University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Iván Agulló20092010 Leonard Emanuel Parker (post-doc)
Sean C. AhernElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiation Physics2001 John W. Norbury (grad student)
Aritra Aich Dawn K. Erb (grad student)
Carolyn R. AitaMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Mohammed AlMomaniMaterials Science Engineering2009 Carolyn R. Aita (grad student)
Luis AnchordoquiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics
Rajan AroraGeneral Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2011 V.V Yakovlev (grad student)
Gazal Azarfar Electrical Engineering Carol J. Hirschmugl (grad student)
Donald Beck
Kalu BhattaraiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 David C. Yu (grad student)
Rahul Biswascomputational physics2010 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
Steven R. BlattnigRadiation Physics, Nuclear Physics2002 John W. Norbury (grad student)
Sukanta BoseGravitation, Cosmology.1996 Leonard Emanuel Parker (grad student)
Patrick R. Bradygravitation, gravitational-wave astronomy
Duncan A. BrownAstrophysics Physics Physics19992004 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
Esteban A. CalzettaField Theory, Cosmology Physics19831985 Leonard Emanuel Parker (grad student)
Juan C. CampuzanoCondensed Matter Physics, High Temperature Physics1978 Robert George Greenler (grad student)
Douglas A. CarlsonHydrology, Geology, Geophysics2001 Douglas S. Cherkauer (grad student)
Sara E. ChamberlinCondensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry2011 Carol J. Hirschmugl (grad student)
Sydney J. Chamberlingravitational waves2015 Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (grad student)
Philip ChangAstrophysics and Cosmology
Douglas S. CherkauerHydrology, Geology, Geophysics
Demian H. J. Cho2004 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Massiel C. Cisneros MoralesMaterials Science Engineering2009 Carolyn R. Aita (grad student)
Jody A. ClauterArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies Anthropology2012 Robert J. Jeske (grad student)
Jolien Donald Earl CreightonAstronomy and Astrophysics
Luiz da Silva2016 Luis Anchordoqui (grad student)
Anand Dwivedi Department of Physics20182020 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Justin A. Ellis Physics2014 Xavier Siemens (grad student)
Alexei R. FaustovOptics Physics2005 Vladislav Yakovlev (grad student)
Kathleen M. Foley WinklerArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies2011 Robert J. Jeske (grad student)
Nickolas V. FotopoulosAstronomy and Astrophysics2010 Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (grad student)
John L. Friedmangravitational physics, relativistic astrophysics
Russell FungCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2005 Dilano Saldin (grad student)
Marija Gajdardziska-JosifovskaCondensed Matter Physics
Uma Garg Department of Physics20162020 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Shaon Ghosh Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20162020 Patrick R. Brady (post-doc), Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (collaborator)
Daniel R. GieseCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2005 Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska (grad student)
Norman G. GratkeOptics Physics, Radiation Physics2000 Dale S. Snider (grad student)
Robert George Greenleroptical properties of surfaces
Prasenjit GuptasarmaCondensed Matter Physics
Wei Han Physics Paul F. Lyman (grad student)
Ross J. HarderCondensed Matter Physics2002 Dilano Saldin (grad student)
Carol J. HirschmuglCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry
Xiaofeng HuCondensed Matter Physics2004 Carol J. Hirschmugl (grad student)
Il-Kyu HwangMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics2002 Kyu-Jung Kim (grad student)
Alina G. Istratestellar astrophysics CGCA20162018 Philip Chang (post-doc)
Robert J. JeskeArchaeology Anthropology, Geophysics
Harry T. Johnson-SteigelmanCondensed Matter Physics2007 Paul F. Lyman (grad student)
Kira E. KaufmannArchaeology Anthropology, Geophysics2005 Robert J. Jeske (grad student)
Tobias S. KeidlAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Alan Wiseman (grad student), John L. Friedman (grad student)
Kyu-Jung KimMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
Min Gyu KimCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials
Seth Thomas King Physics Paul F. Lyman (grad student)
Pradeep Kumarcondensed matter theory Physics19731975 Donald Beck (post-doc)
Benjamin D. Lackey Physics2012 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Astrid Lamberts20122015 Philip Chang (post-doc)
Chiu-Tai LawElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Vlado LazarovCondensed Matter Physics2004 Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska (grad student)
Moises Levy
Yanan Li20152020 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Thomas Michael Linz2015 Alan Wiseman (grad student), John L. Friedman (grad student)
Keith H. Lockitch1999 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Paul F. LymanGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Ignacio Magaña Hernandezgravitational waves20172023 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
Charalampos Markakis2011 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Eric MattsonCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry Physics2013 Carol J. Hirschmugl (grad student)
Linda S. NaunapperArchaeology Anthropology, United States History, Philosophy, Native American Studies2007 Robert J. Jeske (grad student)
Satoshi NawataElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2008 Luis Anchordoqui (grad student)
Thanh C. Nguyen2002 David C. Yu (grad student)
John W. NorburyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Radiation Physics
Dudley M. OutcaltElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Alternative Energy2009 David C. Yu (grad student)
Heather Pace Physics20192025 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Kanupriya PandeCondensed Matter Physics, General Physics, Theory Physics2012 Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska (grad student)
Somendra Singh Parihar Physics Paul F. Lyman (grad student)
Leonard Emanuel ParkerAstrophysics and Cosmology
Christian Parsons Physics20182023 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Suparna PatowaryGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Physics2013 Valerica Raicu (grad student)
Mark D. PauliCondensed Matter Physics2002 Dilano Saldin (grad student)
William J. PoyserNuclear Physics2007 John W. Norbury (grad student)
Kallol PradhanGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2013 Paul F. Lyman (grad student)
Logan PrustAstrophysics, hydrodynamics Physics20172022 Philip Chang (grad student)
Namrta PurwarMolecular Physics, Biomechanics Biophysics, Biochemistry Physics2013 Marius Schmidt (grad student)
Hong Qigravitational wave astronomy, multi-messenger astrophysics Physics2018 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
Valerica RaicuGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Brian S. Randall ArmstrongOptics Physics
Shishir K. RayCondensed Matter Physics20082012 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Saikat K. Ray Majumder2006 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
Jocelyn S. ReadAstronomy and Astrophysics2008 Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (grad student), John L. Friedman (grad student)
William Rexhausen Physics20162022 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Caitlin Rose
Anushree SahaOptics Physics2010 Vladislav Yakovlev (grad student)
Dilano SaldinGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Optics Physics
Raminder P. SandhuCondensed Matter Physics2006 Michael Weinert (grad student)
Giovanna ScarelMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2001 Carolyn R. Aita (grad student)
Marius SchmidtMolecular Physics, Biomechanics Biophysics, Biochemistry
Alex Schofield Physics Carol J. Hirschmugl (grad student)
Austin Seepersad Physics20192025 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Abhay G. Shah2011 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Vladislav I. ShcheslavskiyOptics Physics2003 Vladislav Yakovlev (grad student)
Jonathan Z. SimonMEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience Physics19901992 John L. Friedman (post-doc)
Joseph Simon Physics2017 Xavier Siemens (grad student)
Deo R. SinghGeneral Biophysics, General Physics Physics2012 Valerica Raicu (grad student)
Dale S. SniderOptics Physics, Radiation Physics
Nikolaos Stergioulas1996 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Michael R. StonemanGeneral Biophysics, Optics Physics, Cell Biology2010 Valerica Raicu (grad student)
Noriyuki Sugiyama2008 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Alfred TangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 John W. Norbury (grad student)
Swapnil TripathiAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Alan Wiseman (grad student)
Antonios A. Tsokaros2003 John L. Friedman (grad student)
Miraj UddinGeneral Physics, General Biophysics, Optics Physics Physics2013 Dilano Saldin (grad student)
Hiroomi UmezawaTheoretical physics
Alexander L. Urbangravitational wave astrophysics2016 Patrick R. Brady (grad student)
ValericaGeneral Biophysics, General Physics
Sarah J. Vigeland Physics2015 Xavier Siemens (post-doc)
Brian J. VlcekElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics Physics2013 Luis Anchordoqui (grad student)
Leslie E. Wade2015 Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (grad student)
Madeline C. Wade2015 Jolien Donald Earl Creighton (grad student)
Sinéad WalshGravitational waves Physics and Astronomy20182018 Patrick R. Brady (post-doc)
Zhuding WangElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 David C. Yu (grad student)
Michael WeinertCondensed Matter Physics
Mark S. WilliamsenCondensed Matter Physics Physics20082012 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
Daniel M. WinklerArchaeology Anthropology, Native American Studies2011 Robert J. Jeske (grad student)
Alan WisemanGravitation
Vladislav YakovlevOptics Physics
V.V YakovlevGeneral Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology
Zhongzhou YangEnergy, Mechanical Engineering, Alternative Energy Engineering2013 David C. Yu (grad student)
Niloufar Yavarishad Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20182021 Prasenjit Guptasarma (grad student)
David C. Yu