University of Toronto

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Syed Haider Abidi Physics2015 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
Hass Abouzeid Peter Krieger (grad student)
Roberto G. AbrahamAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ryan P. Adamspoint process models20092011 Rich S. Zemel (post-doc), Geoffrey E. Hinton (post-doc)
Cristen L. AdamsAtmospheric Chemistry Physics2012 Kimberly Strong (grad student)
Carl Adams19941998 Thomas E Mason (grad student)
Robert Adamson Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Bijay Kumar Agarwalla20152017 Dvira Segal (post-doc)
Asma Al-QasimiTheory Physics, Quantum Physics, Optics Physics Physics2011 Daniel F. V. James (grad student)
Mehdi AlizadehBiophotonics2020 Virginijus Barzda (post-doc)
John Frank AllenLow-temperature physics19281933 John Cunningham McLennan (grad student)
Michael L. Allen1999 Philipp P. Kronberg (grad student)
Olivier Alonzo-ProulxRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Oncology, Radiation Physics, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2014 Martin Yaffe (grad student)
Eitan AmirHealth Care Management, Oncology Health Policy, Management and Evaluation2012 Ian F. Tannock (grad student)
Rhys Anderson Physics20142020 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Heather Andres Physics20072015 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Jordan AngBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Genetics Chemistry2013 David R. McMillen (grad student)
Robin Louis Armstrongelectromagnetic interactions and radiology1961 Harry Lambert Welsh (grad student)
Cheryl ArrowsmithGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Pawel Artymowicz
Norman Aspin1962 Harold Johns (grad student)
Seth A. AubinAMO physics20032006 Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
Richard Ernest AzumaNuclear Physics
Mohsen Bagherimehrab2022 Alán Aspuru-Guzik (post-doc)
Richard C. BaileyGeophysics
Colleen BaileyMedical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Greg Stanisz (grad student)
Travis D. BainElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics20082012 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
R. G. Baker
Keith G. BalmainElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Dwayne BarberOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Alma B. BardonUltracold atoms Physics20062014 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Jared Barron Physics20192023 David Curtin (grad student)
Stephen Bartlett2000 David J. Rowe (grad student)
Steven BartolacRadiology, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2013 David Jaffray (grad student)
Virginijus BarzdaOptics Physics, General Biophysics, Nanotechnology
Nicholas A. BattagliaAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics2011 J. Richard ("dick") Bond (grad student)
Jerry J. BattistaMedical Biophysics Medical Biophysics1977 Michael J. Bronskill (grad student)
Christian W. BauerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics19962000 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Stanislaw L. Bazanski1959 Leopold Infeld (grad student)
Scott BeattieAMO physics20122014 Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
Reza Beheshti ZavarehOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Medical Biophysics2011 Aaron Schimmer (grad student), James Dennis (grad student)
Christopher J. BertoleChemical Engineering2002 Charles A. Mims (grad student)
Michael F. Bietenholz1991 Philipp P. Kronberg (grad student)
Amy Marlou BiltonEnergy systems; water purification and desalination; design for the developing world; computer-aided design methods; design optimization under uncertainty; control system design
Ceinwen E. BirdCondensed Matter Physics2002 Bryan Statt (grad student)
Robert J. Birgeneauphases and phase transition behavior of novel states of matter
Edward Blake
Andrew E. BlechmanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics20062009 Michael Eric Luke (post-doc)
Etienne BoakninCondensed Matter Physics2003 Louis Taillefer (grad student)
David H. Boal1975 John W. Moffat (grad student)
Paul Robert Bolton Physics19751977 Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
J. Richard ("dick") Bond
Valerie K. BoothMolecular Biology2000 Cheryl Arrowsmith (grad student)
Gregory J. BootsmaRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering Medical Biophysics2013 David Jaffray (grad student)
Anthony M. BradeMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology2002 Fei-Fei Lin (grad student)
Arthur Albert Brantmining geophysics
Philip E. Branton1972 Rose Sheinin (grad student)
Boris Braverman Physics20102011 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Robert G. BristowMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics
Mark BrodwinAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Simon John Lilly (grad student)
Jeffrey BruceOncology, Cell Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology Medical Biophysics2014 Fei-Fei Liu (grad student)
Simon J. BubnicMedicine and Surgery, Medical Biophysics2003 Armand Keating (grad student)
Edward Crisp BullardGeophysics
Kenneth S. BurchTheory Physics, Optics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Craig BurrellElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19982004 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Eli Franklin Burton1910 John Cunningham McLennan (grad student)
Alan Chadburn BurtonBiophysics1928 John Cunningham McLennan (grad student)
Samuel Butler19952000 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Will Cairncross Physics20112013 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Francisco Campanario-Pallas Physics20052006 Michael Eric Luke (post-doc)
Changhong CaoNanomanufacturing, nanomechanics Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering20122018 Yu Sun (grad student), Tobin Filleter (grad student)
Simon CapstickNuclear Physics1986 Nathan Gerald Isgur (grad student)
Raymond G. CarlbergAstronomy and Astrophysics
Nathan J. Carlson Physics J. Richard ("dick") Bond (grad student)
Joseph W. S. CarterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Claire CarvalloGeophysics2004 David J. Dunlop (grad student)
Avijit ChakrabarttyGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Tigran V. ChalikianGeneral Biophysics
Rachel W. ChanRadiology, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Donald Plewes (grad student)
Hue Sun Chan
Bhaskar ChandaStem Cell Biology Medical Biophysics2013 Gordon Keller (grad student)
Deepak ChandanClimate dynamics, Paleoclimate Physics20102018 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Rockson ChangQuantum optics, quantum information, ultracold atoms, BEC, quantum measurement, foundations of quantum mechanics Physics2013 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Luc CharronBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Lothar Lilge (grad student)
Ko L. ChenRobotics and automation at micro-nanometer scales Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2013 Yu Sun (grad student)
Hai-Ling M. ChengMedical Biophysics2003 Donald Plewes (grad student)
Aurelia Chenu20132015 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc)
John Bradford Cherriman18501853 John Henry Lefroy (research scientist), Robert Murray (research scientist), Egerton Ryerson (research scientist)
Peter CheungMolecular Biology
William Man-Yin Cheung Physics20062012 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Wei-zang ChienMechanics and Applied mathematics
Iok I. ChioGeneral Biophysics, Bioinformatics Biology2012 Tak Wah Mak (grad student)
Priscilla P. ChiuImmunology, Pathology, Cell Biology2002 Jayne S. Danska (grad student)
Hai-Jun Cho Physics20092010 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Rajiv ChopraBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics, Radiology Michael J. Bronskill (grad student)
Kin-Yip CHUNElastic and Inelastic Seismic Wave Propagation, Theory and Application; Seismological Verification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Compliance; Earthquake Source Scaling; Earthquake Prediction; Seismic Network Calibration; Continental Collisional
Cristinel N. CigoleaMusic Music2014 Cameron Walter (grad student)
Richard CisekOptics Physics, General Biophysics, Nanotechnology Physics2012 Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Garry Kenneth Connal ClarkeGlaciology Physics George Garland (grad student)
Maurice James Young ClementAstrophysics
Michael P. Collinsreinforced concrete
Peter W. CoppinInformation Science, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Information Studies2014 Brian Hendee Smith (grad student)
Kyle Cormier Physics2013 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
Neil J. CornishAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics1996 John W. Moffat (grad student)
Remo CossuGeology, Marine Geology, Geophysics2011 Mathew Wells (grad student)
Dennis R CrabtreeAstrophysics, bibliometrics Astronomy & Astrophysics19761982 Robert A. McLaren (grad student)
Malcolm F. Crawford1936 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Arthur M. Crooker1935 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Adam Crooks
Robert J. CroppElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 William Trischuk (grad student)
Wei CuiQuantum information Physics20082013 Hoi-Kwong Lo (grad student)
Jane CullisGeneral Biophysics, Genetics, Oncology, Cell Biology2013 Rob Rottapel (grad student)
Charles H. CunninghamMedical Biophysics, Radiology
Marcos Curtyquantum information, quantum communication Physics20062006 Hoi-Kwong Lo (post-doc)
Gregory CzarnotaRadiation Physics, General Biophysics, Oncology, Radiology1995 F. Peter Ottensmeyer (grad student)
Gabrielle D'EleuterioGeneral Biophysics, Aerospace Engineering
Jack Daintyplant biophysics
Ivana DamjanovAstronomy and Astrophysics2011 Roberto G. Abraham (grad student)
James Maurice Daniels
Jayne S. DanskaOncology
Anustup DasQuantum Optics, nanophotonics Roger Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering20222026 Amr S. Helmy (grad student)
Phillip A. Davis Physics19741977 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Timothy S. DavisonMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology2004 Cheryl Arrowsmith (grad student)
Ryan Day Physics20132014 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Zahir A. DayaFluid and Plasma Physics2000 Stephen W. Morris (grad student)
Sergio C. de la BarreraQuantum condensed matter physics
Godelieve Deblonde Physics19861991 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Pierre DemarqueExoplanets, Galactic Astronomy, Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, Asteroseismology, Stellar Populations1959 Leonard Searle (grad student), J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
Derek v. der KooyCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Rashmi C. Desai
Pier-Olivier DeViveirosElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Pierre Savard (grad student)
Rohan DharmakumarMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Graham Wright (grad student)
Girija DharmarajGeophysics Physics2013 Sabine Stanley (grad student)
Dilan T. DissanayakeImmunology, Cell Biology2012 Pamela Ohashi (grad student)
Ranpal DosanjihAstroparticle Physics Philosophy2014 Jessica Wilson (grad student)
Thomas Edward Drake
Ryan R. DrakerMolecular Biology Medical Biophysics2012 Peter Cheung (grad student)
James R. Drummond
Eric DuboisImage reconstruction and processing1978 Anastasios (Tas) Venetsanopoulos (grad student)
David J. DunlopGeophysics1968 Gordon Fox West (grad student)
Federico Duque Gomezquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter Physics2014 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Nebojsa DuricAstronomy and Astrophysics1985 Ernie R. Seaquist (grad student)
Charles C. DyerMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Peter W. E. SmithElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Graham Edge Physics20102016 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
R. Nigel EdwardsGeological Engineering, Physical Oceanography
Ahmed N. El KaffasRadiation Physics, General Biophysics, Oncology, Radiology Medical Biophysics2014 Gregory Czarnota (grad student)
Kevin EldredPhilosophy2011 Brian Hendee Smith (grad student)
Chris Ellenor Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan
Andre Erler Physics20112015 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Ralph Ernstorfer20052007 R. J. Dwayne Miller (post-doc)
Mark E. EverettGeophysics1991 R. Nigel Edwards (grad student)
Marcius Extavour Physics20032009 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Daniel F. VOptics Physics, Quantum Physics
Fazel Fallah TaftiCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2011 Stephen K. Julian (grad student)
Michael Y.-S. Fang Physics Physics20132014 John E. Sipe (research assistant), Daniel F. V. James (research assistant)
Marzieh FarhangAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics2013 Barth Netterfield (grad student)
Trisha FarooqueElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Pekka K. Sinervo (grad student)
Baharak FatholahzadehElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Robert Orr (grad student)
Eric Fawcett
Aaron FensterMedical Biophysics, Medicine and Surgery1976 Harold Johns (grad student)
Rana FilfilGeneral Biophysics2003 Tigran V. Chalikian (grad student)
Tobin Filleter
Noah A. FineImmunology, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Rob Rottapel (grad student)
Roderick J. FisherGeophysics2001 Gordon Fox West (grad student)
Sean Fleming Physics19972000 Michael Eric Luke (post-doc)
Marian L. FlorescuOptics Physics2003 Sajeev John (grad student)
Lucia FlorescuOptics Physics2004 Sajeev John (grad student)
Warren D. FoltzMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2004 Graham Wright (grad student)
Nancy R. FordeGeneral Biophysics Chemistry Chemistry19931994 D James (Jamie) Donaldson (research assistant), Raymond E. Kapral (research assistant)
Alessandro M. Forte Physics19851990 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Kristen FortneyBioinformatics Biology, Pharmacy, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Igor Jurisica (grad student)
Andrea FrankelCell Biology, Oncology2002 Robert S. Kerbel (grad student)
Helen Freedhoff Physics Johan van Kranendonk (grad student)
Simon Freedman Physics20082015 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Michael A. GalleElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering20102014 Li Qian (grad student)
Omar GamelOptics Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2013 Daniel F. V. James (grad student)
Han Gao Materials Science20112016 Keryn Lian (grad student)
George Garland
Colin GayElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1992 George Juris Luste (grad student)
Lisa C. GillisGeneral Biophysics2012 Dwayne Barber (grad student)
Douglas GingrichElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19831988 Robert Orr (grad student)
Naomi Shauna Ginsbergphotosynthetic light harvesting Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (research assistant)
Carolyn A. GoardMolecular Biology, Pharmacy Medical Biophysics2013 Linda Z. Penn (grad student)
Lucas Goehring20032007 Stephen W. Morris (grad student)
Ray Goerke Physics20122018 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Ahmad GolaraeiBiophysics Physics20122018 Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Jacob S GordonPhysics, Condensed Matter, Strongly Correlated Magnetism Physics20162023 Hae-Young Kee (grad student)
Avrum I. GotliebCell Biology, General Biophysics
Claudiu GradinaruGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics, Oncology
Fraser Scholfield GrantGeophysics1951 J Tuzo Wilson (grad student), Arthur Albert Brant (grad student)
Patrick B. GreeneAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Lev Kofman (grad student)
Catherine Greenhalgh Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Hlynur GretarssonCondensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Young-June Kim (grad student)
Allan GriffinAtomic Physics
Fiona GuerraImmunology Immunology2011 Rob Rottapel (grad student)
Hubert de Guise Physics19901996 David J. Rowe (grad student)
Herbert Gush Harry Lambert Welsh (grad student)
Anthony A. HaaszNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics
Kevin C. HadleyGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Medical Biophysics2014 Avijit Chakrabartty (grad student)
Itamar Halevy Physics19781985 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Kimberley C. HallOptics Physics2002 Henry M. van Driel (grad student)
Alexei HalpinInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, General Physics Physics2014 R.J D. Miller (grad student)
Adrienne HalupaCell Biology2003 Dwayne Barber (grad student)
David Alan HanesAstronomy and Astrophysics1975 René Racine (grad student)
Moez HaqueElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Peter R. Herman (grad student)
Shane M. HardingMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Robert G. Bristow (grad student)
F. Kenneth Hareclimatology
Joachim Harnois-DerapsAcoustics Physics2013 Ue-Li Pen (grad student)
Carling HayAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics, Atmospheric Sciences Physics2012 Jerry X. Mitrovica (grad student)
David HedleyMedical Biophysics
Abraham HeifetsComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science2014 Igor Jurisica (grad student)
Amr Ibrahim Helmy1998 Michael P. Collins (grad student)
Lukas G. Heltquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter2013 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Wolfram HelwigTheory Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2014 Hoi-Kwong Lo (grad student)
Christopher J. HemmingPhysical Chemistry2003 Raymond E. Kapral (grad student)
Richard Conn Henry Astronomy1962 Sidney van den Bergh (grad student)
Peter R. Herman Dept. of Computer and Electrical Engineering Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
James Hillier1941 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Colin O Hines
Cynthia S. HoMolecular Biology2003 Linda Z. Penn (grad student)
Jr J. HoMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology Medical Biophysics2013 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Klaus P. HoeflichMolecular Biology2001 James R. Woodgett (grad student)
Jeremy D. HoisakRadiology, Oncology Medical Biophysics2012 David Jaffray (grad student)
Bob Holdom
David W. HoldsworthMedical Biophysics1993 Aaron Fenster (grad student)
Archibald Cameron Hollis-Hallett
James Horning
Christine HowGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Oncology, Women's Studies Medical Biophysics2013 Fei-Fei Liu (grad student)
Hui-Lin Hsu Electrical and Computer Engineering20112014 Li Qian (grad student)
Dan Hudon Astronomy and Astrophysics19911994 Simon John Lilly (grad student)
John W. Huntradiation dosimetry and chemistry, diagnostic ultrasound, hyperthermia
Yiling Huo Physics2015 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
William T. Hyde Physics19781986 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Nikolina Ilic Physics20092015 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
Milena Imamovic-TomasovicAtomic Physics2001 Allan Griffin (grad student)
Leopold Infeld
Nathan Gerald IsgurTheoretical physics1974 Robert Edward Pugh (grad student)
Emma ItoOncology, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2010 Fei-Fei Liu (grad student)
Evgueni IvakineGenetics, Pathology2004 Jayne S. Danska (grad student)
Zane S. JacksonCell Biology, Pathology, Medicine and Surgery2001 Avrum I. Gotlieb (grad student)
David JaffrayRadiology, General Biophysics
Daniel F. V. JamesGeneral Physics, Quantum Physics
Mojib Javadi JavedGeneral Biophysics2012 Dwayne Barber (grad student)
Robert JedickeAstronomy and Astrophysics19851992 George Juris Luste (grad student), Roger Lee Dixon (grad student)
Dylan JervisUltracold atoms Physics20062014 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
JianHua JiangPhotonic crystal Yoseph Imry (post-doc)
Jian-Hua JiangMaterial Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, nonequilibrium physics Department of Physics Sajeev John (post-doc)
Ana Jofre Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Sajeev JohnOptics Physics
Paul C Johnsmedical imaging physics Medical Biphysics19791986 Martin Yaffe (grad student)
Harold Johns1939 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Dylan B. JonesAtmospheric Chemistry
Purna A. JoshiCell Biology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2012 Rama Khokha (grad student)
Stephen K. JulianCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics
Igor JurisicaBioinformatics Biology John Mylopoulos (grad student)
Jalani Fox Kanem2007 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Raymond E. KapralPhysical Chemistry, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Gabriel KarlElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1964 John C. Polanyi (grad student)
Jennifer L. KarrAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Peter Gordon Martin (grad student)
Alexandros Kavadas1956 Robert W McKay (grad student)
Armand KeatingMedicine and Surgery, Medical Biophysics
Hae-Young KeeCondensed Matter Physics Physics19961998 Piers Coleman (post-doc)
Gordon KellerHuman Development, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics
Martin KellerAtmospheric Sciences Physics2014 Dylan B. Jones (grad student)
Robert S. KerbelMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology
Wolfgang Kerzendorfastrophysics, machine learnijg20112014 Marten Henric van Kerkwijk (post-doc)
Parandis KhavariAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics, Applied Mathematics Astronomy and Astrophysics2009 Charles C. Dyer (grad student)
Rama KhokhaMolecular Biology, Medical Biophysics
Carolyn A. Kierans Physics20112012 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Matthew P. KilliCondensed Matter Physics, Atomic Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2013 Arun Paramekanti (grad student)
Young-June KimCondensed Matter Physics
Ira KimImmunology, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2010 Pamela Ohashi (grad student)
Yong Baek Kim Physics19911995 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Andrew M. KirulutaComputational NeuroImaging, MRI Physics1997 Velimir M. Ristic (grad student), Anastasios (Tas) Venetsanopoulos (grad student)
Henry KlamutMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Gary P. Klassen Physics19791983 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Timothy Knight Physics2018 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
Sacha Kocsis Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Lev KofmanAstronomy and Astrophysics
Roman KoniukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1980 Nathan Gerald Isgur (grad student)
Lukas Kontenis Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Max KotlyarBioinformatics Biology Medical Biophysics2011 Igor Jurisica (grad student)
Peter KriegerExperimental Particle Physics James D. Prentice (grad student)
Daniel KrofchickBiochemistry, General Biophysics Medical Science2012 Mel Silverman (grad student)
Philipp P. KronbergAstronomy and Astrophysics
Serguei Krouglov Virginijus Barzda (research scientist)
Jinbo KuangElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 J D. Lavers (grad student)
Justin Kulp Peter Krieger (research assistant), Robert Orr (research assistant)
Joseph C. KumaradasMedical Biophysics2002 Michael Sherar (grad student)
Gabor KunstatterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1979 John W. Moffat (grad student)
Paul J. KushnerAtmospheric Science Physics19901995 Theodore G. Shepherd (grad student)
Stan Lai Physics Pekka K. Sinervo (grad student)
Bella Lake Physics19971999 Thomas E Mason (post-doc)
Prateek LalaPharmacology, Toxicology, Pediatrics
Philipp A. LangImmunology Immunology2011 Pamela Ohashi (grad student)
Robert James Lang1923 John Cunningham McLennan (grad student)
René LapriseAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics Physics19841988 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Paul E. LaRocqueLidar
Hoi-Kwan LauGeneral Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2014 Daniel F. V. James (grad student)
Angus Z. LauMedical Biophysics, Radiology Medical Biophysics2012 Charles H. Cunningham (grad student)
J D. LaversElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Lindsay J. LeBlanc20042010 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Eli S. LechtmanGeneral Biophysics, Radiation Physics Medical Biophysics2013 Jean-Philippe Pignol (grad student)
Tsu-Yee J. LeeCell Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Avrum I. Gotlieb (grad student)
John Henry Lefroy
Jean-Michel Lemieux Physics20012006 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Michelle LenarduzziCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology Medical Biophysics2013 Fei-Fei Liu (grad student)
Ian Leroux Physics20042005 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
John B. Lesterstellar atmospheres
Lisa LeungOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics Medical Biophysics2013 Ming-Sound Tsao (grad student)
General LeungMedical Biophysics, Radiology Medical Biophysics2011 Graham Wright (grad student)
Barbara E. Ley Physics19761985 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Keryn Lianpolymer materials, energy materials
Jack C. LiaoGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Medical Biophysics2011 Cheryl Arrowsmith (grad student)
Lothar LilgeBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
Simon John LillyAstronomy and Astrophysics
C. C. Lim1961 Archibald Cameron Hollis-Hallett (grad student)
Fei-Fei LinMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology
Rodica LindenmaierAtmospheric Science Physics, Atmospheric Chemistry, Remote Sensing Physics2012 Kimberly Strong (grad student)
Ling S. LingMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology Medical Biophysics2012 James R. Woodgett (grad student)
Marco LiscidiniPhotonics, quantum optics Physics20072009 John E. Sipe (post-doc)
Albert Edward LitherlandAtomic Physics
Blane Little Physics19861989 Scott Tremaine (grad student)
Xinyu LiuBioengineering2009 Yu Sun (grad student)
Yonggang LiuAtmospheric Sciences, Paleoclimate Science Physics20042011 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Garry LiuGeneral Biophysics, Radiology Medical Biophysics2014 Graham Wright (grad student)
Stanley K. LiuMolecular Biology2000 Jane McGlade (grad student)
Baoxu LiuGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics, Oncology Physics2013 Claudiu Gradinaru (grad student)
Fei-Fei LiuOncology, Cell Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology
Hoi-Kwong LoTheory Physics, Quantum Physics
Stuart Reid Loewen
James Loudon18661873 John Bradford Cherriman (grad student), Thomas Moss (grad student), Edward Blake (research scientist)
Julian LowmanGeophysics, Geology
Chris Luciuk Physics20122017 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Michael Eric LukeTheoretical particle physics: quantum chromodynamics, weak interactions, effective field theories, heavy quark physics.
Jeffrey S. Lundeen Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Christian LupienCondensed Matter Physics2002 Louis Taillefer (grad student)
George Juris Lustehigh energy physics
Xun MaOptics Physics Physics2012 Sajeev John (grad student)
Xiongfeng MaQuantum Information and Quantum Optics Department of Physics20032008 Hoi-Kwong Lo (grad student)
Yuchen Ma2016 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Ewen Macdonald Willy Wong (grad student)
Allan H. MacDonaldCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics Physics1978 Seymour H. Vosko (grad student)
Ilana R. MacDonaldAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics2013 Harald P. Pfeiffer (grad student)
Robert B. MacgregorMolecular Biology, General Biophysics
Malcolm Ross MacPhail
Alan Madej Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
James G. MainprizeMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2002 Martin Yaffe (grad student)
Arkady Major Virginijus Barzda (post-doc)
Tak Wah Mak
Utkarsh V MaliGravitational Waves Reed Essick (grad student)
Gabriela Mallen-OrnelasAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Simon John Lilly (grad student)
Andreas MandelisMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics
Samansa Maneshi Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Robert B. Mann Physics1982 John W. Moffat (grad student)
Kenneth Clifford Mannnuclear physics Physics1938 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Sanjeev MariathasanCell Biology, Immunology2001 Pamela Ohashi (grad student)
Michael R. MaritOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Medical Biophysics2012 Dwayne Barber (grad student)
Janet G. MarkleImmunology, Cell Biology, Oncology, Molecular Biology Immunology2013 Jayne S. Danska (grad student)
Philip A. MarsdenMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology
Peter Gordon MartinAstronomy and Astrophysics
Alireza MashayekhiPhysical Oceanography Physics20102013 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Jacqueline M. MasonMolecular Biology2002 Dwayne Barber (grad student)
Thomas E MasonCondensed Matter Physics
Kiyoshi W. MasuiAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics2013 Ue-Li Pen (grad student)
Yoshinori Matsumoto20102016 Rob Rottapel (post-doc)
Mostafizur MazumderMolecular Biology, Genetics, General Biophysics Chemistry2014 David R. McMillen (grad student)
Greg M. McFarquharAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics1993 Roland List (grad student)
Jane McGladeCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Robert W McKay1930 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
David McKay Physics20062012 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Jason McKeeverQuantum optics, Quantum information science Physics20072009 Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
Janis McKennaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19821987 James D. Prentice (grad student)
D.G.C. (Gerry) McKeonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1976 Robert Edward Pugh (grad student)
Robert A. McLarenInfrared astronomy1973 Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
John Cunningham McLennan
Alexander R. McLeodMusic, Theory Physics, Music Education Music2014 Cameron Walter (grad student)
David R. McMillenGeneral Biophysics, Aerospace Engineering2000 Gabrielle D'Eleuterio (grad student)
Elliot R. McVeighBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics1988 Michael J. Bronskill (grad student)
Jeffrey A. MedinMolecular Biology, Immunology
Jean-Michel Ménard20052010 Henry M. van Driel (grad student)
Sjoerd Mentink Physics19941996 Thomas E Mason (post-doc)
Roza Michalska1966 Leopold Infeld (grad student)
R.J D. MillerInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, General Physics
Charles A. MimsChemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Analytical Chemistry
Kamdin Mirsanaye Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Morgan W. MitchellQuantum Optics20022004 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (post-doc)
Jerry X. MitrovicaGeophysics Physics19861991 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
John W. Moffat
Fazilat F. MohammedMolecular Biology2004 Rama Khokha (grad student)
Masoud Mohseni2006 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student), Daniel A. Lidar (grad student)
Sonia MontanariMedicine and Surgery, Molecular Biology, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture Medical Science2014 Armand Keating (grad student)
Alan MoodyMedical Biophysics, Radiology
Colin Jon MorningstarElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics1991 Nathan Gerald Isgur (grad student)
Stephen W. Morrisgeophysics
Thomas Moss18541859 Adam Crooks (grad student)
Robert MouchaGeophysics2003 Richard C. Bailey (grad student)
Jonathan E. MoundGeophysics2001 Jerry X. Mitrovica (grad student)
Vikram K. MulliganBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology Biochemistry2012 Avijit Chakrabartty (grad student)
Jonas R. MureikaClassical and quantum gravity, particle physics, modified gravity, computational physics Physics19982001 Charles C. Dyer (grad student)
Robert Murray
Sergei Musikhin Virginijus Barzda (research scientist)
Stefan Myrskog20042006 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student), Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
Nataliya NadyMedical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Cheryl Arrowsmith (grad student)
Mladen R. NedimovicGeophysics2000 Gordon Fox West (grad student)
Megan E. NellesImmunology, Oncology, Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics2012 Christopher J. Piage (grad student)
Anton NeschadimMolecular Biology, Immunology Medical Biophysics2011 Jeffrey A. Medin (grad student)
Barth NetterfieldAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Derek C. NewtonMolecular Biology2004 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Mi L. NgElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering2013 Peter R. Herman (grad student)
Sylvia S. NgPharmacology, Oncology2002 David Hedley (grad student)
Jason Ng Electrical and Computer Engineering20092017 Li Qian (grad student)
Thuy-Linh T. NguyenImmunology2002 Pamela Ohashi (grad student)
Lena NicolaidesMechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering2000 Andreas Mandelis (grad student)
Michelle K Nielsen Medical Biophysics Lothar Lilge (grad student)
Robert M. NishikawaRadiology, Radiation Physics Martin Yaffe (research scientist)
Hyman Niznik
Sabrena NoriaCell Biology, General Biophysics2001 Avrum I. Gotlieb (grad student)
Keely A. O'FarrellGeophysics, Geology Physics2013 Julian Lowman (grad student)
Samuel O. OduneyeGeneral Biophysics, Radiology Medical Biophysics2013 Graham Wright (grad student)
Pamela OhashiImmunology, Medical Biophysics Immunology Tak Wah Mak (grad student)
J. Beverley Okestellar and extragalactic astronomy
Chris OliwaMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2001 Charles C. Dyer (grad student)
Ben A. OlsenAtomic Physics Physics20162018 Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
Robert OrrElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Sara K. OsterMolecular Biology2003 Linda Z. Penn (grad student)
F. Peter Ottensmeyer3D Structure Determination, Function and Microanalysis Medical Biophysics Gordon Whitmore (grad student)
Ozden OzdemirRock magnetism, paleomagnetism
Alexander Paarmann20052010 R. J. Dwayne Miller (grad student)
Gregory PacigaAstronomy & Astrophysics2013 Ue-Li Pen (grad student)
B Paul PadleyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1987 Taek-Soon Yoon (grad student)
Johnpierre Paglione Physics Louis Taillefer (grad student)
Tanmoy PalIntrinsically disordered proteins, phase separation, polymer field theory, field theoretic simulation, random phase approximation
Judy Pang Physics19931998 Thomas E Mason (grad student)
Padeli P. Papadopoulos1998 Ernie R. Seaquist (grad student)
Giuseppe A. PapaliaGeneral Biophysics2002 Jim Rini (grad student)
Eniko PappOncology Medical Biophysics2013 Jayne S. Danska (grad student)
Arun ParamekantiCondensed Matter Physics
Giovanni Pari Physics19921997 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Tae Hyoun Park Physics2018 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
John Parsonselementary particle physics Physics1990 James D. Prentice (grad student)
Arjendu PATTANAYAKNonlinear dynamics, quantum mechanics Department of Chemistry Paul W. Brumer (post-doc)
Michael S. PattersonMedical Physics1984 John W. Hunt (grad student)
Amanda PeetTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics
Etienne PelletierCondensed Matter Physics2013 R.J D. Miller (grad student)
William Richard PeltierGeophysics, Atmospheric Physics, Oceanography Physics19671971 Colin O Hines (grad student)
Ue-Li PenAstronomy and Astrophysics
Linda Z. PennMolecular Biology, Pharmacy
Suresh N. Pereiraquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter2001 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Patricia M. PernicaHydrology, Atmospheric Sciences Physics2014 Mathew Wells (grad student)
Tatiana PerovaImmunology, Oncology Medical Biophysics2013 Jayne S. Danska (grad student)
Tania N. PetruzzielloMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology, Toxicology Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology2012 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Harald P. PfeifferGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
Christopher J. PiageImmunology, Oncology, Medical Biophysics
Jean-Philippe PignolGeneral Biophysics, Radiation Physics
Donald PlewesRadiology, Medical Biophysics
Kemp W. PlumbCondensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Young-June Kim (grad student)
Saroja Polavarapu Physics19841990 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Erich Robert Poppitzhigh-energy theory
Albert Frederick Prebus1940 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
John Stewart Prestonmaterials science1987 Henry M. van Driel (grad student)
Christopher J. PritchetAstronomy and Astrophysics1975 Sidney van den Bergh (grad student)
Christoph M. PuetterCondensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2012 Hae-Young Kee (grad student)
Robert Edward PughNuclear Physics
Russell PysklywecGeophysics, Geology
Bing QiOptics20032006 Hoi-Kwong Lo (post-doc), Li Qian (research scientist)
Li QianElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Peter W. E. Smith (grad student), Hoi-Kwong Lo (collaborator)
Nicolás QuesadaQuantum Optics Physics Physics20102015 Daniel F. V. James (grad student), John E. Sipe (grad student)
Yegor Rabets20122014 William Ryu (grad student)
René Racineglobular clusters1965 Sidney van den Bergh (grad student)
Ganesh RamachandranCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Arun Paramekanti (grad student)
Mehmet Kerim RamazanogluSolid State Physics Experimental Physics20022007 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Lora Ramunnoquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter2002 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Denis RancourtCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics James Maurice Daniels (grad student)
Stephen C. RandOptics and Photonics, Quantum Science and Technology, Energy Science and Engineering1978 Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
Jonathan P. RastMolecular Biology, Genetics
Jeffrey G. RauCondensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Hae-Young Kee (grad student)
James Reekie
Anjan A. ReijndersTheory Physics, Optics Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2014 Kenneth S. Burch (grad student)
Hanno ReinAstrophysics
Brandon R. ReinhartImmunology2004 Rob Rottapel (grad student)
Kevin Resch19972002 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Reyhaneh RezvaniMolecular Physics2013 Robert Orr (grad student)
Arash Riazi Electrical and Computer Engineering20152021 Li Qian (grad student)
Jim RiniGeneral Biophysics
Alexandra Rink Medical Biophysics20032007 David Jaffray (grad student)
Julien Riouxquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter2011 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Velimir M. Ristic
Lisa A. RoachGeological Engineering, Physical Oceanography Physics2012 R. Nigel Edwards (grad student)
Andrew J. Robinson2000 Pekka K. Sinervo (grad student)
John R. Roebuckporous plug work with heat transfer, thermostats and photography1906 W. Lash Miller (grad student)
Claus E. RolfsNuclear Astrophysics1972 Richard Ernest Azuma (post-doc)
Ahmed Hemdan RomanInformation Theory, Animal Learning, Machine Learning,Cancer, Non-Equilirbirum Statistical Mechancs Physics20162022 William Ryu (grad student)
Rob RottapelImmunology, General Biophysics Alan Bernstein (post-doc)
Filippus S. RouxElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Bob Holdom (grad student)
David J. Rowe
Keven Roy Physics20102017 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Lee A. RozemaQuantum optics, quantum information, ultracold atoms, BEC, quantum measurement, foundations of quantum mechanics Physics2014 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Egerton Ryerson
William RyuBiophysics, Behavior
Inge-Juliana Christy Sackmann1968 S. P. S. Anand (grad student), Pierre Demarque (grad student)
Alireza SadeghianElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 J D. Lavers (grad student)
Jasdeep K. SaggarOncology, Cell Biology Medical Biophysics2014 Ian F. Tannock (grad student)
Kotaro Sakai Physics19911996 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Hesam Salehipour Physics20122017 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Masood Samim Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Daaf SandkuijlGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics Physics2013 Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Dimitar D. Sasselovextrasolar planets1990 John B. Lester (grad student)
Pierre SavardElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Marcin Sawickiextragalactic astronomy, formation and evolution of galaxies19941998 Howard Kwong Chew Yee (grad student)
Arthur Leonard SchawlowLaser Physics1949 Malcolm F. Crawford (grad student)
Alfred Schild1946 Leopold Infeld (grad student)
Aaron SchimmerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Thorsten Schumm20062006 Joseph H. Thywissen (post-doc)
John Scinocca Physics19881991 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
John W. Scrimger Biophysics1966 R. G. Baker (grad student), Norman Aspin (grad student)
Ernie R. SeaquistAstronomy and Astrophysics1966 Donald Alexander MacRae (grad student)
Leonard Searle
Hossein SeifooryQuantum Photonics Department of Physics John E. Sipe (post-doc)
Frank Edward Senftle1947 J Tuzo Wilson (grad student), Arthur Albert Brant (grad student)
Vladimir M. ShalaevPhotonics and materials science, plasmonics, metamaterials, nanophotonics
Masoud SharifiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2000 J D. Lavers (grad student)
Howard N. Sharpe Physics19751978 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Theodore G. SheperdAtmospheric Science Physics
Charles W. ShepherdAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Raymond G. Carlberg (grad student)
Gordon Greeley ShepherdUpper atmosphere, satellite measurements1956 Harry Lambert Welsh (grad student)
Michael SherarMedical Biophysics
Kuen-Wey ShiehElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Keith G. Balmain (grad student)
Elize A. ShirdelMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology Medical Biophysics2012 Igor Jurisica (grad student)
Apurva V. ShirodkarMolecular Biology, General Biophysics, Biochemistry Medical Biophysics2014 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Daivd ShirokoffNumerical methods/analysis for partial differential equations Physics20052005 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Adam J. ShuhendlerPharmacology, Biomedical Engineering2011 Xiao W. Wu (grad student)
Brian J. Shuvetheoretical particle physics, cosmology Physics20062007 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Hamid Reza SiahkoohiGeophysics
Mirco Siercke Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Mel SilvermanBiochemistry, General Biophysics
John W. Simpson-PorcoControl, monitoring and optimization Physics20092009 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Pekka K. SinervoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Swati SinghQuantum Optics Physics20032004 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
John E. Sipequantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter1975 Johan van Kranendonk (grad student)
Marko SkrticOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Medical Science2012 Aaron Schimmer (grad student)
Scott Smale Physics20132021 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Adam SmiarowskiGeophysics Physics2012 Richard C. Bailey (grad student)
Brian Hendee Smith Physics19951996 Michael Eric Luke (post-doc)
Kenneth Carless SmithCircuits, Multiple-Valued Logic, Computer Music, Human-Computer Interaction, Databases Physics1960 Robert W McKay (grad student)
Richard Smith Physics and Astronomy1988 Gordon Fox West (grad student)
Randall Sobie1984 Thomas Edward Drake (grad student)
Cynthia M. SolekMolecular Biology, Genetics Medical Biophysics2012 Jonathan P. Rast (grad student)
Larry Solheim Physics19861992 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Erinn L. SoucieMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology2004 Linda Z. Penn (grad student)
David SpanerMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology, Immunology
Robert W. Spekkensquantum aspects of the interaction of light with matter2001 John E. Sipe (grad student)
Michael Sprague Physics20092010 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Ralf M. StaeblerAtmospheric Science Physics James R. Drummond (grad student)
Greg StaniszMedical Biophysics
Sabine StanleyGeophysics
Glenn D. StarkmanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics canadian institute for theoretical astrophysics19911994 J. Richard ("dick") Bond (post-doc)
Robert M. StaruchBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics, Radiology Medical Biophysics2013 Rajiv Chopra (grad student)
Bryan StattCondensed Matter Physics
George Ian Allen Stegemannonlinear optics College of Optics and Photonics1969 Boris P. Stoicheff (grad student)
Aephraim Matthew SteinbergQuantum optics, quantum information, ultracold atoms, BEC, quantum measurement, foundations of quantum mechanics
Boris P. Stoicheff1950 Harry Lambert Welsh (grad student)
Kimberly StrongAtmospheric Chemistry
Gordan Stuhne Physics19941999 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Joseph SultanaAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Charles C. Dyer (grad student)
Yu SunRobotics and automation at micro-nanometer scales
Roger K. SunaharaGeneral, General Biophysics, Pharmacology19881993 Hyman Niznik (grad student)
Mark Sutton1981 Robin Louis Armstrong (grad student)
Eric S. SwansonParticle Physics1990 Nathan Gerald Isgur (grad student)
David T. A. SymonsGeophysics1965 William Harvey Gross (grad student)
Blair R. SzymczynaMedical Biophysics, Molecular Biology2004 Cheryl Arrowsmith (grad student)
Nima TabatabaeiMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical and Industrial Engineering2012 Andreas Mandelis (grad student)
Sharon C. TaiMolecular Biology2004 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Louis TailleferCondensed Matter Physics
Kiyoshi TamakiQuantum Information Theory, Quantum Key Distribution20042005 Hoi-Kwong Lo (post-doc)
Zhiyuan Tang Electrical and Computer Engineering20112016 Li Qian (grad student)
Ian F. TannockOncology, Cell Biology
Dan S. TaranuAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics2014 Howard Kwong Chew Yee (grad student)
Paul TarasElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1965 Richard Ernest Azuma (grad student)
Dominique TardifElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 William Trischuk (grad student)
Anouk-Martine TeichertMolecular Biology2004 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
John Terning Physics19851990 Bob Holdom (grad student)
Richard TeuscherElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1997 Robert Orr (grad student)
William B. ThompsonPlasma physics1950 Edward Crisp Bullard (grad student)
Murray Thompson19901994 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
Joseph H. ThywissenUltracold atoms
Ovidiu N. ToaderOptics Physics2003 Sajeev John (grad student)
Danielle B. TokarzPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Theory Physics, General Biophysics Chemistry2014 Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Jelena TomicMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Oncology, Immunology Medical Biophysics2012 David Spaner (grad student)
Ilia TomskiAtomic Physics2002 Albert Edward Litherland (grad student)
Hy TracAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Ue-Li Pen (grad student)
Jennifer TranMolecular Biology2004 Robert S. Kerbel (grad student)
William TrischukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Michael Trott Physics20002005 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Ming-Sound TsaoOncology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics
Albert K. TsuiPhysiology Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Physiology2012 Philip A. Marsden (grad student)
Adam Tuer Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Peter Shipley Turner Physics David J. Rowe (grad student)
A. Mark Tushingham Physics19851990 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Alex Tye
Leonardo Uribe-Castano Virginijus Barzda (grad student)
Almila UzelCivil Engineering2003 Michael P. Collins (grad student)
Richard George Van de WaterHigh Energy Physics1993 Taek-Soon Yoon (grad student)
Sidney van den Berghstructure and evolution of galaxies, the extragalactic distance scale, supernovae, star clusters, and variable stars
Henry M. van DrielOptics Physics1974 Robin Louis Armstrong (grad student)
Johan van Kranendonk
Keith VanderlindeAstronomy and Astrophysics
Nipun VatsOptics Physics2001 Sajeev John (grad student)
Jesse G Velay-VitowIce-Ocean Interactions Toronto2017 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Mikhail V. VelikanovPhysical Chemistry2000 Raymond E. Kapral (grad student)
Laurelle Veloce Physics2013 Richard Teuscher (grad student)
Alex VendittiQuantum Physics Physics2013 Charles C. Dyer (grad student)
Anastasios (Tas) Venetsanopoulos
Vijin Venu Physics20152022 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Munira Verdawala Immunology Immunology20202026 Rob Rottapel (grad student), Spencer A Freeman (grad student)
Guido VettorettiAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics19942001 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Alicia M. Viloria-PetitMolecular Biology2003 Robert S. Kerbel (grad student)
Kenneth M. VoglesongerGeology, Geochemistry, STEM Education Barbara Sherwood Lollar (post-doc)
Seymour H. Vosko
Gregory VovkChemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Analytical Chemistry2003 Charles A. Mims (grad student)
Vojislav VukovicMedical Biophysics2001 David Hedley (grad student)
Philip Russell WallaceTheoretical physics1940 Leopold Infeld (grad student)
Steven C. Wallace
Cameron WalterMusic, Theory Physics, Music Education
Linyuan WangGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Medical Biophysics2012 Minna Woo (grad student)
Chinhua WangMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Andreas Mandelis (grad student)
Andreas Warburtonphysics, particle physics, high energy physics, subatomic physics, instrumentation
Stanley Harry WardEngineering Geosciences Physics1952 J Tuzo Wilson (grad student)
Charles Albert Wardthermodynamics, heat transfer, evaporation, kinetics, adsorption
Amanda R. WasylishenGeneral Biophysics2012 Linda Z. Penn (grad student)
Tracy M. WebbAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Simon John Lilly (grad student)
Mathew WellsHydrology, Atmospheric Sciences
Harry Lambert Welshmolecular spectroscopy1936 Eli Franklin Burton (grad student)
Jonas Lars Erland WessénTheoretical physics, grand unification, quantum field theory, intrinsically disordered proteins, biomolecular phase separation, polymer field theory, field theory simulations Biochemistry Department2018 Hue Sun Chan (post-doc)
Gordon Fox WestGeophysics1960 J Tuzo Wilson (grad student), Fraser Scholfield Grant (grad student)
Paul Wiegert Astronomy19931996 Scott Tremaine (grad student)
Ralph E. WilliamsonRadioastronomy
Alexander R. Williamson Physics19992004 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Eleanor C. WilloughbyGeophysics2003 R. Nigel Edwards (grad student)
J Tuzo Wilsonplate tectonics1930 Lachlan Gilchrist (research assistant)
Mesfin A. WoldeyohannesOptics Physics2001 Sajeev John (grad student)
Detlef Wolf Physics19821986 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Robert WolkowCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics1987 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Samuel S.M. WongRelativistic heavy-ion collisions, quark-gluon plasma, nucleon-nucleon interaction, quark effects in nuclei, intermediate energy nuclear scattering, random matrices, nuclear and nucleon structure, nuclear shell model, computational physics.
Minna WooGenetics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
James R. WoodgettMolecular Biology, Cell Biology
Graham WrightGeneral Biophysics, Radiology
Xiao W. WuImmunology2004 Rob Rottapel (grad student)
Patrick Chuk-King Wu Physics19781983 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Fengyie Xie Physics2014 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Feihu XuQuantum Communication, Single-Photon Imaging ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering20092014 Hoi-Kwong Lo (grad student), Li Qian (grad student)
Peihang Xu Physics20152022 Joseph H. Thywissen (grad student)
Martin YaffeRadiology, Biomedical Engineering, Oncology, Radiation Physics, General Biophysics Physics Harold Johns (grad student)
Yasuhiro H. YamazakiAtmospheric Science Physics19932000 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Shengjun YangCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Sajeev John (grad student)
Jun Yang Physics20102011 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Lihong Yao Astrophysics2009 Ernie R. Seaquist (grad student)
Fei Ye Electrical and Computer Engineering20082013 Li Qian (grad student)
Howard Kwong Chew YeeAstronomy and Astrophysics
Christopher YipBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
Taek-Soon Yoon
Hyun YoukPhysics of Cellular Systems Physics20032003 Joseph H. Thywissen (research assistant)
Joanne L. YuMedical Biophysics, Cell Biology2002 Robert S. Kerbel (grad student)
Ida G. ZadehTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2013 Amanda Peet (grad student)
Eugene ZarembaCondensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Physics19691974 Allan Griffin (grad student)
Pengjie ZhangAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Ue-Li Pen (grad student)
Dong Mei Zhang Physics19911994 William Richard Peltier (grad student)
Chen Zhangtheoretical high energy physics Physics20142019 Bob Holdom (grad student)
Haitao Zhao Virginijus Barzda (post-doc)
Yi Zhao Physics20042009 Hoi-Kwong Lo (grad student)
Eric Y. Zhu Electrical and Computer Engineering20102015 Li Qian (grad student)
Ming ZhuAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Ernie R. Seaquist (grad student)
Chao ZhuangQuantum optics, quantum information, ultracold atoms, BEC, quantum measurement, foundations of quantum mechanics Physics2013 Aephraim Matthew Steinberg (grad student)
Donatas Zigmantas20032003 Virginijus Barzda (post-doc)
Stan Zochowski Department of Physics Eric Fawcett (grad student)
Saba Zuberi Physics20032010 Michael Eric Luke (grad student)
Gordon Zwartz Physics Thomas Edward Drake (grad student)