeophysics, oceanography
Christopher Ewing Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20102015 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Matthew V. FagerburgGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2011 Sanford H. Leuba (grad student)
Christopher G. FasanoNuclear Theory19901992 Frank Tabakin (post-doc)
Frank Joseph Feigl1965 John H. Anderson (grad student)
Cheryl M. FerrisRehabilitation and Therapy2003 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Reginald Fessenden
Isabel M. Figueroa AmenabarChemical Engineering2009 Joseph J. McCarthy (grad student)
James Chipman Fletcheraerodynamics, shock waves
Luis R. Flores-CastilloElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Joseph F. Boudreau (grad student)
Joel FolkElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
H Michael GachMRI Physics Physics Irving J. Lowe (grad student), Julia A. Thompson (grad student)
Patrick D. Gallagher Physics and Astronomy1991 James V. Maher (grad student)
Ignacio General Computational and Systems Biology Computational and Systems Biology20122014 Ivet Bahar (research scientist), Hagai Meirovitch (post-doc)
Edward Gerjuoy
Yadin Y. GoldschmidtCondensed Matter Physics
Bernard R. Goldstein
Melanie L GoodPhysics education research Physics20162018 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Ilan GraveElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Hong Guotheoretical and computational methods, nanoelectronics, nanotechnology19811987 David Jasnow (grad student)
Ruiqiang GuoHeat transfer, Thermal Science, Thermal functional materials MEMS Sangyeop Lee (post-doc)
Balazs Gyenisfoundations of physics; probabilistic causality; formal epistemology; general philosophy of science Department of History and Philosophy of Science Department of History and Philosophy of Science20032013 John Earman (grad student), John Norton (grad student)
Michael I. Haftel Physics & Astronomy1969 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Willi M. HalfterBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics
David Halliday1942 Alexander J. Allen (grad student)
Timothy S. HamiltonAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 David A. Turnshek (grad student)
Tao HanElementary Particle Physics
Bruce W. HapkeGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics
William HarbertGeophysics, Geology
Vincent E. HartwellCondensed Matter Physics, General Physics2008 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Mark P. HartzElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Paul Fenton Shepard (grad student)
Michael J. Hatridge
James E. HeraldAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck (grad student)
Sven A. HjorthNuclear physics Bernard Leonard Cohen (grad student)
Chiu M. HoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2007 Daniel Boyanovsky (grad student)
Theodore D. Holsteinsolid state physics, polarons
Marcell R HowardCosmology, Gravitation Physics and Astronomy20202024 Arthur Kosowsky (grad student)
Peter Hu Physics and Astronomy20202024 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Yijun HuangPharmacy, General Biophysics2011 Alexander Doemling (grad student)
Biao HuangCold Atom and Condensed Matter Physics Physics and Astronomy20162019 Wengsheng Vincent Liu (post-doc)
Thomas J. HumanicElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19751979 Juerg X. Saladin (grad student)
Sascha Husa
Elmer Hutchissonatomic physics
Patrick Irvincondensed matter
Rieko IshimaGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Zeynep IsvanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2012 Donna Lynne Naples (grad student)
Savitri V. Iyergeneral relativity Physics and Astronomy1993 Ezra T. Newman (grad student)
Allen JanisGeneral Physics
David JasnowApplied Mathematics, Biomechanics Biophysics
George A. Jeffreyx-ray crystallography, Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures
Linda Jen-JacobsonGeneral Biophysics
Rainer JohnsenAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics
J Karl Johnson
Yan-Ying JuRehabilitation and Therapy2002 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Paul D JusticePhysics Education Research, Upper-Level Quantum Mechanics Education
Zeynep Yasemin KalenderPhysics Education, Climate Change Physics20152019 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Vladislav F. KaminskiyGeophysics, Geology2008 William Harbert (grad student)
Nafis I Karim Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Yue KeCondensed Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2007 W J. Choyke (grad student)
Christof K KeebaughPhysics Education Research Physics20152018 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Frederic Keffer
Predrag KisaMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Nicholas George Eror (grad student)
Thomas P. KlingAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Ezra T. Newman (grad student)
Peter F. M. KoehlerGeneral Physics, Sciences Education
Robert Stuart KroegerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1986 Wilfred Earl Cleland (grad student)
Rukmini KumarComputation & Theory2004 Carson C. Chow (grad student), David Jasnow (grad student)
Thomas T.S. KuoNuclear theory1964 Michel Baranger (grad student)
Jochen Küppermolecular physics, chemical physics, physical chemistry, biophysics, cold molecules, ultrafast dynamics19951998 David W. Pratt (research assistant)
Levent Kurnazphysics, climate science Physics and Astronomy19901994 James V. Maher (grad student)
Maria KurnikovaPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics1998 Rob D. Coalson (grad student)
Maria G Kurnikovacomputational chemistry and biochemistry, structural biophysics, structure-function relationaships in proteins, AMPA, NMDA, ion channels chemistry neuroscience20101998 Rob D. Coalson (grad student), Jon W. Johnson (collaborator)
Yong Rae Kwon Physics & Astronomy1978 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Matthew LaBrosse Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20042009 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Wai Kin Lai Adam Keith Leibovich (grad student)
Pik-Yin LaiStatistical Physics, Biophysics, Theoretical Physics, Soft Condensed Matter Physics,Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems Phsyics19841988 Yadin Y. Goldschmidt (grad student)
Olga Lakhina2006 Eric S. Swanson (grad student)
Olivia LanesQuantum Computing Physics Michael J. Hatridge (grad student)
George C. LaVerdeBiomedical Engineering, Radiology2006 Fernando Boada (grad student)
Tsung-Shung Harry Lee1973 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Adam Keith LeibovichHigh energy theory
Scott M. LephartRehabilitation and Therapy, Medical Biophysics, Recreation
Sanford H. LeubaGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Ping Li Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20082013 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Yangqiuting Li Physics and Astronomy2022 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Jing Li Physics and Astronomy2012 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Shih-Yin LinGeneral Physics, Sciences Education2012 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Xiaohui LiuHigh energy particle physics, High energy nulcear physics2011 Adam Keith Leibovich (grad student)
Yingmei LiuCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2004 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Zhen LiuElementary Particle Physics
Guo-Qian Liu physics & Astronomy1987 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Pok Man Lo2011 Eric S. Swanson (grad student)
William A. LoinazTheoretical elementary particle physics physics Physics19951997 Anthony Duncan (post-doc), Raymond Starr Willey (post-doc)
William O. LoveElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Vladimir Savinov (grad student)
Irving J. LoweSolid state NMR, NMR theory and instrumentation, magnetic resonance imaging
Y Lu Physics & Astronomy1991 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Junhang LuoMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2010 Scott X. Mao (grad student)
Edward LymanCondensed Matter Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Daniel M. Zuckerman (grad student)
Yang MaHigh energy physics Department of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy20202022 Tao Han (grad student), Keping Xie (collaborator), Adam Keith Leibovich (collaborator)
James V. MaherNuclear Physics
Alysa MalespinaPhysics Education Research Physics and Astronomy2023 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Scott X. MaoMaterials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Yao-Yuan Maoastrophysics, cosmology, dark matter, galaxy formation
Suresh K. MaranGeneral Physics2004 George Sparling (grad student)
Alexandru MariesSciences Education, Theory Physics2013 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Emily M Marshmanphysics education physics20102018 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Andrew J. MasonMetacognition in problem solving, attitudes and approaches towards learning physics Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20182019 Chandralekha Singh (grad student), Melanie L Good (collaborator), Benjamin R. Brown (collaborator)
Joseph J. McCarthyChemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Kathleen V. McCloud Physics and Astronomy19901995 James V. Maher (grad student)
James Nicol McGruerNuclear physics
Nadine McQuarrieGeology
Hagai Meirovitch
Scott C. MestGeology, Hydrology2004 David A. Crown (grad student)
Joseph W. Meyers Physics2014 Eric S. Swanson (grad student)
Elliott Waters Montrollphase transitions, lattice dynamics, irreversibility, finite temperature quantum statistical physics, and traffic flow1940 James Sturdevant Taylor (grad student)
Krishna MukherjeeAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geodesy2005 Ezra T. Newman (grad student)
Shouvik MukherjeeQuantum gases, Atomic physics, Condensed matter physics Physics and Astronomy20142021 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Wazo Z. MyintGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology2013 Rieko Ishima (grad student)
Takashi NagaiRehabilitation and Therapy, Military Studies2010 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Donna Lynne NaplesAstronomy and Astrophysics
Viorel C. NegoitaCondensed Matter Physics2001 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Bryan L. NelsenCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics2012 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Daniel B. NestorAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 David A. Turnshek (grad student)
Ezra T. NewmanAstronomy and Astrophysics
Jeffrey A. Newman
Tuan NguyenAtomic Physics Physics20072012 Karl Kandler (post-doc)
John Norton
William John O'Sullivanexperimental condensed matter physics Physics and Astronomy1958 Frederic Keffer (grad student)
Gustav Obermair
Lorne Albert Page
Tong PangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy20162021 Vladimir Savinov (grad student)
Vittorio PaoloneElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Philippos Papadopoulos1994 Jeffrey Winicour (grad student)
Stephen L. PellathyGeneral Physics, Sciences Education2009 Jennifer L. Cartier (grad student), Peter F. M. Koehler (grad student)
Jen-Chieh PengRadiation Physics, Atomic Physics1975 James V. Maher (grad student)
A. G. Unil PereraCondensed Matter Physics/Bio-Photonics1987 Darryl D. Coon (grad student)
Alejandro PerezElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Carlo Rovelli (grad student)
Kiplin PerkinsTheory Physics2006 Ezra T. Newman (grad student)
S C. Phatak Physics and Astronomy1974 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Jennifer L. PiatekGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Bruce W. Hapke (grad student)
Thomas August Porsching
Raymond PrizzellPhysiology Biology, General Biophysics
Peter Nicholas Puseydynamic light scattering, brownian motion Physics and Astronomy1969 Walter Goldburg (grad student)
Voica A. RadescuAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Donna Lynne Naples (grad student)
Rees B. RankinTransport Through Nanoporous Materials, Chiral Surface Chemistry Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering20062009 J Karl Johnson (post-doc)
G. W. Reynaud Physics and Astronomy1982 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Charles B. Richardson
Bryan L. RiemannRehabilitation and Therapy2000 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
Richard E. RosatiMolecular Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2003 Rainer Johnsen (grad student)
Carlo RovelliElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jonathan P. Ruffley Chemical and Petroleum Engineering2015 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
J Sabutis Physics 7 Astronomy1983 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Juerg X. SaladinNuclear Physics
Guy SalamaAnimal Physiology Biology, General Biophysics, Pathology
Lisabeth Santana Physics and Astronomy20202024 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Vladimir SavinovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Cetin Savkli Physics & Astronomy1996 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Ryan T SayerPhysics education research, Quantum mechanics Physics and Astronomy20142016 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Frank Schlesingerastronomy
Regina E. Schulte-LadbeckAstronomy and Astrophysics
Jack S. SemuraStatistical physics, Information theory in science, Maximum entropy Physics19711973 Frederic Keffer (post-doc)
Kamal K. SethExperimental study of exotic combinations of valence quarks and gluons, glueballs, and charmonium.19541957 Roger S. Bender (grad student), Donald J. Hughes (grad student)
Barmak Shams Es HaghiHigh Energy Physics Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20132019 Brian T. Batell (grad student), Tao Han (grad student)
Zhiwei ShanMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2005 Scott X. Mao (grad student)
Paul Fenton Shepard
Alexander SherElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Julia A. Thompson (grad student)
Ravi ShethCosmology
Wei Shi Chemical and Petroleum Engineering19982003 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Yohannes ShiferawCondensed Matter Physics2001 Yadin Y. Goldschmidt (grad student)
Oleg ShigiltchoffCondensed Matter Physics2003 Robert P. Devaty (grad student)
Yevgeniy ShishkinCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering2004 W J. Choyke (grad student)
Lee Paul Sieg
Nicholas W. SinclairCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, General Physics2014 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Chandralekha SinghGeneral Physics, Sciences Education
Manohar K. Singham Physics and Astronomy1980 Frank Tabakin (grad student)
Ramin A. Skibba2006 Ravi Sheth (grad student)
Miroslaw P. SkrzypkowskiAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics2000 Rainer Johnsen (grad student)
William S. SlaughterMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
David Wayne SnokeCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics
Hao Song Physics H Michael Gach (post-doc)
Alessandro SozzettiAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 David A. Turnshek (grad student)
George SparlingGeneral Physics
Philip McLellan Stehle
V Andrew StengerBiomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics
Jun-Kyo F. SuhBiomedical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Medical Biophysics
Bala SundaramElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1986 J. Norman Bardsley (grad student)
Eric S. SwansonParticle Physics
Bela SzilagyiGeneral Physics2000 Jeffrey Winicour (grad student)
Frank TabakinNuclear Physics
Gary E. ThomasAerospace Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1963 Thomas Michael Donahue (grad student)
Julia A. Thompson
Kenneth Paul Todgeneral relativity, twistor theory
Sudhindra Mani TripathiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1986 Paul Fenton Shepard (grad student)
Yung-Shen TsaiRehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation2005 Scott M. Lephart (grad student)
David A. TurnshekAstronomy and Astrophysics
Sandeep TyagiCondensed Matter Physics2003 Yadin Y. Goldschmidt (grad student)
Martin M. TzanovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Donna Lynne Naples (grad student)
Alexander D. Urban2011 David Jasnow (grad student)
Watson L. Vargas-EscobarChemical Engineering2002 Joseph J. McCarthy (grad student)
Minh Nguyen Vo Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20152020 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Zoltan VorosCondensed Matter Physics2008 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Shang-Yung WangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Daniel Boyanovsky (grad student)
Qinyu Wang Chemical and Petroleum Engineering19951998 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Yang Wang Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20002006 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Ernest Keeling Warburtontheoretical and experimental investigations of nuclear structure1957 James Nicol McGruer (grad student)
Brian M. WargoSciences Education, Higher Education, Teacher Training Education2014 Jennifer L. Cartier (grad student)
Dhammika D WeerasundaraHigh Energy Particle Physics, High Energy Nuclear Physics
Xin Wei Chemical and Petroleum Engineering2019 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Shanti WendlerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2010 Vittorio Paolone (grad student)
John C. Wheatleyquantum fluids and solids1952 David Halliday (grad student)
Kyle Whitcomb Physics and Astronomy2020 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Raymond Starr WilleyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jeffrey WinicourAstronomy and Astrophysics
Arthur Michael WolfeAstronomy and Astrophysics
XiaoLun WuFluid and Plasma Physics
Jeffrey K. WuenschellCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics Physics2014 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Keping XieHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Wei XiongPhysical Metallurgy
Reza YoosoofmiyaGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2013 Vladimir Savinov (grad student)
Bin W. Zhang2008 David Jasnow (grad student)
Xin Zhang2010 David Jasnow (grad student)
Botao ZhangOptics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, General Physics2010 David Wayne Snoke (grad student)
Zhenghui ZhangBiomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2006 V Andrew Stenger (grad student)
Bo Zhang Chemical and Petroleum Engineering20072012 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Minhua ZhaoMaterials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2004 Scott X. Mao (grad student)
Xiongce ZhaoChemical Engineering2004 J Karl Johnson (grad student)
Qiliang ZhuBiomedical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Medical Biophysics2001 Jun-Kyo F. Suh (grad student)
Guangtian ZhuSciences Education, General Physics2011 Chandralekha Singh (grad student)
Yosef E. ZlochowerAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Jeffrey Winicour (grad student)
Daniel M. ZuckermanGeneral Biophysics